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spleen দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 2) akhuśi dissatisfied, displeased. n. dissatisfaction, displeasure. 112)
(p. 16) atuṣṭi dissatisfaction; displeasure, lack of gratification; discontent. 9)
(p. 16) atṛpta insatiate, ungratified; unsatisfied; unappeased. অতৃপ্তি n. lack of satiation or gratification, dissatisfaction; lack of appeasement. অতৃপ্তিকর n. dissatisfactory, causing dissatisfaction or displeasure. 10)
(p. 24) anabadya blameless; flawless; faultless; impeccable; unimpeachable; innocent (অনবদ্য কৌতুক); beautiful; splendid. ̃তা n. blamelessness; flawlessness; faultlessness; innocence; impeccability; unimpeachability. অনবদ্যাঙ্গী a. fem. of unimpeachable beauty. 35)
(p. 51) aprasanna displeased, dissatisfied; unfavourable, antagonistic (অপ্রসন্ন ভাগ্য); gloomy, morose, melancholy, saddened, sad, offended, vexed. ̃তা n. displeasure, dissatisfaction; antagonism; gloom, melancholy, sadness; offended state. অপ্রসন্ন হয়ে adv. with a bad grace. অপ্রসন্ন চিত্তে adv. with a discontented or heavy heart. 42)
(p. 51) aprīti lack of affection; displeasure; distaste; disagreeableness; unpleasantness; malice, bad blood. ̃কর, ̃জনক, ̃প্রদ a. displeasing; unpleasant; distasteful; disagreeable; disgusting; unfriendly; malicious. ̃ভাজন n. & a. one who deserves no love or affection; one who is an object of dislike or hatred. 55)
(p. 71) amitābha one with boundless splendour or glory; an appellation of Lord Buddha. 15)
(p. 75) aruṣṭa not angry; not annoyed, not displeased. 9)
(p. 85) asantuṣṭa displeased; dissatisfied; discontented; ill-disposed; aggrieved. অসন্তুষ্ট করা v. to displease; to dissatisfy; to make discontented or ill-disposed; to aggrieve. 48)
অসন্তুষ্টি, অসন্তোষ
(p. 85) asantuṣṭi, asantōṣa displeasure; dissatisfaction; discontent; ill disposition; aggrieved state; grievance. অসন্তোষজনক a. unsatisfactory; unsatisfied; dissatisfied; displeased. 49)
(p. 90) asukha unhappiness; distress, grief; uneasiness, discomfort; displeasure; illness, ailment; a disease. ̃কর, ̃দায়ক, অসুখাবহ a. causing unhappiness, unhappy; distressing, oppressive; causing discomfort, uncomfortable. অসুখী a. distressed, unhappy; sorrowful; displeased. 10)
(p. 106) āḍ়mbara pomp, eclat, grandeur, splendour, pompous display; roar of clouds; sound of war-trumpet; pride, vanity. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. not pompous or showy, simple; devoid of pomp and grandeur. 17)
(p. 126) ālō light; a beam, a ray; effulgence; lustre, splendour; a flash of light; a lamp, a lantern. আলো করা v. to brighten; to light up; to lighten; to illuminate; to glorify. আলো দেখানো v. to show light to; (fig.) to give hope, to promise good. 81)
(p. 126) ālōka light; a beam, a ray; effulgence; lustre, splendour; a flash of light. ̃গৃহ n. a lighthouse. ̃চিত্র n. a photograph; photography. ̃চিত্রকর n. a photographer. ̃চিত্রবিদ্যা n. photography. ̃চ্ছটা n. a flash of light. ̃তড়িত্ n. photo-electricity. ̃তাড়িত a. photo-electric. ̃বিজ্ঞান, ̃বিদ্যা n. optics. ̃বিহীন a. lightless; dark; gloomy. ̃ময় a. full of light; flooded with light; lightsome. ̃লতা n. a parasitic creeper. ̃শক্তি n. light as an energy. ̃শূন্য same as আলোকবিহীন । ̃সংকেত n. a beacon. ̃সজ্জা n. decoration of a stage etc. with light; illumination. ̃স্তম্ভ n. a lighthouse. আলোকিত a. lighted, illuminated. আলোকোজ্জ্বল a. illuminated; bright with light; lighted. 83)
