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̃তাত দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 2) akṣi the eye. ̃কাচ n. lens. ̃কোটর n. the socket of the eye. ̃গত a. lying within the range of vision; visible. ̃গোলক n. the eyeball. ̃তারকা, ̃তারা, ̃কূট n. the pupil of the eye, the apple of the eye. ̃পক্ষ্ম n. eyelash, cilium. ̃পট n. the retina. ̃পটল n. cataract of the eye. ̃পুট n. the eyelid. ̃বিকূর্ণন n. casting of a sidelong glance; squinting. ̃বিভ্রম n. optical illusion. ̃শালাক্য n. ophthalmic surgery. 98)
(p. 9) ajña having no knowledge, unknowing, ignorant, uninformed; stupid; foolish; uneducated. ̃তা n. lack of knowledge, ignorance; stupidity; foolishness; want of education. ̃তামূলক, ̃তাপ্রসূত a. caused by ignorance; relating to ignorance. 110)
(p. 41) andha blind, sightless; extremely dark or gloomy. ('অন্ধ তামস'); utterly ignorant. n. a blind person. ̃কূপ n. a dark pit; a black hole. ̃কূপহত্যা n. (hist.) the Blackhole Tragedy. ̃তম a. darkest; extremely dark. ̃তমস n. utter darkness; blinding darkness. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. blindness; utter ignorance. ̃তামিস্র n. utter darkness. a. utterly dark. ̃প্রায় a. almost blind; like a blind; like a blind person. ̃বিশ্বাস n. blind faith. ̃ভাবে adv. blindly; rashly; heedlessly, indiscreetly. অন্ধের কিবা দিন কিবা রাত a blind person cannot distinguish between day and night or between brightness and gloom. অন্ধের নড়ি বা যষ্টি (lit.) a stick by the help of which a blind person moves; a blind man's prop; (fig.) a prop for a helpless or incapable person. 14)
(p. 99) ākāśa the sky, the firmament; the heavens. আকাশকুসুম n. a visionary project, a day-dream; a fool's paradise. ̃কুসুম কল্পনা করা v. (fig.) to build castles in the air. ̃গঙ্গা n. the Milky Way, the Galaxy. ̃চর a. living or moving in the sky or ether, aerial, ethereal, aery; celestial. ̃চিত্র n. a picture or photograph of the sky or any part of it. ̃চুম্বী a. touching the sky; sky-scraping, skykissing; very lofty. ̃চুম্বী অট্টালিকা a skyscraper. ̃ছোঁয়া a. touching the sky; (fig.) very lofty. ̃জাত a. born or grown in the sky or ether, aerial, ethereal, aery; celestial. ̃তার n. (radio.) an aerial. আকাশ থেকে পড়া n. v. (fig.) to drop from the blue; to be struck with amazement. ̃দীপ same as আকাশপ্রদীপ । ̃দুহিতা, ̃নন্দিনী n. an echo. ̃পট n. the canvas or the expanse of the sky. ̃পথ n. an air route; an ethereal route. আকাশ পাতাল adv. everywhere; from heaven to the underworld; including everything. a. in a large degree, maximum, extreme (আকাশপাতাল প্রভেদ). আকাশ পাতাল ভাবা to be worried with numberless puzzling thoughts crowding pell-mell into one's mind. আকাশ পাতাল ভেবে না পাওয়া to be at a loss to think out. ̃প্রদীপ n. a light suspended from the top of a pole set up every evening by the Hindus during the month of Kartik (কার্তিক) in reverence to their deceased forefathers or gods. ̃প্রান্ত n. the border of the sky; the skyline; the horizon. ̃বাণী n. a celestial voice; a supernatural or divine voice from the sky; an oracle; radio broadcast; radio. ̃বিহার n. flying in the sky. ̃বৃত্তি n. the practice of somehow making both ends meet, casual subsistence; the state of having no ostensible means of living; fending for oneself in a resourceless condition. ̃ভ্রমণ same as আকাশবিহার । ̃মণ্ডল n. the (whole) expanse of the heavens, the sky, the firmament, the celestial sphere; the atmosphere. ̃যান n. an aircraft, an aeroplane, an airship; a balloon. ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিত a. of or in the sky, ethereal, aerial; heavenly, celestial; divine. আকাশে তোলা v. fig. to extol in disingenuous advertisement, to puff; to flatter with praise. 17)
(p. 121) āmalā an office-clerk; a government office. ̃তন্ত্র n. bureaucracy. ̃তান্ত্রিক a. bureaucratic.
