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preparation দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 51) aprastuta not made or prepared; unready, unprepared; embarrassed, out of countenance; inexistent, absent; not related to the subject-matter, irrelevant (অপ্রস্তুত বিষয়ের বর্ণনা) অপ্রস্তুত প্রশংসা n. (rhet.) allegory. অপ্রস্তুত হওয়া v. to become embarrassed, to be disconcerted; to be put out of countenance. অপ্রস্তুতি n. lack of preparation or readiness. 44)
(p. 97) ān̐ṭasān̐ṭa tight, not loose. আঁটসাঁট পোশাক tight-fitting clothes, close-fitting garment. আঁটসাঁট বেঁধে কাজ করা to start (work etc.) with due preparation and precaution and by providing against probable contingency. 11)
(p. 133) āharaṇa procurement; collection; amassing, accumulation; compilation; earning; preparation. আহরণী n. an anthology. আহরণীয়, আহর্তব্য a. fit to be procured or collected or amassed or accumulated or earned or prepared. আহর্তা a. one who procures or collects or accumulates or earns or prepares. n. a procurer; a collector; an accumulator; a compiler; one who earns; one who prepares. 42)
(p. 123) āẏōjaka one who makes preparation for or collects the things necessary for a purpose; one who organises or makes preparation for a function. 24)
(p. 123) āẏōjana preparation; collection of things necessary to serve a purpose; things so collected; making or becoming ready. আয়োজন করা v. to make preparations (for). 25)
(p. 123) āẏōjita that for which necessary things have been collected or preparation has been made; that which has been made ready. 26)
(p. 157) udyata about to, on the point of; ready, prepared; enterprising (উদ্যত কর, জাগ্রত কর'); raised (উদ্যত দণ্ড). fem. উদ্যতা । উদ্যত করা v. to raise; to make enterprising or energetic or active, to energize, to activize. উদ্যত হওয়া v. to be on the point of, to be about to, to be ready or prepared. উদ্যতি n. readiness, preparedness; preparations. 31)
(p. 157) udyama enthusiasm, earnestness; perseverance; enterprise; endeavour, effort; preparation; readiness. ̃নাশ, ̃ভঙ্গ n. failure of enterprise or effort; waste of energy. ̃শীল a. enthusiastic, earnest; persevering; enterprising; energetic; preparing oneself, in the state of getting ready. ̃শীলতা n. enthusiasm, elan; earnestness; perseverance; drive and initiative, push and thrust. ̃হানি same as উদ্যমনাশ । ̃হীন, নিরুদ্যম a. lacking in enterprise, unenterprising; unenthusiastic; lethargic; unpersevering. 32)
(p. 157) udyukta enterprising; endeavouring; persevering; making preparations. 35)
(p. 157) udyōktā one who makes preparations for or gets ready for; one who undertakes an enterprise; one who is on the point of undertaking or is about to undertake. 36)
(p. 157) udyōga act or state of being on the point of; preparation; endeavour, effort; enterprise; assiduity; industry. উদ্যোগ করা বা নেওয়া v. to be on the point of; to make preparations, to get ready; to endeavour; to (be about to) undertake an enterprise. উদ্যোগী a. enterprising; endeavouring; assiduous; on the point of, ready (for). উদ্যোগী হওয়া v. to be on the point of, to get ready for; to undertake an enterprise; to endeavour; to be assiduous; to come forward; to take the initiative. 37)
(p. 311) guḍ়uka a preparation of tobacco mixed with an inferior quality of treacle for smoking in a hubble-bubble or hookah. গুড়ুক খাওয়া, গুড়ুক টানা v. to smoke a hookah or hubble-bubble. 35)
(p. 314) guli2 any small round ball; a globule; a pill (as of medicine); either of the biceps or triceps or either of the hough muscles; a pill or preparation of opium for smoking; a bullet, ammunition. গুলি করা v. to shoot, to fire. গুলি খাওয়া v. to be shot (with a bullet); to smoke opium. ̃খোর a. addicted to smoking opium. n. one who smokes opium, an opiumaddict; an opium-smoker. গুলিখোরি (গুলিখুরি) গল্প fantastic or wholly incredible story, cock-and-bull story. ̃ডাণ্ণ্ডা n. tip-cat. ̃বিদ্ধ a. pierced by a bullet, wounded by a bullet, hit by a bullet. 43)
