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dazed; দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 341) cakṣu (for.) the eye; sight (তার চক্ষু খারাপ); a look or glance; attention (এদিকে তার চক্ষু নেই); covetous look or glance (আমার খাবারের দিকে চক্ষু দিয়ো না); a part of some plants and fruits out of which a new plant grows, a leaf bud (আনারসের চক্ষু). চক্ষু ওঠা v. to be affected with conjunctivitis or ophthalmia. চক্ষুকর্ণের বিবাদ ভ়ঞ্জন করা v. to be freed from doubt about what has been heard by visualizing or witnessing it. চক্ষু কাটানো v. to undergo ophthalmic surgery or an eye operation. চক্ষু খুলে দেওয়া v. (fig.) to open one's eyes, to make wise; (fig.) to disillusion. চক্ষু খুলে যাওয়া v. (fig.) to have one's eyes opened, to be made wise; (fig.) to be disillusioned. চক্ষু টেপা v. to wink. চক্ষু ছলছল করা v. to have tears gathering in one's eyes; to be about to shed tears; to be tearful. চক্ষু দেওয়া v. to cast an evil eye (at); to cast a greedy glance (at); to envy; to have attention or care (for), to attend (to); to keep an eye on, to be watchful about; to look (at). ̃পীড়া n. eye-disease; inflammation of the eye. চক্ষু ফোটা same as চক্ষু খুলে যাওয়া । চক্ষু ফোটানো same as চক্ষু খুলে দেওয়া । চক্ষু বোজা, চক্ষু মোদা v. to shut one's eyes. চক্ষু রাখা v. (fig.) to keep an eye on, to be watchful about, to be vigilant. চক্ষু লাগা v. to be subject to another's evil look, to be envied. চক্ষুর পলক a wink. চক্ষুর পাতা the eyelid. চক্ষুর লোম the eyelash. ̃কোটর n. the socket of the eye. ̃গোচর a. lying or coming within the range of sight, perceptible by the eye, visible. চক্ষু-চিকিত্সক n. an eye-specialist or an ophthalmologist. চক্ষু-চিকিত্সা n. treatment of the eye. ̃তারকা, ̃তারা n. the pupil of the eye. ̃দান pop. var. of চক্ষুর্দান । ̃পীড়া n. eye-disease. ̃রুন্মীলন n. act of opening the eyes; (fig.) getting or making wise; (fig.) disillusioment. চক্ষুরুন্মীলন করা v. to open one's eyes. (fig.) to make wise; (fig.) to disillusion. চক্ষুরুন্মীলন হওয়া v. to have one's eyes opened; (fig.) to become wise; (fig.) to be disillusioned. ̃রোগ n. eye-disease. ̃র্দান n. act of investing with sight; donation of one's eye (usu. to an eye-bank for the benefit of a sightless person); the ceremony of investing an idol with sight; the act of investing an ignorant person with wisdom; (sarcas.) stealing, filching. চক্ষুর্দান করা v. (sarcas.) to have an eye or cast a glance with a view to stealing, to steal; to filch. ̃লজ্জা n. a feeling of delicacy in doing openly something undesirable or unseemly. ̃শূল n. an eyesore. ̃শ্রবা n. a snake (from the belief that it perceives sounds etc. with its eyes). ̃ষ্মত্তা n. possession of sight; possession of insight; power of perceiving truth. ̃ষ্মান a. possessing sight; possessing insight; capable of perceiving truth. fem. ̃ষ্মতী ।̃স্হির a. state of being dazed or bewildered or astounded. চক্ষুস্হির হওয়া v. to be dazed or bewildered or astounded. লোকচক্ষে in the eyes of the public. 23)
(p. 344) caḍ়ka the festival of worshipping God Shiva (শিব) on the last day of the Bengali year (also চড়ক-পূজা); the ceremonial swinging from a tall pole by worshippers of Shiva (শিব) on this occasion. ̃গাছ n. a tall pole from which a worshipper of Shiva (শিব) swings on the day of chadaka (চড়ক) festival. চক্ষু চড়কগাছ হওয়া to be dazed or stupefied. চড়ক সংক্রান্তি n. the last day of the Bengali year i.e. the last day of the month of Chaitra (চৈত্র). 9)
