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assembly দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 22) adhyakṣa manager; a chief executive; a superintendent, an officer in charge; a principal (of a college or institution); a lord or a master (দুর্গাধ্যক্ষ); a president or speaker (of a legislative assembly). ̃তা n. the post or office or function of a chief executive; superintendentship; superintendence; overlordship or mastership; principalship; presidentship; presidency; speakership. 13)
অভ্যাগত, অভ্যাগতজন
(p. 69) abhyāgata, abhyāgatajana a guest; a visitor, a caller. অভ্যাগতসমাগম n. arrival or assemblage or gathering of guests or visitors. 7)
(p. 95) āina a law; an act; a regulation; an ordinance; a statute; a rule; a system; the whole code of laws, the law. আইন করা v. to enact a law; to pass a bill; to legislate; to make a rule. দেওয়ানি আইন civil law. ফৌজদারি আইন criminal law. সামরিক আইন martial law. আইন-উপদেষ্টা n. one who advises on legal points, a legal adviser; counsel. ̃-কানুন n. pl. rules and regulations. ̃গত a. legal; statutory. ̃গ্রন্হ n. a law-book. ̃জীবী, ̃-ব্যবসায়ী n. a legal practitioner; a pleader, an advocate, a barrister, an attorney, a solicitor, etc., a lawyer. ̃জ্ঞ a. versed in law. n. a jurist. ̃ত adv. according to or in keeping with the law or laws, legally or lawfully. ̃-পরিষদ. n. a legislative council; a legislature. ̃-প্রণয়ন n. enactment; legislation. ̃-প্রণেতা. n. a legislator; a lawgiver. ̃মন্ত্রক n. the ministry of law. ̃মন্ত্রী, ̃সচিব n. a law-minister. ̃মাফিক a. & adv. same as আইনানুযায়ী । ˜শাস্ত্র n. jurisprudence; the whole code of laws, the law; a law-book. ̃সংগত, ̃সম্মত a. lawful; legitimate. ̃-সভা n. a legislative assembly; a legislature. আইনানুগ a. law-abiding; lawful; legitimate. আইনানুযায়ী adv. according to or in keeping with the law, legally or lawfully. a. legal; lawful. আইনানুসারে same as আইনানুযায়ী (adv.) 7)
(p. 99) ākhaḍ়ā a gymnasium; a place or institution where people assemble to practise anything esp. music, play-acting, etc.; a place where the Vaishnavas assemble for religious worship; (facet.) a club or society; (dero.) a haunt of vice, a den. ̃ই n. dramatic rehearsal. ̃ধারী n. the headman or the keeper of a place where the Vaishnavas assemble for religious worship. 45)
(p. 107) āḍḍā a dwelling-place, a habitat; a haunt; a (fixed or permanent) meetingplace, a rendezvous; a place or institution for practising anything (গানের আ়ড্ডা); a club; a company of informal and friendly talkers, their meetingplace or talk; a place for assemblage, a station or stand (গাড়ির আ়ড্ডা). আড্ডা গাড়া v. to take up abode (usu. permanently) to settle. আড্ডা দেওয়া, আড্ডা মারা v. to join in an assembly of idle talkers; to indulge in informal and friendly talk with others. ̃ধারী n. the keeper or the chief person of a club; a regular clubgoer. ̃বাজ a. fond of indulging in idle talk with others or of haunting clubs where such talk is indulged in. 3)
(p. 121) āmadāni (comm.) import; income; gathering (লোকের আমদানি); onrush, assemblage (বহুলোকের আমদানি); attack (রোগের আমদানি). আমদানি করা v. (comm.) to import; (in other cases) to bring. আমদানি বাণিজ্য n. import trade. আমদানি শুল্ক n. import duty. 8)
ইদ, ঈদ
(p. 138) ida, īda one of the chief Muslim festivals, Id. ইদগা, ঈদগা n. the place or building where Muslims assemble to say prayer, esp. on the occasion of Id. 7)
(p. 162) upacaẏa a collection, an assemblage, a multitude; prosperity; improvement; nourishment; increase of value (of property), appreciation; (astrol.) the third, sixth, tenth and eleventh houses of the astrological zodiac. 11)