(p. 345) caṇḍu an intoxicating preparation from opium. চণ্ডু খাওয়া v. to smoke opium. ̃খোর a. & n. one who is addicted to smoking opium. 10)
(p. 347) capa a round-shaped fried preparation usu. of vegetables or meat. 20)
(p. 390) jaradā a preparation of tobacco to be taken or chewed with betel-leaves. a yellow. জরদা-পোলাও n. a kind of sweet pilau coloured with saffron. 46)
(p. 407) jōgāḍ় procurement; obtaining, securing; collection; preparation, arrangement. জোগাড় করা v. to procure; to secure; to collect to make preparations for, to arrange for. জোগাড় করে দেওয়া v. to procure for another, to find for. ̃যন্ত্র n. preparations including procurement of necessary things; securing or procurement esp. by manipulation of resources (চাকরির জোগাড়যন্ত্র), preparations and arrangements. জোগাড়িয়া, (pop.) জোগাড়ে a. & n. one adept in procurement or in getting things; one adept in or employed in making preparations and arrangements; one acting as an assistant; a hodman or hodcarrier. 14)
(p. 457) tāmbula betel-leaf; a preparation of betel-leaves with lime, catechu, areca nut etc. which is chewed as a quid. ̃করঙ্ক n. a box to hold the aforesaid preparation of betel-leaves. ̃বল্লী n. a betel creeper or plant. ̃রাগ n. a red tint on the lips caused by the juice of the aforesaid preparation of betel-leaves as one chews it. তাম্বুলাকার a. cordate. তাম্বুলিক, তাম্বুলী n. a Hindu caste selling betel-leaves; a member of this caste. 2)
(p. 457) tāla6 the fanpalm or palmyra; its fruit; the juice or any preparation made of the juice of the palmyra-fruit (তাল খাওয়া, তাল দিয়ে ভাত মাখা). তাল পড়ছে v. palmyra-fruits are falling (from the tree); (facet.) heavy fisticuffs are being rained (upon). ̃ক্ষীর n. a sweetmeat prepared of the juice of the palmyrafruit. ̃চোঁচ, ̃বাতাসি n. the palm-swift bird. ̃নবমী n. the ninth day of the waxing moon of the month of Bhadra (ভাদ্র). ̃পাখা n. a fan made of a palmyra-leaf. ̃পাতা n. palmyra-leaf (this was formerly used in place of paper to write upon). তালপাতার সেপাই (facet.) a cowardly and sickly or thinbuilt man who introduces himself as a soldier. ̃পুকুর n. a pond surrounded on all sides by fanpalm trees. ̃বৃন্ত n. a stalk with leaves of a palmyra-tree; a fan made of this. ̃শাঁস n. the edible kernel of the stone of a palmyra-fruit. 48)
(p. 470) tōḍ়jōḍ় action for getting or making ready, preparation; arrangements. তোড়জোড় করা v. to make preparation or arrangements for, to take action for getting or making ready. 9)
(p. 633) pām̐ẏatārā act of pacing to find an opportunity to attack or grapple (as in wrestling); act of bragging before commencing to do something; preliminary preparations. পাঁয়তারা কষা v. to pace up and down to find a suitable moment to attack or grapple; to brag before commencing to do something; to make preliminary preparations. 19)
(p. 688) prastuta made; manufactured, formed; prepared, ready. প্রস্তুত করা v. to make, to manufacture, to form; to prepare, to make ready. প্রস্তুত হওয়া v. to be made or manufactured or formed; to get ready. প্রস্তুতি n. making; manufacture, formation; preparation, readiness. 54)
(p. 688) prashāna act of going off or setting out, departure; act of going out; (in drama) exit. প্রস্হান করা v. to go off; to set out; to depart; to go out. প্রস্হানোদ্যত a. on the point of departing or going out, ready to go. প্রস্হানোদ্যোগ n. preparation for departure. 56)
(p. 721) bandōbasta arrangement; preparation; provision; settlement; land settlement; tenure (জমির বন্দোবস্ত); a contract. বন্দোবস্ত করা n. to make arrangements; to make preparations (for); to provide for; to settle; to make a contract (with). বন্দোবস্ত দেওয়া v. to have tenure (of land etc.) settled on oneself. চিরস্হায়ী বন্দোবস্ত (hist.) The Permanent Settlement. 4)
(p. 721) bahbārambha a grand or fussy preparation. বহ্বারম্ভে লঘুক্রিয়া much cry but little wool. 231)
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