(p. 126) ālōka light; a beam, a ray; effulgence; lustre, splendour; a flash of light. ̃গৃহ n. a lighthouse. ̃চিত্র n. a photograph; photography. ̃চিত্রকর n. a photographer. ̃চিত্রবিদ্যা n. photography. ̃চ্ছটা n. a flash of light. ̃তড়িত্ n. photo-electricity. ̃তাড়িত a. photo-electric. ̃বিজ্ঞান, ̃বিদ্যা n. optics. ̃বিহীন a. lightless; dark; gloomy. ̃ময় a. full of light; flooded with light; lightsome. ̃লতা n. a parasitic creeper. ̃শক্তি n. light as an energy. ̃শূন্য same as আলোকবিহীন । ̃সংকেত n. a beacon. ̃সজ্জা n. decoration of a stage etc. with light; illumination. ̃স্তম্ভ n. a lighthouse. আলোকিত a. lighted, illuminated. আলোকোজ্জ্বল a. illuminated; bright with light; lighted. 83)
(p. 157) udbhida a plant or tree or vegetable or herb etc. that grows up from under the surface of the ground. ̃কুল n. the flora. ̃তত্ত্ব, ̃বিজ্ঞান, ̃বিদ্যা n. botany. ̃তাত্ত্বিক, ̃বিজ্ঞানী, ̃বিত্ n. a botanist. ̃ভোজী n. herbivorous. ̃সর্গ n. the plant kingdom. উদ্ভিদণু (inc.) উদ্ভিদাণু same as উদ্ভিজ্জাণু (see উদ্ভিজ্জ) । 27)
(p. 168) urbara fertile, productive; prolific. fem. উর্বরা । উর্বর করা v. to make fertile, to fertilize. ̃তা n. fertility, productivity. ̃তাসাধন n. fertilization. 93)
(p. 178) ēka one. n. & pro. one or single person or individual (দেশোদ্ধার একের কাজ নয়). □ a. only one; a certain (একসময়); completely full or filled or packed or covered (একবাড়ি লোক, একমুখ দাড়ি); same, one and the same (এক মায়ের সন্তান); united ('যত ভাই বোন এক হউক '); amalgamated; joined (দুই হাত এক করা); mixed (চালেডালে এক করা); one and only one (ঈশ্বর এক ও অভিন্ন); one of a number, a (রবীন্দ্রনাথ বিশ্বের এক শ্রেষ্ঠ কবি); unchanging, fixed (সেই এক গোঁ, ভদ্রলোকের এক কথা); concentrated ((একমনে). ̃আধ a. a few; sparse; scanty; rare. এক আঁচড়ে see আঁচড় । একই a. same; very same, one and the same. এক-এক a. some, one by one (এক-এক করে), certain (এক-এক দিন). একক a. alone, unaccompanied. n. the first figure from the right of an arithmetical number; (math.) a unit. এককড়া see কড়া । ̃কণা n. very little, a very small amount. ̃কথায় in a word. ̃কলমী n. a columnist who writes only one column of a newspaper. ̃কাটা, ̃কাট্টা pop. var. of একাট্টা । ̃কালীন a. done or to be done only once, given or to be given only once, at a time; simultaneous; contemporary. এককালীন অনুদান a lump grant, non-recurring grant. ̃কালে adv. at one time, once upon a time; at one and the same time, simultaneously. ̃কাঁড়ি a. a lot of, a heap of. ̃কেন্দ্রিক, ̃কেন্দ্রী, ̃কেন্দ্রীয় a. concentric. ̃গঙ্গা a. filled or full to the brim, full, replete (একগঙ্গা জল). ̃গর্ভপত্রী n. monocarpellary. ̃গলা a. up to the throat or chin. ̃-গা a. covering the whole of the body (এক-গা গয়না, এক-গা খোস). ̃গাদা a. a heap of; a great number or collection of (একগাদা লোক). ̃গাল a. a mouthful of. n. a mouthful. ̃গুঁয়ে a. obstinate, obdurate, stubborn; wilful, wayward; disobedient, indocile; indomitable. ̃গুঁয়েমি n. obstinacy; wilfulness, waywardness; disobedience, indocility, stubbornness, indomitableness. ̃ঘরে a. ostracized; cast out of society. একঘরে ব্যক্তি an outcast. ̃ঘাত a. linear. ̃ঘাত সমীকরণ a linear equation. ̃ঘেয়ে a. monotonous; hackneyed. ̃ঘেয়েমি n. monotony; hackneyedness. ̃চত্বারিংশ a. forty-first. ̃চত্বারিংশত্ a. & n. forty-one. ˜চত্বারিংশত্তম a. forty-first. fem. ̃চত্বারিংশত্তমী । ̃চর a. moving alone (cp. segregarious); shunning company. ̃চল্লিশ a. & n. forty-one. ˜চালা a. having only one slanting roof. n. such a hut or shed. ̃চিত্ত a. absorbedly attentive, intent, concentrated. ̃চুল a. hairbreadth, very slight, negligible (একচুল ব্যবধান), adv. in the least. ̃চেটিয়া (coll.) ̃চেটে a. monopolistic. একচেটিয়া অধিকার monopoly. ̃চোখো a. one-eyed, single-eyed; looking in one direction only; partial; prejudiced, biased; preferential. ̃চোখোমি n. partiality; prejudice; bias; preferential treatment. ̃চোট adv. enough or too much at a stroke or at one time. ̃চোটে adv. without break or respite (একচোটে বলা বা করা); with one stroke or attempt (একচোটে জিতে নেওয়া); simultaneously (একচোটে সবাইকে বকা). ̃চ্ছত্র a. paramount, sovereign; brought