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রজ, রজঃ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

রজ, রজঃ : (p. 899) raja, rajḥ dust; (bot.) pollen; the menstrual flow; (phil. & theol.) the second of the three natural qualities of creatures, the quality characterized by activeness and spiritedness (usu. রজোগুণ). 45)


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(p. 913) rāmāśyāmā any man in the street, Tom and Tim, Tom Dick or Harry. 4)
(p. 916) rēsuḍ়ē a racing man, a racegoer; a race-addict. 59)
(p. 916) rōdana weeping or crying (esp. loudly), wailing. রোদন করা v. to weep or cry (esp. loudly), to wail. ̃শীল a. given to weeping or crying or wailing, lachrymose. 77)
(p. 903) rasāẏana a medicine prolonging life and curing disease, an elixir; chemistry. ̃বিদ a. versed in chemistry. n. one versed in chemistry, an expert in chemistry; a chemist. ̃বিদ্যা, ̃শাস্ত্র n. chemistry. রসায়নাগার n. a chemical laboratory. রসায়নী a. pertaining to chemistry (রসায়নী বিদ্যা); versed in chemistry. 61)
(p. 912) rābaḍ়i a sweetmeat prepared by condensing films of milk. গুলাবি রাবড়ি macaroni. 17)
(p. 903) rasālāpa a humorous or witty or amorous conversation. রসালাপ করা v. to be engaged in humorous or witty or amorous conversation. 63)
(p. 920) rōmābali a collection of hair; hair (collectively). 4)
(p. 907) rāiphēla a rifle. 10)
(p. 899) raṅina coloured; dyed; dapple, variegated; colourful. 26)
(p. 903) rasānō to make juicy; to wet; (fig.) to make interesting by adding spicy or savoury comments (রসিয়ে বলা); (fig.) to make deep appeal to or to steep in sentiment (মন রসানো). n. act of steeping in juice; wetting; act of polishing gold etc. 59)
(p. 912) rābiśa rubbish. a. trashy. 19)
(p. 903) rasa savour, flavour, taste; a liquid solution of anything hard (চিনির রস); a syrup; juice; exudation (খেজুররস); morbid exudation (ঘায়ের রস); sap (রসহীন কাঠ); essence (অন্ন রস); lymph or mucus or phlegm (দেহে রসাধিক্য); semen; (poet.) strong attachment or love; (rhet.) sentiment expressed or flavour contained in a writing (শৃঙ্গার রস); (Vaishnavism) a way of worship (বাত্সল্যরস); inner or true significance, purport (কাব্যরস); charm; interest; sense of humour (লোকটি রসহীন); fun, banter, wit and humour; delight, hilarity, enjoyment, pleasure (রসে মাতা); (sl.) vanity or audacity; monetary resources, money; quicksilver, mercury. রস করা v. to make fun (of); to banter; to make a liquid solution of. রস নামা v. to become swollen with drospy. রস পাওয়া v. to find interest in. রস ফুরানো v. to run out of funds. রস হওয়া v. to become juicy; (sl.) to become vain or audacious. ̃করা n. a sweet and juicy drop made of the kernel of coconut. ̃কর্পুর n. mercury perchloride. ̃কলি n. a streak of mud painted on the bridge of the nose by a Vaishnava. ̃কস, ̃কষ n. charm and sweetness. ̃কসহীন a. dry and outspoken (রসকসহীন কথাবার্তা); bald (রসকসহীন রচনা). ̃গর্ভ same as রসাত্মক । ̃গোল্লা n. a sweet and juicy drop made of posset and farina. ̃গ্রহণ n. appreciation. রসগ্রহণ করা v. to taste; (rhet.) to appreciate the flavour of. ̃গ্রাহী a. capable of appreciation, appreciative; receptive. ̃ঘন n. (rhet.) flavoury; full of concentrated flavour. ̃জ্ঞ a. appreciative of the inner or true significance, capable of appreciation; well-versed in, having connoisseurship in, au fait. fem. ̃জ্ঞা । রসজ্ঞ ব্যক্তি one capable of appreciation; a connoisseur. ̃জ্ঞান n. capability of appreciation; sense of humour. ̃পূর্ণ a. juicy, succulent; sapful, sappy; full of wit and humour. ̃বড়া n. a sweet and juicy drop made of pulped pigeon-pea. ̃বতী a. fem. full of wit and humour, intelligent and witty. ̃বাত n. rheumatic affection in the joints attended with swelling. ̃বেত্তা same as ̃জ্ঞ । ̃বোধ same as ̃জ্ঞান । ̃ভঙ্গ n. interruption of a spicy topic; interruption of enjoyment (usu. by coarseness). ̃ময় a. juicy; full of wit and humour; full of flavour. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃রচনা n. witty or humorous writing. ̃রাজ n. the most witty and humorous man; Krishna (কৃষ্ণ); stibnite; antimony; quicksilver, mercury. ̃শালা n. a chemical laboratory or workshop. ̃শাস্ত্র n. poetics. ̃সিন্দূর n. cinnabar. ̃স্হ a. stricken with excess of phlegm or lymph or mucus. ̃স্ফীত a. (bot.) turgid. ̃স্ফীতি n. (bot.) turgidity, turgescence. ̃স্রাব n. (bot.) exudation. ̃হীন a. sapless; dry; dull; uninteresting. 48)
(p. 903) rasā juicy, succulent (রসা কাঁঠাল); slightly putrefied or rotten or decomposed (রসা মাছ). n. gravy (of meat or fish). v. to become juicy or sappy; to soften (মাটি রসেছে); to be stricken with excess of lymph or phlegm in the body (চোখ-মুখ রসেছে); to become slightly putrefied or rotten. 53)
(p. 903) rasuna1 garlic. 68)
(p. 899) rakama a variety, a sort, a kind; manner, fashion style, way; characteristic or habit (লোকটার রকমই ওই). adv. nearly or approximately, about (চার আনা রকম অংশ). রকম রকম, রকমারি, রকমওয়ারি a. of or in various sorts of fashions, various; assorted; different (রকম রকম লোক, রকম রকম রুচি). রকমসকম n. pl. (usu. dero.) ways, gestures or movements; symptoms (রোগীর রকমসকম). 8)
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