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society দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 71) amiśuka shy of society, coy, (of one) avoiding or shunning company; unamiable. 20)
(p. 73) arājaka anarchical; divested of law and order, lawless; disorderly. ̃তা n. absence of government in a society; anarchy; lawlessness and disorder; political or social disorder; turmoil. 51)
(p. 89) asāmājika not pertaining to the society, not in keeping with the rules, formalities and traditions of the (or chiefly a particular) society; unsocial; unsociable, coy, shy; unmannerly. 18)
(p. 99) ākhaḍ়ā a gymnasium; a place or institution where people assemble to practise anything esp. music, play-acting, etc.; a place where the Vaishnavas assemble for religious worship; (facet.) a club or society; (dero.) a haunt of vice, a den. ̃ই n. dramatic rehearsal. ̃ধারী n. the headman or the keeper of a place where the Vaishnavas assemble for religious worship. 45)
আঞ্জুমান, আঞ্জুমন
(p. 104) āñjumāna, āñjumana an association, a society, a club; a meeting. 42)
(p. 126) āsara a gathering, a meeting, a sitting; a party (চায়ের আসর); a function (গানের আসর); a match, a tournament, a competition (খেলার আসর); a field; a society, a club. আসর গরম করা, আসর সরগরম করা v. to brighten up a party. আসর জমেছে v. the party warms up or becomes interesting; the party becomes crowded. আসর জমানো, আসর জাঁকানো same as আসর গরম করা । আসর মাতানো v. to brighten up a party; to make a party ripple with interest. আসরে অবতীর্ণ হওয়া, আসরে নামা v. to make one's appearance before the public or in society; to take the field; to make one's debut. 149)
(p. 136) iṅgabaṅga (of the Bengali language as used by Bengali Anglomaniacs) having a ridiculous mixture of English and Bengali words, phrases, sentences etc.; (of the Bengali society or the people of Bengal) having a ridiculous mixture of what is English and what is Bengali in style, manner, language etc.; (of the people of Bengal) one who has visited England and has become an Anglomaniac. 19)
(p. 159) unnata prosperous, wealthy, well-to-do (উন্নত অবস্হা); fortunate; flourishing; ameliorated, improved; advanced, progressed; uplifted; high, tall, lofty; elevated; raised; great; noble. উন্নত করা v. to raise, to elevate; to develop, to uplift. ̃চরিত্র a. possessing a noble character. ̃দেহ a. possessing a tall body. ̃মনা a. high-minded, high-souled. ̃মস্তক a. holding one's head high; unbending, unyielding; dignified. ̃শির a. same as উন্নতমস্তক । উন্নত সমাজ high society, the upper class; cultured society; progressive society; the well-to-do class. উন্নত সম্প্রদায় an advanced community. ̃হৃদয় same as উন্নতমনা । 8)
(p. 165) upara the top of anything; the upper portion of anything; surface; roof; overhead space. a. upper; upward; extra. prep. up, on, upon, above, over, overhead, upwards. ̃আলা, ̃ওয়ালা a. superior. n. a superior officer; a boss; (fig.) God. উপর-উপর a. superficial, cursory; shallow, not deep; consecutive (উপর-উপর তিন দিন). adv. superficially or cursorily. ̃কার a. of or on the top or surface; upper. ̃চড়া a. disposed to kick up a row, quarrelsome; aggressive, intruding, obtrusive; assaulting on person. ̃চড়াও adv. coming forward to quarrel or assault (esp. without provocation), aggressively, obtrusively. ̃চাল n. (in chess.) a move suggested by a non-playing spectator; a counter-move; (fig.) an action to foil another. ̃চালাক a. superficially (and usu. officiously) cunning, act of parading one's cunning (esp. precociously). ̃তলা n. a higher or upper storey of a building; (fig.) the higher or wealthier or nobler stratum of the society, the upper class. ̃তলায় adv. upstairs; to or in the upper class. ̃তলার a. of or in the upper storey; (fig.) of the upper class. ̃তলার লোক n. the high-ups; man of the upper class. ̃পড়া a. officious, obtrusive, intruding; aggressive. ̃পিঠ n. the opposite face of a thing; antipodes. 21)
(p. 178) ēka one. n. & pro. one or single person or individual (দেশোদ্ধার একের কাজ নয়). □ a. only one; a certain (একসময়); completely full or filled or packed or covered (একবাড়ি লোক, একমুখ দাড়ি); same, one and the same (এক মায়ের সন্তান); united ('যত ভাই বোন এক হউক '); amalgamated; joined (দুই হাত এক করা); mixed (চালেডালে এক করা); one and only one (ঈশ্বর এক ও অভিন্ন); one of a number, a (রবীন্দ্রনাথ বিশ্বের এক শ্রেষ্ঠ কবি); unchanging, fixed (সেই এক গোঁ, ভদ্রলোকের এক কথা); concentrated ((একমনে). ̃আধ a. a few; sparse; scanty; rare. এক আঁচড়ে see আঁচড় । একই a. same; very same, one and the same. এক-এক a. some, one by one (এক-এক করে), certain (এক-এক দিন). একক a. alone, unaccompanied. n. the first figure from the right of an arithmetical number; (math.) a unit. এককড়া see কড়া । ̃কণা n. very little, a very small amount. ̃কথায় in a word. ̃কলমী n. a columnist who writes only one column of a