under one rule ('একচ্ছত্র করিবে ধরণী'). ̃ছুটে adv. at a single run. ̃জাই adv. repeatedly, over and over again, incessantly, continuously, without stop (একজাই বলা). a. united; assembled, collected. n. sum total (বাত্সরিক আয়ব্যয়ের একজাই). একজাই করা v. to unite; to assemble, to collect. ̃জিদ্দি a. same as একগুঁয়ে । ̃জোট a. united; assembled. ̃জোটে adv. in a body, in concert, unitedly. ̃জ্বরি n. remittent fever. a. suffering from remittent fever. ̃টা, ̃টি a. one; only one, not more than one; one particular (একটা পরামর্শ আছে) n. pro. any one (একটা হলেই হল). একটা-কিছু, একটা-কোনো a. existent but not known or determinate, some (একটা-কিছু খুঁত আছে). pro. & n. something (একটা-কিছু চাই). একটাদুটো a. only a few, of a negligible number. ˜টানা a. pointed or moving in one direction only; continually onward; continuous, continual; incessant, nonstop (একটানা বৃষ্টি); monotonous. adv. in one direction only; continually onward; continuously; continually; incessantly, without break; monotonously. একটি মাত্র a. only one; one and one only. ̃টু, ̃টুকু a. & adv. only a little; just a little; a little. একটু একটু করে adv. little by little, bit by bit; slowly but gradually. ̃টেরে a. curved a little; leaning to one side, slanting; (of judgment etc.) one-sided, partial, ex parte. a. & adv. lying apart; keeping aloof. ̃তন্ত্রী a. (of musical instruments) one stringed; unanimous; under one and the same rule. n. a one-stringed musical instrument, a monochord. ̃তম a. (super.) one of or amongst more than two. ̃তর a. (compar.) one of two, either. ̃তরফা a. ex parte; partial; onesided. ̃তলা n. the ground floor (of a building or a multi-decked vehicle). a. one-storeyed; one-decked, singledecked. একতলা গাড়ি a single decker. ̃তলীয় a. coplanar. ̃তান n. a harmonious note; harmony; concert. a. harmonious; concerted; closely attentive, concentrated. ̃তানমনা a. closely attentive, rapt in attention; intent. ̃তারা n. a variety of monochord (chiefly used by the Vaishnaya singers). ̃তালা1 var. of একতলা । ̃তালা2 ̃তাল n. an Indian musical measure. ̃তিল see তিল । ̃ত্রিংশ a. thirty-first. ̃ত্রিংশত্ a & n. thirty-one. ˜ত্রিংশত্তম a. thirty-first. fem. ̃ত্রিংশত্তমী । ̃ত্রিশ a. & n. thirty-one. ˜দন্ত a. having but one tooth, one-toothed, singletoothed. ̃দম adv. at all; in the least; completely, thoroughly, utterly. ̃দমে adv. in one breath; without stop. ̃দল a. monocotyledonous. ̃দিন adv. one day, someday; one day or other (একদিন না একদিন); once, once upon a time; at one time in the past; in the past. n. a glorious time or period (esp. one that has passed away). একদিন অন্তর একদিন every other day, every alternate day. ̃দৃষ্টি, (poet.) ̃দিঠি a. looking fixedly, gazing. ̃দৃষ্টে adv. with a fixed look, gazingly. ̃দেশ n. a part or portion or division (esp. of a country); a region. ̃দেশদর্শিতা n. act of viewing partially; partiality; narrow-mindedness, illiberality; bias; prejudice; want of foresight. ̃দেশদর্শী a. viewing partially; partial; narrow-minded, illiberal; biased; prejudiced; lacking in foresight. ̃দেশীয় a. of or living in the same country. ̃দৌড়ে adv. at a run. ̃ধাতুমান n. (econ.) monometallism. ̃নবতি a. & n. ninety-one. ˜নবতিতম a. ninety-first. fem. ̃নবতিতমী ।̃নলা, ̃নলি a. (chiefly of a gun) single-barrelled, onebarrelled. ̃নাগাড়ে adv. at a stretch, continuously. নায়ক n. (pol.) an autoccrat or a dictator. ̃নায়কতন্ত্র n. autocracy or dictatorship. ̃নায়কতান্ত্রিক a. autocratic or dictatorial. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. devoted to or engaged in only one thing, singleminded or single-acting; absorbedly attentive, intent. fem. ̃নিষ্ঠা । ̃নিষ্ঠতা n. devotion to or engagement in only one thing, single-mindedness. এক পক্ষে adv. viewing from one angle; in a way; somewhat. ̃পঞ্চাশ, ̃পঞ্চাশত্ a. & n. fifty-one. ˜পঞ্চাশত্তম a. fifty-first. fem. একপঞ্চাশত্তমী । একপত্নীক a. mas. having one wife (at a time), monogamous. ̃পদীকরণ n. (gr.) unification of several words into a compound word, formation of a compound word. ̃পাটি n. one of a pair; one set of (teeth). ̃পাদ n. a fourth part, a quarter. a. one-fourth. ̃পার্শ্বিক, ̃পার্শ্বীয় a. one-sided; partial; (bot.) unilateral. ̃পেট n. a bellyful, one's fill. a. bellyful of. adv. to one's fill. ̃পেশে a. leaning or stooping to one side; aslant; one-sided; partial. ̃প্রকার adv. of a sort, in a way, somewhat. a. of a type; of some sort or other. ̃প্রতিসম a. zygomorphic. ̃প্রস্হ a. severe; sufficient, of considerable amount. ̃প্রাণ a. inseparably united. ̃বংশীয়, ̃বংশোদ্ভব a. descended from the same ancestor, consanguine, consanguineous. একবগ্গা coll. corrup. of একবর্গা । ̃বচন see বচন ।