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ধনাগার এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ধনাগার : (p. 529) dhanāgāra a treasury; a (public) fund. 14)


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ধনাধিপ, ধনাধিপতি
(p. 529) dhanādhipa, dhanādhipati the lord of wealth; Kuvera (কুবের), (cp.) Plutus, Mammon. 18)
(p. 542) dhuta caused to tremble or quiver, shaken; sounded or played (as a stringed musical instrument); expelled; removed, driven away, scolded, reprimanded. 19)
(p. 529) dhanicā a jute-like fibrous plant. 26)
(p. 543) dhūma smoke, fume, vapour, steam, gas; (loos.) mist, fog. ̃কুন্ডলী n. a ring or coil of smoke. ̃কেতু n. a comet. ̃নালী, ̃পথ n. a pipe or conduit for the escape of smoke, fume, vapour etc, a chimney; a fumarole. ̃নির্গম, ̃নির্গমন n. escape of smoke, vapour, gas etc. ̃পান n. smoking (cigars, cigarettes etc.). ধূমপান করা v. to smoke (cigarettes etc.). ̃পায়ী a. addicted to smoking. n. a smoker. ̃বিহীন a. same as ধূমহীন । ̃ময় a. full of or made of smoke, fume, vapour, gas etc.; smoky, fumy, vapoury, gaseous; (loos.) misty, foggy. ধূমল n. the colour of smoke, the dark purple colour. a. smoke-coloured, dark purple. ̃হীন a. smokeless, free from vapour or smoke. ̃হীনতা n. smokelessness. 28)
(p. 540) dhāmasāni thrashing; kneading with hands and feet. 9)
(p. 532) dharmābalambana practising a religion; adoption of a religion. ধর্মাবলম্বন করা v. to practise or follow a religion or creed; to adopt a religion. ধর্মাবলম্বী a. following or practising a religion. fem. ধর্মাবলম্বিনী । 29)
ধুকধুক, ধুকপুক
(p. 542) dhukadhuka, dhukapuka expressing: the sound of palpitating or throbbing. ধুকধুক করা, ধুকপুক করা v. to palpitate, to throb. ধুকধুকানি n. palpitation, throbbing. 15)
(p. 540) dhābaḍ়ānō to scatter in an ugly patch; to overlay with an ugly patch. a. scattered in or overlaid with an ugly patch. 3)
(p. 543) dhṛta held; caught; arrested; taken; contained (in); assumed; worn; (rare) quoted. ̃ব্রত a. one who has (firmly) taken a vow; determined, resolved. ধৃত হওয়া v. to be caught; to be arrested; to be apprehended. 39)
(p. 532) dharmālaẏa a temple; a place of worship. 33)
(p. 531) dhanu a bow; a linear measure equivalent to four cubits; an arc or arch; anything arch-shaped (রামধনু); (astrol.) the ninth sign of zodiac, the Sagittarius. ̃ক n. bow; a bow-like device for carding and cleaning cotton, (cp.) a cottongin; a bow of a violin or any other musical instrument. ধনুকধারী n. a bowman, an archer. ধনুকাকার, ধনুকাকৃতি a. bow-shaped, arched. ̃র্গুণ n. a bowstring. ধনুর্গুণ আরোপণ করা to string a bow. অদ্য ভক্ষ্যঃ ধনুর্গুণঃ state of having nothing to eat (this day); utter poverty. ̃র্ধর n. an archer, a bowman; (sarcas. & hum.) a very capable or efficient man (গণিতশাস্ত্রে ধনুর্ধর). ˜ধারী n. an archer, a bowman. ̃র্বন্ধনী n. (math. print, etc.), braces, the second bracket. ̃র্বাণ n. bow and arrow. ̃র্বিদ্যা n. the art and science of archery; archery. ̃র্বেদ n. an ancient treatise on archery written by Viswamitra (বিশ্বামিত্র). the sage; any treatise on archery; the art and science of archery. ̃র্ভঙ্গ n. act of splitting a bow into two. ধনুর্ভঙ্গ পণ n. (fig.) an irrevocable or unalterable determination or resolve, a grim or inflexible resolution. ̃ষ্কোটি n. an end or tip of a bow; a Hindu holy place in South India. ̃ষ্টঙ্কার ̃ষ্টংকার n. the twang of a bow; (med.) tetanus, convulsion, spasm; lock-jaw. 2)
(p. 545) dhbaṃsōnmukha about to fall into a ruined state, about to go to rack and ruin, on the point of destruction. 31)
ধর্ষ, ধর্ষণ
(p. 532) dharṣa, dharṣaṇa oppression; act of forcing; ravishment, outrage; rape; subdual; act of defeating. ধর্ষণ করা v. to oppress; to force; to ravish, to outrage; to rape; to subdue; to defeat. ধর্ষক a. & n. one who or that which oppresses or forces or ravishes or outrages or subdues or defeats. ধর্ষীয় a. fit to be or capable of being oppressed or forced or ravished or outraged or subdued or defeated. fem. ধর্ষণীয়া । 47)
ধর্মাধিকরণ, ধর্মাধিষ্ঠান
(p. 532) dharmādhikaraṇa, dharmādhiṣṭhāna a court of justice; a judge. 20)
(p. 542) dhiṅgi wayward, self-willed, undisciplined, unruly, romping, unmannerly, immodest. ধিঙ্গি মেয়ে a wayward or somewhat wild or romping or unmannerly or immodest girl; a tomboy. 5)
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