newspaper. ̃কাটা, ̃কাট্টা pop. var. of একাট্টা । ̃কালীন a. done or to be done only once, given or to be given only once, at a time; simultaneous; contemporary. এককালীন অনুদান a lump grant, non-recurring grant. ̃কালে adv. at one time, once upon a time; at one and the same time, simultaneously. ̃কাঁড়ি a. a lot of, a heap of. ̃কেন্দ্রিক, ̃কেন্দ্রী, ̃কেন্দ্রীয় a. concentric. ̃গঙ্গা a. filled or full to the brim, full, replete (একগঙ্গা জল). ̃গর্ভপত্রী n. monocarpellary. ̃গলা a. up to the throat or chin. ̃-গা a. covering the whole of the body (এক-গা গয়না, এক-গা খোস). ̃গাদা a. a heap of; a great number or collection of (একগাদা লোক). ̃গাল a. a mouthful of. n. a mouthful. ̃গুঁয়ে a. obstinate, obdurate, stubborn; wilful, wayward; disobedient, indocile; indomitable. ̃গুঁয়েমি n. obstinacy; wilfulness, waywardness; disobedience, indocility, stubbornness, indomitableness. ̃ঘরে a. ostracized; cast out of society. একঘরে ব্যক্তি an outcast. ̃ঘাত a. linear. ̃ঘাত সমীকরণ a linear equation. ̃ঘেয়ে a. monotonous; hackneyed. ̃ঘেয়েমি n. monotony; hackneyedness. ̃চত্বারিংশ a. forty-first. ̃চত্বারিংশত্ a. & n. forty-one. ˜চত্বারিংশত্তম a. forty-first. fem. ̃চত্বারিংশত্তমী । ̃চর a. moving alone (cp. segregarious); shunning company. ̃চল্লিশ a. & n. forty-one. ˜চালা a. having only one slanting roof. n. such a hut or shed. ̃চিত্ত a. absorbedly attentive, intent, concentrated. ̃চুল a. hairbreadth, very slight, negligible (একচুল ব্যবধান), adv. in the least. ̃চেটিয়া (coll.) ̃চেটে a. monopolistic. একচেটিয়া অধিকার monopoly. ̃চোখো a. one-eyed, single-eyed; looking in one direction only; partial; prejudiced, biased; preferential. ̃চোখোমি n. partiality; prejudice; bias; preferential treatment. ̃চোট adv. enough or too much at a stroke or at one time. ̃চোটে adv. without break or respite (একচোটে বলা বা করা); with one stroke or attempt (একচোটে জিতে নেওয়া); simultaneously (একচোটে সবাইকে বকা). ̃চ্ছত্র a. paramount, sovereign; brought under one rule ('একচ্ছত্র করিবে ধরণী'). ̃ছুটে adv. at a single run. ̃জাই adv. repeatedly, over and over again, incessantly, continuously, without stop (একজাই বলা). a. united; assembled, collected. n. sum total (বাত্সরিক আয়ব্যয়ের একজাই). একজাই করা v. to unite; to assemble, to collect. ̃জিদ্দি a. same as একগুঁয়ে । ̃জোট a. united; assembled. ̃জোটে adv. in a body, in concert, unitedly. ̃জ্বরি n. remittent fever. a. suffering from remittent fever. ̃টা, ̃টি a. one; only one, not more than one; one particular (একটা পরামর্শ আছে) n. pro. any one (একটা হলেই হল). একটা-কিছু, একটা-কোনো a. existent but not known or determinate, some (একটা-কিছু খুঁত আছে). pro. & n. something (একটা-কিছু চাই). একটাদুটো a. only a few, of a negligible number. ˜টানা a. pointed or moving in one direction only; continually onward; continuous, continual; incessant, nonstop (একটানা বৃষ্টি); monotonous. adv. in one direction only; continually onward; continuously; continually; incessantly, without break; monotonously. একটি মাত্র a. only one; one and one only. ̃টু, ̃টুকু a. & adv. only a little; just a little; a little. একটু একটু করে adv. little by little, bit by bit; slowly but gradually. ̃টেরে a. curved a little; leaning to one side, slanting; (of judgment etc.) one-sided, partial, ex parte. a. & adv. lying apart; keeping aloof. ̃তন্ত্রী a. (of musical instruments) one stringed; unanimous; under one and the same rule. n. a one-stringed musical instrument, a monochord. ̃তম a. (super.) one of or amongst more than two. ̃তর a. (compar.) one of two, either. ̃তরফা a. ex parte; partial; onesided. ̃তলা n. the ground floor (of a building or a multi-decked vehicle). a. one-storeyed; one-decked, singledecked. একতলা গাড়ি a single decker. ̃তলীয় a. coplanar. ̃তান n. a harmonious note; harmony; concert. a. harmonious; concerted; closely attentive, concentrated. ̃তানমনা a. closely attentive, rapt in attention; intent. ̃তারা n. a variety of monochord (chiefly used by the Vaishnaya singers). ̃তালা1 var. of একতলা । ̃তালা2 ̃তাল n. an Indian musical measure. ̃তিল see তিল । ̃ত্রিংশ a. thirty-first. ̃ত্রিংশত্ a & n. thirty-one. ˜ত্রিংশত্তম a. thirty-first. fem. ̃ত্রিংশত্তমী । ̃ত্রিশ a. & n. thirty-one. ˜দন্ত a. having but one tooth, one-toothed, singletoothed. ̃দম adv. at all; in the least; completely, thoroughly, utterly. ̃দমে adv. in one breath; without stop. ̃দল a. monocotyledonous. ̃দিন adv. one day, someday; one day or other (একদিন না একদিন); once, once upon a time; at one time in the past; in the past. n. a glorious time or period (esp. one that has passed away). একদিন অন্তর একদিন every other day, every alternate day. ̃দৃষ্টি, (poet.) ̃দিঠি a. looking fixedly, gazing. ̃দৃষ্টে adv. with a fixed look, gazingly. ̃দেশ n. a part or portion or division (esp. of a country); a region. ̃দেশদর্শিতা n. act of viewing partially; partiality; narrow-mindedness, illiberality; bias; prejudice; want of foresight. ̃দেশদর্শী a. viewing partially; partial; narrow-minded, illiberal; biased; prejudiced; lacking in foresight. ̃দেশীয় a. of or living in the same country. ̃দৌড়ে adv. at a run. ̃ধাতুমান n. (econ.) monometallism. ̃নবতি a. & n. ninety-one. ˜নবতিতম a. ninety-first. fem. ̃নবতিতমী ।