̃বর্গা a. obstinate; stubborn, dogged. ̃বয়সী a. of the same age. ̃বর্ণ see বর্ণ । ̃বস্ত্র a. wearing only a single piece of cloth. ̃বস্ত্রে adv. wearing only a single piece of cloth and taking nothing along. ̃বাক্যে adv. with one voice; with one accord, unanimously. ̃বার n. one time. adv. at one time; once. একবারে adv. at a time; at a stroke; thoroughly. ̃বাস same as একবস্ত্র । ̃বিংশ a. twenty-first. ̃বিংশতি a. & n. twenty-one. ˜বিংশতিতম a. twenty-first. fem. ̃বিংশতিতমী । ̃বীজপত্রী a. (bot.) monocotyledonous. ̃বুক a. chest-high; breast-deep. ̃ভাব n. uniformity of state or quality or disposition. ̃ভাবাপন্ন a. uniform in state or quality or disposition; of one mind. ̃ভাবে adv. uniformly; in the same way; without change, unchangingly. ̃ভিতে adv. in one direction; to one side; apart. ̃মত, ̃মতাবলম্বী a. holding the same opinion; agreed; unanimous; holding the same religious faith. ̃মনা a. absorbed; single-minded. ̃মনে with rapt attention; single-mindedly. ̃মাতৃক a. born of one and the same mother, uterine. ̃মাত্র a. only ̃মাত্রা n. one dose; one musical or metrical syllable. ̃মুখীকরণ n. (phys.) rectification. ̃মুখো a. having one direction, one way. ̃মুষ্টি a. a handful of. ̃মেটে, ̃মেটিয়া a. (esp. of a mould or cast or an idol) primed; rough-cast; (fig.) rough-wrought. একমেটে করা v. to prime; to rough-cast; (fig.) to do in a preliminary manner, to rough out. ̃যোগে adv. in a body; unitedly. ̃রকম a. of the same kind, type, nature, appearance etc.; same; similar. adv. in a way, of a sort, somewhat, moderately; on the whole, somehow. ̃রতি, ̃রত্তি a. (lit.) amounting to a rati (রতি1) or .121 grams or 1.875 grains; only a little, a bit of; very small, tiny. ̃রব, ̃রা n. one voice. ̃রূপ same as একরকম । ̃রেখীয় a. (geom.) collinear. ̃রোখা a. obstinate; self-willed, wilful; hot-tempered, quick-tempered, irascible; having designs on one side only (একরোখা চাদর). ̃লহমা n. an instant, a moment; jiffy. ̃লহমায় adv. in an instant, in a moment, in a jiffy. ̃লিঙ্গ n. Shiva (শিব). a. unisexual; (bot.) declinous. ̃লিঙ্গতা n. unisexuality; (bot.) declinism. ̃শিরা n. hydrocele; orchitis. ̃শিরাল a. unicostate. ̃শিলা a. monolithic. ̃শেষ n. excessiveness, overmuchness; (gr.) a system of forming compound words in which only one word is chosen from amongst a group and is modified to represent the whole group. কষ্টের একশেষ trouble beyond measure. নাকালের একশেষ harassed beyond measure. ̃ষট্টি, ̃ষষ্টি a. & n. sixty-one. ˜ষষ্টিতম a. sixty-first, fem. একষষ্টিতমী । ̃সঙ্গে a. in a body, all together; at the same time, simultaneously. ̃সপ্ততি a. & n. seventy-one. ˜সপ্ততিতম a. seventy-first. fem. একসপ্ততিতমী । ̃সূত্রে adv. in one string. ̃স্হানে adv. in or at the same place; in a certain place, somewhere. ̃হাঁটু a. knee-deep. ̃হাত a. measuring one cubit. adv. enough for one time. একহাত নেওয়া v. to pay one out or back, to retaliate; to teach one a lesson. ̃হারা a. slim; of a delicate structure. 14)
(p. 194) kapaṭa a chicane, a trick; chicanery, trickery; deceit. a deceitful; hypocritical, feigning, insincere (কপট বন্ধু); dissimulating, assumed (কপট বেশ). ̃তা n. chicanery; deceitfulness; hypocrisy, feigning, insincerity; dissimulation. ̃তাময় same as ̃কপট (a). ̃প্রবন্ধ n. a deceitful trick or design, a chicane, a stratagem. ̃বন্ধু a false friend. ̃বেশ a disguise. ̃বেশী a. disguised. কপটাচরণ, কপটাচার, কপটচারিতা n. chicanery; act of deceiving, deceit; feigning; hypocrisy, insincerity; dissimulation. কপটাচরণ করা v. to chicane, to deceive, to doublecross; to feign; to dissimulate. কপটাচারী, কপটচারী, কপটী a. practising chicanery, tricky; deceitful; hypocritical, feigning, insincere; dissimulating; disguising. fem. কপটাচারিণী, কপটচারিণী, কপটিনী । কপটালাপ n. hypocritical or insincere talk. 139)