(p. 143) ujjbala illuminated; bright; luminous; lustrous; radiant; splendent; resplendent; splendorous; splendid; shining; dazzling; beautiful; glorious; vivid. উজ্জ্বল করা v. to illuminate, to illumine; to brighten; to glorify (মুখ উজ্জ্বল করা, বংশ উজ্জ্বল করা); to make vivid, to vivify. উজ্জ্বল হওয়া v. to become illuminated; to brighten (up); to become glorified; to become vivid. উজ্জ্বল রস (rhet.) effect (on the reader's mind) produced by the (final) union of lovers. উজ্জ্বলতা n. brightness; luminousness; lustre; radiance; splendour; shine; dazzle; beauty; glory; vividness. উজ্জ্বল শ্যামবর্ণ a. of a complexion more fair than dark, of a glossy light dark complexion. উজ্জ্বলিত a. illuminated; lighted, enkindled; shining; brightened; radiated; beautified; glorified; vivified. উজ্জ্বলীকরণ n. illumination; act of brightening (up); glorification. উজ্জ্বলীভবন n. act of becoming illuminated or brightened (up) or glorified or vivid. 71)
(p. 178) ēḥ expressing : detestation, displeasure, aversion etc. 7)
(p. 178) ēi this. pro. this, it. int. expressing: a vocative sound (এই ছেলে শোন্); displeasure, fear, wonder etc. (এই গেল যা, এই মরল, এই রে). adv. just (এই এখনি), just this (এই কেবল). এই অজুহাতে on this plea or pretext or excuse or ruse. এই কতক্ষণ just a little while ago. এই কারণে, ̃জন্য for this reason, on account of this. ̃ক্ষণে adv. this instant, now, this very moment. এই প্রকারে in this manner, in this way, thus. এই বেলা now that there is time, while this opportunity lasts, meanwhile. এই মর্মে to this effect. এই কেবল, ̃তো, ̃মাত্র this much; just this; just now. ̃বার adv. this time; now; on this occasion. ̃রূপ a. suchlike, similar; such. ̃রূপে adv. in this way or manner, in the fashion, thus. এই হেতু same as এই কারণে । 4)
(p. 187) aiśbarya wealth, riches; splendour; magnificence; glory; Godhead; godhead; divinity; supremacy; overlordship, majesty; supernatural power obtained through asceticism; divine grace; unction. ̃গর্ব, ̃মদ n. purse-pride; insolence from wealth. ̃গর্বিত, ̃মত্ত, ̃মদোন্মত্ত a. purse-proud; insolent from wealth, arrogant through wealth. fem. ̃গর্বিতা, ̃মত্তা, ̃মদোন্মত্তা । ̃বান, ̃মণ্ডিত, ̃শালী a. wealthy, opulent, affluent, rich; full of glory, glorious; majestic; possessed of supernatural power obtained through asceticism; bestowed with divine grace. fem. ̃বতী, ̃মণ্ডিতা, ̃শালিনী । 25)
(p. 191) aujjbalya brightness, lustre, splendour, brilliance, brilliancy. 5)
(p. 225) kānti grace; charm; beauty; splendour; brightness; radiance. কান্তিক, ̃লোহা same as কান্তলোহা । ̃বিদ্যা n. aesthetics. ̃মান a. graceful; charming; beautiful; splendid; bright; radiant. fem. ̃মতী । 2)
(p. 257) kōpa2 anger, indignation, wrath, fury, rage. কোপ করা v. to express anger, to be angry (with). কোপে পড়া v. to incur one's anger or displeasure. ̃কটাক্ষ, ̃দৃষ্টি n. an angry look. কোপকটাক্ষ করা v. to cast an angry glance. ̃ন a. given to anger, easily angered or irritable, irascible, wrathful; peevish. fem. কোপনা । কোপনস্বভাব, কোপনপ্রকৃতি a. easily irritable or angered by nature. fem. কোপনস্বভাবা । ̃পরবশ, ̃পরায়ণ same as কোপন । ̃যুক্ত a. angry, wrathful; angered. 17)
খিটিমিটি, খিটখিট, খিটমিট
(p. 280) khiṭimiṭi, khiṭakhiṭa, khiṭamiṭa displeasure or quarrel or discord on negligible account. খিটিমিটি করা, খিটখিট করা, খিটমিট করা v. to scold or quarrel peevishly. খিটখিটে n. peevish, pettish, petulant. খিটখিটে স্বভাব petulance. 40)
