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অন্ন এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

অন্ন : (p. 41) anna boiled rice; rice; food. ̃কষ্ট n. distress caused by scarcity of food; famine; (fig.) sufferance caused by extreme poverty, indigent circumstances. ̃কূট n. a stupendous heap of boiled rice. ̃ক্ষেত্র var. of অন্নসত্র̃গতপ্রাণ a. (absolutely) depending on food or boiled rice for subsistence; (loos.) riceeating. ̃চিন্তা n. thinking out means of procuring food or earning one's livelihood; food-problem, bread-problem. ̃চিন্তা চমত্কারা the effort to earn one's livelihood is all-absorbing; bread-problem is the chief problem; thought of one's daily bread preys heavily on the mind or weighs heavily on the spirits. ̃জল n. food and drink; the Hindu rite of providing food and drink for the soul of the dead. ̃দা a. fem. one who supplies or gives food. n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) ̃দাতা a. & n. one who supplies or gives food; one who maintains. fem. ̃দাত্রী̃দান n. charitable or gratuitous supply of food. ̃দাস n. one who has enslaved himself to another for one's food or maintenance. ̃নালী n. the aesophagus, the gullet, the food passage. ̃পূর্ণা a. fem. full of food or rice. n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা).̃পথ্য n. rice-meal as diet. ̃পান n. food and drink. ̃প্রাশন n. the Hindu rite of a child's tasting rice for the first time. ̃বস্ত্র n. food and clothing. ̃ব্যঞ্জন n. rice and curry. ̃ভোজী a. rice-eating. n. rice-eater. ̃ময় a. full of food; built up or nourished by food (অন্নময় কোষ) ̃রস n. chyle. ̃সংস্হান n. provision for maintenance; procuring food or earning one's livelihood. ̃সত্র n. a place or institution for charitable supply of rice or food. ̃সমস্যা n. food-problem, bread-problem. ̃হীন a. without food; foodless; starving. 17)


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(p. 26) anabhilāṣa unwillingness; contrariety to one's desire; absence of desire. 8)
(p. 73) araba noiseless; silent, still. অরবে adv. noiselessly; silently. 46)
(p. 40) antardarśana (psy.) introspection. অন্তর্দর্শী a. introspective. 15)
(p. 63) abhīṣṭa desired, wished for, longed for, cherished; aimed at, intended. n. a desired object; an objective; an intention, a purpose. ̃পূরণ n. gratification or fulfilment of one's desire; attainment of one's objective, the accomplishment of (one's) aims. ̃প্রদ a. that which gratifies or fulfils. ̃লাভ, ̃সিদ্ধি n. same as অভীষ্টপূরণ । 152)
অক্কা পাওয়া
(p. 2) akkā pāōẏā (sl.) to die. 76)
(p. 51) aprāpta that which has not come into possession of; one who has not obtained or received or earned or acquired or realized or attained. ̃বয়স্ক a. one who has not yet come of age, underage, minor; below the age of legal majority. fem. অপ্রাপ্তবয়স্কা । ̃যৌবন a. one who has not yet attained youth; underage, minor. fem. অপ্রাপ্তযৌবনা । ̃ব্যবহার a. same as অপ্রাপ্তবয়স্ক । 48)
(p. 85) asapatna one who has no enemy. 54)
(p. 47) apariṇīta unmarried; unwedded. fem. অপরিণীতা । 2)
(p. 1) aṃśita divided into parts or shares; partitioned. 11)
(p. 17) adhi used in the senses of above, on, over, upon, higher, greater, more, superior, ruling, dominating, etc. over-, super-, sur-, ad-, etc. 60)
(p. 22) anatibistṛta not very extensive or broad or wide or spacious. 51)
(p. 48) apasmāra epilepsy. 16)
(p. 90) ashira restless; unsteady; unstable; agitated; excited; perturbed; impatient; fretting, fretful; uneasy; fickle; frivolous; changeful; uncertain. ̃চিত্ত, ̃প্রকৃতি, ̃বুদ্ধি, ̃মতি a. fickle-minded; frivolous; batty, barmy; impetuous. ̃চিত্ততা n. fickle-mindedness; restlessness; impatience. ̃তা n. restlessness; unsteadiness; instability; excitement; agitated or perturbed state; impatience; fretting, fretfulness, uneasiness; frivolity; changefulness; uncertainty. ̃সংকল্প a. irresolute; undecided (in action or purpose). ̃সংকল্পতা n. irresolution; indecision. 59)
অনুস্বর, অনুস্বার
(p. 38) anusbara, anusbāra one of the nasal sounds or the letter representing it (ং). 5)
(p. 1) aṃśa a portion or part; a share; a region or locality (দেশের উত্তর অংশ = the northern region of the country); (astrol.) ⅓ of the zodiac; (geog.) &frac136; of earth's circumference; degree; concern, respect (কোনো অংশে মহত্ নয় = noble in no respect); divine incarnation (বিষ্ণুর অংশ = an incarnation of Vishnu). ̃ক n. (alg.) a mantissa. অংশ করা v. to divide into parts or shares; apportion (food, property, task etc.) among others. ̃গত a. included in a part or share; relating to part(s) or share(s). ̃গ্রাহী a. taking a share, participating. n. a sharer, a shareholder; a participant, a party. ̃ত adv. partly, in part; partially; to some extent. ̃ন n. dividing; sharing; apportionment, distribution. অংশনীয় a. divisible into parts or shares; to be divided into parts. ̃প্রেষ n. (sc.) partial pressure. ̃ভাক্, ̃ভাগী a. enjoying a share; having a claim to a share. n. a share, a shareholder; a claimant to a share; one who is responsible for a part, a partner. (কিছুতে) অংশ নেওয়া v. to take part (in), to participate (in). অংশাংশ n. fraction of fraction; minute fraction; tiny part; bit. 5)
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