(p. 204) kara3 the hand; the trunk of an elephant. ̃কণ্টক n. a finger-nail. ̃কণ্ডূয়ন n. itching of the palm; intense or burning desire to do something. ̃কবলিত a. held or seized firmly with the hand, grasped; (fig.) occupied or taken possession of or brought under control esp. by force (and usu. unlawfully). ̃কমল n. a hand conceived as a lotus; a hand as beautiful as a lotus. ̃কোষ্ঠী n. lines of the palm from which fortune is told; the readings of a palmist. ̃কোষ্ঠী বিদ্যা n. palmistry. ̃গ্রহ, ̃গ্রহণ n. act of wedding (by a bridegroom), marriage. ̃গ্রাহ, ̃গ্রাহক a. mas. marrying (a girl). n. a husband. ̃জোড়ে adv. with folded hands (indicating submission and humility). ̃তল n. the palm of a hand; (fig.) full control or possession, easy reach. ̃তলগত a. (lit.) lying or held in the palm; taken firm hold of; taken complete possession of; brought or kept under full control or easy reach; thoroughly mastered over or learned; conquered or dominated or subjugated. ̃তলধৃত a. held in one's palm or palms. ̃তলন্যস্ত a. placed or put or lying in one's palm. ̃তলস্হ a. grasped, lying in the palm; of the palm. ̃তলাকার a. palmate. ̃তাল n. (usu. in pl.) a cymbal. ̃তালি n. clapping of the hands. ̃তালি দেওয়া v. to clap hands. ̃ধৃত a. held in or seized with the hand or hands. ̃ন্যাস n. a typical system of gesticulation with fingers at the time of prayer. ̃পদ্ম n. a hand conceived as a lily; a hand as beautiful as a lily. ̃পল্লব n. a hand as delicate and beautiful as a young twig. ̃পীড়ন same as করগ্রহণ । ̃পুট n. palms joined to form a cup. ̃পুটে adv. in or with cupped hands. ̃ভূষণ n. a bracelet, a wristlet; a bangle. ̃মর্দন n. handshake. ̃মর্দন করা v. to shake hands. ̃মুক্ত a. released from grasp or grip. ̃স্পর্শ n. a touch of or with the hand. 21)
(p. 208) kala4 a low sweet and indistinct sound, a sweet murmur; warble (of birds); babble (of streams). a. (of sound) sweet low and indistinct. ̃কণ্ঠ a. making a sweet low and indistinct sound; sweetly murmuring; warbling; babbling; sweet-voiced, sweet-toned; (fig.) composing sweet poems (কলকণ্ঠ কবি). fem. কলকণ্ঠী । ̃কল, ̃কলানি n. repeated sweet murmur or babble or warble, (usu. coll.) rapid loud talk. ̃কল করা ̃কলানো v. to murmur or babble or warble sweetly or repeatedly; (usu. coll.) to talk rapidly and loudly. ̃ঘোষ n. the cuckoo. ̃তান n. a sweet note. ̃ধ্বনি, ̃নাদ same as কল4 (n.). ̃নাদী a. making a low sweet and indistinct sound, murmuring or babbling or warbling sweetly. fem. কলনাদিনী । ̃রব, ̃রোল n. confused loud noise as made by a multitude of people shouting and talking at a time, an uproar, a hullabaloo, tumult. ̃স্বন, ̃স্বর n. a low sweet and indistinct sound or voice, a sweet murmur or babble. a. murmuring or babbling sweetly. fem. কলস্বনা । ̃হংস n. the swan, the gander (fem. the goose); a small aquatic bird akin to the sandpiper. fem. কলহংসী । ̃হাস, ̃হাস্য n. a gentle articulate smile with a sweet cackling noise. n. fem. ̃হাসিনী one who smiles gently with a sweet cackling noise. ̃হাস্য করা v. to laugh cacklingly. 40)
(p. 216) kān̐ṭā a thorn, a prickle; any longish thing or instrument with a pointed end or ends (চুলের কাঁটা); a pointer (কম্পাসের কাঁটা, দাঁড়িপাল্লার কাঁটা); a fork (used in eating meals); a hand (ঘড়ির কাঁটা); a fishbone; gooseflesh (শীতে বা ভয়ে কাঁটা দেওয়া). কাঁটা দিয়ে কাঁটা তোলা v. (fig.) to set a thief to catch a thief. গায়ে কাঁটা দেওয়া to have gooseflesh; to have shivering, to shiver. পথের কাঁটা (fig.) an obstacle or snag. পথে কাঁটা দেওয়া (fig.) v. to prevent. ̃তার n. barbed wire. ̃নটে n. a variety of spinach. ̃বন n. a hedge full of prickly shrubs. ̃ময় a. thorny. কাঁটায় কাঁটায় adv. punctually; just at. 13)
