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দক্ষিণা এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

দক্ষিণা : (p. 480) dakṣiṇā a fee or gift given to a priest or a Brahman or a teacher etc.; the south (দক্ষিণাপ্রবণ); (rhet.) a mistress who still retains her attachment towards her former lover. a. southern, south.


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(p. 517) daiśika concerning a country or a province or a region or a locality, native, provincial, regional, local; concerning a part; partial. 57)
(p. 492) dānī bountiful, munificent, generous, charitable. 45)
(p. 492) dāgi bearing a darkish stain or spot of rottenness (দাগি আম); branded (দাগি লোক); previously convicted (দাগি আসামি). 19)
(p. 508) dūṣaṇīẏa blamable, blameworthy, condemnable; reprehensible. 90)
দিগম্বর ।
(p. 497) digambara . one who has the quarters of the globe as his sole clothing; naked, nude. n. an appellation of Shiva (শিব); quarters of the globe imagined as a loincloth. দিগম্বরী a. fem. of দিগম্বর । n. an appellation of Goddess Kali (কালী). 25)
দ্বারকানাথ, দ্বারকাপতি, দ্বারকেশ
(p. 522) dbārakānātha, dbārakāpati, dbārakēśa the lord or ruler of the city of Dwaraka; an appellation of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). 47)
(p. 485) damabāja a fibber; a braggart; a bamboozler, a hoaxer. দমবাজি n. bragging; bamboozlement, hoaxing; a hoax, a fib, a bam. 5)
(p. 485) daẏā kindness, charity; compassion; tender-heartedness; pity; mercy; favour, benignancy, grace; (rare) benevolence, bounty. দয়া করা v. to be kind to, to be charitable towards; to look at someone in (or with) compassion; to pity; to take pity on; to treat mercifully; to favour, to be gracious towards. দয়া করে kindly. দয়ার পাত্র an object of pity; a miserable or despicable man. দয়ার সাগর (fig.) an ocean of kindness or compassion, an extremely kind or compassionate man. ̃দাক্ষিণ্য n. charity, kindness; bounty; benignancy; mercy. ̃নিধি n. (fig.) a store of kindness or compassion, an extremely kind or compassionate man. ̃ন্বিত, ̃পরবশ, ̃পরতন্ত্র a. moved or stricken with kindness or compassion or mercy; kind; compassionate; merciful. ̃বান, ̃ময় a. kind, charitable; compassionate; tender-hearted; merciful; gracious, benignant; (rare) benevolent, bountiful. fem. ̃বতী, ̃ময়ী । ̃মায়া n. pity and love, compassion and affection. ̃মায়াহীন a. without mercy or compassion, pitiless. ̃র্দ্র a. melted or softened with kindness or compassion or mercy. fem. দয়ার্দ্রা । ̃র্দ্রচিত্ত a. having one's heart softened with kindness or compassion or mercy; kind-hearted. ̃ল, ̃লু same as দয়াবান । ̃শীল a. kind or charitable or compassionate or tenderhearted or merciful or gracious or benignant or benevolent or bountiful (by nature); practising kindness or charity or benevolence. fem. ̃শীলা । ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. unkind, uncharitable; uncompassionate, pitiless; merciless; ungracious. fem. ̃শূন্যা, ̃হীনা । দয়া হওয়া v. to feel compassion or pity for. 16)
(p. 522) dbirāgamana the ceremony of a newly-wed bride's coming for the second time to her husband's house from her paternal abode. 59)
(p. 485) dambhī conceited, vainglorious, proud; boastful, braggart; arrogant, haughty. 13)
(p. 517) dēśa a country, a land; a state; a province (বঙ্গদেশ, অঙ্গদেশ); motherland, native land (কাফ্রিদের দেশ আফ্রিকায়); native village (ছেলেটি সবে দেশ থেকে শহরে এসেছে); a region (মরুদেশ); a place (পৃষ্ঠদেশ); a part or portion (মধ্যদেশ); a direction or quarter (অধোদেশ); a raga or musical mode. ̃কাল n. a particular place and a point of time or their nature or condition; a particular circumstance. ̃কালজ্ঞ a. conversant with the nature of a particular place and time or with that of different places and points of time. ̃কালপাত্র n. a particular place and a point of time and a person or their nature or condition. ̃কালাতীত a. transcending space and time, universal and eternal. ̃কালোচিত a. befitting and serving the needs of a particular place and a point of time; befitting the circumstances. ̃খ্যাত a. same as দেশপ্রসিদ্ধ । ̃ছাড়া a. away from home; away from one's motherland. ̃গৌরব n. pride of a or of one's country. ̃জ ̃জাত a. indigenous. ̃জো়ড়া same as দেশব্যাপী । ̃ত্যাগ n. leaving a country or one's own country (esp. for good), emigration or migration from one's native land. দেশত্যাগ করা v. to leave a country or one's own country (esp. for good); to emigrate or migrate. ̃ত্যাগী a. (also n.) emigrant, migrant. ̃দেশান্তর n. one's native land and other countries; countries far and near, different countries. ̃দ্রোহ n. treason or treachery against one's own country or state. ̃দ্রোহী a. committing treason or treachery against one's own country or state. ̃ধর্ম n. customs and practices peculiar to a country. ̃পর্যটন same as দেশভ্রমণ । ̃প্রথা same as দেশধর্ম । ̃প্রসিদ্ধ a. famous all over the country. ̃প্রিয় a. beloved of one's countrymen. ̃প্রেম n. attachment to or love for one's motherland, patriotism. ̃প্রেমিক n. a lover of one's motherland, a patriot. ̃বন্ধু n. a friend of the country; the friend of one's own country. ̃বিখ্যাত same as দেশপ্রসিদ্ধ । ̃বিদেশ n. one's native land and foreign countries, home and abroad. ̃বিদেশে adv. at home and abroad; all over the world. ̃বিশ্রুত same as দেশপ্রসিদ্ধ । ̃বিধান n. customs and conventions peculiar to a country. ̃ব্যাপী a. countrywide. ̃বিভাগ n. the partition of a country. ̃ভেদে adv. according to the change of countries; in different lands. ̃ভ্রমণ n. travel in different lands, journeying from country to country; travel in different parts of a country. দেশভ্রমণ করা v. to travel in different countries or in different parts of a country. ̃ময় a. countrywide. adv. all over the country. ̃মাতৃকা n. a country conceived or personified as the mother of its inhabitants; motherland. ̃রক্ষা n. the defence of a country. দেশরক্ষা-মন্ত্রক n. the ministry of defence. ̃সেবক n. a servant of one's motherland. ̃সেবা n. service to one's motherland. ̃স্হ a. situated or living in a country; (loos.) of or concerning a country, internal; (loos.) indigenous. ̃হিত n. welfare of a country. ̃হিতকর a. beneficial to a country, conducive to a country's welfare. ̃হিতব্রত n. avowed determination to do good to one's country. a. same as দেশহিতব্রতী । ̃হিতব্রতী a. avowedly devoted to the welfare of one's country. হিতৈষণা, ̃হিতৈষিত n. desire of doing good to one's own country. হিতৈষী a. desirous of doing good to one's own country. 22)
(p. 508) dūrēkṣaṇa television. 86)
(p. 492) dākhili presented, submitted, filed; paid; relating to presentation or submission or filing or payment. 13)
(p. 497) digaṃśa azimuth. 17)
(p. 492) dāpana1 act of causing to give. 53)
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