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জ্বালামুখ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

জ্বালামুখ : (p. 410) jbālāmukha the mouth of a volcano, a crater. 35)


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(p. 396) jān̐kā to be filled with splendour; to sit or settle firmly upon (জেঁকে বসা); to be flourishing; to hold or seize fast. 27)
(p. 386) jaḍ়3 inanimate; insensate; perceptible by the senses; worldly, earthly; material (জড়বাদ); inactive, inert; stupid, imbecile; ignorant. n. an imbecile; something inanimate or insensate (জড়ের তিন অবস্হা). ̃ক্রিয় a. sluggish. ̃জগত্ n. the inanimate world; the physical world; the material world. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. inanimateness, insensateness; state of being perceptible by the senses; worldliness, earthliness; materiality; inactivity, intertia; uneasiness (শরীরের জড়তা); stupidity, imbecility; ignorance; sluggishness. ̃পদার্থ n. any inanimate substance; inanimate matter; (fig.) an extremely inactive or immobile person, a person bereft of all sensation. ̃পিণ্ড n. a mass of anything insensate, a conglomerated mass of things. ̃পুত্তলি n. a puppet; (fig.) a person rendered inactive or a person without any freedom of action. ̃বাদ n. materialism. ̃বাদী a. materialistic. n. a materialist. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. physical or natural science. ̃বুদ্ধি a. imbecile, fatuous, oafish. ̃ভরত n. (myth.) King Bharata who lost his salvation because of his over-attachment to a sawn and when reborn he remembered the incidents of his former life and so refrained from speaking and all voluntary activities; (fig.) an imbecile or inactive person, a clodhopper. a. imbecile or inactive. ̃সড় a. cowering or cowered. জড়সড় হওয়া v. to flinch or shrink as through fear or shyness. 25)
(p. 385) jagannātha the Supreme Lord of the world, God; an appellation of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ); the presiding deity of the temple at Puri, Jagannath. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. the domain of Jagannath, Puri. 29)
(p. 400) jirāta (chiefly used as a correl. of জমি) land. 92)
(p. 400) jībita living, alive. n. life (জীবিতনাথ). ̃কাল n. same as জীবিতাবস্হা । ̃নাথ, জীবিতেশ্বর n. the lord of (one's) life; a husband. জীবিতাবস্হা n. life-time. 122)
(p. 390) jamā (rare) capital or principal money; savings; (book-keeping) deposit; credit or income (জমাখরচ); revenue or the rate of revenue (বার্ষিক তিন টাকা জমা); rented land (তাঁর কাছে আমার কিছু জমা আছে). v. to be saved or accumulated (টাকা জমা); to accrue (সুদ জমা); to collect (ময়লা জমা); to gather, to assemble (লোক জমা); to settle (পলি জমা); to congeal or coagulate, to freeze (দুধ জমা, রক্ত জমা); to become attractive or captivation (আসর বা গান জমা); to be filled with crowd and enthusiasm (সভা জমা). a. accumulated, saved up; accrued; collected; settled or deposited; congealed, coagulated, frozen; that which has become attractive; filled with crowd and enthusiasm. জমা করা v. to accumulate; to amass; to cause to assemble, to collect; to deposit; (book-keeping) to credit. জমা দেওয়া v. to deposit. জমা নেওয়া v. to take as a deposit. জমার দিক (in a book of accounts) the credit side. ̃-ওয়াসিলবাকি n. an account or a statement of accounts of realized and unrealized revenue. ̃খরচ n. (book-keeping) credit and debit, income and expenditure, receipts and payment or disbursements. ̃নবিশ n. an accounts clerk in the receipts branch. ̃বন্দি n. a descriptive rent-roll (usu. drawn up annually). 21)
(p. 400) jālātunē (coll.) irritating, annoying, vexatious, pestering; harassing. 39)
(p. 396) jāgarī one who keeps awake; wakeful; sleepless. 42)
(p. 410) jyōtiṣmattā luminosity, brightness. 52)
(p. 400) jālika deceiving, deceitful. n. a fisherman; a hunter, a fowler; a spider; a cheat. 42)
জম্পতি, জম্পতী
(p. 390) jampati, jampatī a married couple; a husband and a wife. 28)
(p. 410) jñāpana act of informing or intimating, information, intimation; act of expressing or indicating or signifying, expression, indication, signification; announcement, notification: communication, circulation. জ্ঞাপন করা v. to inform, to intimate; to express, to indicate, to signify, to mean; to announce, to notify, to apprise; to communicate, to circulate. ̃পত্র n. a bulletin. ̃যোগ্য a. that which is fit for communication, to be communicated. জ্ঞাপনীয় a. that which is to be or can be informed or intimated or indicated or expressed or signified or meant or announced or notified or apprised or communicated or circulated. 10)
(p. 400) jāliẏā a fisherman; (rare) a hunter, a fowler. 45)
(p. 396) jāgarūka awake; wakeful; watchful; careful; still unforgotten or existent (হৃদয়ে জাগরূক). 43)
(p. 410) jbarita stricken with fever; running a temperature. 16)
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