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ভাম এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ভাম : (p. 813) bhāma the civet-cat. 14)


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ভড় ভড়
(p. 802) bhaḍ় bhaḍ় denoting: the noise of rapid emission of something loose; the noise of rapid effervescence. 38)
(p. 819) bhubḥ (myth.) the second of the seven heavens; the ethereal region, the sky, the firmament. 6)
ভাঁড়ামি, ভাঁড়ামো
(p. 808) bhān̐ḍ়āmi, bhān̐ḍ়āmō jesting, foolery, waggery; buffoonery; clownery; drollery; witticism. 26)
ভেলকি, ভেলকিবাজি
(p. 823) bhēlaki, bhēlakibāji magic, jugglery; hocus-pocus, conjuring; illusion. ভেলকি দেখানো v. to exhibit a magical show, to juggle, to conjure. ভেলকি লাগা v. to be dazed with a conjuring trick, to be spellbound or conjured; to be filled with illusions. ভেলকি লাগানো v. to put a spell on, to conjure; to delude. ভেলকিওয়ালা n. a magician, a juggler, a conjuror. 18)
(p. 820) bhūdhara a mountain, a hill. 8)
(p. 813) bhābinī a charming woman who is the embodiment of an idea or concept ('ভাবের ভাবিনী রাধা'); (dero. or facet.) an emotional or wanton woman; a woman. 3)
(p. 813) bhālōbāsā to love, to be amorous towards; to have attachment or affection or fondness for; to like. n. love; attachment; amity, friendliness; friendship; affection; reverence; devotion; fondness; liking. 38)
(p. 826) bhrānta erroneous; erring, mistaken; having a false notion; under an illusion; deluded; illusive; illusory. ̃বিশ্বাস n. a wrong or false or mistaken belief or notion; an illusion. ভ্রান্ত ব্যাখ্যা n. a false or incorrect explanation. ভ্রান্তি n. an error; a mistake; a false notion; illusion; delusion. ভ্রান্তিকর, ভ্রান্তিজনক a. causing error; illusive; delusive. ভ্রান্তিবশত, ভ্রান্তিবশে adv. by mistake. ভ্রান্তিমান a. erroneous; mistaken. n. (rhet.) a figure of speech marked by illusion. ভ্রান্তিমূলক a. erroneous; illusory; delusive. 33)
(p. 802) bhaba essence, existence, ease; birth, origination; attainment; the material or mundane world, the earth, the universe; God; Shiva (শিব); weal, welfare. ̃কারণ n. the Creator, the First Cause, God. ̃কারা n. the world conceived as a prison for created beings, the prison of earth. ̃ঘুরে a. (lit.) roving all over the world, leading a wandering life; vagabond. n. a vagabond. ̃ঘুরেমি n. vagabondism, vagabondage. ̃তারণ a. delivering from earthly life; giving salvation. ̃তারিণী a. fem. of ̃তারণ । n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃ধব n. the Lord of the universe, God. ̃পার n. deliverance from the earthly life. ̃পারাবার same as ভবার্ণব । ̃বন্ধন n. the bondage or bond of earthly life; earthly attachment (and also responsibilities). ̃ভয় n. the fears of mortal existence. ̃ভয়তারণ, ̃ভয়বারণ a. & n. (one) who delivers or protects from the evils of earthly life. ˜ভার n. the burden of the world (esp. as borne by God); the burden of earthly life (as borne by mortals). ̃লীলা n. one's activities upon the earth, activities of one's mortal life. ভাবলীলা সাঙ্গ করা v. to die. ̃লোক, ̃সংসার n. the world; earthly life. ̃সমুদ্র, ̃সাগর, ̃সিন্ধু same as ভবার্ণব । ভবের খেলা same as ভবলীলা । 47)
(p. 813) bhārākrānta embarrassed with heavy load or burden; encumbered; afflicted (with worries, misery etc.). 26)
(p. 825) bhōjana eating; feeding (কাঙালি ভোজন); a feast (বনভোজন); an article of food, food (কুভোজন). ভোজন করা v. to eat. ভোজন করানো v. to feed. ভোজনং যত্রতত্র শয়নং হট্টমন্দিরে practice of living a wild life in which one has no settled place for eating or sleeping, (cp.) Bohemianism, vagabondage. ̃দক্ষিণা n. a honorarium paid by a host to a Brahman for the latter's condescending to eat the food offered by the former. ̃পটু a. capable of eating voraciously, voracious. ̃পাত্র n. a dinner-plate. ̃বিলাস n. gourmandise, indulgence in good eating; gluttony, voraciousness. ̃বিলাসী a. gourmand, voracious. ভোজনবিলাসী ব্যক্তি a gourmand; a glutton. ̃শালা, ভোজনাগার n. a dining-room, a dining-hall; an eating-house; a hotel, a restaurant. ভোজনাবশিষ্ট, ভোজনাবশেষ same as ভুক্তাবশিষ্ট । ভোজনালয় n. an eating-house, a restaurant, a hotel. 8)
(p. 825) bhōjya eatable, edible. n. an article of food, an eatable; food; food offering to the manes of ancestors. ̃তেল n. edible oil. 15)
(p. 813) bhābita conceived, thought of, contemplated; worried; purified, rectified, saturated; infused. 2)
(p. 802) bhajakaṭa a hitch; a trouble; a difficulty; a predicament. 29)
ভূগোল, ভূগোলবিদ্যা
(p. 820) bhūgōla, bhūgōlabidyā geography. 4)
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