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গাট্টা এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

গাট্টা : (p. 306) gāṭṭā a blow on the head with the knuckles of the fist. গাট্টা মারা, গাট্টা দেওয়া, গাট্টা লাগানো v. to strike another's head with the knuckles of one's fist. ̃গোট্টা a. strongly built, short but robust; thick-set; dumpy. 15)


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(p. 314) gulajāra splendid; packed or crowded and noisy (সভা গুলজার, নরক গুলজার). গুলজার করা v. to brighten; to crowd and fill with warmth and noise. 35)
(p. 291) gaṅgā the Ganges, the Ganga; a river; a wife of Shiva (শিব). (poet.) গঙ্গা, গঙ্গজ a. Gangetic; riverine. গঙ্গাজলি1 n. act of putting the water of the Ganges into the mouth of a dying person; act of swearing by taking the water of the Ganges in one's palm. গঙ্গাজলি2 a. having the colour of the water of the Ganges, of a brownish cream colour. ̃তীর n. bank of the Ganges. ̃ধর n. an appellation of Shiva (শিব). ̃পুত্র n. (in the Mahabharata) Bhishma; one belonging to a Hindu caste whose business is to cremate or to help cremation, (cp.) an undertaker by caste. ̃প্রাপ্ত a. (lit.) one whose mortal remains have been thrown in the Ganges; dead. গঙ্গাপ্রাপ্ত হওয়া v. to die (esp. holily). ̃প্রাপ্তি n. death (esp. in a holy manner). ̃ফড়িং n. the grasshopper (of the green and large variety). ̃বাসী a. living near or on the bank of the Ganges; riverine. ̃মাহাত্ম্য n. the glory of the Ganges; a hymn glorifying the Ganges. ̃যমুনা n. the Ganges and the Jumna or their confluence. a. black-and-white; mixed with gold and silver, bimetallic. ̃যাত্রা n. act of carrying a dying person to the bank of the Ganges. গঙ্গাযাত্রা করা v. to be carried to the bank of the Ganges on the eve of one's death. গঙ্গাযাত্রা করানো v. to carry (a dying person) to the bank of the Ganges. ̃যাত্রী n. a person who is being carried to the bank of the Ganges on the eve of his death; a dying man; a pilgrim to the mouth of the Ganges esp. on a holy occasion. fem. ̃যাত্রিণী । ̃লাভ same as গঙ্গাপ্রাপ্তি । ̃সংগম, ̃সাগর n. the confluence of the Ganges and the Bay of Bengal, the mouth of the Ganges. ̃স্নান n. bathing in the Ganges. গঙ্গাস্নান করা v. to bathe in the Ganges; (fig.) to cleanse oneself of guilt, sin etc. to make oneself pure. 6)
(p. 321) gōpana hiding, concealment; secrecy. a. hidden, concealed, confidential, private, secret, unrevealed, mysterious. গোপন করা v. to hide, to conceal; to keep secret; to keep back (সত্য গোপন করা) গোপন থাকা v. to remain hidden or concealed or unrevealed; to remain secret. গোপন রাখা v. to keep secret or unrevealed; to keep one's own or another's counsel. গোপন আলোচনা a confidential conference; a close-door conference, a conference in camera. গোপন কথা a secret; a mystery; a confidential matter or report; a private or confidential talk; a close-door conference, a conference in camera. ̃তা n. secrecy; privacy. গোপনীয় a. that which should be kept secret or kept back; confidential, private; secret. গোপনে adv. secretly; privately, confidentially; in concealment. গোপনে থাকা v. to be in hiding or concealment; to hide; to be in secret. গোপনে রাখা v. to keep hidden or concealed; to hide; to keep in hiding. 27)
(p. 321) gōlapātā a leaf of a small tree akin to the fanpalm (these leaves are used in thatching, Nipa fruticans). 86)
(p. 306) gāḍ়ōẏāna a carter, a coachman, a waggoner, a carman. গাড়োয়ানি n. the profession of a carter or a coachman or a waggoner or a carman; vulgar behaviour and talk, vulgarity. 21)
(p. 311) guṇṭhita veiled; hooded; covered. 63)
(p. 321) gōpālana act of tending and looking after cows; cattle-farming. 32)
গোমশতা, গোমস্তা
(p. 321) gōmaśatā, gōmastā a rent-collector or billcollector or steward (of a landlord, a businessman, a mercantile firm etc.) 58)
গোধা, গোধিকা
(p. 321) gōdhā, gōdhikā the iguana. 23)
(p. 308) gāẏaka a singer, a songster. fem.গায়িকা । গায়কি n. style of singing. 18)
(p. 321) gōlārdha (geog.) a hemisphere; (geom.) a semi-circle. 95)
(p. 321) gōbadha cow-slaughter. 44)
(p. 306) gātrānulēpanī a brush to paint the body. 30)
(p. 314) gumaṭi a sentry-box; a shed or enclosure (বাসের গুমটি, ট্রামের গুমটি). 18)
(p. 314) guma1 secret, unrevealed, concealed (গুমখুন); carried off and kept concealed (লাশ গুম করা); gone in hiding or absconding (গুম হওয়া); missing; speechless and motionless (গুম হয়ে বসে থাকা) গুম করা v. to carry off and keep concealed. ̃খুন n. a secret murder or assassination. গুম হওয়া v. to be carried off and kept concealed; to abscond, to go into hiding; to be missing; to become speechless and motionless. 15)
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