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congress দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 192) kaṅgrēsa an assembly of delegates, specialists etc. for discussion or settlement of problems; a congress; the legislature of the United States and some other American-type republics, the Congress; the Indian National Congress party, the Congress. কংগ্রেসি a. of or belonging to or following the Indian National Congress. n. a Congressman, a Congress worker. 7)
(p. 232) kālī an awe-inspiring manifestation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); (sarcas.) an extremely dark-skinned girl or woman. ̃তলা n. a place of worshipping Goddess Kali (কালী) esp. in congregation. ̃বাড়ি n. the temple of Goddess Kali. 25)
(p. 532) dharma religion, faith, creed; piety, virtue (অহিংসা পরম ধর্ম); scriptural laws or directions (ধর্মসম্মত); a form of worship (তান্ত্রিক ধর্ম); theology (ধর্মগ্রন্হ); natural quality or behaviour or disposition, property or function (মানবধর্ম, কালধর্ম, আগুনের ধর্ম); virtuousness, righteousness, morality (ধর্মহীন আচরণ); law (ধর্মপত্নী); justice (ধর্মাধিকরণ); holiness, sacredness (ধর্মের সংসারে পাপ); Yama (যম) the god of piety and death; a popular god of Bengal (ধর্মঠাকুর); chastity (স্ত্রীলোকের ধর্মনাশ); (astrol.) the ninth house from the house of birth in the zodiac. ধর্মে সওয়া v. (of a sin, misdeed etc.) to be tolerated by God or the Divine Judge. ধর্মের কল বাতাসে নড়ে, ধর্মের ঢাক আপনি বাজে (fig.) truth cannot be kept concealed, truth must come out; the irrevocable rod of Nemesis is sure to strike in course of time. ধর্মের ষাঁড় (fig.) a wildly wayward man allowed to move scotfree. ধর্মের সংসার a family practising virtue, a pious family. ধর্ম-অর্থ-কাম-মোক্ষ n the four principal aims of human life; piety, wealth, love or fulfilment of desire, and salvation of the soul. ̃কন্যা n. fem. one solemnly accepted as a daughter by a person other than one's parents; (loos.) a god-daughter. ধর্ম-কর্ম, ̃কার্য n. religious practices (esp. as enjoined by scriptures). ̃কাম a. desirous of attaining virtue through religious practices. ̃কৃত্য, ̃ক্রিয়া same as ধর্মকর্ম । ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a holy or consecrated place, a place of pilgrimage. ̃গত a. pious, virtuous; concerning or pertaining to religion, religious. ̃গতপ্রাণ a. having one's life devoted to religion or piety; very religious-minded; profoundly or deeply pious. ̃গ্রন্হ n. a holy book or text, a scripture; a religious book; a theological treatise. ̃ঘট n. (ori.) a religious practice consisting in giving away pitchers filled with holy water; (pol. & pop.) cessation of work as a means of putting pressure on employers, a strike. ধর্মঘটকালীন ভাতা strike-pay. ধর্মঘটী n. (pol.) a striker. ˜চক্র n. the four laws or directives of Buddha conducive to attaining final salvation. ̃চর্চা n. religious discussion or practice. ̃চর্যা n. observance of religious rules and rites, religious practice; practice of virtue. ̃চারী a. observant of religious rules and rites, devoted to religious practices; virtuous, pious. ̃চিন্তা n. religious meditation; spiritual meditation; theological meditation; theology. ̃চ্যুত same as ধর্মভ্রষ্টা । ̃জ a. legitimately born. ̃জিজ্ঞাসা n. religious inquiry; spiritual inquiry. ̃জিজ্ঞাসু a. seeking after or inquisitive about religious or spiritual truths. ̃জীবন n. religious or spiritual life; pious or virtuous life; ecclesiastical life. ̃জ্ঞ a. conversant with religious