(p. 348) camaka flash (বিদ্যুতের চমক); amazement (চমক লাগা); alarm, fright; consciousness. চমক দেওয়া v. to flash; to strike with amazement. চমক ভাঙা v. to regain consciousness or come back to sense suddenly, to be suddenly freed from a rapt state of mind. চমক লাগা v. to be stricken with amazement; to be dazed. 8)
(p. 414) jhalasānō to daze or be dazed (চোখ ঝলসানো); to dazzle (হীরেখানা ঝলসাচ্ছে); to scorch or be scorched, to singe or become singed (আগুনে ঝলসানো); to brown (রোদে গাছপালা ঝলসানো). a. dazed; dazzling; scorched, singed; browned. ঝলসানি n. daze or dazing; dazzle or dazzling; scorched or singed state; act of scorching or singeing; browned state or browning. 4)
(p. 414) jhalasita dazed; dazzled; scorched, singed; browned. 5)
(p. 429) ṭhikarānō to rebound; to scatter or disperse (মালা থেকে মুক্তোগুলো ঠিকরে পড়ল); to issue in rays, to radiate (আলো ঠিকরানো); to shine or dazzle (হিরেখানা আলোতে ঠিকরাচ্ছে); to be dazed (চোখ ঠিকরানো). 6)
(p. 453) tāka3 a target, an aim, a mark; a guess (অন্ধকারে তাক করা); act of lying in wait, ambush, ambuscade (বাঘটা তাক করে আছে); bewilderment; amazement (তাক লাগা). তাক করা v. to aim at; to guess; to lie in wait, to ambush, to ambuscade. তাক লাগা v. to be stricken with bewilderment, to be bewildered; to be dazed; to be wonder-struck, to be amazed. তাকে তাকে থাকা to be on the lookout or watch (for). 18)
(p. 532) dharā2 to hold with the hand (বইখানা ধরো); to catch (বলটা ছুড়ে দিচ্ছি-ধরো); to hold, to seize; to take (এই ভিক্ষা দিলাম-ধরো); to touch (চোর-চোর খেলায় বুড়ি ধরা, বাচ্ছাটা যেন গরম দুধটা না ধরে); to reach (হাত দিয়ে চাঁদ ধরা); to overtake (যতই জোরে যাও-তোমাকে ধরব); to arrest, to apprehend, to capture (চোর ধরা); to entrap, to catch (বাঘ ধরা, মাছ ধরা); to restrain, to check; to hold (পাখিটাকে ধরো নইলে পালিয়ে যাবে); to contain, to hold, to accommodate (পাত্রে জল ধরা, ঘরে লোক ধরা); to bear (গাছে ফল ধরা); to carry, to bear (গর্ভে ধরা); to cherish (অন্তরে উচ্চাশা ধরা); to wear, to put on (বেশ ধরা); to assume (মূর্তি ধরা); to take to, to resort to (লাঠি ধরা); to be obstinate about (গোঁ ধরা); to take up (অস্ত্র ধরা); to follow (পথ ধরা); to give support to (লোকটিকে ধরো নইলে পড়ে যাবে); to attack (ডাকাতে ধরা, রোগে ধরা); to affect or infect (চোখে চালশে ধরা, যক্ষায় ধরা); to ache (মাথা ধরা); to be benumbed (দাঁড়িয়ে থেকে থেকে পা ধরা); to infest or attack or damage or contact (পোকায় ধরা, মরচে ধরা); to accept, to take in (ছবিতে রং ধরা); to act upon successfully, to work (ওষুধ ধরা); to start practising (জুয়াচুরি ধরা); to be accustomed or addicted to (নেশা ধরা); to be under the influence of (নেশায় ধরা); to be stricken or affected with (শীতে বা ভয়ে ধরা); to catch or board or embark (তিনি মুম্বই থেকে জাহাজ ঝরবেন); to be in time to catch (এখন না গেলে ট্রেন ধরতে পারব না); to stop at, to touch (এ স্টেশনে মেল ট্রেন ধরে না); to terminate, to cease (বৃষ্টি ধরা); to commence, to begin, to start (গান ধরা); to find out, to detect (ভূল ধরা); to impose or assess (ট্যাক্স ধরা); to charge or fix or ascertain (দাম ধরা); to pronounce, to utter (ঈশ্বরের নাম ধরা); to declare, to stake or bet or bid (বাজি ধরা); to insist upon, to beseech (অনেক ধরে-করে); to sustain, to preserve, to maintain (প্রাণ করা); to run hoarse, to choke (ঠাম্ডায় গলা ধরা); to grasp, to make out, to understand, to comprehend (কথার অর্থ ধরা); to determine or discern (কার লেখা ধরা শক্ত); to take fire, to ignite (উনুন ধরা); to catch fire (আগুনের কাছ থেকে সরে যাও-কাপড় ধরে যাবে); to be set on (ঘরে আগুন ধরা); to adopt (সেলিম জাহাঙ্গির নাম ধরলেন); to test (পড়া ধরা); to be pleasing or acceptable to (মনে ধরা); to turn (চুলে পাক