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কুচিকিত্সক এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

কুচিকিত্সক : (p. 239) kucikitsaka an unskilled or inexperienced physician, a bad physician; a medical quack, a quacksalver. 16)


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কঞ্চুক, কঞ্চু
(p. 194) kañcuka, kañcu armour, a coat of mail; a modesty vest, bodice, brassiere; a slough or cast skin of a snake. 6)
(p. 240) kuṇḍa a hole, a cavity (নাভিকুণ্ড, হোমকুণ্ড); a tank or lake or basin etc. (সীতাকুণ্ড); a round and shallow receptacle (তাম্রকুণ্ড). 33)
(p. 251) kēn̐cē & pop. var. of কাঁচিয়া । কেঁচে যাওয়া v. (of a thing that has been done or nearly done) to become undone, to revert to the original position. 28)
(p. 251) kēukēṭā a person of distinction, a big gun. a. of high standing, distinguished. 23)
(p. 194) kaṭa1 denoting: the sound of cutting or biting a hard thing as a nut. ̃কটানি n. croaking; painful throbbing or drumming; harsh reproaches. কট কট int. denoting: repeated sounds of cutting or biting a hard thing; a croaking sound; repeated painful throbbing or drumming sound (কান কটকট); a harsh or blunt sound (কটকট করে বলা). কট কট করা v. to throb or drum painfully; to reproach harshly; (chiefly of frogs) to croak. ̃কটে a. giving out the sound as of cutting or biting a hard thing; throbbing or drumming painfully; given to reproaching harshly; croaking; heartrending or blunt (কটকটে কথা); frowning or terror-striking (কটকটে চাহনি). ̃মট int. expressing: anger, threat, frown (কটমট করে তাকানো). ̃মটে a. angry, frowning, sinister, terror-striking. 11)
(p. 240) kuṭhāra an axe, a hatchet. কুঠারিকা n. a small axe. 21)
(p. 240) kuparāmarśa unwholesome advice; bad or evil counsel. 62)
(p. 192) kaṃsabaṇika a dealer in bell metal products. 11)
(p. 262) klāsa a class. ক্লাসে ওঠা v. to move to or to be promoted to a higher class. ক্লাসে তোলা v. to promote to a higher class. 52)
(p. 243) kubaktā a bad speaker. 6)
(p. 220) kāntā wife; a lady-love, a mistress. 82)
(p. 239) kuñcikā a very red-coloured stony fruit with a black patch on the top; a thin twig of bamboo; a slip of bamboo; a key; an index, a table or list of contents; a variety of fish akin to the eel. 29)
(p. 208) kalama3 a pen. কলম কাটা, কলম বাড়া v. to mend a pen. কলম চালানো v. to wield a pen; to write. ̃দান, ̃দানি n. a small tray or stand for keeping pens, a pencase, a pen-stand. কলম পেশা v. (dero.) to work as a clerk. কলমপেশা n. clerkship; quill-driving, pen-pushing. a. clerical. ̃বাজ n. (dero.) an expert writer. ̃বাজি n. (dero.) useless writing. কলমের এক খোঁচায় with a stroke of the pen. 55)
(p. 208) kaṣṭa grief, sorrow; trouble, difficulty; pain, suffering; labour, hard effort, toil (কষ্টার্জিত); hardship; want, privation. কষ্ট করা v. to labour hard, to endeavour laboriously, to toil; to take trouble, to take pains; to undergo hardships; to suffer. কষ্ট দেওয়া v. to give trouble, to put to difficulty; to put to inconvenience; to oppress, to cause suffering (to), to distress; to pain; to grieve. কষ্ট পাওয়া v. to get into trouble, to be in difficulty; to suffer (from); to be oppressed or distressed; to feel pain; to grieve (for, at); to be moved with pity or sympathy. ̃কর a. difficult, hard; troublesome; laborious, toilsome; painful; distressing; oppressive, vexatious. ̃কল্পনা n. a far-fetched or forced or laboured concept or thought. ̃কল্পিত a. far-fetched, forced. ̃দায়ক same as কষ্টকর । ̃ভোগ n. suffering. কষ্টভোগ করা v. to suffer. ̃সহ, ̃সহিষ্ণু a. painstaking; able to undergo hardships, inured to hardships. ̃সাধ্য same as কষ্টকর । 112)
(p. 208) kalamba an arrow; a variety of flower or its tree; a stalk of spinach. ̃পত্রাকার a. hastate; triangular like the head of a spear. 59)
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