̃নলা, ̃নলি a. (chiefly of a gun) single-barrelled, onebarrelled. ̃নাগাড়ে adv. at a stretch, continuously. নায়ক n. (pol.) an autoccrat or a dictator. ̃নায়কতন্ত্র n. autocracy or dictatorship. ̃নায়কতান্ত্রিক a. autocratic or dictatorial. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. devoted to or engaged in only one thing, singleminded or single-acting; absorbedly attentive, intent. fem. ̃নিষ্ঠা । ̃নিষ্ঠতা n. devotion to or engagement in only one thing, single-mindedness. এক পক্ষে adv. viewing from one angle; in a way; somewhat. ̃পঞ্চাশ, ̃পঞ্চাশত্ a. & n. fifty-one. ˜পঞ্চাশত্তম a. fifty-first. fem. একপঞ্চাশত্তমী । একপত্নীক a. mas. having one wife (at a time), monogamous. ̃পদীকরণ n. (gr.) unification of several words into a compound word, formation of a compound word. ̃পাটি n. one of a pair; one set of (teeth). ̃পাদ n. a fourth part, a quarter. a. one-fourth. ̃পার্শ্বিক, ̃পার্শ্বীয় a. one-sided; partial; (bot.) unilateral. ̃পেট n. a bellyful, one's fill. a. bellyful of. adv. to one's fill. ̃পেশে a. leaning or stooping to one side; aslant; one-sided; partial. ̃প্রকার adv. of a sort, in a way, somewhat. a. of a type; of some sort or other. ̃প্রতিসম a. zygomorphic. ̃প্রস্হ a. severe; sufficient, of considerable amount. ̃প্রাণ a. inseparably united. ̃বংশীয়, ̃বংশোদ্ভব a. descended from the same ancestor, consanguine, consanguineous. একবগ্গা coll. corrup. of একবর্গা । ̃বচন see বচন ।̃বর্গা a. obstinate; stubborn, dogged. ̃বয়সী a. of the same age. ̃বর্ণ see বর্ণ । ̃বস্ত্র a. wearing only a single piece of cloth. ̃বস্ত্রে adv. wearing only a single piece of cloth and taking nothing along. ̃বাক্যে adv. with one voice; with one accord, unanimously. ̃বার n. one time. adv. at one time; once. একবারে adv. at a time; at a stroke; thoroughly. ̃বাস same as একবস্ত্র । ̃বিংশ a. twenty-first. ̃বিংশতি a. & n. twenty-one. ˜বিংশতিতম a. twenty-first. fem. ̃বিংশতিতমী । ̃বীজপত্রী a. (bot.) monocotyledonous. ̃বুক a. chest-high; breast-deep. ̃ভাব n. uniformity of state or quality or disposition. ̃ভাবাপন্ন a. uniform in state or quality or disposition; of one mind. ̃ভাবে adv. uniformly; in the same way; without change, unchangingly. ̃ভিতে adv. in one direction; to one side; apart. ̃মত, ̃মতাবলম্বী a. holding the same opinion; agreed; unanimous; holding the same religious faith. ̃মনা a. absorbed; single-minded. ̃মনে with rapt attention; single-mindedly. ̃মাতৃক a. born of one and the same mother, uterine. ̃মাত্র a. only ̃মাত্রা n. one dose; one musical or metrical syllable. ̃মুখীকরণ n. (phys.) rectification. ̃মুখো a. having one direction, one way. ̃মুষ্টি a. a handful of. ̃মেটে, ̃মেটিয়া a. (esp. of a mould or cast or an idol) primed; rough-cast; (fig.) rough-wrought. একমেটে করা v. to prime; to rough-cast; (fig.) to do in a preliminary manner, to rough out. ̃যোগে adv. in a body; unitedly. ̃রকম a. of the same kind, type, nature, appearance etc.; same; similar. adv. in a way, of a sort, somewhat, moderately; on the whole, somehow. ̃রতি, ̃রত্তি a. (lit.) amounting to a rati (রতি1) or .121 grams or 1.875 grains; only a little, a bit of; very small, tiny. ̃রব, ̃রা n. one voice. ̃রূপ same as একরকম । ̃রেখীয় a. (geom.) collinear. ̃রোখা a. obstinate; self-willed, wilful; hot-tempered, quick-tempered, irascible; having designs on one side only (একরোখা চাদর). ̃লহমা n. an instant, a moment; jiffy. ̃লহমায় adv. in an instant, in a moment, in a jiffy. ̃লিঙ্গ n. Shiva (শিব). a. unisexual; (bot.) declinous. ̃লিঙ্গতা n. unisexuality; (bot.) declinism. ̃শিরা n. hydrocele; orchitis. ̃শিরাল a. unicostate. ̃শিলা a. monolithic. ̃শেষ n. excessiveness, overmuchness; (gr.) a system of forming compound words in which only one word is chosen from amongst a group and is modified to represent the whole group. কষ্টের একশেষ trouble beyond measure. নাকালের একশেষ harassed beyond measure. ̃ষট্টি, ̃ষষ্টি a. & n. sixty-one. ˜ষষ্টিতম a. sixty-first, fem. একষষ্টিতমী । ̃সঙ্গে a. in a body, all together; at the same time, simultaneously. ̃সপ্ততি a. & n. seventy-one. ˜সপ্ততিতম a. seventy-first. fem. একসপ্ততিতমী । ̃সূত্রে adv. in one string. ̃স্হানে adv. in or at the same place; in a certain place, somewhere. ̃হাঁটু a. knee-deep. ̃হাত a. measuring one cubit. adv. enough for one time. একহাত নেওয়া v. to pay one out or back, to retaliate; to teach one a lesson. ̃হারা a. slim; of a delicate structure. 14)