(p. 217) kāka the crow. fem. কাকী the female crow. ̃চক্ষু a. as transparent as a crow's eyes, (cp.) crystal-clear. ̃জোত্স্না n. dim or faint moonlight. ̃তন্দ্রা, ̃নিদ্রা n. wary nap or slumber. ̃তাড়ুয়া n. the scarecrow. ̃তালীয় a. (of two or more incidents) coincidental and seemingly related to one another as cause and effect; coincidental; successive but not causally connected. কাকতালীয় ন্যায় post hoc ergo propter hoc (after it, so because of it—a fallacious reasoning). ̃পক্ষ n. a lovelock. ̃পদ n. quotationmarks (' '); a caret (^). ̃পুচ্ছ n. the cuckoo. ̃ফল n. the margosa-tree, the nim. ̃বন্ধ্যা n. a woman who becomes pregnant but once. ̃ভেজা n. & v. getting or to get completely drenched (usu. in rainwater). ˜ভোর n. very early morning. ̃শীর্ষ n. a species of flowertree yielding flowers looking like ducks. ̃স্নান n. brief and careless bath. কাকের ছা বকের ছা extremely bad and illegible handwriting. 17)
(p. 234) kīṭa a worm; an insect. ̃ঘ্ন a. insecticidal. ̃ঘ্ন পদার্থ an insecticide. ̃জ a. born of worms; spun by worms. ̃তত্ত্ব, ̃বিদ্যা n. entomology. ̃তাত্ত্বিক, ̃বিদ n. an entomologist. ̃দষ্ট a. worm-eaten; moth-eaten. ̃ভুক a. insectivorous, entomophagous. ̃ভুক প্রাণী an insectivore. ̃পতঙ্গ n. pl. worms and insects. কীটাণু n. a microscopic worm or insect, a microbe. কীটাণুকীট n. a worm or insect even smaller than a microbe; (fig.) a very insignificant person. 61)
কুহু, কুহু
(p. 248) kuhu, kuhu the cooing of a cuckoo. ̃কণ্ঠ n. the cuckoo. ̃তান n. the dulcet note of the cuckoo, a cuckoo's sweet and soothing song. ̃রব n. the cooing of a cuckoo; the cuckoo. 22)
(p. 248) kūṭa shrewd, subtle (কূটবুদ্ধি); complicated, intricate (কূটপ্রশ্ন); tricky, deceptive (কূটচাল); false, fabricated (কূটসাক্ষ্য); cooked up, got-up, framed up (কূট মোকদ্দমা); crooked (কূটচরিত্র); diplomatic, politic (কূটনীতি). n. an incomprehensible or unexpoundable couplet or saying (ব্যাসকূট); a mountainpeak (চিত্রকূট); the top of anything (প্রাসাদকূট); a heap (অন্নকূট); a trap; a trick; (rhet.) a paradox. ̃চাল n. obstacles and hindrances; intricacies; useless arguments; sophistry. ̃কচালে a. intricate; incomprehensible; full of obstacles and hindrances; given to useless arguments or sophistry. ̃কর্ম n. forgery; swindling; fraud. ̃কৌশল n. shrewd tricky or crafty policy; tricky or shrewd contrivance or device. ̃ঘাত n. sabotage. ̃ঘাতী a. pertaining to or of the nature of sabotage. n. a saboteur. ̃জ n. a medicinal plant usu. grown on hillsides. ̃তর্ক n. scholastic but useless arguments, sophistry. ̃তার্কিক n. one given to sophistry, a sophist. ̃তুলা n. a false scale or balance (esp. made to deceive buyers). ̃নীতি n. diplomacy; shrewd politics; shrewdness; politics. ̃নীতিক a. diplomatic; shrewd; political. n. a diplomat. ̃নীতিজ্ঞ a. shrewd; versed in diplomacy. n. a diplomat. ̃নৈতিক same as কূটনীতিক । ̃প্রশ্ন n. an intricate question, a poser; a riddle, a puzzle. ̃বন্ধ n. a trap, a snare. ̃বুদ্ধি a. crooked, wily, guileful, crafty. n. crookedness, wile, guile, craftiness. ̃ভাষী a. given to speaking in riddles; given to lying. ̃যন্ত্র n. a trapping device, a trap. ̃যুদ্ধ n. a diplomatic fight, manoeuvring and counter-manoeuvring in diplomacy. ̃সাক্ষী n. a false witness; a tutored or got-up witness. ̃সাক্ষ্য n. false evidence, perjury. ̃স্হ a. (phil.) eternally uniform or unchanging (যেমন- ঈশ্বর, আকাশ); occult, latent (কূটস্হ চৈতন্য). কূটাভাস n. (rhet.) a paradox. কূটার্থ n. far-fetched meaning; an implied or implicit meaning, implication; a distorted meaning. 26)
(p. 262) kṣum̐ẏā silk; jute; cloth made of silk or jute. ̃তাঁতি n. a jute-weaver; a weaver of coarse cloth. 105)