rules and duties; conversant with religion; pious, virtuous, religious. ̃জ্ঞান n. religious knowledge; religious-mindedness; deep sense of piety. ̃ঠাকুর n. a popular god of Bengal named Dharma (ধর্ম). ̃তা adv. in the eye of righteousness or piety; according to or conforming to righteousness, piously. ̃তত্ত্ব n the mysteries of religion; theology; theosophy, a religious doctrine. ̃তত্ত্ববিদ n. one conversant with the mysteries of religion; a theologian; one conversant with a religious doctrine. ̃তত্ত্বীয় a. concerning the mysteries of religion, religious; theological; concerning a religious doctrine. ̃ত্যাগ n. abandonment of one's religion, adoption of another religion, apostasy. ধর্মত্যাগ করা v. to abandon one's religion, to adopt another religion. n. an apostate, a renegade. ̃দ্বেষী, ̃দ্রোহী a. revolting against or hostile to religion; irreligious; impious; ungodly. fem. ধর্মদ্বেষিণী, ধর্মদ্রোহিণী । ̃দ্রোহ, ̃দ্রোহিতা n. revolt against or hostility towards religion; irreligion; impiety; ungodliness. ̃ধ্বজী a. simulating piety or virtuousness; sanctimonious; hypocritical. n. one simulating piety or virtuousness, a religious imposter. ̃নাশ n. ravishment of a woman's chastity, rape; profanation or defilement of one's religion or idol. ধর্মনাশ করা v. to ravish or outrage one's chastity, to rape; to profane or defile one's religion or idol. ̃নিন্দা n. disparagement of religion; blasphemy. ধর্মের নিন্দা করা v. to disparage religion; to blaspheme. ̃নিরপেক্ষ a. irrespective of creed (ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ বিচার); secular (ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ রাষ্ট্র). ̃নির্দিষ্ট a. enjoined by religion; enjoined by scriptures, scriptural. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. devoted to religion or religious practices; pious, virtuous, righteous. ̃নিষ্ঠা n. devotion to religion or religious practices; piety, virtuousness, righteousness. ̃নীতি n. a religious principle or principles; a principle or principles of virtue; a moral principle or principles; ethics. ̃পত্নী n. a lawful wife; a lawfully married wife. ̃পথ n. the path of virtue or piety. ধর্মপথে থাকা v. to follow the path of virtue or piety, to practise virtue or piety; to walk in the presence of God. ̃পর, ̃পরায়ণ same as ধর্মনিষ্ঠ । ̃পাল n. a defender of religion; (Christ.) a bishop. ̃পালক n. one who observes religious rites and practices; a defender of religion or faith. ̃পালন n. observance of religious rites and practices; defence of religion. ̃পিতা n. one solemnly accepted as father by a person other than one's children; (loos.) a godfather. ̃পিপাসা n. a strong desire for learning religious truths, thirst for religion. ̃পিপাসু a. desirous of learning religious truths, thirsty of religion. ̃পুত্র, (coll. corrup.) ̃পুত্তুর n. (loos.) a godson; a son of Yama (যম) the god of piety; an appellation of Yudhisthira of the Mahabharata; (sarcas.) one who poses to be a profoundly pious or truthful man; sanctimonious. ধর্মপুত্র যুধিষ্ঠির (sarcas.) a profoundly pious or truthful man, a sanctimonious person. ̃পুস্তক same as ধর্মগ্রন্হ । ̃প্রচার n. preaching of religion; religious preaching or propaganda; evangelization; evangelism. ধর্মপ্রচার করা v. to preach religion; to evangelize. ̃প্রচারক a. preaching religion; evangelizing. n. a religious preacher; an evangelist. ̃প্রধান a. chiefly guided by religion or religious principles; religious-minded, devout. ̃প্রবক্তা n. a prophet. ̃প্রবণ a. having