(p. 243) kula3 family; a clan; lineage, pedigree; good pedigree or lineage, a kulin (কুলীন) family (সে কুলের ছেলে); purity of blood; dignity of one's family, family prestige, aristocracy, high or noble birth (কুলগর্ব); descendants, line (তার কুল আজও টিকে আছে); one's own house or family or society (কুলত্যাগ); family religion or cult; residence (গুরুকুল); a race, a tribe (রক্ষঃকুল); a species or kind or class (নরকুল); a collection, a herd, a flock, a swarm (শিবাকুল). কুল করা v. to enter into a matrimonial alliance with a kulin (কুলীন) family. কুল মজানো v. (fig.) to bring disgrace upon one's family. কুল রাখি কি শ্যাম রাখি (fig.) on the horns of a dilemma. কুলে কালি দেওয়া (fig.) to bring disgrace upon one's (own) family, to tarnish the good name of one's (own) family. কুলের বার হওয়া same as কুলত্যাগ করা । একুল-ওকুল দুকুল খাওয়া বা হারানো (lit.—of a married woman) to lose shelter and support of both one's husband and parents; (fig.) to reject one alternative and lose the other; to be utterly ruined, to leave one's friends and be ill-treated by one's foes. ̃কণ্টক n. one who is a disgrace to or a pest of one's family. ̃কন্যা n. a girl born of a high (kulin) family. ̃কর্ম same as কুলক্রিয়া । ̃কলঙ্ক n. one who is a disgrace to his family. fem. কুলকলঙ্কিনী । ̃কলঙ্কী a. masc. bringing disgrace on one's family. ̃কামিনী n. a wife of a good family; a girl born of a good family; (loos.) a family woman (esp. one living in a zenana.) ̃কুণ্ডলিনী same as কুণ্ডলিনী । ̃ক্রিয়া, ̃কার্য n. traditional customs and practices of a family or befitting a family; act of entering into a matrimonial alliance with a kulin (কুলীন) family. ̃ক্ষয় n. destruction or decay of a family or line. ̃ক্ষয়কর a. causing decay or destruction of a family or line. ̃গত a. pertaining to a family. ̃গরিমা, ̃গর্ব n. dignity of a family, family prestige; pride of birth. ̃গুরু n. a family preceptor; the hereditary religious guide of a family. ̃গৌরব same as কুলগরিমা । ̃ঘ্ন a. destroying a family, causing destruction of a family. ̃চ্যুত a. expelled from one's family, interdicted, ostracized; one who has lost his family prestige or status. ̃জ, ̃জাত a. born of a good family; born of a kulin (কুলীন) family. ̃জি n. a (descriptive) genealogy (often composed in verse). ̃জিনামা n. a genealogical table. ̃জ্ঞ a. acquainted with the genealogy of a family. n. a herald. ̃জ্ঞতা n. knowledge of heraldic lore. ̃টা n. a woman who has brought disgrace upon her family (usu. by leaving it for good); a woman of bad moral character. a. of or like such a woman. কুলটার স্বামী the husband of such a woman, (cp.) a cuckold. ̃তিলক n. (one who is) the glory or pride of one's family. a. glorifying one's family. ̃ত্যাগ n. (of women) leaving one's home for good for immoral purposes; (of men) abandoning one's family, giving up the customs and practices of one's family. কুলত্যাগ করা v. (of women) to leave one's home for good for immoral purposes or to elope with her paramour; (of men) to abandon one's family, to repudiate the customs and practices of one's family. ̃ত্যাগী a. masc. one who has abandoned one's family or has repudiated the customs and practices of one's family. ̃ত্যাগিনী a. fem. one who has left her home for good for immoral purposes or eloped with one's paramour. ̃দূষক, ̃দূষণ a. bringing disgrace upon one's family. n. (one who is) the disgrace to one's family. ̃দেবতা n. the hereditary or tutelary or guardian deity of a family. ̃ধর্ম n. the traditional customs and practices of a family. ̃নারী same as কুলকামিনী । ̃নাশন same as কুলঘ্ন । ̃নাশা a. bringing disgrace upon one's family. ̃নিন্দা n. family scandal. ̃পঞ্জি, ̃পঞ্জী same as কুলজি । ̃পতি n. the headman or chief of a clan; a patriarch; an arch-sage. ̃পাংশুলা n. an unchaste woman; a woman who is a disgrace to the family. ̃পুরোহিত n. a family priest. ̃প্রথা n. a family custom or practice. ̃প্রদীপ n. (fig.) one who glorifies one's family. ̃বতী, ̃বধূ n. a virtuous wife; (loos.) a family woman (esp. one living in a zenana). ̃বালা same as কুলকামিনী । ̃ভঙ্গ n. loss of one's family prestige or status (esp. due to matrimonial alliance with a family of inferior prestige or status). ̃ভূষণ, ̃মণি n. one who glorifies one's family, the ornament of one's family. ̃ভ্রষ্ট same as কুলচ্যুত । ̃মজানে a. bringing disgrace upon a family. ̃মর্যাদা n. the dignity of a family, family prestige; the heraldic sign or mark of a family. ̃মান n. the dignity of a family, family prestige. ̃লক্ষণ n. any of the nine good qualities of a kulin (কুলীন) namely; (1) observance of rites, (2) politeness, (3) education, (4) good or reputable social position, (5) pilgrimage, (6) constancy or firm devotion, (7) honourable profession, (8) penance, and (9) benevolence or charity. ̃লক্ষ্মী n. fem. the guardian goddess of a family; the guardian goddess of fortune of a family; a housewife who brings prosperity to a family. ̃শীল n. lineage and character. ̃শীলমান n. lineage, character and dignity. ̃শ্রেষ্ঠ n. the best or most distinguished person in a family or line. ̃সম্ভব a. born of a particular family; born of a good family. ̃স্ত্রী same as কুলবধূ । 68)