(p. 293) gaṇa a collection, a multitude; a number more than one (used as a sfx. to indicate plurality, e.g. বালকগণ = boys, পুরুষগণ = men); a community, a class; a group; a genus; a species; the common people, the masses; the attendants of Shiva (শিব); a clan, a race, a family; a classification of persons according to the stars predominant at their birth (দেবগণ, নরগণ, রাক্ষসগণ); (in Sanskrit gr.) a classification of verbs (ভ্বাদিগণ). ̃অভ্যুত্থান n. mass rising, mass upheaval, mass revolt. ̃আদালত n. people's court. ̃আন্দোলন n. massmovement. ̃চেতনা n. popular awareness; awakening of the people. ̃তন্ত্র n. a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the elected representatives of the people; democracy; a republic. ̃তন্ত্রী, ̃তান্ত্রিক a. republican; democratic. ̃দেব n. an appellation of Ganesha (গণেশ). ̃দেবতা n. one of a class of subordinate deities; the people conceived as a deity. ̃নাট্য n. people's theatre. ̃নায়ক n. a leader of the people. ̃নাথ ̃পতি n. the lord of the host; an appellation of Ganesha (গণেশ) and also Shiva (শিব). ̃পরিষদ n. a constituent assembly. ̃বিক্ষোভ n. popular unrest, people's agitation. ̃ভোট n. plebiscite. ̃মাধ্যম n. mass media. ̃যুদ্ধ n. people's war. ̃শক্তি n. power of the people, the united strength of the people; the people collectively; the sovereignty of the people. ̃সংগীত n. folk song; group music; song of the masses. ̃সংগ্রাম n. mass struggle. ̃হত্যা n. genocide. 37)
(p. 327) grīṣma summer; heat. a. hot; torrid (গ্রীষ্মমন্ডল). ̃কাল n. summer, the hot season. ̃কালীন a. of summer, of the hot season, summer. ̃ক্লিষ্ট a. same as ̃পীড়িত । ̃তাপিত a. oppressed by the heat of summer; heated by summer. ̃পীড়িত a. oppressed with heat or by summer. ̃প্রধান tropical. ̃প্রধান দেশ a tropical country, a hot country. ̃বলয়, ̃মণ্ডল n. (geog.) the torrid zone. গ্রীষ্মাতিশয়, গ্রীষ্মাতিশয্য n. excess of heat; extreme heat. গ্রীষ্মাবকাশ n. the summer vacation or recess. 33)
(p. 341) cakṣu (for.) the eye; sight (তার চক্ষু খারাপ); a look or glance; attention (এদিকে তার চক্ষু নেই); covetous look or glance (আমার খাবারের দিকে চক্ষু দিয়ো না); a part of some plants and fruits out of which a new plant grows, a leaf bud (আনারসের চক্ষু). চক্ষু ওঠা v. to be affected with conjunctivitis or ophthalmia. চক্ষুকর্ণের বিবাদ ভ়ঞ্জন করা v. to be freed from doubt about what has been heard by visualizing or witnessing it. চক্ষু কাটানো v. to undergo ophthalmic surgery or an eye operation. চক্ষু খুলে দেওয়া v. (fig.) to open one's eyes, to make wise; (fig.) to disillusion. চক্ষু খুলে যাওয়া v. (fig.) to have one's eyes opened, to be made wise; (fig.) to be disillusioned. চক্ষু টেপা v. to wink. চক্ষু ছলছল করা v. to have tears gathering in one's eyes; to be about to shed tears; to be tearful. চক্ষু দেওয়া v. to cast an evil eye (at); to cast a greedy glance (at); to envy; to have attention or care (for), to attend (to); to keep an eye on, to be watchful about; to look (at). ̃পীড়া n. eye-disease; inflammation of the eye. চক্ষু ফোটা same as চক্ষু খুলে যাওয়া । চক্ষু ফোটানো same as চক্ষু খুলে দেওয়া । চক্ষু বোজা, চক্ষু মোদা v. to shut one's eyes. চক্ষু রাখা v. (fig.) to keep an eye on, to be watchful about, to be vigilant. চক্ষু লাগা v. to be subject to another's evil look, to be envied. চক্ষুর পলক a wink. চক্ষুর পাতা the eyelid. চক্ষুর লোম the eyelash. ̃কোটর n. the socket of the eye. ̃গোচর a. lying or coming within the range of sight, perceptible by the eye, visible. চক্ষু-চিকিত্সক n. an eye-specialist or an ophthalmologist. চক্ষু-চিকিত্সা n. treatment of the eye. ̃তারকা, ̃তারা n. the pupil of the eye. ̃দান pop. var. of চক্ষুর্দান । ̃পীড়া n. eye-disease. ̃রুন্মীলন n. act of opening the eyes; (fig.) getting or making wise; (fig.) disillusioment. চক্ষুরুন্মীলন করা v. to open one's eyes. (fig.) to make wise; (fig.) to disillusion. চক্ষুরুন্মীলন হওয়া v. to have one's eyes opened; (fig.) to become wise; (fig.) to be disillusioned. ̃রোগ n. eye-disease. ̃র্দান n. act of investing with sight; donation of one's eye (usu. to an eye-bank for the benefit of a sightless person); the ceremony of investing an idol with sight; the act of investing an ignorant person with wisdom; (sarcas.) stealing, filching. চক্ষুর্দান করা v. (sarcas.) to have an eye or cast a glance with a view to stealing, to steal; to filch. ̃লজ্জা n. a feeling of delicacy in doing openly something undesirable or unseemly. ̃শূল n. an eyesore. ̃শ্রবা n. a snake (from the belief that it perceives sounds etc. with its eyes). ̃ষ্মত্তা n. possession of sight; possession of insight; power of perceiving truth. ̃ষ্মান a. possessing sight; possessing insight; capable of perceiving truth. fem. ̃ষ্মতী ।̃স্হির a. state of being dazed or bewildered or astounded. চক্ষুস্হির হওয়া v. to be dazed or bewildered or astounded. লোকচক্ষে in the eyes of the public. 23)
