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হৃদয় এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

হৃদয় : (p. 1060) hṛdaẏa the heart; the mind; the bosom. ̃গ্রাহী a. captivating the heart, very pleasant or charming. হৃদয়ংগম করা v. to feel deeply; to understand or grasp, to realize. ̃জ a. born of or originating from the heart. ̃তন্ত্রী n. the heartstring. ̃দ্রবকর a. melting the heart; pathetic, touching. ̃পট n. the heart conceived as a piece of canvas for painting. ̃বল্লভ n. a husband; a lover; a sweet-heart fem. ̃বল্লভা a. wife. ̃বান a. large-hearted, magnanimous; sympathetic; hearty. ̃বিদারক, ̃বিদারী, ̃ভেদী a. heart-rending; heart-breaking, pathetic; cutting to the quick. ̃বেদনা, ̃ব্যথা n. heartache, grief, affliction; heart-burning, secret grudging. ̃মন্দির n. the heart conceived as a shrine; the sacred and secret abode of the heart. ̃স্পর্শী a. touching or moving the heart; very appealing or pathetic. ̃হীন a. heartless, extremely unfeeling; merciless. ̃হীনতা n. heartlessness. হৃদয়াকাশ n. the heart conceived as the sky, the expanse of the heart. হৃদয়াবেগ n. emotion; excitement; outburst of emotion. হৃদয়াসন n. the heart conceived as a seat. হৃদয়েশ হৃদয়েশ্বর n. the lord or master of one's heart; a lover; a husband. n. fem. হৃদয়েশ্বরী the mistress or lady of one's heart; a wife. হৃদয়োচ্ছ্বাস n. a great outburst of emotion, unrestrained outpouring of thought and feeling. 41)


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হিংসন, হিংসা
(p. 1056) hiṃsana, hiṃsā killing, slaughter; malice; spite, malevolence; (loos.) envy, jealousy. হিংসনীয় a. that which is to be or ought to be killed; that which is to be or ought to be envied, enviable. হিংসা করা v. to kill, to slay; to harm; to malice; to envy, to be jealous of. হিংসাত্মক a. killing, slaying; malicious, spiteful, malevolent; envious. হিংসাপরায়ণ same as হিংসক । 25)
(p. 1060) hus indicating: the noise of quick movement or emission. হুস্-হুস্ int. indicating: repeated হুস্ noise. 37)
(p. 1050) hābuḍubu alternately rising above and going under water (as done by a drowning person), fidgety struggle of a drowning person to keep above water; (fig.) struggle to escape something, deep engrossment or involvement (কাজ বা দেনায় হাবুডুবু). হাবুডুবু খাওয়া v. to struggle with fidgetiness to keep afloat; (fig.) to be deeply engrossed, to be over head and ears. 79)
(p. 1056) hiṃsaka given to killing or harming others; malevolent; malicious, spiteful; envious, jealous. 24)
(p. 1056) hibru the Hebrew race, Hebrews; a Hebrew (fem. Hebrewess), a Jew (fem. Jewess); the Hebrew language, Hebrew. 45)
(p. 1056) hiranmaẏa made of gold; golden-coloured; golden. 50)
(p. 1050) hāōlāta borrowing; a debt; a loan. হাওলাত করা v. to borrow. হাওলাতা দেওয়া v. to lend. হাওলাত-বরাদ্দ n. borrowing and fixing a future point of time for payment. হাওলাতি a. borrowed, taken on loan. 9)
(p. 1047) harapha any letter of the alphabet, a character; (print.) a type. হরফ-ঢালাই n. typecasting. হরফ ঢালাইয়ের কারখানা a typefoundry. 15)
(p. 1047) harītakī black myrobalan. 25)
(p. 1044) hici a very loud uproar; fuss. হইচই করা v. to raise an uproar; to fuss noisily. হইচই করে বেড়ানো v. to gallivant, to gad about (noisily and cheerfully). 3)
(p. 1050) hāẏana a calendar year, a year; an era. 94)
হাঁপ, হাঁফ
(p. 1050) hām̐pa, hām̐pha laboured breathing; panting; asthmatic spasm. হাঁপ ওঠা same as হাঁপ ধরা । হাঁপ ছাড়া v. to expel a deep breath; (fig.) to breathe freely. হাঁপ ছাড়ার অবকাশ breathing-time, breathing-space, respite; a breather. হাঁপ ধরা v. to be out of breath; to pant, to breathe hard; to be seized with an asthmatic spasm. হাঁপ ছেড়ে বাঁচা v. (fig.) to breathe again, to heave a sigh of relief. হাঁপানো v. to pant; (fig.) to fidget. হাঁপানি n. panting; asthma. হাঁপানি-রোগী n. an asthmatic patient. 29)
(p. 1056) hāsā to laugh; to smile; (fig.) to be illuminated, to brighten up (চন্দ্রলোকে নগরী হাসছে); to taunt, to ridicule, to deride (লোক হাসছে). হাসানো v. to make one laugh or smile; to cause to ridicule or deride; to be an object or butt of ridicule or derision (লোক হাসানো). হাসাহাসি করা v. to laugh over; to ridicule or deride; to continue to laugh; to upset the calmness of; to laugh together derisively. হেসে উড়ানো, হেসে উড়িয়ে দেওয়া v. to laugh away, to laugh, to scorn. হেসে খেলে adv. in an easy manner, in a happy-go-lucky manner; playfully. হেসে হেসে adv. smilingly. 14)
(p. 1060) hṛt the heart. ̃কন্দর n. the inmost part of the heart, the bottom of one's heart, the bosom. ̃কমল same as হৃদিপদ্ম । ̃কস্প, ̃কম্পন n. throbbing of the heart esp. in fear, palpitation; heartbeat. ̃পিন্ড n. the heart. ̃শূল n. angina pectoris; (pop.) heartache. ̃স্পন্দন n. heartbeat. 40)
(p. 1050) hākika a kind of precious stone, cornelian. 36)
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