propensity towards religion; religiousminded. ̃প্রবনতা n. leaning towards religion; religious-mindednesss. ̃প্রবর্তক n. the founder of a religion. ̃প্রাণ a. counting or regarding religion as precious as one's life; profoundly devout. ̃প্রাণতা n. act of counting religion as precious as one's life; profound devoutness. ̃বন্ধন n. the bond of religion; a sacred or solemn bond or tie; the holy bondage of being members of the same religious community. ̃বন্ধু n. a friend or servant of religion; a friend or helper in religious matters. ̃বল n. force of piety or virtuousness. ̃বাণী n. a word or teaching of religion; a holy word; an evangel, a gospel. ̃বিধান, ̃বিধি n. a religious law or rule; a sacred law; a scriptural injunction or prescription. ̃বিপ্লব n. a revolution in the world of religion; a great religious change, a religious revolution. ̃বিরুদ্ধ, ̃বিরোধী a. hostile to religion or piety; irreligious or impious, ungodly. ̃বিশ্বাস n. a religious faith, a creed; faith in religion. ̃বিশ্বাসী a. having faith in a particular religion or creed; following a particular creed; having faith in religion; virtuous, pious, godly. ̃বুদ্ধি n. virtuous or pious or just thought or intention; conscientiousness, conscionableness; good conscience. ̃বৃদ্ধ n. a religious or ecclesiastical elder; a member of a priesthood, a father. ̃ভয় n. fear of God; religious qualm. ̃ভগিনী n. one solemnly accepted as a sister by a person other than one's brother or sister; a female disciple of the same teacher; a member of a sisterhood, a nun, a sister. ̃ভাই coll. form of ধর্মভ্রাতা । ̃ভীরু a. God-fearing. ̃ভীরুতা n. God-fearing conduct or nature. ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. gone astray from the religious or righteous course; fallen from one's religious belief. ̃ভ্রাতা n. one solemnly accepted as a brother by a person other than one's brother or sister; a disciple of the same teacher or preceptor; a member of a brotherhood or sect or faith; a brother. ̃মঙ্গল n. a long poem narrating the glory of Dharmathakur (ধর্মঠাকুর). ̃মত n. a religious tenet or doctrine. ̃মন্দির n. a house of worship, a temple, a shrine. ̃ময় a. full of piety; devout or pious. ̃মা, ̃মাতা n. one solemnly accepted as mother by a person other than one's child. ̃মূলক a. concerning religion, religious. ̃যাজক n. an ecclesiastic; a clergyman; a priest. ̃যুদ্ধ n. a war for the cause of religion, (cp.) a crusade, a holy war. ̃যোদ্ধা n. one fighting for the cause of religion, (cp.) a crusader; a holy warrior. ̃রক্ষা n. defence of religion; preservation of one's religion or piety; preservation of chastity (স্ত্রীলোকের ধর্মরক্ষা). ̃রাজ n. the lord of justice; an appellation of Yudhisthira of the Mahabharata or that of Yama (যম) or Dharmathakur (ধর্মঠাকুর) or Buddha. ̃রাজ্য n. a state or kingdom administered with scrupulous justice, a realm of justice; a state or kingdom founded on religion or piety, a holy state. ̃রাষ্ট্র n. a theocratic state. ̃লক্ষণ n. any one of the (ten) characteristic signs of piety or virtuousness. ̃লোপ n. destruction or extinction of religion or piety; profanation of one's religion; ravishment of (a woman's) chastity. ̃শালা n. a guesthouse where pilgrims and travellers are accommodated temporarily at a low cost or free of cost; (ori.) a court of justice. ̃শাসন n. a religious or scriptural edict; administration of justice; lawful judgment; rule of the ecclesiastics, theocracy. ̃শাস্ত্র n. scripture. ̃শাস্ত্রব্যবসায়ী n. a dealer in