(p. 396) jāti1 birth, origin (জাতিতে হিন্দু); kind, sort, class (নানা জাতির ফুল); breed or pedigree (নানা জাতির কুকুর); a race, a tribe (নানা জাতির মানুষ); a genus or species (মানবজাতি, সর্পজাতি, স্ত্রীজাতি); caste (কায়স্হজাতি); a nation (হিন্দুজাতি, ইংরেজজাতি); a community; lineage (শ্রেষ্ঠ জাতির ব্রাহ্মণ). জাতি খোয়ানো. v. to lose one's claim to remain in the fold of one's caste, to be outcasted. জাতি দেওয়া v. to forgo one's claim to remain in the fold of one's caste. জাতি মারা same as জাতি খাওয়া । জাতি যাওয়া, জাতি হারানো same as জাতি খোয়ানো । জাতিতে ওঠা v. to be reclaimed into the fold of one's caste; to have one's status uplifted. জাতিতে তোলা v. to reclaim into the fold of one's caste; to uplift the status of. ̃কর্ম n. a hereditary trade or occupation. ̃গত a. pertaining to the race, nation, caste, class, community etc.; racial, national, generic; phylogenetic. ̃চ্যুত a. expelled from one's caste, outcasted. ̃জনি n. phylogenesis, phylogeny. ̃তত্ত্ব n. ethnology. ̃তত্ত্বীয় a. ethnological. ̃তাত্ত্বিক a. ethnological. n. an ethnologist. একজাতিতত্ত্ব n. the one-nation theory. ̃ধর্ম n. duties and practices pertaining to one's caste or race, racial duties and practices; racial character. ̃ধর্মনির্বিশেষে adv. without distinction of caste and creed. ̃নাশ n. expulsion from one's caste. ̃নাশা a. causing one to be outcasted; extremely disgraceful. ̃বর্ণ-নির্বিশেষে adv. without distinction of caste and colour. ̃বাচক a. generic; (gr.) denoting the class. ̃বিচার n. act of distinguishing the castes, caste-distinction; distinction of class. ̃বিদ্বেষ n. race-hatred. ̃বিদ্যা n. ethnology. ̃বিদ্যাগত a. ethnological. ̃বিদ্যাবিত্ n. an ethnologist. ̃বৈর n. racial enmity; vendetta, bloodfeud. ̃ব্যবসায় same as ̃কর্ম । ̃ভেদ n. castedistinction. ̃ভেদপ্রথা n. caste-system. ̃ভ্রংশ n. loss of one's claim to remain in the fold of one's caste. ̃ভ্রষ্ট same as ̃চ্যুত । ̃রূপ n. national or racial type. ̃লক্ষণ n. distinctive mark of a caste or race, typical mark. ̃সংঘ n. (the) League of Nations. ̃স্বভাব n. the racial character. ̃স্মর a. one who remembers the incidents of one's former lives. ̃হীন a. outcasted; casteless; declassed. সম্মিলিত জাতিপুঞ্জ, রাষ্ট্রসংঘ the United Nations Organization. 61)
(p. 396) jātīẏa of a nation, tribe, community, class, species, type or variety; national, racial, typical. fem. জাতীয়া । ̃তা n. nationalism. ̃তাবাদী a. & n. nationalist. জাতীয় গর্ব national pride. জাতীয় চরিত্র national or racial character. জাতীয় মহাসভা National Congress. নানাজাতীয় of different kinds or varieties. 65)
(p. 400) jība2 an animal, a creature, an organism; life; a corporeal or embodied soul; a living being; the soul of a living or dead being; (sc. & phil.) anything animate. কৃষ্ণের জীব (hum.) an extremely harmless or pitiable person. ˜জগত্ n. the animal kingdom, the animal world; the animate world. ̃জনি n. biogenesis. ̃জন্তু n. animals or creatures. ̃তত্ত্ব n. biology, life science. ̃তত্ত্বীয় a. biological. ̃তাত্ত্বিক a. biological. n. a biologist. ̃বলি n. animal sacrifice. ̃বিদ্যা same as ̃তত্ত্ব । ̃লোক n. the animate world; the world, the earth. ̃সংক্রমণ n. metempsychosis, transmigration. ̃হত্যা n. killing of animals, killing a living being, animal slaughter. ̃হিংসা n. animal slaughter. 100)
(p. 410) jyēṣṭha eldest (জ্যেষ্ঠ পুত্র); elder (ওই ভাইটি আমার জ্যেষ্ঠ); older, senior (বয়োজ্যেষ্ঠ); highest (জ্যেষ্ঠবর্ণ). n. eldest brother or the elder brother. ̃তাত n. an elder brother of one's father. জ্যেষ্ঠা a. fem. of জ্যেষ্ঠ । n. the eighteenth of the twenty-seven zodiacal stars according to Hindu astronomy. জ্যেষ্ঠাধিকার n. primogeniture. জ্যেষ্ঠাশ্রম v. the second stage of human life as enjoined by Hindu scriptures; the life of a householder. 44)
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