(p. 262) klāba a club, an association, a society. 51)
(p. 314) gupta protected or guarded by (মন্ত্রগুপ্ত); hidden; unknown, unseen, invisible; unrevealed (গুপ্ত তত্ত্ব); concealed; mysterious, esoteric (গুপ্ত রহস্য). fem. গুপ্তা । গুপ্ত কথা n. a secret; a mystery. গুপ্ত কথা ফাঁস করা to divulge or let out a secret. গুপ্ত গুহাশ্রয়, গুপ্ত গর্তাশ্রয় a. burrow. ̃ঘাতক n. an assassin. ̃চর n. a spy; a detective, a sleuth. ̃চরবৃত্তি n. espionage, spying. ̃তত্ত্ব n. mysteries. ̃তথ্য n. secret information. ̃ধন n. hidden treasure. ̃বেশ n. a disguise. ̃বেশে adv. in disguise. ̃ব্যাধি n. a vicious disease kept concealed; a venereal disease; (fig.) a vice kept concealed. ̃ভাব n. secrecy or a concealed or unrevealed state; a stealthy or clandestine manner. ̃ভাবে adv. secretly; stealthily. ̃ভোট, ̃মত n. a secret vote or voting, ballot. ̃মন্ত্র n. a secret or mysterious word; a password; (lit.) an esoteric mantra or sacred word. ̃মন্ত্রণা n. secret counsel or conference. গুপ্তমন্ত্রণা সমিতি n. a secret council, a close assembly. ̃রহস্য n. a mystery, a secret. ̃সভা, ̃সমিতি n. a secret council, a close assembly; a secret society. ̃হত্যা n. assassination; a secret murder. গুপ্তহত্যা করা v. to assassinate; to commit a murder in secret. গুপ্তহত্যা প্রকাশ পাবেই murder will out. ̃হত্যাকারী n. an assassin. 10)
(p. 321) gōṣṭha a grazing ground, a pasture or pasturage; a meeting-place, an assembly, an association, a society, a club (গোষ্ঠাগার ). ̃গৃহ, গোষ্ঠাগার n. a cowshed; a cow-house, a byre; an association-hall, a society hall, a club-house, a club-room. ̃বিহারী n. an appellation of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) ̃লীলা n. the pastoral activities and sports of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). গোষ্ঠাধ্যক্ষ n. the chief of an assembly or society. 102)
(p. 321) gōṣṭhī a family; a kindred; a clan; a race; a tribe; a class, a kind; a collection or body (শিষ্যগোষ্ঠী); a team; a group; a society, an association. ̃পতি n. the chief of a tribe or clan or family; a president; a leader. ̃বর্গ n. pl. members of the family and kinsfolk. ̃ভুক্ত a. belonging to or included in a family, race, group etc.; incorporated within a group. 103)
(p. 346) caturbarṇa the brahmanas, the Kshartiyas, the Vaishyas, and the Shudras: these four castes or orders of the Hindu society. 10)
(p. 385) jagat the world, the earth, the universe; society (পশুজগত্); sphere (শিল্পজগত্); field (ধাতুজগত্, কাব্যজগত্). ̃কর্তা n. God, the Lord of the universe. ̃কারণ n. the First Cause, God. ̃জোড়া a. worldwide; all-pervading; universal. ̃পতি, ̃পাতা, ̃পিতা same as ̃স্রষ্টা । ̃ময় adv. throughout the world. ̃স্রষ্টা n. the Creator, God. ̃সংসার n. the whole world. 16)
(p. 388) jana a person, a man (শতজন); a labourer (জন খাটানো); the common people, the masses, demos (জননেতা). in comp. a person, a head (দশজন, দুজন). জনকল্যাণ n. welfare of the people, masses etc. জন খাটা v. to work as a labourer. জন খাটানো v. to supervise labourers at work, to requisition the service of a labourer. ̃গণ same as ̃সাধারণ । ̃গণনা n. census. ̃গণেশ n. the presiding god of the common people or the proletariat. জনগণের দাবি public demand. ̃গোষ্ঠী n. a clan; a tribe. ̃তা n. an assembly or crowd of persons; a mob; the rabble; (pol.) the proletariat. অবৈধ জনতা an unlawful assembly. ̃নায়ক, ̃নেতা n. a leader of the people; a demagogue. ̃পদ n. any human habitation with distinct boundary lines such as a village or a town, a settlement, a township. ̃পদবধূ n. a prostitute, a whore. জনপালন কৃত্যক civil service. ̃প্রবাদ n. hearsay, a rumour. ̃প্রাণী n. a single person or creature. ̃প্রিয় a. popular. ̃প্রিয়তা n. popularity. ̃বল same as লোকবল । ̃বসতি n. human habitation, habitation. ̃বহুল a. populous, numerously inhabited, thickly populated, congested, crowded. ̃বিরল a. sparsely inhabited or populated; almost desolate. ̃মজুর n. a labourer (chiefly a temporarily hired one). ̃মত n. popular opinion or verdict, public opinion. ̃মানব n. (even) a single human being. ̃মানবহীন a. desolate, totally desolate; lonely, deserted. ̃মুখী a. aimed at the benefit of the people. ̃যুদ্ধ n. people's war. ̃রব n. hearsay; a rumour. ̃লোক n. (myth.) the fifth of the seven heavens which is the abode of pious people after their death. ̃শূন্য a. desolate. ̃শ্রুতি n. hearsay, a rumour. ̃সংখ্যা n. population. ̃সংঘ n. a people's society; a society for public welfare, a social service or welfare institution. ̃সংভরণ n. civil supply. ̃সভা n. mass meeting, public meeting. ̃সমক্ষে adv. publicly, before everybody's eyes, openly. ̃সমষ্টি n. same as জনগণ and জনসাধারণ । ̃সমাজ n. the human society. ̃সমাবেশ n. a gathering (of people, crowds etc.), an assembly, an assemblage of people. ̃সমুদ্র n. (lit.) a sea of people; a great multitude of people, a vast concourse of people. ̃সাধারণ n. the common people; the masses; the public; (pol.) the proletariat. ̃স্বাস্হ্য n. public health. ̃স্রোত n. a stream of people. ̃হিতকর a. beneficial to the public, doing good to the people; philanthropic. ̃হীন a. desolate. জনে জনে one after another; one by one; individually; severally. 5)
