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আঁচড়কামড় এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

আঁচড়কামড় : (p. 96) ān̐caḍ়kāmaḍ় act of scratching and biting; bites and scratches. 29)


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(p. 104) ājhōḍ়ā not clipped or pared down, not sheared or pruned. 37)
(p. 107) ātmā (Hindu theol.) the conscious immortal independent and active guide of every being which is present in theA body but is not an inseparable part of it; the soul, the atman; the Supreme Being, God; a guardian deity; one's own likeness, self-identify, selfhood, the body; the heart, the mind; natural disposition, nature. 29)
(p. 133) āstābala a stable (for horses, elephants etc.). 20)
(p. 106) āḍ়ta a warehouse or godown of a wholesale dealer; an entrepot, a storehouse, a depot. ̃দার n. the owner or keeper of a warehouse; a wholesale merchant. ̃দারি n. wholesale business; the commission of a wholesale merchant. 16)
(p. 125) ārāma2 ease, comfort; pleasure; happiness; relaxation; rest; a garden (সংঘারাম.). ̃কেদারা n. an easy-chair. আরাম করা v. to take rest; to lie down; to recline; to relax; to enjoy ease and comfort; to enjoy pleasures. আরাম দেওয়া v. to give ease and comfort; to give relief. আরাম পাওয়া v. to enjoy ease and comfort; to get relief. ̃প্রিয়, আরামি a. ease-loving, fond of ease. 10)
(p. 118) ābarta a whirling motion or shape; a whirl; a vortex; a whirlpool, an eddy; whirling or revolving or rotating. a. whirling; revolving; rotating. আবর্ত ঘর্ষণ n. rolling friction. ̃ন n. whirling or revolving or rolling; a whirl, revolution; rotation; gyration; return; stirring or churning; repetition. আবর্তন দণ্ড, আবর্তনী n. a pestle for churning. ̃মান a. whirling or revolving or gyrating or returning. আবর্তিত a. revolved; rotated; gyrated; returned; repeated. আবর্তিত হওয়া v. to whirl; to revolve; to rotate; to gyrate; to eddy; to return; to be repeated. 12)
আসুর, আসুরিক
(p. 133) āsura, āsurika of or like the mythological demons, (cp.) Titanic; of or like a demon, demoniac; giant-like, gigantic, titanic; terrible; vile; unholy. fem. আসুরী, আসুরিকী । আসুর বিবাহ, আসুরিক বিবাহ a form of marriage in which the bridegroom purchases the bride from her parents in exchange of money. 12)
(p. 102) ācarita practised, observed, followed, obeyed; treated; habitual. 31)
(p. 107) ānata stooped, bent down; inclined; stooping in obeisance; obeisant. আনত হওয়া v. to stoop, to bend down, to incline; to stoop in obeisance, to bow down. ̃তল n. inclined plane. ̃শির a. with the head bending or stooping low. আনতি n. act or state of bending down or stooping; inclination; act or state of stooping in obeisance; obeisance. 120)
(p. 107) ādāḍ় a place for depositing household and other rubbish; a dump; a dustbin. আদাড়ে a. extremely dirty, filthy. 61)
(p. 126) ālōhita slightly red, reddish. 101)
(p. 133) āstēsushē leisurely; with no haste or flutter. 26)
(p. 126) āśapāśa surroundings; environs; outskirts; neighbourhood. আশেপাশে, আশেপাশে adv. hither and thither; around; on all sides; in the outskirts; in the neighbourhood. 111)
আঁটকুড়, আঁটকুড়া, আঁটকুড়িয়া, আঁটকুড়ে
(p. 97) ān̐ṭakuḍ়, ān̐ṭakuḍ়ā, ān̐ṭakuḍ়iẏā, ān̐ṭakuḍ়ē childess. fem. আঁটকুড়ি । আঁটকুড়ের বেটা a barren woman's son, a monstrosity (a term of abuse). fem. আঁটকুড়ের বেটি । 10)
(p. 115) āpaṇa a shop; a market. আপণিক a. of a shop or shops, of a market or markets; commercial. n. a shopkeeper; a trader. 28)
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