religious books and scriptures; an expounder and teacher of scriptures, a scribe. ̃শাস্ত্রানুমত a. conforming to or as prescribed by scriptures. ̃শিক্ষক n. a religious teacher or preceptor. ̃শিক্ষা n. religious education or teaching. ̃শীল a. pious, virtuous. ̃সংস্কার n. religious reformation; a holy sacrament. ̃সংস্কারক n. a religious reformer. ̃সংস্হাপন n. introduction or founding of a religion; firm establishment of a religion; rejuvenation or reinforcement or restoration of a religion. ̃সংহিতা n. a religious code, a book of holy laws. ̃সংগত same as ধর্মসম্মত । ̃সংগীত n. a devotional song or hymn, a psalm. ̃সভা n. a religious gathering or congress or convention or congregation or society. ̃সম্প্রদায় n. a religious community, a religious group or sect. ̃সম্মত a. conforming to the rules and prescription of religion or piety; pious, virtuous; rightful; just. ̃সাক্ষী a. having or claiming the god of piety as witness. n. an oath in the name of the god of piety. ধর্মসাক্ষী করে বলা to take an oath in the name of God, to take a solemn oath. ̃সাধন n. practice of virtue or religion. ̃হানি same as ধর্মনাশ । ̃হীন a. godless, ungodly, irreligious, impious; blasphemous. ̃হীনতা n. ungodliness; impiety. 17)
(p. 831) manḍala a circular or spherical area; a sphere, a circle, a ring, an orb, a globe (ভূমন্ডল, দিঙ্মন্ডল); an area; a region (নক্ষত্রমন্ডল); an empire, a vast territory or kingdom; a country; a district, a village, a locality, a zone (বজ্রমন্ডল); a community (প্রজামন্ডল); an assemblage, a congregation (মন্ত্রিমন্ডল, ভক্তমন্ডল); (geom.) a group; a village headman; a headman, a leader. ̃পট্ট n. (phys.) a zone plate. মন্ডল পরিদর্শক n. a circle inspector. মন্ডলাকার a. circular, spherical, round, globular. মন্ডলী n. a collection, a multitude; a community; an assemblage; a congregation; a circle (মন্ডলী করে বসা). মন্ডলীকৃত a. formed into a circle or coil. মন্ডলেশ্বর n. a paramount ruler (esp. of a vast territory); an emperor. 15)
(p. 847) mahā2 used as a pfx. implying all the meanings of মহত্, মহান and মহতী । ̃কবি n. a great poet; an epic poet. ̃করণ n. the secretariat (of the government); the secretariat building or buildings. ̃কর্ষ n. (phys.) gravitation. ̃কর্ষাঙ্ক n. gravitation constant. ̃কর্ষীয় a. gravitational. মহাকর্ষীয় একক a gravitational unit. ̃কাব্য n. (ori.) a narrative poem consisting of more than eight cantos depicting the whole life of a hero born of a god or born with divine grace in him; (pop.) an epic; (rare) great poetry or a great poem. ̃কাব্যীয় a. epical, epic. ̃কায় a. having a huge body; huge, monstrous, colossal. ̃কাল n. (myth.) a terribly destructive manifestation of Shiva (শিব); eternity; time to come, the future. fem. ̃কালী a terribly destructive manifestation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃কাশ n. (sc.) the firmament beyond the solar region, the stellar sky, the outer space; (pop.) the vast endless sky. ̃কাশচারণা n. space-travel. ̃কাশচারী n. a spaceman, an astronaut. fem. ̃কাশচারিণী a spacewoman. ̃কাশযান n. a spacecraft. ̃গুরু n. any one of the most venerable persons, namely, father, mother, the religious initiator and husband. ̃জন n. a very virtuous or great man; an illustrious man; a great merchant or stockist or wholesaler; a creditor; a usurer, a money lender; any one of the mediaeval poets who composed kirtan (কীর্তন) songs about Radha (রাধা) and Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). ̃জনি n. usury, money-lending. a. relating to usury or