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পায়া এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

পায়া : (p. 642) pāẏā a leg or foot of an article of furniture; a castor, a trundle; (dero. or hum.) position or post or vanity. ̃ভারী n. vanity for holding a high post; vanity. a. vainglorious of one's high position; vain. 44)


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(p. 688) prasādhikā of প্রসাধক । 40)
(p. 675) pratibiplaba a counter-revolution. প্রতিবিপ্লবী a. counter-revolutionary. 76)
(p. 638) pāti1 address, whereabouts. 45)
পুস্তিকা, পুস্তী
(p. 654) pustikā, pustī a booklet; a pamphlet. 83)
(p. 678) pratima (in. comp. used as a sfx.) like, resembling, equal to. 9)
(p. 631) pasāra1 a market-place, a bazaar; a shop; articles of traffic, wares (দোকানপসার). 10)
(p. 642) pābaka fire. a. purifying; sanctifying. 33)
(p. 638) pāta2 a leaf (as of a tree or book); a sheet or foil (of metal); a leaf of banana or sal (শাল) used as a dinnerplate. পাত করা v. to arrange for dinner by laying leaves of banana or sal; to lay the table; to flatten into a sheet (লোহা পিটিয়ে পাত করা). ̃কুড়ানি n. fem. one who eats others' leavings; one who stills hunger by eating others' leavings. পাত কাটা v. to eat off another's table like a beggar; (fig.) to importune cringingly for another's favour, to fawn on. পাত পাড়া v. (usu. dero.) to enjoy another's hospitality. ̃চাটা a. given to eating off another's table; (fig.) cringingly importuning for another's favour, currying favour (with). 26)
(p. 652) pīḍ়ka oppressing, persecuting, tormenting; forcing; insisting, pressing, chastising; accepting esp. in marriage (পাণিপীড়ক). n. an oppressor; a persecutor, a tormentor; one who forces or insists (on) or presses; a chastiser; one who accepts esp. in marriage. 20)
(p. 605) paṭṭu a kind of coarse linen. 24)
পরিবেশন, পরিবেষণ
(p. 619) paribēśana, paribēṣaṇa distribution, act of dealing out; act of serving food at table. পরিবেশন করা, পরিবেষণ করা v. to distribute, to deal out; to serve (food at table). 148)
(p. 606) padārtha meaning of a word; connotation of a term; a thing, an article, a material, substance, intrinsic worth (লোকটার আর পদার্থ নেই); (log.) category; (phil. & sc.) matter; (sc.) an element. ̃বিজ্ঞান, ̃বিদ্যা n. physics. ̃বিজ্ঞানী, ̃বিদ, a. versed in physics. n. a physicist, a person skilled in physics. 55)
(p. 642) pāpiṣṭha extremely sinful or wicked. fem. পাপিষ্ঠা । 28)
(p. 606) panērō fifteen. ̃ই a. (of the days of a month) fifteenth. n. the fifteenth day of a month, the fifteenth. 72)
(p. 654) pṛṣṭha the back (of a human being or any other creature); the rear; the region of the back; the back part, the rear part; the hind part; surface, a face; (bot.) the dorsal surface. ঘূর্ণপৃষ্ঠ n. the surface of revolution. ̃টান n. (phys.) surface tension. ̃তল n. surface. ̃দেশ same as পৃষ্ঠ । ̃পোষাক n. one who stands at the back to give support; a supporter; an upholder; a patron; a customer; a client. ̃পোষকতা n. support; patronization. পৃষ্ঠপোষকতা করা v. to support; to uphold; to patronize. ̃পোষণ n. act of standing at the back to give support; act of supporting or upholding; patronization. ̃প্রদর্শন n. fleeing, flight. পৃষ্ঠপ্রদর্শন করা v. to flee, to take to one's heels, to run away. ̃প্রবাহ n. (geog.) a surface drift. ̃বংশ n. the backbone, the spinal or vertebral column, the spine. ̃ব্রণ n. a dorsal carbuncle. ̃ভঙ্গ n. act of fleeing (esp. after a defeat). ̃রক্ষক n. a bodyguard. পৃষ্ঠরক্ষা করা v. to protect or guard the rear; to act as a bodyguard to. ̃লেখ n. an endorsement. 120)
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