(p. 168) upashita arrived or assembled in the place in question; present; now existing, current; impending. উপস্হিত করা v. to bring in, to usher; to propose or introduce. উপস্হিত থাকা v. to be present; to exist, to be current. উপস্হিত হওয়া v. to put in or make an appearance, to appear, to come, to arrive; to assemble; to be present; to be current. ̃বক্তা n. one who can deliver an extempore speech, an extemporizer. ̃বুদ্ধি n. presence of mind, ready wit. a. readywitted. উপস্হিতি n. arrival; assemblage; presence; attendance; existence at present, currency. উপস্হিতি-নিবন্ধ n. an attendance register. 8)
(p. 178) ēka one. n. & pro. one or single person or individual (দেশোদ্ধার একের কাজ নয়). □ a. only one; a certain (একসময়); completely full or filled or packed or covered (একবাড়ি লোক, একমুখ দাড়ি); same, one and the same (এক মায়ের সন্তান); united ('যত ভাই বোন এক হউক '); amalgamated; joined (দুই হাত এক করা); mixed (চালেডালে এক করা); one and only one (ঈশ্বর এক ও অভিন্ন); one of a number, a (রবীন্দ্রনাথ বিশ্বের এক শ্রেষ্ঠ কবি); unchanging, fixed (সেই এক গোঁ, ভদ্রলোকের এক কথা); concentrated ((একমনে). ̃আধ a. a few; sparse; scanty; rare. এক আঁচড়ে see আঁচড় । একই a. same; very same, one and the same. এক-এক a. some, one by one (এক-এক করে), certain (এক-এক দিন). একক a. alone, unaccompanied. n. the first figure from the right of an arithmetical number; (math.) a unit. এককড়া see কড়া । ̃কণা n. very little, a very small amount. ̃কথায় in a word. ̃কলমী n. a columnist who writes only one column of a newspaper. ̃কাটা, ̃কাট্টা pop. var. of একাট্টা । ̃কালীন a. done or to be done only once, given or to be given only once, at a time; simultaneous; contemporary. এককালীন অনুদান a lump grant, non-recurring grant. ̃কালে adv. at one time, once upon a time; at one and the same time, simultaneously. ̃কাঁড়ি a. a lot of, a heap of. ̃কেন্দ্রিক, ̃কেন্দ্রী, ̃কেন্দ্রীয় a. concentric. ̃গঙ্গা a. filled or full to the brim, full, replete (একগঙ্গা জল). ̃গর্ভপত্রী n. monocarpellary. ̃গলা a. up to the throat or chin. ̃-গা a. covering the whole of the body (এক-গা গয়না, এক-গা খোস). ̃গাদা a. a heap of; a great number or collection of (একগাদা লোক). ̃গাল a. a mouthful of. n. a mouthful. ̃গুঁয়ে a. obstinate, obdurate, stubborn; wilful, wayward; disobedient, indocile; indomitable. ̃গুঁয়েমি n. obstinacy; wilfulness, waywardness; disobedience, indocility, stubbornness, indomitableness. ̃ঘরে a. ostracized; cast out of society. একঘরে ব্যক্তি an outcast. ̃ঘাত a. linear. ̃ঘাত সমীকরণ a linear equation. ̃ঘেয়ে a. monotonous; hackneyed. ̃ঘেয়েমি n. monotony; hackneyedness. ̃চত্বারিংশ a. forty-first. ̃চত্বারিংশত্ a. & n. forty-one. ˜চত্বারিংশত্তম a. forty-first. fem. ̃চত্বারিংশত্তমী । ̃চর a. moving alone (cp. segregarious); shunning company. ̃চল্লিশ a. & n. forty-one. ˜চালা a. having only one slanting roof. n. such a hut or shed. ̃চিত্ত a. absorbedly attentive, intent, concentrated. ̃চুল a. hairbreadth, very slight, negligible (একচুল ব্যবধান), adv. in the least. ̃চেটিয়া (coll.) ̃চেটে a. monopolistic. একচেটিয়া অধিকার monopoly. ̃চোখো a. one-eyed, single-eyed; looking in one direction only; partial; prejudiced, biased; preferential. ̃চোখোমি n. partiality; prejudice; bias; preferential treatment. ̃চোট adv. enough or too much at a stroke or at one time. ̃চোটে adv. without break or respite (একচোটে বলা বা করা); with one stroke or attempt (একচোটে জিতে নেওয়া); simultaneously (একচোটে সবাইকে বকা). ̃চ্ছত্র a. paramount, sovereign; brought under one rule ('একচ্ছত্র করিবে ধরণী'). ̃ছুটে adv. at a single run. ̃জাই adv. repeatedly, over and over again, incessantly, continuously, without stop (একজাই বলা). a. united; assembled, collected. n. sum total (বাত্সরিক আয়ব্যয়ের একজাই). একজাই করা v. to unite; to assemble, to collect. ̃জিদ্দি a. same as একগুঁয়ে । ̃জোট a. united; assembled. ̃জোটে adv. in a body, in concert, unitedly. ̃জ্বরি n. remittent fever. a. suffering from remittent fever. ̃টা, ̃টি a. one; only one, not more than one; one particular (একটা পরামর্শ আছে) n. pro. any one (একটা হলেই হল). একটা-কিছু, একটা-কোনো a. existent but not known or determinate, some (একটা-কিছু খুঁত আছে). pro. & n. something (একটা-কিছু চাই). একটাদুটো a. only a few, of a negligible number. ˜টানা a. pointed or moving in one direction only; continually onward; continuous, continual; incessant, nonstop (একটানা বৃষ্টি); monotonous. adv. in one direction only; continually onward; continuously; continually; incessantly, without break; monotonously. একটি মাত্র a. only one; one and one only. ̃টু, ̃টুকু a. & adv. only a little; just a little; a little. একটু একটু করে adv. little by little, bit by bit; slowly but gradually. ̃টেরে a. curved a little; leaning to one side, slanting; (of judgment etc.) one-sided, partial, ex parte. a. & adv. lying apart; keeping aloof. ̃তন্ত্রী a. (of musical instruments) one stringed; unanimous; under one and the same rule. n. a one-stringed musical instrument, a monochord. ̃তম a. (super.) one of or amongst more than two. ̃তর a. (compar.) one of two, either. ̃তরফা a. ex parte; partial; onesided. ̃তলা n. the ground floor (of a building or a multi-decked vehicle). a. one-storeyed; one-decked, singledecked. একতলা গাড়ি a single decker. ̃তলীয় a. coplanar. ̃তান n. a harmonious note; harmony; concert. a. harmonious; concerted; closely attentive, concentrated. ̃তানমনা a. closely attentive, rapt in attention; intent. ̃তারা n. a variety of monochord (chiefly used by the Vaishnaya singers). ̃তালা1 var. of একতলা । ̃তালা2 ̃তাল n. an Indian musical measure. ̃তিল see তিল । ̃ত্রিংশ a. thirty-first. ̃ত্রিংশত্ a & n. thirty-one. ˜ত্রিংশত্তম a. thirty-first. fem. ̃ত্রিংশত্তমী । ̃ত্রিশ a. & n. thirty-one. ˜দন্ত a. having but one tooth, one-toothed, singletoothed. ̃দম adv. at all; in the least; completely, thoroughly, utterly. ̃দমে adv. in one breath; without stop. ̃দল a. monocotyledonous. ̃দিন adv. one day, someday; one day or other (একদিন না একদিন); once, once upon a time; at one time in the past; in the past. n. a glorious time or period (esp. one that has passed away). একদিন অন্তর একদিন every other day, every alternate day. ̃দৃষ্টি, (poet.) ̃দিঠি a. looking fixedly, gazing. ̃দৃষ্টে adv. with a fixed look, gazingly. ̃দেশ n. a part or portion or division (esp. of a country); a region. ̃দেশদর্শিতা n. act of viewing partially; partiality; narrow-mindedness, illiberality; bias; prejudice; want of foresight. ̃দেশদর্শী a. viewing partially; partial; narrow-minded, illiberal; biased; prejudiced; lacking in foresight. ̃দেশীয় a. of or living in the same country. ̃দৌড়ে adv. at a run. ̃ধাতুমান n. (econ.) monometallism. ̃নবতি a. & n. ninety-one. ˜নবতিতম a. ninety-first. fem. ̃নবতিতমী ।̃নলা, ̃নলি a. (chiefly of a gun) single-barrelled, onebarrelled. ̃নাগাড়ে adv. at a stretch, continuously. নায়ক n. (pol.) an autoccrat or a dictator. ̃নায়কতন্ত্র n. autocracy or dictatorship. ̃নায়কতান্ত্রিক a. autocratic or dictatorial. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. devoted to or engaged in only one thing, singleminded or single-acting; absorbedly attentive, intent. fem. ̃নিষ্ঠা । ̃নিষ্ঠতা n. devotion to or engagement in only one thing, single-mindedness. এক পক্ষে adv. viewing from one angle; in a way; somewhat. ̃পঞ্চাশ, ̃পঞ্চাশত্ a. & n. fifty-one. ˜পঞ্চাশত্তম a. fifty-first. fem. একপঞ্চাশত্তমী । একপত্নীক a. mas. having one wife (at a time), monogamous. ̃পদীকরণ n. (gr.) unification of several words into a compound word, formation of a compound word. ̃পাটি n. one of a pair; one set of (teeth). ̃পাদ n. a fourth part, a quarter. a. one-fourth. ̃পার্শ্বিক, ̃পার্শ্বীয় a. one-sided; partial; (bot.) unilateral. ̃পেট n. a bellyful, one's fill. a. bellyful of. adv. to one's fill. ̃পেশে a. leaning or stooping to one side; aslant; one-sided; partial. ̃প্রকার adv. of a sort, in a way, somewhat. a. of a type; of some sort or other. ̃প্রতিসম a. zygomorphic. ̃প্রস্হ a. severe; sufficient, of considerable amount. ̃প্রাণ a. inseparably united. ̃বংশীয়, ̃বংশোদ্ভব a. descended from the same ancestor, consanguine, consanguineous. একবগ্গা coll. corrup. of একবর্গা । ̃বচন see বচন ।̃বর্গা a. obstinate; stubborn, dogged. ̃বয়সী a. of the same age. ̃বর্ণ see বর্ণ । ̃বস্ত্র a. wearing only a single piece of cloth. ̃বস্ত্রে adv. wearing only a single piece of cloth and taking nothing along. ̃বাক্যে adv. with one voice; with one accord, unanimously. ̃বার n. one time. adv. at one time; once. একবারে adv. at a time; at a stroke; thoroughly. ̃বাস same as একবস্ত্র । ̃বিংশ a. twenty-first. ̃বিংশতি a. & n. twenty-one. ˜বিংশতিতম a. twenty-first. fem. ̃বিংশতিতমী । ̃বীজপত্রী a. (bot.) monocotyledonous. ̃বুক a. chest-high; breast-deep. ̃ভাব n. uniformity of state or quality or disposition. ̃ভাবাপন্ন a. uniform in state or quality or disposition; of one mind. ̃ভাবে adv. uniformly; in the same way; without change, unchangingly. ̃ভিতে adv. in one direction; to one side; apart. ̃মত, ̃মতাবলম্বী a. holding the same opinion; agreed; unanimous; holding the same religious faith. ̃মনা a. absorbed; single-minded. ̃মনে with rapt attention; single-mindedly. ̃মাতৃক a. born of one and the same mother, uterine. ̃মাত্র a. only ̃মাত্রা n. one dose; one musical or metrical syllable. ̃মুখীকরণ n. (phys.) rectification. ̃মুখো a. having one direction, one way. ̃মুষ্টি a. a handful of. ̃মেটে, ̃মেটিয়া a. (esp. of a mould or cast or an idol) primed; rough-cast; (fig.) rough-wrought. একমেটে করা v. to prime; to rough-cast; (fig.) to do in a preliminary manner, to rough out. ̃যোগে adv. in a body; unitedly. ̃রকম a. of the same kind, type, nature, appearance etc.; same; similar. adv. in a way, of a sort, somewhat, moderately; on the whole, somehow. ̃রতি, ̃রত্তি a. (lit.) amounting to a rati (রতি1) or .121 grams or 1.875 grains; only a little, a bit of; very small, tiny. ̃রব, ̃রা n. one voice. ̃রূপ same as একরকম । ̃রেখীয় a. (geom.) collinear. ̃রোখা a. obstinate; self-willed, wilful; hot-tempered, quick-tempered, irascible; having designs on one side only (একরোখা চাদর). ̃লহমা n. an instant, a moment; jiffy. ̃লহমায় adv. in an instant, in a moment, in a jiffy. ̃লিঙ্গ n. Shiva (শিব). a. unisexual; (bot.) declinous. ̃লিঙ্গতা n. unisexuality; (bot.) declinism. ̃শিরা n. hydrocele; orchitis. ̃শিরাল a. unicostate. ̃শিলা a. monolithic. ̃শেষ n. excessiveness, overmuchness; (gr.) a system of forming compound words in which only one word is chosen from amongst a group and is modified to represent the whole group. কষ্টের একশেষ trouble