money-lending; usurious. মহাজনি করা v. to practise usury, to act as a money-lender. মহাজনি-কারবার n. money-lending business; banking. ̃জাগতিক a. cosmic. ̃জাগতিক রশ্মি cosmic ray. ̃জ্ঞান n. knowledge about reality, the final knowledge; the occult knowledge by dint of which a dead man can be brought back to life. ̃জ্ঞানী n. (ori.) possessing knowledge about ultimate reality; profoundly wise. ̃ঢ্য a. very rich or wealthy. ̃তপা a. & n. one who has practised or is still practising severest ascetical austerities. ˜তেজ n. great spirit or vigour; great heat. ̃তেজস্বী, ̃তেজা a. highly spirited or vigorous. fem. ̃তেজস্বিনী । ̃ত্মা a. highsouled; very high-minded or noble. n. an appellation of Gandhi, the great leader of India. ̃দেব n. a great god; Shiva (শিব) fem. ̃দেবী a great goddess; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); a title of a chief queen. ̃দেশ n. a continent; (rare) a great or noble country. ̃দেশীয় a. continental. ̃দ্যুতি a. of great splendour, very bright or radiant or effulgent. ̃দ্রাবক n. sulphuric acid. ̃ধনবান, ̃ধনী a. very wealthy or rich. ̃ধমনী n. the aorta. ̃ধর্মাধিকরণ n. the High Court. ̃নগর, ̃নগরী n. a great city; a metropolis, a capital. ̃নগরীয় a. metropolitan. ̃নট n. a great dancer or actor. ̃নন্দ n. great or exhilarating joy or delight. ̃নবমী n. the ninth lunar day of the light fortnight of the month of Aswin (আশ্বিন) or Kartik (কার্তিক) which is the fourth day of the autumnal worship of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃নাগরিক n. the mayor; (rare) a great citizen. ̃নাদ n. a terrible or very loud sound or report or roar. ̃নিদ্রা n. sleep that knows no breaking; death. ̃নির্বাণ n. (Buddhism) cessation of individual existence, nirvana; the death of Buddha. ̃নিশা n. midnight, night far advanced, the dead of night, the dead hours of the night. মহানুভব, মহানুভাব a. highminded, magnanimous, large-hearted. মহানুভবতা n. high-mindedness. ̃পদ্ম n. & a. hundred billion. ˜পাতক n. a deadly sin. ̃পাতকী a. guilty of one or more deadly sins. ̃পাত্র n. the chief counsellor of a state, the prime minister; (loos.) a court-counsellor or courtier of the highest rank. ̃পাপ same as ̃পাতক । ̃পাপিষ্ঠ, ̃পাপী same as ̃পাতকী । fem. ̃পাপিষ্ঠা, ̃পাপিনী । ̃পুরুষ n. a man with supernatural powers; a saint who has attained knowledge about God and reality and power to look upon the world dispassionately; a high-souled man; a superman. ̃পূজা n. a solemn worship. ̃প্রভু n. a great master or saint or prophet; an appellaton of Chaitanya (চৈতন্য). ̃প্রয়াণ n. voluntary journey to court one's death; death. ̃প্রয়াণ করা v. to set out voluntarily to court one's death; to die. ̃প্রলয় n. complete dissolution of the universe; a universal cataclysm. ̃প্রসাদ n. a part of the food-offering to Jagannath at Puri taken by devotees as a mark of the deity's grace; the highest divine grace; offering or altarage to deities; meat-offering to a deity. ̃প্রস্হান same as মহাপ্রয়াণ । ̃প্রাণ a. large-hearted, magnanimous; (gr.) aspirate. n. (gr.) an aspirate. ̃প্রাণতা n. large-heartedness, magnanimity; (gr.) aspiration. ̃প্রাণী n. life conceived as having an existence independent of the body, (cp.) atman, the soul. ̃বল a. very powerful; strong, mighty. ̃বাক্য n. a saying of a great man, a great saying or maxim. ̃বাহু a. having very long and mighty arms; very strong, mighty. ̃বিক্রম a. possessing great prowess or valour. ̃বিদ্যা n. any one of the ten manifestations of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); (facet.) the