ধরা); to be under, to contact (টান ধরা); to count, to consider, to regard (মানুষের মধ্যে ধরা); to pay heed to, to listen to (আমার কথা ধরো); to be overfried or overdone (তরকারিটা ধরে গেছে) a. held; caught; seized; arrested, apprehended, captured; entrapped; contained; reserved or kept in a container; aching; terminated, ceased; commenced, started; found out, detected; seen through (চালাকি ধরা পড়েছে); declared or bidden; fixed or ascertained; run hoarse or choked; ignited; tested; one who or that which holds or catches (মাছ-ধরা জাল). ধরা-ছোঁয়া n. proximity; reach; tangibility; (fig.) comprehension or detection. ধরা-ছোঁয়ার বাইরে distant; beyond reach; intangible; (fig.) incomprehensible or beyond detection. ধরাছোঁয়ার মধ্যে proximate; within reach; tangible; (fig.) comprehensible or detectable. ধরানো v. to cause to hold or catch or seize or arrest or apprehend or entrap or contain or accommodate or wear or assume or take to or resort to or follow or take up or be attacked or ache or be dazed or be benumbed or contact or accept or work successfully or be accustomed to or addicted to or practise or board or embark or be in time to catch or terminate or commence or find out or detect or declare or bid or buy a ticket of or lie obstinately at or charge or fix or ascertain or run hoarse or choke or ignite or be set or adopt or test or be pleasing or acceptable to or turn or be under; to set to (ঘরে আগুন ধরানো). ̃ধরি n. persistent request; importunities; insistent solicitation; rounding up, arrests. ̃বাঁধা a. rigidly fixed; hard and fast; rigid; fixed. 11)
(p. 532) dhān̐dhā dazzlement of sight; optical illusion; confusion, bewilderment, daze; an intricate problem; a riddle, a puzzle; a maze; a tricky but interesting question or problem, a poser. v. (usu. in poet.) to dazzle the sight of, to have one's sight dazzled, to daze. ধাঁধাঁর উত্তর the solution of a puzzle. ধাঁধাঁ দেওয়া v. to give a puzzle for solution; to hoodwink; to confound; to bamboozle. ধাঁধা লাগা v. to have one's sight dazzled; to be dazed; to be confused or puzzled. ধাঁধা লাগানো v. to daze the sight of; to daze; to confound; to bewilder, to puzzle; to hoodwink; to dazzle. ধাঁধানো same as ধাঁধা লাগানো 64)
ধান্দা, ধান্ধা
(p. 532) dhāndā, dhāndhā dazzlement of sight; optical illusion; confusion, dazed condition; search (চাকরির ধান্দা, টাকার ধান্দা); cause of demand (পেটের ধান্ধা). ̃বাজ a. too self-seeking and opportunist. n. a self-seeker and opportunist. 81)
(p. 545) dhōn̐kā3 doubt, suspicion (ধোঁকায় পড়া); bewilderment, puzzle (ধোঁকা লাগা); hoax, hoodwink, deception, dodge (ধোঁকা দেওয়া). ধোঁকা দেওয়া v. to hoax; to hoodwink, to deceive; to dodge. ধোঁকা লাগা v. to have doubt or hesitancy; to be dazed or bewildered or puzzled. ধোঁকায় পড়া v. to be in doubt or suspicion, to be in a fix or dilemma; to be non-plussed. ̃বাজ a. given to hoaxing or hoodwinking or deceiving or dodging. ̃বাজি n. practice of hoaxing or hoodwinking or deceiving or dodging. ধোঁকাবাজি করা v. to hoax; to hoodwink, to deceive; to dodge; to practise hoaxing or hoodwinking or deception or dodging. 16)
(p. 748) bāhya3 external; exterior; outer; meterial; visible but unreal or superficial (এক বাহ্য). ̃জগত্ n. the material world. ̃জ্ঞান n. knowledge or consciousness about external or surrounding objects; sense-perception: consciousness. ̃জ্ঞানরহিত, ̃জ্ঞানশূন্য a. (so dazed as to be) deprived of consciousness about external or surrounding objects; deprived of sense-perception or consciousness; stupefied; rapt; frantic; beside oneself. ̃ত adv. externally: outwardly; superficially. ̃দৃশ্য n. externnal or outward view or form. ̃বস্তু n. a visible or material object. 60)
