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যথা এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

যথা : (p. 888) yathā as; as for instance, as for example, namely; as much; to the utmost degree, amount or number; in accordance with; where or in which. a. proper, fitting, right. ̃কর্তব্য adv. & a. in accordance with one's duty; as one's duty demands or warrants. ̃কালে adv. at the proper or right or suitable or due time; in time; in good time, betimes; seasonably; in due course. ̃ক্রমে adv. in regular or due order or succession; respectively. ̃তথ a. accurate; actual; true; real. ̃তথা same as যত্রতত্র (see যত্র). ̃দিষ্ট a. complying with or obedient to the order. ̃নিয়মে adv. in accordance with the rule or law or formalities. যথানুপূর্ব a. conforming to the regular or due order or succession or sequence. ̃পূর্ব a. & adv. as before. ˜পূর্বং তথা পরং no change in the condition or state; (derog.) as bad as ever. ̃বত্ a. & adv. according to the rule or law or formalities; as before; without change. ̃বিধি same as ̃নিয়ম̃বিহিত a. & adv. as is prescribed or due. যথাভিপ্রেত, যথাভিমত n. & adv. according to one's desire, as one pleases. ˜য় adv. where, wherein. ̃যথ a. & adv. according to the due order or succession or sequence. □ a. accurate; exact; correct; right; just; true; fit. adv. accurately; exactly; correctly; rightly; justly; truly; fittingly, fitly (also যথাযথভাবে). ̃যোগ্য same as যথোচিত̃রীতি a. & adv. as is usual or customary, according to usage or custom or practice. ˜রুচি a. & adv. according to one's inclination or taste or choice. ˜শক্তি a. & adv. to the best of one's abilities, as much as one can. ˜শাস্ত্র a. & adv. conforming to the scriptures or scriptural prescriptions. ˜সময়ে same as ̃কালে̃সম্ভব adv. as far as or as much as or as many as possible. ̃সর্বস্ব n. whatever one possesses, one's entire possessions. ̃সাধ্য same as ̃শক্তিযথাসাধ্য চেষ্টা করা to try one's best or utmost. ̃স্হান n. the right or proper or fixed or appointed place. 7)


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(p. 890) yābanikā of Ionian Greeks; Greek; nonHindu; (inc. but pop.) Muslim. 42)
(p. 887) yajamāna one on whose behalf a priest worships, a sheep of a priest. 11)
(p. 894) yuṭi a pair, a couple, a brace; one of a pair, a partner (টেনিসে লিয়েন্ডারের যুটি ভূপতি). 6)
(p. 894) yugi a Hindu caste originally employed in weaving; a member of this caste. 3)
(p. 889) yadu (myth.) a king of ancient India. ̃কুলপতি, ̃নাথ, ̃পতি n. the chief of the Yadavas (যাদব). ̃বংশ n. Yadava (যাদব) clan founded by King Yadu (যদু). ̃মধু n. pl. (also sing.) (dero.) men in the street, Tom Dick or Harry. 3)
(p. 894) yubasammēlana a youth conference. 15)
(p. 888) yadabadhi up to which time, till when; from which time, since when.
যাচন২, যাচনা
(p. 890) yācana2, yācanā act of asking (for), prayer, petition; begging; solicitation; volunteering. যাচনা করা v. to ask or pray (for); to beg; to solicit; to volunteer, to offer. যাচিত a. asked or prayed for; begged; solicited. 16)
(p. 888) yatra in whichever place or subject; wherever; as much (as). ̃তত্র adv. here and there; anywhere and everywhere; everywhere. যত্র আয় তত্র ব্যয় spending all or whatever one earns. 6)
(p. 890) yābaccandradibākara as long as the sun and the moon will exist; eternally, perpetually, for ever. 38)
(p. 896) yōgākarṣaṇa molecular attraction; cohesion; gravity. 5)
(p. 888) yatna laborious or zealous effort; careful or earnest attention, care; nursing; cordial or warm reception (অতিথিকে যত্ন); zeal; labour, toil. যত্ন-আত্তি n. cordial and warm reception, cordial treatment; care; earnest attention. যত্ন করা, যত্ন নেওয়া v. to endeavour laboriously or zealously; to attend to carefully, to take care of; to nurse; to receive cordially or warmly; to be zealous; to labour, to toil. ̃পূর্বক, ̃সহকারে adv. with laborious or zealous endeavour; with careful or earnest attendance; carefully; zealously; laboriously. ̃বান, ̃শীল a. laboriously or zealously endeavouring; carefully or earnestly attending to; careful; zealous; laborious, fem. ̃বতী, ̃শীলা । 5)
(p. 896) yauktika reasonable; logical, advisable. ̃তা n. resonableness; logicality; advisability. 28)
(p. 896) yōktra a halter; resource, provision (চাকরির যোক্ত্র নেই); facility or convenience (কাজে যোক্ত্র নেই). 3)
(p. 887) yajana worshipping, worship; act of offering in sacrifice, sacrifice. ̃যাজন n. act of worshipping on behalf of one's own self as well as on behalf of others, priestcraft. 10)
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