beyond measure. নাকালের একশেষ harassed beyond measure. ̃ষট্টি, ̃ষষ্টি a. & n. sixty-one. ˜ষষ্টিতম a. sixty-first, fem. একষষ্টিতমী । ̃সঙ্গে a. in a body, all together; at the same time, simultaneously. ̃সপ্ততি a. & n. seventy-one. ˜সপ্ততিতম a. seventy-first. fem. একসপ্ততিতমী । ̃সূত্রে adv. in one string. ̃স্হানে adv. in or at the same place; in a certain place, somewhere. ̃হাঁটু a. knee-deep. ̃হাত a. measuring one cubit. adv. enough for one time. একহাত নেওয়া v. to pay one out or back, to retaliate; to teach one a lesson. ̃হারা a. slim; of a delicate structure. 14)
(p. 178) ēkatra in or at one place; unitedly; in a body, en bloc. a. assembled or lying in one and the same place; united. একত্রিত same as একত্র (a.). 19)
(p. 182) ēkāṭṭā assembled, collected, combined, united; concerted. 11)
(p. 192) kaṅgrēsa an assembly of delegates, specialists etc. for discussion or settlement of problems; a congress; the legislature of the United States and some other American-type republics, the Congress; the Indian National Congress party, the Congress. কংগ্রেসি a. of or belonging to or following the Indian National Congress. n. a Congressman, a Congress worker. 7)
(p. 202) kabi a poet; a scholar; a philosopher; a kind of song-tournament, this song (cp. strophe and antistrophe), its composer or singer. ̃ওয়ালা n. a composer of songs for a song-tournament; a singer of these songs; the leader of a party competing in a song-tournament. ̃কল্পনা n. a visionary thing; fanciful imagination; a baseless and unreal conception; (rare) poetic imagination. ̃কল্পিত a. visionary; fanciful; baseless and unreal; imagined or invented by a poet. ̃গান n. a kind of song-tournament or duel; a song for this tournament. ̃গুরু n. the first poet; the chief of poets. ̃জনোচিত a. befitting a poet, poetical. কবির লড়াই a kind of song-tournament; a contest of poets. কবিতা n. a poem; a verse; a couplet; poetry. কবিত্ব n. poetical imagination or talent, poetry; poetic quality. কবিত্বপূর্ণ, কবিত্বময় a. full of poetry; full of poetic quality; endowed with a talent for composing poems. কবিত্ব শক্তি n. poetical talent or genius. ̃প্রসিদ্ধি n. any imaginative description of nature originally made by a poet and afterwards repeated by other poets, a poetical convention. ̃বর n. a great poet, a master poet. কবি সম্মেলন n. an assembly or conference of poets. কবীশ n. the chief among poets. 15)
(p. 293) gaṇa a collection, a multitude; a number more than one (used as a sfx. to indicate plurality, e.g. বালকগণ = boys, পুরুষগণ = men); a community, a class; a group; a genus; a species; the common people, the masses; the attendants of Shiva (শিব); a clan, a race, a family; a classification of persons according to the stars predominant at their birth (দেবগণ, নরগণ, রাক্ষসগণ); (in Sanskrit gr.) a classification of verbs (ভ্বাদিগণ). ̃অভ্যুত্থান n. mass rising, mass upheaval, mass revolt. ̃আদালত n. people's court. ̃আন্দোলন n. massmovement. ̃চেতনা n. popular awareness; awakening of the people. ̃তন্ত্র n. a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the elected representatives of the people; democracy; a republic. ̃তন্ত্রী, ̃তান্ত্রিক a. republican; democratic. ̃দেব n. an appellation of Ganesha (গণেশ). ̃দেবতা n. one of a class of subordinate deities; the people conceived as a deity. ̃নাট্য n. people's theatre. ̃নায়ক n. a leader of the people. ̃নাথ ̃পতি n. the lord of the host; an appellation of Ganesha (গণেশ) and also Shiva (শিব). ̃পরিষদ n. a constituent assembly. ̃বিক্ষোভ n. popular unrest, people's agitation. ̃ভোট n. plebiscite. ̃মাধ্যম n. mass media. ̃যুদ্ধ n. people's war. ̃শক্তি n. power of the people, the united strength of the people; the people collectively; the sovereignty of the people. ̃সংগীত n. folk song; group music; song of the masses. ̃সংগ্রাম n. mass struggle. ̃হত্যা n. genocide. 37)
