
Bangla to Bangla


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Boishakhi font is ready to be download!!!

You are only a step away from downloading Boishakhi font. We know you are a human but unfortunately our system does not satisfy. So please late us a moment to verify using the captcha code below. After putting value in input box you can click on the "SUBMIT" button to download your Boishakhi font.

More Information of Boishakhi

✓ � Alpona Portal, 2002. All rights reserved. This font contains complete Bengali character set + Alpona Encoding (non-OTL).
✓ Boishakhi
✓ Regular
✓ ShamsuddohaRanju, AlponaPortal: Boishakhi: 2002
✓ Boishakhi
✓ Version 1.3; 2002
✓ Boishakhi
✓ Boishakhi is a trademark of the Alpona Portal.
✓ Shamsuddoha Ranju, Alpona Portal
✓ Boishakhi is an extremely versatile family of typefaces (English-Bengali) which can be used with equal success for text setting in reports, presentations, magazines etc, and for display use in webpages, ebooks, newspapers, advertising and promotion purposes.
✓ http://www.akshor.com/
✓ http://www.akshor.com/fonts.html
✓ This typeface is the property of Shamsuddoha Ranju, Alpona Portal. It's use by you is covered under the terms of a license agreement. You have obtained this font either directly from Alpona Portal or together with other software distributed by one of Alpona Portal's licensees. This software (font) is a valuable asset of Alpona Portal. Unless you have entered into a specific license agreement granting you additional rights, your use of this software is limited to your workstation for your own publishing use. If you have any question concerning your rights you should review the license agreement you received with the software or contact Alpona Portal for a copy of the license agreement. Alpona Portal can be contacted at: http://www.akshor.com
✓ http://www.akshor.com/fonts_license
✓ Boishakhi
✓ Regular
✓ Boishakhi

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Boishakhi Bangla Font
Boishakhi Bangla Font

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Short Details of Boishakhi.ttf

Font Family : Boishakhi
Font Subfamily : Regular
Font Identifier : ShamsuddohaRanju, AlponaPortal: Boishakhi: 2002
Full Name : Boishakhi
Version : Version 1.3; 2002
Postscript Name : Boishakhi
Download : 65,616 Times
Copyright : � Alpona Portal, 2002. All rights reserved. This font contains complete Bengali character set + Alpona Encoding (non-OTL).

How to install Boishakhi in your computer?

For Windows 7 / Vista users:
- Right-click the Boishakhi font file(s) and choose "Install".

For users of the previous Windows versions:
- Copy Boishakhi font & pest into a default Windows font folder (usually C:\WINDOWS\FONTS or C:\WINNT\FONTS)

For Mac users:
Mac OS X 10.3 or above (including the FontBook)
- Double-click Boishakhi font file and hit "Install font" button at
the bottom of the preview.

Mac OS X
- Either copy the Boishakhi font file(s) to /Library/Fonts (for all users), or to /Users/Your_username/Library/Fonts (for you only).

Mac OS 9 or earlier
- You have to convert the Boishakhi font file(s) you have downloaded. Drag the font suitcases into the System folder. The system will propose you to add them to the Fonts folder.

For Linux users:
- Copy the Boishakhi font file(s) to /USR/SHARE/FONTS
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