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কঙ্কর, কাঁকর এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

কঙ্কর, কাঁকর : (p. 192) kaṅkara, kān̐kara gravel, a coarse grain of sand, a very small particle of stone, grit. a. coarse; harsh. 26)


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(p. 232) kāṣṭhāsana a wooden seat (such as a chair, a stool, a bench etc.). 46)
(p. 192) kaca2 denoting: a sound like the one made in cutting off or biting off something at one stroke. কচকচ int. denoting: the sound of hashing or munching or crunching repeatedly. কচকচ করা v. to give out a munching or crunching sound repeatedly (as on biting an unripe fruit); to grumble; to scold frequently or repeatedly without rhyme or reason; to indulge in intolerably long and dull arguments or talk, to prattle. কচকচানি n. act of hashing or munching or crunching repeatedly; act of grumbling, grumble; act of scolding repeatedly or frequently without rhyme or reason; intolerably long and dull argument or talk, prattle. কচকচি n. quarrel; wrangling; peevishness; unnecessary and inconsequential wrangling (তত্ত্বের কচকচি). কচকচে a. (of unripe fruits) giving out a munching sound when eaten; given to scolding repeatedly or frequently without rhyme or reason; indulging in long dull arguments or talk, prattling. 29)
(p. 232) kālāntaka causing universal dissolution; bringing about the end of an age; deadly. n. an appellation of Yama (যম), the god of death. 6)
(p. 202) kabutara the pigeon. fem. কবুতরী । 18)
(p. 192) kakhana at what time; when; long ago (সে তো কখন চলে গেছে). কখনও, কখনো adv. at any time, ever; for any reason; in any condition; under any circumstances. কখনো কখনো, (coll.) কখনোসখনো adv. sometimes, now and then, now and again; at times. আর কখনো ever afterwards. আর কখনো না never afterwards. 21)
(p. 243) kumati a wicked or harmful inclination or thought or design; evil design; evil counsel. a. having such inclination or thought or design. 18)
(p. 253) kēśaba a name of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). 50)
(p. 216) kān̐ḍ়ā to husk. a. husked. কাঁড়ানো v. to cause to husk. a. husked; husky. n. husking. 17)
(p. 257) kōnā a corner; a bay; the narrow inside of a room; a nook. ̃কুনি, ̃কোনি adv. diagonally; slantwise, athwart. a. diagonal; slantwise; athwart. ̃চে a. aslant; awry. 14)
(p. 253) kēnā to buy, to purchase. a. bought, purchased. n. buying, purchase. ̃কাটা n. purchases, marketing, shopping. কেনাকাটা করা v. to make purchases, to shop. কেনা দর cost price. ̃গোলাম a slave. ̃নো v. to cause to buy. ̃-বেচা n. buying and selling; trading; brokery. কেনা-বেচা করা v. to buy and sell; to trade (in); to act as a (professional) broker. 16)
(p. 226) kāmya desirable; desired (কাম্য ফল); that which should be or is to be performed for realization of one's desire (কাম্য কর্ম). 42)
(p. 194) kajjala eye-wash, eye-salve, collyrium; lampblack; cloud; dark cloud. 2)
(p. 226) kāẏadā artistic workmanship, artistry; an artifice, a trick; a contrivance, a device; a style or fashion; a means, a mode, a manner; skill; demeanour, deportment, manners (আদবকায়দা); control (কায়দায় পাওয়া). 44)
(p. 237) kun̐kaḍ়i-sukaḍ়i shrunk or contracted into a circular shape (chiefly due to cold). কুঁকড়ি-সুকড়ি হওয়া v. to shrink or contract as though into a lump or into a circular shape. 12)
(p. 248) kusuma2 a flower; menstruation, menses; a disease of the eye, the yolk of an egg. ̃কলি, ̃কলিকা, ̃কোরক n. a flower-bud. ̃কার্মুক, ̃চাপ, ̃ধনু, ̃ধন্বা n. appellation of Madana (মদন) the Hindu god of love whose bow is made of flowers. ̃কোমল ̃পেলব a. as soft as a flower. ̃দাম n. a flower-wreath, a garland of flowers. ̃বাস n. the scent or perfume of a flower. ̃মালিকা n. a small flower-wreath, a chaplet or small garland of flowers. ̃শয়ন, ̃শয্যা n. a bed of flowers; a very soft bed; (fig.) ease and comfort. ̃স্তবক n. a bunch of flowers, a bouquet, a nosegay. কুসুমাকর, কুসুমাগম n. the season of flowers, the spring, the vernal season. কুসুমায়ুধ same as কুসুমকার্মুক । কুসুমাসব n. the juice or honey of flowers, the nectar of flowers. কুসুমাস্তীর্ণ a. strewn with flowers; (fig.) (of life) easy going, smooth. 8)
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