art of stealing. ̃বিদ্যালয় n. a college. ̃বিষুব n. the vernal equinox. ̃বিষুবরেখা n. the line of the vernal equinox. ̃বিষুবসংক্রান্তি n. the transition of the sun in the Aries; the day of the aforesaid transition. ̃বীর n. a great hero; the great Jaina preacher. ̃বৈদ্য n. a great or chief physician; (sarcas.) a charlatan, a quack. ̃বোধি n. an embodiment of the highest or final knowledge; an appellation of Gautama Buddha; highest or final knowledge. ̃ব্যবহারদেশক n. attorney-general. ̃ব্যাধি same as রোগ । ̃ভাগ a. very lucky or fortunate; high-minded, magnanimous, noble-minded; endowed with noble human qualities. ̃ভাব n. the ecstatic state caused by profundity of love, devotion etc. ̃ভুজ same as ̃বাহু । ̃মন্ডল n. a great guild or association or concourse. ̃মতি, ̃মনা a. high-minded, magnanimous; high-souled. ̃মন্ত্র n. a great mantra or incantation; very sacred words of initiation (দেশসেবার মহামন্ত্র). ̃মন্ত্রী n. the prime minister; (euph.) a great minister. ̃মহিম, ̃মহিমান্বিত a. highly glorious or majestic, most excellent. fem. ̃মহিমান্বিতা । ̃মহোপাধ্যায় n. a teacher of great teachers or scholars; an official title given to distinguished Sanskrit scholars. ̃মাংস n. human flesh taken as food, human meat. ̃মাত্য n. the prime minister. ̃মাত্র n. the prime minister; the chief courtier; the chief executive of the government. ̃মান্য a. highly venerable or honourable. ̃মান্য পোপ His Holiness the Pope (whilst addressing the Pope: Your Holiness). ̃মায়া n. (phil.) illusion, the material world or nature; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃মায়াচ্ছন্ন a. overwhelmed with or enveloped in (divine) illusion; selfobliviously enmeshed in worldly affairs. ̃মারী n. a devastating epidemic, a pestilence, a plague. ̃মারী কান্ড (usu. facet.) a great affair, a tumultuous affair. ̃মারী-পীড়িত pestilence-stricken. ̃মুনি n. a great ascetic or sage. ̃মূল্য a. of great value; very costly, dear. ̃যশা a. very famous, highly and widely celebrated or renowned. যাত্রা same as ̃প্রয়াণ । ̃যান n. one of the two communities of the Buddhists (cp. হীনযান). ̃যুদ্ধ n. a great war; (loos.) a world war. ̃যোদ্ধা n. a great warrior, a great soldier. ̃যোগী n. a great ascetic. ̃রণ্য n. a large and dense forest. ̃রথ (inc.) ̃রথী n. (ori.) one who commands a host of charioted fighters; (loos.) a great warrior fighting from on a chariot. ̃রণ n. a great war or battle. ̃রাজ n. a great king; an emperor; a great ascetic. ̃রাজা n. a government title awarded to the feudal princes, zamindars, rich citizens etc. of India during the British regime, a maharaja. ̃রাজাধিরাজ n. a king of kings, an emperor; a title conferred on a big landowner during the British regime. ̃রাজ্ঞী n. fem. the wife of a great king; a great queen; an empress. ̃রানা (rej.) ̃রাণা n. the title of the rulers of Udaipur (or Chitore). ̃রানি n. the wife of a great king, a great queen; an empress; the wife of a maharana (মহারানা); the wife of a maharaja. ̃রাত্রি n. midnight; a solemn night (কালীপূজার মহারাত্রি); a terrible night (মৃত্যুর মহারাত্রি). ̃রাষ্ট্রীয় a. of Maharashtra, Maharashtrian. ̃রুদ্র n. an awesome manifestation of Shiva (শিব). ̃রোগ n. an almost incurable and (usu. obnoxious) disease; leprosy; an inveterately bad habit or mannerism. ̃র্ঘ, ̃র্ঘ্য a. precious; costly; high-priced, dear. মহার্ণব n. an ocean; a great sea. মহার্হ same as ̃র্ঘ । ̃লয়া n. the new-moon day immediately preceding the autumnal worship