(p. 773) bihbala overwhelmed; beside oneself; bewildered. fem. বিহ্বলা । বিহ্বল করা v. to overwhelm; to make one beside oneself; to bewilder. ̃তা n. overwhelmed state; state of being beside oneself; daze; bewilderment. 78)
(p. 816) bhirami sudden dizziness or daze; fainting; a swoon. ভিরমি খাওয়া, ভিরমি লাগা v. to be affected with sudden dizziness or vertigo, to be dazed suddenly; to faint, to swoon. 31)
(p. 820) bhūta one of a class of supernatural beings who attend on Shiva (শিব), (cp.) genii; a ghost; an evil spirit; a bogey; a goblin; a spectre, an apparition; a creature (সর্বভূত); any one of the five constituent elements (namely, earth, water, heat, air and space). a. past, gone by; (as sfx.) reduced to (প্রস্তরীভূত). n. the past (ভূত-ভবিষ্যত্). ভূত ছাড়ানো, ভূত ছাড়া, ভূত তাড়ানো v. to exorcise. ভূত দেখা v. to see an apparition; (fig.) to be frightened suddenly. ভূত নামানো same as ভূত ছাড়ানো, and (as by spiritualists) to call up ghosts in order to obtain messages from them. ভূতে ধরা, ভূতে পাওয়া v. to be possessed by an evil spirit, to be possessed. ভূতের ওঝা an exorciser. ভূতের নাচ devil's dance; (fig.) devil of a mess, the devil and all. ভূতের বাপের শ্রাদ্ধ (fig.) great and gross waste or extravagance. ভূতের বেগার, ভূতের বোঝা (fig.) profitless toil or venture. ভূতের রোজা an exorciser. ঘাড়ে ভূত চাপা (fig.) to be seized with an evil influence or company or practice or intention; to be possessed; to be obsessed. সরষের মধ্যে ভূত (fig.) virus in the antidote. ̃কাল n. days gone by, the past; (gr.) the past tense. ̃গ্রস্ত a. possessed by an evil spirit, possessed; (fig.) working or moving mechanically as if possessed; dazed. fem. ̃গ্রস্তা । ̃তত্ত্ব n. demonology. ̃তত্ত্ববিদ n. proficient or versed in demonology. ̃নাথ n. Shiva (শিব). ̃পক্ষ n. the dark lunar fortnight. ̃পূর্ব a. former, erstwhile, previous, late, (arch.) whilom. ̃প্রেত n. evil spirits collectively, ghosts and spirits collectively. ̃বলি same as ভূতযজ্ঞ । ̃ভবিষ্যত্ n. the past and the future. ̃ভাবন n. the creator and protector of all living beings; Shiva (শিব). ̃ভোজন. n. (often joc.) same as ̃যজ্ঞ । ̃যজ্ঞ n. the ceremonial feeding of all living beings by a householder. ̃যোনি n. existence in the shape of a ghost after one's death. ভূতযোনি প্রাপ্ত হওয়া to become a ghost after one's death. ̃শুদ্ধি n. purification of the elemental or mortal body. ̃সঞ্চার n. inhabitation of a ghost. ভূতসঞ্চার হওয়া v. to be inhabited or possessed by a ghost or devil or evil spirit. ভূতাত্মা n. the elemental body; the human body; Brahma (ব্রহ্মা) or Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ভূতাবিষ্ট same as ভূতগ্রস্হ । ভূতাবেশ n. possession by a ghost or evil spirit. 5)
ভেলকি, ভেলকিবাজি
(p. 823) bhēlaki, bhēlakibāji magic, jugglery; hocus-pocus, conjuring; illusion. ভেলকি দেখানো v. to exhibit a magical show, to juggle, to conjure. ভেলকি লাগা v. to be dazed with a conjuring trick, to be spellbound or conjured; to be filled with illusions. ভেলকি লাগানো v. to put a spell on, to conjure; to delude. ভেলকিওয়ালা n. a magician, a juggler, a conjuror. 18)
(p. 998) sasēmirā stupefaction, bewilderment, nonplus, daze. 3)
স্তব্ধ, স্তব্ধীভূত
(p. 1030) stabdha, stabdhībhūta (rendered) motionless; stunned; stupefied, dazed; fallen or lying in a stupor; stiffened; stopped; calmed; calm. 19)
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