(p. 500) dīkṣā admission with rite (as to a religious practice or order, a secret society etc.), initiation; employment in service of some sacred cause (স্বাধীনতার মন্ত্রে দীক্ষা); an instruction or teaching; a sacrament; an inspiration; (dero.) an instigation. দীক্ষা দেওয়া v. to initiate; to convert (মুসলমানধর্মে দীক্ষা দেওয়া); to baptize (খ্রিস্টধর্মে দীক্ষা নেওয়া); to teach, to indoctrinate (into a subject); to employ. দীক্ষা পাওয়া, দীক্ষা নেওয়া v. to be initiated; to be converted; to be baptized; to be taught or indoctrinated, to learn; to be employed. ̃গুরু n. an initiator; a guru or preceptor who has initiated. ̃গ্রহণ n. act of receiving initiation. দীক্ষা গ্রহণ করা v. to be initiated. ̃মন্ত্র n. a mysterious formula that a person is taught at initiation. 21)
(p. 532) dharma religion, faith, creed; piety, virtue (অহিংসা পরম ধর্ম); scriptural laws or directions (ধর্মসম্মত); a form of worship (তান্ত্রিক ধর্ম); theology (ধর্মগ্রন্হ); natural quality or behaviour or disposition, property or function (মানবধর্ম, কালধর্ম, আগুনের ধর্ম); virtuousness, righteousness, morality (ধর্মহীন আচরণ); law (ধর্মপত্নী); justice (ধর্মাধিকরণ); holiness, sacredness (ধর্মের সংসারে পাপ); Yama (যম) the god of piety and death; a popular god of Bengal (ধর্মঠাকুর); chastity (স্ত্রীলোকের ধর্মনাশ); (astrol.) the ninth house from the house of birth in the zodiac. ধর্মে সওয়া v. (of a sin, misdeed etc.) to be tolerated by God or the Divine Judge. ধর্মের কল বাতাসে নড়ে, ধর্মের ঢাক আপনি বাজে (fig.) truth cannot be kept concealed, truth must come out; the irrevocable rod of Nemesis is sure to strike in course of time. ধর্মের ষাঁড় (fig.) a wildly wayward man allowed to move scotfree. ধর্মের সংসার a family practising virtue, a pious family. ধর্ম-অর্থ-কাম-মোক্ষ n the four principal aims of human life; piety, wealth, love or fulfilment of desire, and salvation of the soul. ̃কন্যা n. fem. one solemnly accepted as a daughter by a person other than one's parents; (loos.) a god-daughter. ধর্ম-কর্ম, ̃কার্য n. religious practices (esp. as enjoined by scriptures). ̃কাম a. desirous of attaining virtue through religious practices. ̃কৃত্য, ̃ক্রিয়া same as ধর্মকর্ম । ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a holy or consecrated place, a place of pilgrimage. ̃গত a. pious, virtuous; concerning or pertaining to religion, religious. ̃গতপ্রাণ a. having one's life devoted to religion or piety; very religious-minded; profoundly or deeply pious. ̃গ্রন্হ n. a holy book or text, a scripture; a religious book; a theological treatise. ̃ঘট n. (ori.) a religious practice consisting in giving away pitchers filled with holy water; (pol. & pop.) cessation of work as a means of putting pressure on employers, a strike. ধর্মঘটকালীন ভাতা strike-pay. ধর্মঘটী n. (pol.) a striker. ˜চক্র n. the four laws or directives of Buddha conducive to attaining final salvation. ̃চর্চা n. religious discussion or practice. ̃চর্যা n. observance of religious rules and rites, religious practice; practice of virtue. ̃চারী a. observant of religious rules and rites, devoted to religious practices; virtuous, pious. ̃চিন্তা n. religious meditation; spiritual meditation; theological meditation; theology. ̃চ্যুত same as ধর্মভ্রষ্টা । ̃জ a. legitimately born. ̃জিজ্ঞাসা n. religious inquiry; spiritual inquiry. ̃জিজ্ঞাসু a. seeking after or inquisitive about religious or spiritual truths. ̃জীবন n. religious or spiritual life; pious or virtuous life; ecclesiastical life. ̃জ্ঞ a. conversant with religious rules and duties; conversant with religion; pious, virtuous, religious. ̃জ্ঞান n. religious knowledge; religious-mindedness; deep sense of piety. ̃ঠাকুর n. a popular god of Bengal named Dharma (ধর্ম). ̃তা adv. in the eye of righteousness or piety; according to or conforming to righteousness, piously. ̃তত্ত্ব n the mysteries of religion; theology; theosophy, a religious doctrine. ̃তত্ত্ববিদ n. one conversant with the mysteries of religion; a theologian; one conversant with a religious doctrine. ̃তত্ত্বীয় a. concerning the mysteries of religion, religious; theological; concerning a religious doctrine. ̃ত্যাগ n. abandonment of one's religion, adoption of another religion, apostasy. ধর্মত্যাগ করা v. to abandon one's religion, to adopt another religion. n. an apostate, a renegade. ̃দ্বেষী, ̃দ্রোহী a. revolting against or hostile to religion; irreligious; impious; ungodly. fem. ধর্মদ্বেষিণী, ধর্মদ্রোহিণী । ̃দ্রোহ, ̃দ্রোহিতা n. revolt against or hostility towards religion; irreligion; impiety; ungodliness. ̃ধ্বজী a. simulating piety or virtuousness; sanctimonious; hypocritical. n. one simulating piety or virtuousness, a religious imposter. ̃নাশ n. ravishment of a woman's chastity, rape; profanation or defilement of one's religion or idol. ধর্মনাশ করা v. to ravish or outrage one's chastity, to rape; to profane or defile one's religion or idol. ̃নিন্দা n. disparagement of religion; blasphemy. ধর্মের নিন্দা করা v. to disparage religion; to blaspheme. ̃নিরপেক্ষ a. irrespective of creed (ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ বিচার); secular (ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ রাষ্ট্র). ̃নির্দিষ্ট a. enjoined by religion; enjoined by scriptures, scriptural. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. devoted to religion or religious practices; pious, virtuous, righteous. ̃নিষ্ঠা n. devotion to religion or religious practices; piety, virtuousness, righteousness. ̃নীতি n. a religious principle or principles; a principle or principles of virtue; a moral principle or principles; ethics. ̃পত্নী n. a lawful wife; a lawfully married wife. ̃পথ n. the path of virtue or piety. ধর্মপথে থাকা v. to follow the path of virtue or piety, to practise virtue or piety; to walk in the presence of God. ̃পর, ̃পরায়ণ same as ধর্মনিষ্ঠ । ̃পাল n. a defender of religion; (Christ.) a bishop. ̃পালক n. one who observes religious rites and practices; a defender of religion or faith. ̃পালন n. observance of religious rites and practices; defence of religion. ̃পিতা n. one solemnly accepted as father by a person other than one's children; (loos.) a godfather. ̃পিপাসা n. a strong desire for learning religious truths, thirst for religion. ̃পিপাসু a. desirous of learning religious truths, thirsty of religion. ̃পুত্র, (coll. corrup.) ̃পুত্তুর n. (loos.) a godson; a son of Yama (যম) the god of piety; an appellation of Yudhisthira of the Mahabharata; (sarcas.) one who poses to be a profoundly pious or truthful man; sanctimonious. ধর্মপুত্র যুধিষ্ঠির (sarcas.) a profoundly pious or truthful man, a sanctimonious person. ̃পুস্তক same as ধর্মগ্রন্হ । ̃প্রচার n. preaching of religion; religious preaching or propaganda; evangelization; evangelism. ধর্মপ্রচার করা v. to preach religion; to evangelize. ̃প্রচারক a. preaching religion; evangelizing. n. a religious preacher; an evangelist. ̃প্রধান a. chiefly guided by religion or religious principles; religious-minded, devout. ̃প্রবক্তা n. a prophet. ̃প্রবণ a. having propensity towards religion; religiousminded. ̃প্রবনতা n. leaning towards religion; religious-mindednesss. ̃প্রবর্তক n. the founder of a religion. ̃প্রাণ a. counting or regarding religion as precious as one's life; profoundly devout. ̃প্রাণতা n. act of counting religion as precious as one's life; profound devoutness. ̃বন্ধন n. the bond of religion; a sacred or solemn bond or tie; the holy bondage of being members of the same religious community. ̃বন্ধু n. a friend or servant of religion; a friend or helper in religious matters. ̃বল n. force of piety or virtuousness. ̃বাণী n. a word or teaching of religion; a holy word; an evangel, a gospel. ̃বিধান, ̃বিধি n. a religious law or rule; a sacred law; a scriptural injunction or prescription. ̃বিপ্লব n. a revolution in the world of religion; a great religious change, a religious revolution. ̃বিরুদ্ধ, ̃বিরোধী a. hostile to religion or piety; irreligious or impious, ungodly. ̃বিশ্বাস n. a religious faith, a creed; faith in religion. ̃বিশ্বাসী a. having faith in a particular religion or creed; following a particular creed; having faith in religion; virtuous, pious, godly. ̃বুদ্ধি n. virtuous or pious or just thought or intention; conscientiousness, conscionableness; good conscience. ̃বৃদ্ধ n. a religious or ecclesiastical elder; a member of a priesthood, a father. ̃ভয় n. fear of God; religious qualm. ̃ভগিনী n. one solemnly accepted as a sister by a person other than one's brother or sister; a female disciple of the same teacher; a member of a sisterhood, a nun, a sister. ̃ভাই coll. form of ধর্মভ্রাতা । ̃ভীরু a. God-fearing. ̃ভীরুতা n. God-fearing conduct or nature. ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. gone astray from the religious or righteous course; fallen from one's religious belief. ̃ভ্রাতা n. one solemnly accepted as a brother by a person other than one's brother or sister; a disciple of the same teacher or preceptor; a member of a brotherhood or sect or faith; a brother. ̃মঙ্গল n. a long poem narrating the glory of Dharmathakur (ধর্মঠাকুর). ̃মত n. a religious tenet or doctrine. ̃মন্দির n. a house of worship, a temple, a shrine. ̃ময় a. full of piety; devout or pious. ̃মা, ̃মাতা n. one solemnly accepted as mother by a person other than one's child. ̃মূলক a. concerning religion, religious. ̃যাজক n. an ecclesiastic; a clergyman; a priest. ̃যুদ্ধ n. a war for the cause of