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collector; দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 133) āharaṇa procurement; collection; amassing, accumulation; compilation; earning; preparation. আহরণী n. an anthology. আহরণীয়, আহর্তব্য a. fit to be procured or collected or amassed or accumulated or earned or prepared. আহর্তা a. one who procures or collects or accumulates or earns or prepares. n. a procurer; a collector; an accumulator; a compiler; one who earns; one who prepares. 42)
(p. 167) upaśulka a toll. উপশুল্ক সংগ্রাহক n. a toll collector. 11)
(p. 204) kara2 a tax; customs, a duty; revenue; a toll; a cess; tribute; rent; a rate. ̃গ্রহ, ̃গ্রহণ n. collection of taxes, customs, revenues etc. ̃গ্রাহক, ̃গ্রাহী a. one who collects taxes, revenue etc. n. a taxcollector, a revenue officer etc. (also see কর3). ̃দাতা n. a taxpayer, a ratepayer, one who pays revenue, rent, tribute etc. ̃নির্ধার n. taxation. ̃নির্ধারণ n. assessment (of taxes). ̃পীড়িত a. chafing or fretting under the burden of high taxation. ̃মুক্ত rent-free, exempt from taxes, duty-free, etc. (also see কর4). ̃যোগ্য a. taxable. 20)
কালেকটর, কালেক্টর
(p. 232) kālēkaṭara, kālēkṭara the official in charge of the administration and revenue collection of a district, a collector. কালেকটরি, কালেক্টরি n. collectorate; collectorship. 28)
গোমশতা, গোমস্তা
(p. 321) gōmaśatā, gōmastā a rent-collector or billcollector or steward (of a landlord, a businessman, a mercantile firm etc.) 58)
(p. 329) ghāṭōẏāla a wharfinger; a guard of an outpost; a collector of toll from pilgrims. fem. ঘাটোয়ালি1 । ঘাটোয়ালি2 n. the profession or post of a wharfinger; land held on condition of service as a wharfinger; fem. of ঘাটোয়াল । 77)
(p. 386) jagāti a tax-collector; an obstacle. 2)
(p. 423) ṭikiṭa a ticket; a postal stamp, a postage-stamp (usu. ডাকটিকিট); nomination of a political party for election. টিকিট কাটা v. to purchase or buy a ticket, to book; to punch a ticket. টিকিট কেনা v. to purchase a ticket, to book; to purchase postage stamps. ̃ঘর n. a booking-office. ̃পরীক্ষক n. a ticket-examiner. ̃বাবু, ̃মাস্টার n. a booking-clerk. ̃সংগ্রাহক n. a ticket-collector. বিনা টিকিটে ভ্রমণ travelling without tickets. 18)
(p. 449) tarapha a direction, a side, an end or extremity; either of two contesting parties (উভয় তরফ); a party; behalf (বাদীর তরফে উকিল); a revenue area, a tansil (তরফ দেবীপুর); a partition or a partner of a landed estate. দার n. the revenuecollector of an area; a partisan. তরফা a. relating to or affecting a party (এক তরফা = ex-parte). 42)
(p. 452) tahasila collected revenue; collection of revenue; a revenue collector's office; a revenue area, a tahsil ̃দার n. a revenue collector, a revenue officer, a tahsilder. ̃দারি n. the post or office of a revenue collector or tahsilder. 27)
(p. 563) nāẏēba an administrator and rent collector of a rent-collecting unit of a landlord's estate. নায়েবি n. the post of this official. a. relating to this official. 49)
(p. 963) saṅkalaẏitā a collector; a compiler; an adder. fem. সংকলয়িত্রী । 17)
(p. 963) saṅgrāhaka a gatherer, a raiser, a collector; a compiler; a culler. fem. সংগ্রাহিকা । 53)
(p. 989) samāhartā a collector; the chief official of a district who collects revenue and acts as a magistrate, a collector, fem. সমাহর্ত্রী । 9)
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