(p. 314) gupta protected or guarded by (মন্ত্রগুপ্ত); hidden; unknown, unseen, invisible; unrevealed (গুপ্ত তত্ত্ব); concealed; mysterious, esoteric (গুপ্ত রহস্য). fem. গুপ্তা । গুপ্ত কথা n. a secret; a mystery. গুপ্ত কথা ফাঁস করা to divulge or let out a secret. গুপ্ত গুহাশ্রয়, গুপ্ত গর্তাশ্রয় a. burrow. ̃ঘাতক n. an assassin. ̃চর n. a spy; a detective, a sleuth. ̃চরবৃত্তি n. espionage, spying. ̃তত্ত্ব n. mysteries. ̃তথ্য n. secret information. ̃ধন n. hidden treasure. ̃বেশ n. a disguise. ̃বেশে adv. in disguise. ̃ব্যাধি n. a vicious disease kept concealed; a venereal disease; (fig.) a vice kept concealed. ̃ভাব n. secrecy or a concealed or unrevealed state; a stealthy or clandestine manner. ̃ভাবে adv. secretly; stealthily. ̃ভোট, ̃মত n. a secret vote or voting, ballot. ̃মন্ত্র n. a secret or mysterious word; a password; (lit.) an esoteric mantra or sacred word. ̃মন্ত্রণা n. secret counsel or conference. গুপ্তমন্ত্রণা সমিতি n. a secret council, a close assembly. ̃রহস্য n. a mystery, a secret. ̃সভা, ̃সমিতি n. a secret council, a close assembly; a secret society. ̃হত্যা n. assassination; a secret murder. গুপ্তহত্যা করা v. to assassinate; to commit a murder in secret. গুপ্তহত্যা প্রকাশ পাবেই murder will out. ̃হত্যাকারী n. an assassin. 10)
(p. 314) gulatāni assemblage in a small party or crowd and indulgence in useless talk. গুলতানি করা, গুলতানি পাকানো, গুনতানি মারা v. to assemble in a small group and indulge in useless talk or discussion. 37)
(p. 314) gulma a bush, a shrub; the spleen; morbid enlargement of the spleen (also গুল্মরোগ); a military station or assemblage; a small division of an army (consisting of 9 elephant-riders, 9 charioteers, 27 horsemen and 45 foot-soldiers). 46)
(p. 321) gōṣṭha a grazing ground, a pasture or pasturage; a meeting-place, an assembly, an association, a society, a club (গোষ্ঠাগার ). ̃গৃহ, গোষ্ঠাগার n. a cowshed; a cow-house, a byre; an association-hall, a society hall, a club-house, a club-room. ̃বিহারী n. an appellation of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) ̃লীলা n. the pastoral activities and sports of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). গোষ্ঠাধ্যক্ষ n. the chief of an assembly or society. 102)
(p. 348) caẏa (chiefly used as a sfx.) a collection, an assemblage, a multitude, a heap (অরাতিচয়); act of collecting or gathering, amassing. 23)
(p. 386) jaṭalā an irregular assemblage of persons debating about or discussing something; an assemblage; a crowd, a multitude; (loos.) hullabaloo. জটলা করা v. to form an assembly, to make a clique. 16)
(p. 386) jaḍ়ō collected, assembled; amassed. জড়ো করা v. to bring together, to assemble, to collect; to amass. জড়ো হওয়া v. to meet together, to assemble, to gather. 34)