religion, (cp.) a crusade, a holy war. ̃যোদ্ধা n. one fighting for the cause of religion, (cp.) a crusader; a holy warrior. ̃রক্ষা n. defence of religion; preservation of one's religion or piety; preservation of chastity (স্ত্রীলোকের ধর্মরক্ষা). ̃রাজ n. the lord of justice; an appellation of Yudhisthira of the Mahabharata or that of Yama (যম) or Dharmathakur (ধর্মঠাকুর) or Buddha. ̃রাজ্য n. a state or kingdom administered with scrupulous justice, a realm of justice; a state or kingdom founded on religion or piety, a holy state. ̃রাষ্ট্র n. a theocratic state. ̃লক্ষণ n. any one of the (ten) characteristic signs of piety or virtuousness. ̃লোপ n. destruction or extinction of religion or piety; profanation of one's religion; ravishment of (a woman's) chastity. ̃শালা n. a guesthouse where pilgrims and travellers are accommodated temporarily at a low cost or free of cost; (ori.) a court of justice. ̃শাসন n. a religious or scriptural edict; administration of justice; lawful judgment; rule of the ecclesiastics, theocracy. ̃শাস্ত্র n. scripture. ̃শাস্ত্রব্যবসায়ী n. a dealer in religious books and scriptures; an expounder and teacher of scriptures, a scribe. ̃শাস্ত্রানুমত a. conforming to or as prescribed by scriptures. ̃শিক্ষক n. a religious teacher or preceptor. ̃শিক্ষা n. religious education or teaching. ̃শীল a. pious, virtuous. ̃সংস্কার n. religious reformation; a holy sacrament. ̃সংস্কারক n. a religious reformer. ̃সংস্হাপন n. introduction or founding of a religion; firm establishment of a religion; rejuvenation or reinforcement or restoration of a religion. ̃সংহিতা n. a religious code, a book of holy laws. ̃সংগত same as ধর্মসম্মত । ̃সংগীত n. a devotional song or hymn, a psalm. ̃সভা n. a religious gathering or congress or convention or congregation or society. ̃সম্প্রদায় n. a religious community, a religious group or sect. ̃সম্মত a. conforming to the rules and prescription of religion or piety; pious, virtuous; rightful; just. ̃সাক্ষী a. having or claiming the god of piety as witness. n. an oath in the name of the god of piety. ধর্মসাক্ষী করে বলা to take an oath in the name of God, to take a solemn oath. ̃সাধন n. practice of virtue or religion. ̃হানি same as ধর্মনাশ । ̃হীন a. godless, ungodly, irreligious, impious; blasphemous. ̃হীনতা n. ungodliness; impiety. 17)
(p. 606) patita fallen, dropped; shed; showered; declined; downfallen; overthrown, defeated; killed, slain; depraved; degenerated; guilty of a failing or lapse; depressed পতিত জাতি; socially cast out, excommunicate (সমাজে পতিত); outcasted (জাতে পতিত); uncultivated, fallow (পতিত জমি); deserted or unoccupied (পতিত ভিটা). পতিত করা v. to cast out from the society, to excommunicate; to outcaste. পতিত হওয়া v. to fall, to drop; to be shed or showered; to be guilty of a failing or lapse; to be cast out or excommunicated; to be outcasted. ̃পাবন a. one who delivers sinners from damnation. fem. ̃পাবনী । 30)
(p. 619) parimanḍala an orbit; a circle; a circumference; (fig.) a society or sphere; environment; surrounding, encirclement; a globe; any globular object.
পরিষদ, পরিষত্
(p. 625) pariṣada, pariṣat an association, an assembly, a society; a council; (pol.) a legislative council. পরিষদীয় a. pertaining or relating to or concerning a council or assembly; legislative; parliamentary. 32)
পল্লি, পল্লী
(p. 629) palli, pallī a small area of human habitation containing a cluster of houses, a locality (গোপপল্লি); a hamlet; a village; a municipal division, a ward. ̃অঞ্চল n. a rural area; countryside. পল্লি উন্নয়ন n. village development, rural uplift. ̃গীতি n. folksong, village song. ̃গ্রাম n. a village. ̃জীবন n. rural life, countrylife. ̃নৃত্য n. a country-dance. ̃বধু n. a country-woman, a country-wife. ̃বালা, ̃বালিকা n. a country-girl; a countrymaid. ̃বাস n. a village home; a country residence; act of living in a country. ̃বাসী a. living in a country, rural; (dero.) rustic. n. a countryman (fem. a country-woman), a villager. (dero.) a rustic. fem. ̃বাসিনী । ̃বাসী ভদ্রলোক a country gentleman. ̃ভবন n. a village home; a country residence; a country-house, a country seat. ̃মঙ্গল সমিতি village welfare society. ̃সংগঠন n. rural organization, rural development. ̃সংস্কার n. rural reconstruction; village upliftment. ̃সমিতি n. a village society. 37)
(p. 667) pōśāka dress, garment, clothes; apparel; outfit. পোশাক ছাড়া, পোশাক খোলা v. to undress oneself. পোশাক ছাড়ানো, পোশাক খোলানো v. to cause to undress. পোশাক পরা v. to dress oneself, to put on one's dress. পোশাক-পরা a. dressed (in.) পোশাক পরানো v. to dress. পোশাকি a. befitting fashionable society, fashionable (পোশাকি কথাবার্তা); official (পোশাকি নাম); elegant, refined (পোশাকি ভাষা); worn on formal or festive occasions (পোশাকি জামাকাপড়); merely formal, insincere, hypocritical (পোশাকি ভদ্রতা). 17)
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