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গৃহান্তর এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

গৃহান্তর : (p. 314) gṛhāntara another room or house or home. 57)


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(p. 311) guṇānurāga love for virtues or good qualities; attraction or admiration for others' good qualities or virtues. গুণানুরাগী having love for virtues or good qualities; attracted by or admiring others' good qualities or virtues. fem. গুণানুরাগিনী । গুনানুরাগী ব্যক্তি an admirer. 47)
(p. 321) gauṇa minor, unimportant, secondary. n. delay. গৌণ করা v. (arch.) to make delay. ̃কর্ম v. minor duty; (gr.) an indirect object. ̃তা n. secondariness; less importance; inferiority. গৌণার্থ n. (rhet.) secondary significance, figurative meaning. 118)
(p. 314) gubarēpōkā the dung-beetle, the dorbeetle, the dor-fly, the dor, the dorr. 13)
(p. 327) grāmika one who owns or rules or guards a village. 22)
গুটি২, গুটিকা
(p. 311) guṭi2, guṭikā a pill, a pilule, a globule (ওষুধের গুটিকা); any small globular or granular object; (in chess and similar games) a piece, a man, a pawn; any fruit in its early stage of growth (আমের গুটি); a vesicle, a blister (বসন্তরোগের গুটি); a cocoon; a chrysalis (গুটিপোকা). গুটিকাপাত করা v. to decide by means of lots, to cast lots. 25)
(p. 326) gauraba importance; glory; majesty; dignity; honour; cordial reception; pride; excellence; worth. গৌরব করা v. to be proud of, to pride in. ̃গাথা n. tales of glory; song, poem etc. composed in praise of a person or one's country. ̃রবি n. the sun of glory. গৌরবান্বিত, গৌরবিত, ̃মণ্ডিত a. important, glorious; majestic; dignified; honoured; proud. গৌরবের বিষয় a creditable or highly praiseworthy affair or thing, a glory, a glorious achievement. 3)
(p. 296) gadya prose. ̃কবিতা n. a prosepoem. ̃ছন্দ n. prose rhythm; the unversified language of poetry (গদ্যছন্দে লেখা কবিতা). ̃ময় a. prosaic. ̃লেখক n. a prose-writer. 18)
(p. 296) gabadā corpulent, bulky, plump, fat, fleshy, chubby. 46)
(p. 321) gōpa a milkman (by caste or profession); a cowherd; a king; a landowner; a feudal lord. ̃কন্যা n. the daughter of a milkman, a (young) milkmaid, (cp.) a milk-girl. ̃নারী n. the wife or a daughter of a milkman, a milkmaid, (cp.) a milk-woman. ̃বধূ n. wife of a milkman, (cp.) a milk-wife. ̃বালক n. a boy of the milk-man class; a cowboy. 26)
গাহ, গাহন১
(p. 308) gāha, gāhana1 act of bathing by dipping the whole body in the water of a pond, river, sea etc.; immersion. গাহন করা v. to bathe. 36)
(p. 301) garbha inner part; interior, inside (নারকেলের গর্ভ, ভূগর্ভ); bed, bottom (নদীগর্ভ); hollow, pit (খনিগর্ভ); womb (গর্ভে ধারণ); a spathe (of a plant); embryo, foetus (গর্ভধারণ); pregnancy, conception (গর্ভলক্ষণ); belly (পেয়ারাগুলো সব ছেলেদের গর্ভে গেছে); (fig.) undue appropriation (এ টাকা মহাজনের গর্ভে যাবে). গর্ভ হওয়া v. to be in the family way; to become pregnant. ̃কটি a. perigynous. ̃কাল n. gestation. ̃কেশর n. the pistil (of a flower). গর্ভকেশরের অগ্রভাগ a stigma. ̃কোষ n. the uterus, seed-vessel. ̃গৃহ n. a lying-in room; a small room or compartment within a larger one often in a temple to house the idol (cp. an anteroom). ̃চ্যুত a. miscarried (in birth); fallen from the womb. ̃চ্যুতি n. miscarriage. ̃জ, ̃জাত a. born of the womb (of). ̃তন্তু, ̃দন্ড n. (bot.) a style. ̃দাস n. a son of a slave woman (such a son is bound to slavery by birth); one's son by one's slave-woman ̃ধারণ n. conception. ̃গর্ভধারণ করা v. to conceive, to become pregnant, to be with child or in the family way. গর্ভে ধারণ act of bearing in one's womb; gestation. ̃ধারিণী n. mother. ̃নাড়ি n. umbilical cord. ̃নাশ n. same as গর্ভপাত । ̃নিঃসৃত a. one who or that which has come out of the womb (of); extricated from the womb (of). গর্ভনিঃসৃত হওয়া v. to come out of the womb (of). ̃পত্র n. (bot.) a carpel. ̃পরিশ্রব, ̃ফুল n. placenta. ̃পাত n. miscarriage, abortion. ̃পাত করা v. to cause abortion (esp. illegally). গর্ভপাত হওয়া v. to have abortion, to miscarry. ̃বতী a. pregnant, with child, in the family way. গর্ভবতী হওয়া v. (of women) to become pregnant, to conceive; (of beasts) to be gravid or big with young. ̃বাস a. the period of gestation or act of living in one's mother's womb. গর্ভবাস করা v. to be in one's mother's womb. to live in one's mother's womb. ̃বেদনা, ̃ব্যথা same as গর্ভযন্ত্রণা । ̃মাস n. the first month of conception. ̃মুণ্ড n. (bot.) a stigma. ̃মোচন n. delivery of a child. গর্ভমোচন করা v. to be delivered of a child. ̃যন্ত্রণা, ̃যাতনা n. throes of labour, travail, labour-pain; (fig.) excessive pain or labour. গর্ভযন্ত্রণা ভোগ করা v. (lit. & fig.) to be in travail, to be in labour. ˜লক্ষণ n. sign of pregnancy. ̃শীর্ষ a. (bot.) epigynous. ̃সংক্রমণ, ̃সঞ্চার n. appearance of the embryo in the womb; conception. গর্ভসঞ্চার হওয়া v. to become pregnant, to be with child. ̃স্হ a. lying in the womb; of the womb. ̃স্হলী n. the womb; the uterus. ̃স্রাব n. miscarriage in childbirth, abortion; (vul.—in abuse or contempt) a bastard, a wastrel, a good-for-nothing fellow. গর্ভস্রাব হওয়া v. to miscarry. 11)
(p. 314) guhya a confidential, private; secret, concealed, hidden; mysterious; esoteric; occult; lonely. n. the anus. ̃দ্বার n. the anus. ̃সংবাদ n. a secret news. 49)
(p. 308) gilaṭi gilding. a. gilt. গিলটি করা v. to gild. গিলটি-করা a. gilt. গিলটি সোনা n. rolled gold. 53)
(p. 320) gō-cikitsā treatment of cows and cattle.
(p. 296) garada a kind of silk fabric. 77)
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