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উপার্জক এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

উপার্জক : (p. 168) upārjaka one who earns (esp. money). n. a money-earner; an earner. 44)


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(p. 168) uśō a mason's wooden tool for plaining or smoothing. 124)
(p. 143) uccārita spoken; elocuted; uttered; pronounced. 39)
(p. 162) upajāti a metre used in Sanskrit versification; a sub-caste, a subclass; a tribe or tribal; a backward tribe; an aboriginal tribe. উপজাতীয় a. tribal. 24)
(p. 143) ujjbala illuminated; bright; luminous; lustrous; radiant; splendent; resplendent; splendorous; splendid; shining; dazzling; beautiful; glorious; vivid. উজ্জ্বল করা v. to illuminate, to illumine; to brighten; to glorify (মুখ উজ্জ্বল করা, বংশ উজ্জ্বল করা); to make vivid, to vivify. উজ্জ্বল হওয়া v. to become illuminated; to brighten (up); to become glorified; to become vivid. উজ্জ্বল রস (rhet.) effect (on the reader's mind) produced by the (final) union of lovers. উজ্জ্বলতা n. brightness; luminousness; lustre; radiance; splendour; shine; dazzle; beauty; glory; vividness. উজ্জ্বল শ্যামবর্ণ a. of a complexion more fair than dark, of a glossy light dark complexion. উজ্জ্বলিত a. illuminated; lighted, enkindled; shining; brightened; radiated; beautified; glorified; vivified. উজ্জ্বলীকরণ n. illumination; act of brightening (up); glorification. উজ্জ্বলীভবন n. act of becoming illuminated or brightened (up) or glorified or vivid. 71)
(p. 143) ukaḍ়ā parched paddy coated or sweetened with sugar or molasses. 10)
(p. 167) upasāgara a bay, a gulf. উপসাগরীয় স্রোত n. a gulf-stream. 20)
(p. 167) upaśama relief; alleviation; abatement, subsidence; cessation; intermission; repression of one's own senses. উপশম করা v. to relieve; to alleviate, to allay; to mitigate; to abate, to cause to subside or cease or intermit; to repress one's own senses. উপশম হওয়া v. to be relieved; to be alleviated or mitigated; to abate, to subside; to cease; to intermit; (of one's senses) to be repressed. ̃ক a. relieving; alleviating, allaying, mitigating; causing abatement or subsidence or cessation or intermission; causing repression of one's senses. ̃নীয় a. that which is to be or can be relieved or alleviated or allayed or mitigated or abated or made to cease or made to intermit or repressed. উপশমিত a. relieved; alleviated, mitigated, allayed; abated, subsided; ceased; intermitted; (of one's senses) repressed. 6)
উচ্ছ্রয়, উচ্ছ্রায়, উচ্ছ্রিতি
(p. 143) ucchraẏa, ucchrāẏa, ucchriti height, altitude; elevation, gradual rise or ascent, elation, development. উচ্ছ্রায়ী a. ascending; rising gradually; in the process of being elated or developed. উচ্ছ্রিত a. heightened; swelled; developed. উচ্ছ্রা v. (poet.) to rise upwards, to swell ('উচ্ছ্রিয়া উঠিবে বিশ্ব'). 58)
(p. 164) upabīta the holy thread of a Brahmin or Kshatriya or Vaishya. 27)
(p. 150) utsādana extirpation, eradication; destruction; eviction, ejection; removal. উত্সাদন করা v. to uproot, to extirpate, to eradicate; to destroy; to evict, to eject; to remove. উত্সাদনীয় a. that which or one who is to be or can be eradicated or destroyed or evicted or ejected or removed. 32)
(p. 162) upajāta originated, born; produced. n. a by-product. 23)
(p. 165) upayācita asked for or solicited personally, volunteered. 16)
(p. 143) ucchbasana act of bursting out; act of swelling or welling up; act of overflowing or filling; respiration; motional imbalance. 55)
(p. 150) udābarta inversion of one portion of intestine within another, intussusception. 100)
(p. 164) upapādaka one who or that which decides or solves or accomplishes or executes or proves or justifies or demonstrates. 14)
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