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আঁকা এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

আঁকা : (p. 96) ān̐kā to draw, to trace, to paint; to mark; to write; to describe, to delineate. n. act of drawing or tracing or painting or marking or writing or describing or delineating. a. drawn, traced, painted; marked; written; described, delineated. ̃নো v. to cause to draw or trace or paint or mark or write or describe or delineate. আঁকার হাত n. ability to draw. 21)


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(p. 107) ātāntara distress, misery; danger. আতান্তরে পড়া v. to get into or to be in distress. 18)
(p. 126) āsā2 to come; to appear; to come up; to arrive (ট্রেন আসা); to reach, to come up to (মুখ পর্যন্ত আসা); to commence, to begin (জ্বর আসা); to set in (শরত্ আসা); to be excited with (আবেগ আসা); to rise, to crop up (মনে আসা); to enter (ঘরে আসা); to attack, to come upon (ঢুলুনি আসা); to be struck with (ভয় আসা); to be supplied with (কথা আসা); to be filled with (চোখে জল আসা); to take place, to occur, to come about (বিপদ আসা); to be earned, to accrue (টাকা আসা); to be on the point of (ফুরিয়ে আসা). a. that which has come (কাছে আসা) n. act of coming; arrival. এগিয়ে আসা v. to come up, to advance. আসা-যাওয়া n. come-and-go. উঠে আসা v. to come up; to get up; to remove; to get loose, to be detached, to come off (ছাল উঠে আসা). কথা আসা v. to be able to speak. কাছে আসা v. to come or draw near, to come by; to approach. কাজে আসা, ব্যবহারে আসা v. to be of use, to be useful, to be serviceable. কান্না আসা v. to feel like crying or weeping. নেমে আসা v. to come down; to get down; to alight; to descend; to dismount. নিভে আসা v. to get dimmer and dimmer. নিয়ে আসা v. to bring along, bring with oneself; to fetch. ফিরে আসা v. to come back, to return. ফুরিয়ে আসা v. to be about to be exhausted; to be about to end. ফেলে আসা v. to leave behind. বহে আসা v. to flow down, to stream down; to come along. বেয়ে আসা v. to come steering along. বাইরে আসা v. to come out, to emerge. ভিতরে আসা v. to come in, to enter. রেখে আসা same as ফেলে আসা । 153)
(p. 107) ādhōẏā unwashed; unbleached. 112)
(p. 96) āōẏāja sound; noise; voice. 4)
(p. 126) ālamba a support, a prop; a shelter; (mech.) fulcrum. ̃ন n. a prop, a shelter; (rhet.) the person that is the object of a sentiment. আলম্বিত a. held; propped, supported; suspended, hung. আলম্বী a. supported; sheltered; hanging, pendant. 44)
(p. 106) āḍ়ṣa5 squint, oblique (আড় চোখ); half (আড়পাগলা). আড় ভাঙা v. to straighten. আড় হওয়া v. to lie down obliquely; to recline. ̃চোখে চাহনি, ̃চাহনি sidelong look or glance. ̃বাঁশি n. a kind of flute usu. made of bamboo or reed. ̃ভাবে adv. crosswise; obliquely. ̃মোড়া, আড়ামোড়া n. straightening or stretching one's body and removing inertia or lethargy or weariness. 13)
(p. 104) ājagubi incredible and impossible; queer; fantastic; cock-and-bull. 20)
(p. 126) āsakē variety of pancake made of a thin paste of liquefied rice-powder. 137)
(p. 126) ālasē2 idle, lazy, slothful, sluggish, indolent. আলসেমি n. idleness, sloth; procrastination. 47)
(p. 96) ān̐caḍ়ā-ān̐caḍ়i act of mutual scratching with finger-nails or claws in a fight. 30)
(p. 107) ātithya hospitality; that with which a host entertains a guest. ̃গ্রহণ, ̃স্বীকার n. acceptance of one's hospitality as a guest. আতিথ্য গ্রহণ করা, আতিথ্য স্বীকার করা v. to become a guest (of). 23)
(p. 126) ārthanītika pertaining to economics, economic; pertaining to financial policy. 8)
(p. 107) ādhibhautika originating from the four (or five) elements, elemental; effected or produced by living organism, biological; pertaining to organic life, organic. 102)
(p. 114) ānā2 to fetch, to bring. 16)
(p. 126) ālōḍ়ita stirred; churned; excited; agitated; pondered; deliberated. 96)
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