of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃শক্তি Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); great strength or power or prowess. ̃শক্তিধর, ̃শক্তিশালী a. having great strength or power or prowess. fem. ̃শক্তিশালিনী । ̃শঙ্খ n. a dead man's skull; an enormous conch. n. & a. thousand billions. ˜শয় a. high-minded, magnanimous; high-souled. n. a term of courtesy affixed to the name of a gentleman, (cp.) Mr. (fem. Mrs.), Sir (fem. Madam). fem. ̃শয়া । ̃শূন্য same as ̃কাশ । ̃ষ্টমী n. the eighth lunar day of the light fortnight of the month of Aswin (আশ্বিন) or Kartik (কার্তিক) which is the third day of autumnal worship of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃সংকট n. a great crisis. ̃সত্ত্ব a. having great strength; very noble or magnanimous; highsouled. ̃সভা n. great meeting or association; a (representative) legislative assembly, a parliament; a congress. ̃সমারোহে adv. with much pomp and grandeur. ̃সমুদ্র, ̃সাগর n. an ocean. আটলানটিক বা অতলান্তিক মহাসাগর the Atlantic (Ocean). উত্তর মহাসাগর the Arctic Ocean. দক্ষিণ মহাসাগর the Antarctic Ocean. প্রশান্ত মহাসাগর the Pacific (Ocean). ভারত মহাসাগর the Indian Ocean. ̃সাগরীয় a. oceanic. ̃সামন্ত n. a commander-in-chief; a great general. ̃সিন্ধু same as ̃সমুদ্র । ̃সুযোগ n. the best chance, the greatest chance. ̃সুখ n. a great pleasure. ̃স্হবির n. one belonging to the highest order of Buddhist monks. 24)
(p. 1047) hari Narayana (নারায়ণ), Vishnu (বিষ্ণু), Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). a. yellow or auburn. হরি ঘোষের গোয়াল (lit.) the cowhouse of Hari Ghosh; (fig. & facet.) a place where noise and confusion reign; a pandemonium. হরির লুট scattering of বাতাসা, that is, sweet drops, in honour of Lord Hari for the congregation of devotees to pick up. হরি হরি O Hari! O Hari! (uttered to express amazement, disgust etc.) ̃গুণগান n. act of singing the glory of Lord Hari. ̃চন্দন see চন্দন । ̃জন n. (lit.) Lord Hari's people or flock; (pop.) the depressed classes amongst Hindus or a member of these classes. ̃তাল n. yellow orpiment. ̃তাল-ভস্ম n. the calx of yellow orpiment. ধ্বনি n. a loud shouting of the name of Lord Hari. ̃নাম করা v. to utter (repeatedly) the name of Lord Hari in devotion. ̃নামের ঝোলা বা ঝুলি a bag to hold the rosary of beads which keep count of the number of times the name of Lord Hari is repeated by a devotee. ̃নামের মালা rosary of beads which keep count of the number of times the name of Lord Hari is uttered by a devotee. ̃প্রেম n. attachment or devotion to Lord Hari. ̃বাসর n. any eleventh lunar day of a fortnight which is a day of fast; (facet.) fasting. ̃বাসর করা v. (facet.) to go without food. to fast. ̃বোল n & int. a loud shouting of this word meaning 'shout the name of Lord Hari'. ˜ভক্ত a. devoted to or worshipping Lord Hari. n. a devotee of Lord Hari; a Vaishnava. ̃ভক্তি n. devotion to Lord Hari. ̃ভক্তি উবে যাওয়া v. (idiom.) to have one's high esteem or confidence lost. ̃মটর n. fast, fasting; going without food. ̃মটর করা v. (facet.) to dine with Duke Humphrey or with Democritus, to enjoy Barmecide's feast, to tighten one's belt, to go without food. ̃সংকীর্তন n. singing in chorus in praise of Lord Hari; a song thus sung. ̃সভা n. an assembly to discuss the glory of Lord Hari. ̃হর n. Lord Hari and Lord Hara or Shiva (শিব). ̃হরাত্মা a. (usu. of two friends) inseparably united (like Lord Hari and Lord Hara in one body), (having) one soul and one mind, bosom. 19)
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