(p. 301) gā4 the body (গায়ের জোর); the surface of the body, the skin (খসখসে গা); sensibility, sensitiveness (অপমান গায়ে না লাগা); attention, heed, interest, willingness (কাজে গা নেই). গা করা v. to set one's mind (to); to pay heed (to); to take interest (in). গা কাঁপা v. to shudder in fear; to shiver. গা কেমন করা, গা কেমন-কেমন করা v. to be stricken with nausea, to feel uneasy or have nausea; to feel indisposed; to be stricken with fear. ̃-গতর n. the whole body. ̃-গরম n. state of having or running a temperature. গা গরম হওয়া v. to have one's body warmed up; to have a temperature, to run a temperature; to become feverish. গা গুলানো v. to be stricken with nausea, to have nausea, to feel queasy. গা ঘামানো v. to toil (esp. earnestly); (of an athlete, performer, etc.) prepare for a contest, performance, etc. by practising, warm up. গা ঘেঁষা v. to get very close to; to try to be intimate with. গা জুড়ানো v. to soothe, to gratify, to please; to refresh. -জুড়ানো a. soothing; pleasant; refreshing (গা-জুড়ানো বাতাস). ̃-জোরি n. application or showing of undue force. গা জ্বালা করা v. to have burning sensation in the body; (fig.) to be malicious or spiteful; to be jealous; to grudge; to be displeased; to get angry. গা ঝাড়া দেওয়া v. to shake one's body. গা ঝাড়া দিয়ে ওঠা v. (lit.) to get up after shaking one's body; (fig.) to become active again with an effort, to shake off inertia. গা ঝিমঝিম করা v. to feel dizzy. গা ঢাকা দেওয়া v. to go into hiding, to abscond. গা ঢেলে দেওয়া v. to lie down; to relax one's efforts and let things have their own course; to join (in a work) wholeheartedly. গা তোলা v. to get up. গা দেওয়া same as গা করা । গা পেতে নেওয়া v. to invite (punishment, insult etc.) upon oneself. গা বমি-বমি করা same as গা গুলানো । গা মাটি-মাটি করা v. to feel like lying down in idleness. গা ম্যাজম্যাজ করা v. to feel uneasy, to feel out of sorts; to feel sluggish. গায়ে কাঁটা দেওয়া v. to have horripilation; to have one's hair stand on end, to have gooseflesh. গায়ে গায়ে very close, closely situated, standing very close; side by side; clinging together. গায়ে থুতু দেওয়া v. to spit upon one's face; (fig.) to detest extremely, to abhor, to abominate. গায়ে দেওয়া v. to wear, to put on. গায়ে পড়ে officiously; uninvitedly. গায়ে ফুঁ দিয়ে বেড়ানো v. (fig.) to move about avoiding toil and responsibility. গায়ে ফোসকা পড়া v. (fig.) to fret with pain or malice or jealousy; to be over-sensitive. গায়ে মাংস (বা মাস) লাগা v. to grow fat, to gain flesh, to put on flesh or weight. গায়েপড়া a. officious; talking or doing something unsolicitedly. গায়ে মাখা v. (fig.) to pay heed to, to care for. গায়েহলুদ n. the Hindu ceremony of besmearing the bridegroom and the bride with a paste of turmeric and then bathing them on the eve of their wedding. গায়ে হাত তোলা v. to beat, to lay hands on. গায়ের জোরে by brute force, by physical force. গায়ের জ্বালা burning sensation of the body; (fig.) malice, spite, jealousy, hatred, anger, displeasure. গায়ের ঝাল ঝাড়া বা মেটানো v. to vent one's grudge (against another), to vent one's spleen. গা জ্বালা same as গায়ের জ্বালা । গা-সওয়া, গা-সহা a. accustomed (to an evil) by repeated suffering (from it). 48)
(p. 314) gulajāra splendid; packed or crowded and noisy (সভা গুলজার, নরক গুলজার). গুলজার করা v. to brighten; to crowd and fill with warmth and noise. 35)
(p. 314) gulma a bush, a shrub; the spleen; morbid enlargement of the spleen (also গুল্মরোগ); a military station or assemblage; a small division of an army (consisting of 9 elephant-riders, 9 charioteers, 27 horsemen and 45 foot-soldiers). 46)
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