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বর্ধন এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

বর্ধন : (p. 721) bardhana increase, augmentation, multiplication, growth, development, expansion. a. same as বর্ধক (গৌরববর্ধন কার্য). বর্ধন করা v. to increase, to augment, to multiply, to enhance; to develop, to expand. ̃ক্ষম a. capable of being increased or augmented or multiplied or grown or developed or expanded. ̃শীল a. in a state of increase or augmentation or enhancement or development or expansion, growing, thriving, prosperous. বর্ধানাঙ্ক n. (phys.) power (of a lens). 111)


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(p. 755) bijita defeated, vanquished; conquered; subdued. fem. বিজিতা । 21)
(p. 794) byabadhāna intervening distance, distance; a location screened from the view; a screen; estrangement (দুই বন্ধুর মধ্যে সৃষ্ট ব্যবধান); stand-offishness, aloofness. সুদূর ব্যবধান a far cry. 37)
(p. 748) bāstaba true, genuine; real; factual; actual; objective; material; materialistic. n. truth; reality; (phys.) an objective. বাস্তব তথ্য facts. ̃তা n. trueness, genuineness; reality; factuality; actuality; objectivity; materiality. ̃বাদ n. realism; objectivism; materialism. ̃বাদী a. realistic; objectivistic; materialistic. n. a realist; an objectivist; a materialist. 35)
(p. 721) bahirjaniṣṇu (bot.) exogenous. 207)
(p. 747) bāla a male child, a boy; (in comp.) a child. ̃ক্রীড়া n. boyish sport; a child's play. ̃খিল্য n. (myth.) any one of the sixty thousand ascetics who were not more than a thumb in height; a Lilliputian, a midget, a pygmy. ̃চর্যা n. bringing up children. ̃চাপল্য n. childish flippancy or frolicsomeness. ̃বাচ্চা n. young or infant children, (sl.) kiddies, ̃বিধবা n. a child-widow. ̃বৈধব্য n. widowhood at a very early age. ̃ভাষিত n. the utterance of a childlike talk or prattle; (fig.) an utterance of no importance, babble. ̃রোগ n. a children's disease; an infantile disease, (med.) pediatric diseases. ̃শশী n. the moon of the second lunar night of a light fortnight. ̃সুলভ a. childlike, childish. ̃সূর্য n. the newly-risen sun; the rising sun. 14)
(p. 786) bēdha depth; thickness; a bore; boring, piercing, perforation. 48)
(p. 792) baiśiṣṭya speciality; importance or distinction; prominence; a peculiarity, a characteristic. ̃রেখা n. (phys.) a characteristic curve. 13)
(p. 773) bismaẏa wonder, astonishment, amazement, surprise; marvel. ̃কর, ̃জনক a. wonderful, marvellous; astonishing, amazing, surprising. ̃চিহ্ন n. (gr.) the note of admiration or exclamation (!). ̃বিস্ফারিত a. (of eyes) widened with amazement. ̃বিহ্বল a. beside oneself with wonder; astounded. ̃মগ্ন a. lost in wonder or amazement. বিস্ময়ান্বিত, বিস্ময়াপন্ন same as বিস্মিত । বিস্ময়াবহ same as বিস্ময়কর । বিস্ময়াবিষ্ট, বিস্ময়াভিভূত same as বিস্ময়বিহ্বল । বিস্ময়োত্পাদক, বিস্ময়োত্পাদী a. wonder-arousing; wonderful. বিস্ময়োত্পাদন করা v. to arouse wonder; to strike one with wonder. বিস্ময়োত্ফুল্ল a. elated with wonder. 64)
(p. 747) bāliẏāḍ়i a dune, a sand-hill. 29)
(p. 786) bēdakhala (of a man) dispossessed, ousted, ejected; (of lands) put out of possession (of an occupier), not taken possession of (esp. by the owner), taken possession of unlawfully and often forcibly (as by an intruder). বেদখল করা v. to take possession of unlawfully (and esp. forcibly). বেদখল থাকা v. to remain unoccupied. বেদখল হওয়া v. to pass out of possession of; to be taken possession of unlawfully (and esp. forcibly). বেদখালি a. taken possession of unlawfully (and often forcibly). 17)
(p. 786) bēniẏama illegality; irregularity; unlawfulness; violation of the rule. বেনিয়ম করা v. to break the rule, to violate the rule; to perpetrate an irregularity. 58)
(p. 721) bahirgamana act of issuing forth, emergence; act of going out. বহির্গমন করা v. to issue forth, to emerge; to go out. 203)
(p. 715) bakra bent, curved, tortuous; oblique; squint: crooked; (chiefly astrol.) antipatheitc. n. a bend, a turn. ̃গতি a. having a curved or sinuous or tortuous motion. ̃গামী a. curvedly or sinuously or tortuously moving crooked. ̃চ্ছেদ n. (geom.) an oblique section. ̃তা n. curvedness; sinuosity; obliqueness; squintness; curvature; crookedness. (chiefly astrol.) antipathy. বক্রতাকেন্দ্র n. (phys.) a centre of curvature. ̃দৃষ্টি a. squint-eyed, cock-eyed; looking askance; squinting. ̃নাস a. having a curved or aquiline nose. ̃পৃষ্ঠ a. convex; arch-backed. ̃রেখা n. curved line, a curve. ̃শিরাল a. (bot.) curviveined. ̃সংঘাত n. (mech.) an oblique impact. বক্রাংশুরেখা n. (phys.) a caustic curve. বক্রাংশুস্পর্শ n. (phys.) causticity. 5)
(p. 721) baẏa a servant or serving-lad (esp. one employed in a hotel etc.) 24)
(p. 751) bigalita thoroughly melted; smelted; exuded; (of dress, bun of hair etc.) dishevelled; thoroughly decomposed or putrefied (বিগলিত শব); (fig.) softened or moved (with compassion, grief etc.). fem. বিগলিতা । বিগলিত করা v. to melt thoroughly; to smelt; to cause to exude; to decompose or putrefy thoroughly; (fig.) to soften or move (with compassion, grief etc.). 48)
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