(p. 388) jana a person, a man (শতজন); a labourer (জন খাটানো); the common people, the masses, demos (জননেতা). in comp. a person, a head (দশজন, দুজন). জনকল্যাণ n. welfare of the people, masses etc. জন খাটা v. to work as a labourer. জন খাটানো v. to supervise labourers at work, to requisition the service of a labourer. ̃গণ same as ̃সাধারণ । ̃গণনা n. census. ̃গণেশ n. the presiding god of the common people or the proletariat. জনগণের দাবি public demand. ̃গোষ্ঠী n. a clan; a tribe. ̃তা n. an assembly or crowd of persons; a mob; the rabble; (pol.) the proletariat. অবৈধ জনতা an unlawful assembly. ̃নায়ক, ̃নেতা n. a leader of the people; a demagogue. ̃পদ n. any human habitation with distinct boundary lines such as a village or a town, a settlement, a township. ̃পদবধূ n. a prostitute, a whore. জনপালন কৃত্যক civil service. ̃প্রবাদ n. hearsay, a rumour. ̃প্রাণী n. a single person or creature. ̃প্রিয় a. popular. ̃প্রিয়তা n. popularity. ̃বল same as লোকবল । ̃বসতি n. human habitation, habitation. ̃বহুল a. populous, numerously inhabited, thickly populated, congested, crowded. ̃বিরল a. sparsely inhabited or populated; almost desolate. ̃মজুর n. a labourer (chiefly a temporarily hired one). ̃মত n. popular opinion or verdict, public opinion. ̃মানব n. (even) a single human being. ̃মানবহীন a. desolate, totally desolate; lonely, deserted. ̃মুখী a. aimed at the benefit of the people. ̃যুদ্ধ n. people's war. ̃রব n. hearsay; a rumour. ̃লোক n. (myth.) the fifth of the seven heavens which is the abode of pious people after their death. ̃শূন্য a. desolate. ̃শ্রুতি n. hearsay, a rumour. ̃সংখ্যা n. population. ̃সংঘ n. a people's society; a society for public welfare, a social service or welfare institution. ̃সংভরণ n. civil supply. ̃সভা n. mass meeting, public meeting. ̃সমক্ষে adv. publicly, before everybody's eyes, openly. ̃সমষ্টি n. same as জনগণ and জনসাধারণ । ̃সমাজ n. the human society. ̃সমাবেশ n. a gathering (of people, crowds etc.), an assembly, an assemblage of people. ̃সমুদ্র n. (lit.) a sea of people; a great multitude of people, a vast concourse of people. ̃সাধারণ n. the common people; the masses; the public; (pol.) the proletariat. ̃স্বাস্হ্য n. public health. ̃স্রোত n. a stream of people. ̃হিতকর a. beneficial to the public, doing good to the people; philanthropic. ̃হীন a. desolate. জনে জনে one after another; one by one; individually; severally. 5)
(p. 390) jamā (rare) capital or principal money; savings; (book-keeping) deposit; credit or income (জমাখরচ); revenue or the rate of revenue (বার্ষিক তিন টাকা জমা); rented land (তাঁর কাছে আমার কিছু জমা আছে). v. to be saved or accumulated (টাকা জমা); to accrue (সুদ জমা); to collect (ময়লা জমা); to gather, to assemble (লোক জমা); to settle (পলি জমা); to congeal or coagulate, to freeze (দুধ জমা, রক্ত জমা); to become attractive or captivation (আসর বা গান জমা); to be filled with crowd and enthusiasm (সভা জমা). a. accumulated, saved up; accrued; collected; settled or deposited; congealed, coagulated, frozen; that which has become attractive; filled with crowd and enthusiasm. জমা করা v. to accumulate; to amass; to cause to assemble, to collect; to deposit; (book-keeping) to credit. জমা দেওয়া v. to deposit. জমা নেওয়া v. to take as a deposit. জমার দিক (in a book of accounts) the credit side. ̃-ওয়াসিলবাকি n. an account or a statement of accounts of realized and unrealized revenue. ̃খরচ n. (book-keeping) credit and debit, income and expenditure, receipts and payment or disbursements. ̃নবিশ n. an accounts clerk in the receipts branch. ̃বন্দি n. a descriptive rent-roll (usu. drawn up annually). 21)
(p. 390) jamānō to lay or put by, to save up; to hoard; to amass, to accumulate; to cause to assemble, to gather; to freeze, to congeal, to coagulate; to crowd and fill with enthusiasm (সভা জমানো); to make interesting, to arrest attention (গান জমানো). a. saved up; amassed, accumulated; frozen, congealed, coagulated. 25)
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