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সঞ্চালন এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

সঞ্চালন : (p. 972) sañcālana moving; waving; circulation. সঞ্চালন করা v. to move, to set in motion; to wave; to circulate. 37)


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(p. 1015) sukhabara good news; happy news. 6)
(p. 989) samāsakta attached (to); addicted (to); deeply attentive or engrossed; joined. 4)
(p. 990) sarba all; whole, entire; complete, total, thorough; universal. n. Shiva (শিব). সর্বংসহ a. tolerating everything, allenduring, omnipotent. fem. সর্বংসহা । ̃কালীন a. of all times, all-time; working wholetime or covering whole time; wholetime. ̃কালে adv. in all times, ever. ̃ক্ষণ n. all time; the whole time, all the time. adv. every moment, always. ̃গত a. all-pervading; omnipresent. ̃গুণাকর, ̃গুণাধার n. a container of all virtues or good qualities. a. (erron.) same as ̃গুণান্বিত । ̃গুণান্বিত a. endowed with all virtues or good qualities; all-good. ̃গ্রাস n. total eclipse; act of devouring or grabbing everything. ̃গ্রাসী a. all-devouring; allgrabbing. fem. ̃গ্রাসিনী । ̃জনপ্রিয় a. beloved of all, dear to all; universally popular. ̃জনস্বীকৃত a. universally or unanimously admitted or accepted. ̃জনহিত n. universal good, universal welfare; public good, public welfare. ̃জনহিতকর a. beneficial to all, good for all, universally good. ̃জনীন a. good for all, universally good; universal; public, common. ̃জনীনতা n. universality. ̃জ্ঞ a. all-knowing, omniscient. সর্বজ্ঞতা n. omniscience. ̃ত adv. in all respects; in everything; everywhere; in all ways; by all means; entirely, wholly; thoroughly. সর্বতোভাবে same as ̃থা । ̃ত্যাগী a. all-renouncing, all-sacrificing. fem. ̃ত্যাগিনী । ̃ত্র adv. everywhere; ever, in all times; in all directions; in all respects. ̃গামী capable of or given to going or reaching everywhere. fem. সর্বত্রগামিনী । ̃থা adv. in every way or manner, by all means; in all respects. ̃দর্শী a. all-seeing. fem. ̃দর্শিনী । ̃দা adv. always, ever; in all times. ̃দুঃখহর a. removing all sorrows or afflictions. fem. ̃দুঃখহরা । ̃দেশীয় a. pertaining to all countries, international, universal; country-wide. ̃ধর্মসমন্বয় n. synthesis or harmonization of all religions. ̃নাম n. (gr.) the pronoun. ̃নাশ n. complete or total destruction; utter ruin; great harm; a great danger or calamity. সর্বনাশ করা v. to destroy completely or totally; to ruin utterly; to undo (a person); to cause a great harm or danger or calamity (to). সর্বনাশ হওয়া v. to be destroyed completely; to be ruined utterly; to be undone; to be harmed greatly; to be placed in a great danger or calamity. ̃নাশা (loos.) a. same as ̃নাশী (a.). n. (usu. in mild reproach) one who undoes a person by exposing him or her to shame; a shameless man. ̃নাশী a. causing complete or total destruction; causing utter ruin; causing a great harm or danger or calamity to. n. fem. of ̃নাশা । fem a. ̃নাশিনী । ̃নিয়ন্তা n. one who controls everything; the Supreme Ruler, God. fem. ̃নিয়ন্ত্রী the controller of everything. ̃নেশে coll. var. of ̃নাশা । ̃প্রকার a. of all kinds and varieties; omnigenous; all-round. ̃প্রকারে adv. in every way; in all respects. ̃প্রথম a. first, foremost. ̃প্রধান a. chief of all, most distinguished; most important; pre-eminent; chief; sovereign, supreme. ̃প্রিয় a. dear to everyone, beloved of all, popular with all, universally popular. ̃বাদিসম্মত a. unanimously agreed or accepted, unanimous; universally agreed or accepted. ̃বিধ same as ̃প্রকার । ̃বিষয়ে adv. in all matters; in everything; in all respects; in all subjects. ̃বিষহর a. counteracting all poisons. ̃বিষহর ওষুধ an antidote for all poisons, (cp.) the Venice treacle. ̃ব্যাপী a. all-pervading; ubiquitous; ubiquitarian; omnipresent; (loos.) universal. fem. ̃ব্যাপিনী । ̃ব্যাপিতা n. the state of being all-pervading; ubiquity; omnipresence; (loos.) universality. ̃ভুক a. omnivorous. ̃ভূত n. all created beings. ̃ভূতাত্মা n. the Soul that is present or inherent in all created beings. ̃মঙ্গলা n. fem. one who is the cause or source of all good; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃ময় a. all-pervading; ubiquitous; ubiquitarian; omnipresent; all in all (সর্বময় কর্তা); all-powerful, sovereign, supreme; omnipotent. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃রোগহর a. counteracting or curing all diseases. ̃রোগহর ওষুধ n. a cureall, a panacea. ̃লোক n. the whole universe; the whole world; all people of the world, everybody, all and sundry. ̃শক্তি প্রয়োগ করা v. to apply total or utmost strength or power; to exert one's utmost; to apply all powers or forces. ̃শক্তিমান a. all-powerful, almighty, omnipotent. ̃শাস্ত্রজ্ঞ a. versed in all branches of learning or in all sciences or in all scriptures. ̃শেষ a. last of all, ultimate. ̃শেষে adv. last of all, at last. ̃শ্রেষ্ঠ a. best of all; pre-eminent; highest; supreme. ̃সমক্ষে adv. before everybody, in presence of all, in public, publicly, openly. ̃সম a. equal in all respects, congruent. ̃সময়, ̃সময়ে adv. all times or hours; always, ever; every time. ̃সম্মত a. unanimously approved or permitted or accepted or acknowledged. ̃সম্মতিক্রমে adv. unanimously; with unanimous approval or support. ̃সাকুল্যে adv. in all, in the aggregate, as a whole, collectively. ̃সাধারণ n. the public, the people. ̃সিদ্ধি n. attainment or realization of all desires or ends; complete success. ̃স্ব n. whatever one possesses, one's total possessions, one's all. ̃স্বহরণ n. robbing one of all one's belongings. ̃স্বান্ত a. robbed of one's all belongings; utterly ruined. ̃হিত same as ̃জনহিত । সর্বাংশ n. all parts. সর্বাংশে adv. in every part; in all respects; completely, thoroughly; perfectly. সর্বাগ্র a. foremost; first; lying in the forefront. সর্বাগ্রে adv. in the foremost place; first of all, in the forefront. সর্বাঙ্গ n. the whole body; all limbs. সর্বাঙ্গসুন্দর a. beautiful in every limb; having a perfectly beautiful body; beautiful in all respects or in every part, perfectly beautiful. সর্বাঙ্গীণ a. covering the whole body, considering every limb; considering all aspects; thorough, comprehensive; total, complete. সর্বাঙ্গে adv. all over the body, all over; in every limb; in all parts; in all respects; thoroughly, completely, totally. সর্বাণী n. Goddess Durga the wife of Sarva (সর্ব). সর্বাত্মক a. all-pervading; comprehensive; total, complete; all out; supreme, sovereign. সর্বাদৃত a. well received by all, dear to all; universally popular. সর্বাধিক a. most of all, most, greatest, highest, largest; utmost. সর্বাধিনায়ক n. the supreme leader; the commander-in-chief. সর্বাধ্যক্ষ n. the director-general; (loos.) the managing director. সর্বান্তঃকরণে adv. whole-heartedly, with all one's heart, heart and soul, willingly and completely. সর্বাপেক্ষা adv. of all; beyond all; above all. সর্বাবয়ব same as সর্বাঙ্গ । সর্বাভরণ n. ornament for all the different limbs; all ornaments. সর্বার্থসাধক a. fulfilling all desires; realizing all ends; supplying all needs; (loos.) multipurpose (সর্বার্থসাধক সমবায় সমিতি বা বিদ্যালয়. fem. সর্বার্থসাধিকা । সর্বার্থসিদ্ধি n. same as সর্বসিদ্ধি । সর্বেশ্বর n. the lord or master of all; the supreme lord; God; Shiva (শিব). a. having sovereign authority over everybody; supreme; sovereign. সর্বেসর্বা a. all in all; invested with absolute authority; all-ruling; predominant. সর্বোচ্চ a. highest of all; most high, highest. সর্বোত্তম a. best, choicest, most excellent. সর্বোপরি adv. on the topmost place; uppermost; above all. 121)
(p. 1035) sbana sound; noise. ̃ন n. sounding, ringing, sonance. ̃বিদ্যা n. acoustics. ̃মাপক n. a sonometer. 34)
(p. 1038) sbīkāra acknowledgment, admission, admittance; confession; recognition, owning (বন্ধু বলে স্বীকার); acceptance (নিমন্ত্রণ স্বীকার); acquiescence, agreement, consent, assent, promise (দিতে স্বীকার); act of inviting upon oneself, courting (দুখঃস্বীকার); sustaining (ক্ষতিস্বীকার). স্বীকার করা v. to acknowledge, to admit; to confess; to recognize, to own; to accept; to acquiesce, to agree, to consent; to promise; to invite upon oneself, to court; to sustain. স্বীকার হওয়া v. to accept; to agree, to consent. স্বীকারোক্তি n. a confession. 41)
(p. 985) samartha capable, able; competent; ablebodied; of full age and able to earn (সমর্থ ছেলে); of full age and fit for marriage (সমর্থ মেয়ে). 20)
সমবয়সী, সমবয়স্ক
(p. 980) samabaẏasī, samabaẏaska of the same or approximately the same age; contemporaneous, contemporary, coeval. 111)
(p. 1018) supathya good or wholesome or hygienic food or diet. 9)
(p. 999) sātiśaẏa overmuch, excessive, exceeding; extreme. adv. overmuch, excessively, exceedingly; extremely. 88)
(p. 974) satsbabhāba goodness or honesty. a. goodnatured; honest; virtuous. 23)
(p. 974) satatā honesty, integrity; uprightness; goodness. 16)
(p. 980) samabasha in or of the same or similar condition; in the same position or state as formerly, in status quo. সমবস্হা n. same or similar condition; unchanged position or state, status quo. 117)
(p. 1018) subyabashā good arrangement or management; good settlement; good provision. ̃যুক্ত a. having good arrangement, with good arrangement. 65)
(p. 989) samālōcya under review; open to criticism; censurable. 2)
(p. 1027) sōma the moon; the moongod; Monday; the juice of wormwood. ̃বার n. Monday. ̃রস n. a beverage prepared from the juice of সোমলতা. ̃রাজ n. wormwood. ̃লতা n. (myth.) a kind of creeper whose growth is governed by the waxing and waning of the moon. 25)
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