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দৌহিত্র এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

দৌহিত্র : (p. 522) dauhitra a daughter's son, a grandson. দৌহিত্রী n. a daughter's daughter, a granddaughter. 38)


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(p. 480) dakṣa1 (myth.) the name of a divine being entrusted formerly with the charge of creation of earthly beings; the father of Sati (সতী), the wife of Shiva (শিব), ̃কন্যা n. Sati (সতী), the wife of Shiva (শিব). ̃যজ্ঞ n. (myth.) a religious feast held by Daksha (দক্ষ) in which Shiva (শিব) was not invited and was publicly abused or censured and Sati (সতী), the wife of Shiva, unable to stand this, died of grief. Shiva came with his followers to the feast, spoilt it and killed Daksha; (fig.) tremendous turmoil; utter confusion, pandemonium. 15)
(p. 495) dāẏika responsible; indebted. 35)
(p. 508) durbatsara an inauspicious year; a year of scarcity or famine or hardship; a bad or troublesome year. 10)
(p. 508) durbhikṣa (lit. & obs.) a time when alms is scarce; (pop.) (a time of) scarcity, famine; extreme want or shortage. ̃পীড়িত a. famine-stricken. 33)
(p. 508) durbinīta impolite, discourteous; haughty, arrogant, insolent; ill-mannered, unmannerly. fem. দুর্বিনীতা । 19)
(p. 508) duṣpāṭhya hard to read. 69)
(p. 485) dalīẏa relating to a party or community. দলীয় কোঁদল n. inner-party squabble, inner-party quarrel. দলীয় প্রতীক n. party symbol. 70)
(p. 522) dbīpa an island, an isle. ক্ষুদ্র দ্বীপ an islet. দ্বীপপুঞ্জ n. a group of islands, an archipelago. ব্রিটিশ দ্বীপপুঞ্জ the British Isles. দ্বীপবাসী n. an islander, an islesman, (rare) an isleman. a. living in an island. 63)
(p. 507) durukti harsh or rude words; revilement, filthy language, abuse. 8)
(p. 522) dbīpāntara another island; a different island; banishment of offenders beyond the seas, deportation, transportation, exilement, exile. দ্বীপান্তর হওয়া v. to be deported or transported or exiled. দ্বীপান্তরিত a. deported, transported, exiled. দ্বীপান্তরিত করা, দ্বীপান্তরে পাঠানো বা দেওয়া v. to deport, to transport, to exile. 64)
(p. 485) daśā state, condition (দুর্দশা); disposition (মনের দশা); a phase, a stage (শেষ দশা); one of the ten phases of the human mind, namely, volition, thought, memory, adoration, worry, delirium, madness, illness, infirmity, death (all collectively called দশদশা); one of the ten stages of human life, namely, staying in the womb, birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence and celibacy, youth, old age, decrepitude, the last gasp, and death (all stages collectivly called দশদশা); (astrol.) the planetary influence on a person's life (শনির দশা); a Hindu obsequial rite observed on the tenth day of death; any of the ten forms of devotion or charity according to Vaishnavas, namely, audition, glorification, recollection or enumeration of qualities and graces, worship, adoration, obeisance or genuflection, attendance or servitude, friendship or attachment, self-sacrifice in love, and unification; (religious) trance or reverie (দশায় পড়া). দশায় পড়া v. to fall into a state, to run into a condition; to fall into a trance whilst singing or hearing kirtan (কীর্তন) songs. 74)
(p. 485) darajā a door; a gate; an entrance or doorway; a portico; (police jargon) a constable on duty at the gate of a police station. দরজা দেওয়া v. to shut or close a door. দরজায় দরজায় adv. from door to door, at every door. 27)
(p. 522) dbiṣṭa envied; maliced. 62)
(p. 505) dunā double, twice. 6)
দুরধিগম, দুরধিগম্য
(p. 506) duradhigama, duradhigamya difficult to obtain, not easily available; not easily accessible, difficult of access; difficult to comprehend or learn, not easily knowable or cognizable; abstruse. fem. দুরধিগম্যা । 6)
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