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ব এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

: (p. 713) b the twenty-third letter of the Bengali alphabet. 2)


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(p. 782) bṛddhā of বৃদ্ধ । 11)
(p. 800) brahma2 the Absolute Being, God; a Brahman, a Brahmin. ̃চর্য n. a mode of life marked with devoted study of the Vedas and other scriptures and books of knowledge and with complete abstinence from sexual and secular pleasures. ̃চর্যাশ্রম n. the first stage of life (up to the age of 16) according to the Vedic Hindus when one has to practise brahmacharya (ব্রহ্মচর্য). ̃চারী n. one practising brahmacharya (ব্রহ্মচর্য); a Brahmin boy staying at the residence of the guru to receive his education, having undergone the sacrament of being invested with the holy sacrificial thread; one practising abstinence from sexual or other worldly pleasures and preparing to join an order of hermits. fem. চারিণী । ̃জ্ঞ a. one who has attained knowledge about God. ̃জ্ঞান n. knowledge about God. ̃জ্ঞানী a. having knowledge about God; following Brahmoism. n. one who has attained knowledge about God; a Brahmo. ̃ণ্য a. relating to God or to Brahmans. n. the superhuman power obtained through one's knowledge of God; uncommon spiritual power characteristic of Brahmans; Narayana নারায়ণ (usu. ব্রাহ্মণ্যদেব). ̃তালু n. the crown of the head, the palate. ̃তেজ n. uncommon power of a Brahman. ̃ত্ব n. Godhead; divinity. ̃ত্র n. a piece of rent-free land given away to a Brahman. ̃দৈত্য n. an anthropophagous ghost of a Brahman; a demoniac ghost of a Brahman; a Brahman demon. ̃পিশাচ n. a necrophagous ghost of a Brahman, a Brahman ghoul. ̃বাদী a. (capable of) expounding mysteries about God; engaged in studying the Vedas; having knowledge about God; versed in or following Vedantic philosophy. n. such a person. fem. ̃বাদিনী । ̃বিত্ same as ব্রহ্মজ্ঞ । ̃বিদ্যা n. a branch of learning imparting knowledge about God. ̃বৈবর্ত n. one of the eighteen puranas (পুরাণ). ̃ময় a. pervaded by the presence of God. ̃মীমাংসা n. the second part of the Vedanta treating of the nature and attributes of God. ̃রন্ধ্র n. the central pore of the palate. ̃লোক n. the abode of Brahma (ব্রহ্ম); the highest one of the seven mythological heavens. ̃শাপ n. a curse of or put by a Brahman. ̃সংহিতা n. a Vaishnava scripture. ̃সংগীত n. a song of devotion to God. ̃সূত্র n. the holy sacrificial thread worn by Brahmans; any one of the aphorisms of the Vedanta composed by Vyasa (ব্যাস). ̃স্ব n. property or possessions of a Brahman. ব্রহ্মস্বাপহরণ করা v. to rob or misappropriate the property of a Brahman. ̃স্বরূপ n. true nature and attributes of God. ̃হত্যা n. slaying of a Brahman. 11)
(p. 794) byutpanna erudite, learned; proficient; (gr.) originated or derived. 110)
(p. 721) balā2 a sacrifice; sacrificing, sacrifice, immolation; a sacrificial beast, a victim; (fig.) one subjected to forcible death or suffering; a victim. বলি দেওয়া v. to immolate, to sacrifice; to victimize. 149)
(p. 721) barṣā the rainy season, the rains; rain; rainfall. v. poet. form of বর্ষণ করা (see বর্ষণ). ̃কালীন a. happening during the rainy season; rainy. ̃গম n. the break of the monsoon. ̃তি1 n. an umbrella; a raincoat, a mackintosh, a waterproof. ̃তি2 a. grown in the rainy season. n. a room on the roof. বর্ষাত্যয় n. termination of rain or of the rainy season, autumn. ̃ধৌত a. washed by rain. ̃বসান n. same as বর্ষাত্যয় । 121)
(p. 761) binā except, without, save, but; excluding. 13)
(p. 789) bēśī2 (used as a sfx.) same as বেশঘারী (see বেশ2). fem. বেশিনী । 22)
(p. 748) bāsana2 a vessel or container; a utensil. ̃কোসন n. pl. utensils collectively. 14)
(p. 782) bēijjata disgraced; insulted; put out of countenance; (of a woman) having one's modesty or chastity outraged. n. disgrace; insult; state of being put out of countenance; outrage of modesty or chastity. বেইজ্জত করা v. to disgrace, to put to shame, to drag in the mud; to outrage the modesty of. বেইজ্জতি n. same as বেইজ্জত (n.). 38)
(p. 782) bṛnda a thousand millions; the total number; a large number, a multitude. ̃গান n. a group music, a chorus. ̃বাদন, বাদ্যবৃন্দ n. a concert. 16)
(p. 721) bām̐ō2 a fathom. 254)
(p. 756) biṭā beta. বিটা-কণা n. beta-particles. বিটা-রশ্মি n. beta-rays. 20)
(p. 738) bāṭā5 to turn into paste by rolling (spices etc.) on a flat mortar with a pestle. a. (spices etc.) thus reduced to or turned into paste (বাটা মশলা). 45)
(p. 761) bipala a measure of time (=1/6 পল = 2/5 second). 63)
(p. 761) bina a leguminous plant or its seed, bean. 3)
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