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ধনাপহরণ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ধনাপহরণ : (p. 529) dhanāpaharaṇa act of stealing money; misappropriation of money; defalcation, embezzlement; act of depriving one of one's money. ধনাপহরণ করা v. to steal or rob money; to misappropriate money, to defalcate; to embezzle; to deprive one of one's money. ধনাপহারী a. one who robs or steals or misappropriates money. 20)


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(p. 532) dhāppā a bluff, a hoax. ধাপ্পা দেওয়া v. to bluff, to hoax. ̃বাজ a. (given to) bluffing or hoaxing. n. a bluffer or a hoaxer. ̃বাজি n. practice of bluffing or hoaxing. ধাপ্পাবাজি করা v. to practise bluffing or hoaxing; to bluff or hoax. 88)
(p. 540) dhārōṣṇa (of milk esp. of bovine animals) lukewarm because of being drawn from the udder. 29)
(p. 542) dhikidhiki suppressedly and continuously (ধিকিধিকি জ্বলা); burning continuously in a suppressed manner, shimmeringly (ধিকিধিকি করা). a. burning continuously in a suppressed manner, shimmering, smouldering (ধিকিধিকি আগুন). 4)
(p. 545) dhrupada a style of Indian classical song. ধ্রুপদী a. & n. one who sings or is versed in singing dhrupad (ধ্রুপদ) songs. □ a. aristocratic; elevated; excellent; firstrate. ধ্রুপদী সাহিত্য classical literature. 44)
(p. 545) dhyāna meditation; absorbing religious meditation; recollection; remembrance. ধ্যান করা v. to meditate (upon); to be absorbed in religious meditation; to recollect; to remember. ̃গম্ভীর a. grave and silent on account of absorption in meditation; consecrated or sanctified with holy meditation; solemnly absorbed in (spiritual) meditation ('ধ্যানগম্ভীর ঐ যে ভূধর'). ̃গম্য, ̃গোচর a. comprehensible or cognizable or attainable (only) through (deep) meditation. ̃জ্ঞান n. meditation and cognition, thought and feeling; (loos.) sole occupation or absorption. ̃তত্পর a. given to meditation; capable of being absorbed in meditation. ̃ধারণা n. meditation and impression, thought and perception; idea; impression. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. meditative. ̃ভঙ্গ n. interruption or break of meditation (esp. a spiritual one). ̃মগ্ন a. absorbed or engrossed in meditation. ̃রত, ̃স্হ a. engaged in meditation. 41)
(p. 529) dhana money (ধনবিজ্ঞান); riches, wealth (ধনসম্পদ); treasure (গুপ্তধন); a highly valued thing (মাতৃস্নেহ পরম ধন); a dearly loved person or thing, a darling (আদরের ধন); (math.) the plus sign. ̃কুবের n. a man as wealthy as the god of wealth, an extremely or fabulously rich man, a millionaire, a billionaire. ̃ক্ষয় n. loss or waste of money; impoverishment. ̃গর্ব, ̃গৌরব n. insolence from wealth. ̃গর্বী a. insolent from wealth, arrogant through wealth, purse-proud. ̃চিন্তা n. eagerness or anxiety about how to acquire wealth, concern for acquisition of wealth or property; Mammonism. ̃চিহ্ন n. (math.) a plus sign. ̃জন n. wealth and one's own people, men and money. ̃তন্ত্র, ̃তন্ত্রবাদ, ̃তান্ত্রিকতা n. capitalism. ̃তান্ত্রিক, ̃তন্ত্রবাদী a. capitalistic, capitalist. n. a capitalist. ̃তৃষ্ণা, ̃তৃষা n. thirst or great desire for wealth; avarice, cupidity. ̃দ n. one who or that which gives wealth, money-giving. a. an appellation of Kuvera (কুবের) the god of