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তখন এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

তখন : (p. 442) takhana (also conj.) at that time; in that age (তখন কলকাতায় ট্রাম ছিল না); then; and then; so; after that time; at last (চোর পালালে তখন গৃহস্হ সাবধান হল). n. that time or age (তখন থেকে). ̃ই, তখনি adv. just then; immediately, forthwith, at once, ̃ও adv. still then. ̃কার a. of that time or age. তখন থেকে adv. since then. 22)


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তিড়িং, তিড়িক
(p. 457) tiḍ়i, ntiḍ়ika expressing: a sudden skip: তিড়িংতিড়িং, তিড়িংবিড়িং int. expressing: repeated skipping, তিড়িংতিড়িং করা v. to skip repeatedly, to cut a caper. 74)
(p. 448) taphāta intervening space or distance; distance; difference, otherness; aloofness (তফাতে তফাতে থাকা). a. removed afar; separated; differentiated. int. avaunt; keep back. তপাত করা v. to remove; to separate; to alienate, to estrange; to differentiate; to discriminate. তফাত হওয়া v. to move or go away from; to be separated from; to be alienated or estranged. তফাতে থাকা v. to keep aloof; to remain at a distance; to keep one's distance. 13)
(p. 472) tyāḍ়ā sidelong; oblique, awry; (of words) oblique and haughty. ̃বাঁকা a. having many curves, not straight; distorted. 31)
তবহু, তবহুঁ
(p. 448) tabahu, tabahu (poet. & obs.) still then, in spite of that, notwithstanding, withal. 23)
(p. 449) tarāsa (coll.) fear, fright, alarm. তরাসে a. easily frightened. 62)
(p. 453) tāḍ় a kind of armlet. 37)
(p. 474) tryaṅka consisting of three acts, three-act (ত্র্যঙ্ক নাটক). 23)
(p. 457) tina three. ̃কাল n. infancy youth and middle age. তিন কাল গিয়ে এককালে ঠেকা to be in the last quarter of one's life, (cp.) to have one foot in the grave. ̃গুণ adj. & adv. threefold, three times. ˜কুল one's father's line and mother's line and in-law's line. ̃সত্যি n. uttering 'true' or 'promise' three times by way of swearing. ̃সন্ধ্যা same as ত্রি সন্ধ্যা । 81)
(p. 462) tīrtha a holy place; a place for pilgrimage; a river or a sea or a lake etc. containing holy waters (পঞ্চতীর্থ); a landing-stair or a landing-place on the bank or the shore of a river or a sea etc. containing holy waters (সাগরতীর্থ); a preceptor, a teacher, alma mater (সতীর্থ); a title awarded for scholarship in Sanskrit (কাব্যতীর্থ). তীর্থ করা v. to go on pilgrimage. তীর্থের কাক (fig.) one who lives upon and waits expectantly for others' favour (just like the crows of a holy place which live upon the crumbs or leavings of offerings given by pilgrims). ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a holy place, a place for pilgrimage. ̃দর্শন n. act of visiting a holy place; pilgrimage. ̃পর্যটন, ̃ভ্রমণ n. act of touring in holy places; pilgrimage, perigrination. ̃বাসী a. & n. one who lives permanently at a holy place. fem. ˜বাসিনী । তীর্থযাত্রা করা v. to set out on a pilgrimage; to pilgrimage. ̃যাত্রী a. pilgrimaging, spiritual. n. a pilgrim, a perigrin(e). fem. ̃যাত্রিণী । ̃সলিল, তীর্থোদক n. the water of a holy place. তীর্থংকর, তীর্থঙ্কর n. a Jaina author of scriptures, a Jaina lawgiver; a Jaina or Buddhist monk who has attained spiritual perfection. 16)
(p. 474) traikālika of or relating to the three ages; past, present and future; of or relating to all times or ages; eternal. 15)
(p. 470) tōtalā given to or marked with stammering, stuttering. তোতলা লোক a stammerer, a stutterer. তোতলানো, তোতলামি করা v. to stammer, to stutter. তোতলামি n. stammering or stuttering. 12)
(p. 449) tamasa darkness, gloom. 2)
(p. 442) tadabasha in that state or condition or position or posture. 89)
(p. 457) tāla5 a large lump or ball or clod. তাল করা v. to collect into a lump, to heap up, to amass. তালগোল পাকানো, তাল পাকানো v. to form into a confused (round) ball or lump; to make or be made a mess of, to bungle or be bungled. ̃গোল n. a confused round ball or lump; confusion. ̃তাল a. lumps of; a large amount of. 47)
(p. 462) tuṅga high, elevated; highest, most elevated; (astrol.) ascending. তুঙ্গী a. (astrol.) ascending, ascendant; high, elevated; highest, most elevated. তুঙ্গে ওঠা v. to reach the highest point; to come to a head; to culminate (অসন্তোষ তুঙ্গে ওঠা). 26)
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