wealth, (cp.) Plutus, Mammon: ̃দা a. fem. of ধনদ । n. an appellation of Lakshmi (লক্ষী) the presiding goddess of wealth. ̃দাতা a. one who gives money or wealth. fem. ধনদাত্রী । ̃দান n. act of giving money or wealth (esp. in charity). ̃দাস n. one who is ready to undergo all sorts of humiliation and privation for the sake of money-making; a hateful servant of Mammon; an extremely avaricious man; an inveterate miser. ̃দৃপ্ত a. arrogant through possession of vast wealth, purseproud. ̃দেবতা n. the god of wealth; Kuvera (̃কুবের), (cp.) Plutus, Mammon. ̃দৌলত same as ধনসম্পত্তি । ̃ধান্য n. wealth and crops, abundance of wealth or affluence. ̃ধন্যপূর্ণ a. full of wealth and food; full of milk and honey; affluent. ̃নিয়োগ same as ধনবিনিয়োগ । ̃পতি n. the god of wealth; Kuvera (কুবের), (cp.) Plutus, Mammon; an extremely rich man. ̃পিপাসা same as ধনতৃষ্ণা । ̃পিশাচ n. one who is ready to do any heinous act for the sake of money; a sordid miser. ̃পূর্ণ a. replete with wealth. ̃বন্টন n. distribution or apportionment of wealth. ̃বতী fem. of ধনবান । ̃বত্তা n. opulence. ̃বান a. opulent, wealthy, rich. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. economics. ̃বিনিয়োগ n. investment of money. ধনবিনিয়োগ করা v. to invest money. ̃বিভাগ n. divison of money or wealth; distribution or apportionment of property. ̃বৃদ্ধি n. multiplication or increase or growth of wealth. ̃ভাগ্য n. (chiefly astrol.) luck for earning money. ̃ভাণ্ডার n. a treasury; a (public) fund. ̃মত্ত same as ধনগর্বী । ̃মদ same as ধনগর্ব । ̃মান n. wealth and honour or dignity. ̃রক্ষা n. safe keeping or preservation of wealth. ̃রত্ন same as ধনদৌলত । ̃রাশি n. (math.) a positive quantity. ̃লক্ষ্মী n. the goddess of wealth. ̃লালসা, ̃লিপ্সা, ̃লোভ n. greed for wealth, avarice, cupidity. ̃লিপ্সু, ̃লুব্ধ, ̃লোভী a. greedy of wealth, avaricious. ̃শালী a. wealthy, rich, moneyed, affluent, opulent. ̃শালিতা n. wealthiness, affluence. ̃শ্রী n. an Indian musical mode. ̃সঞ্চয় n. accumulation or saving of money or wealth. ̃সম্পত্তি, ̃সম্পদ n. wealth and property, riches and wealth. ̃হীন a. poor, indigent. fem. ধনহীনা । 12)
(p. 532) dhariẏē (used as a sfx.) one who holds or catches or captures. 15)
(p. 529) dhaniṣṭhā (astro.) the twenty-third of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy. 28)
(p. 532) dhasakā that which may easily come down, loose (ধসকা মাটি); hanging loosely; easily indisposed, unfit for hard work (ধসকা শরীর). ধসকানো v. to become so loose that it may come down (নদীর পাড় ধসকেছে); to become weak or enfeebled (শরীর ধসকানো). 52)
(p. 540) dhārī2 (chiefly used as a sfx.) holding, carrying, bearing, wearing, assuming (অস্ত্রধারী, বস্ত্রধারী). 28)
(p. 545) dhbanana act of making a suppressed noise (esp. a vocal one); humming; act of sounding or ringing or playing (as a musical instrument etc.); (rhet.) suggestion. 35)
(p. 529) dh the nineteenth letter of the Bengali alphabet. 2)
(p. 545) dhōn̐kā1 to pant or gasp for breath; to palpitate, to throb. 14)
(p. 540) dhāriṇī of ধারী2 । n. fem. the earth. 27)
ধুচনি, ধুচুনি
(p. 542) dhucani, dhucuni a wicker-basket for washing rice, fish etc. ধুচনি-টুপি, ধুচুনি-টুপি n. a straw-hat shaped like a wicker-basket. 17)
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