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সুনিয়ম এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

সুনিয়ম : (p. 1017) suniẏama a good rule or law or principle; good management. 20)


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(p. 974) sadbuddhi a good or virtuous design; good nature, goodness, good sense; right sort of intelligence. 75)
(p. 1006) sāba-rējisṭrāra a sub-registrar. 20)
(p. 980) samabartita polarized. সমবর্তিত করা v. to polarize. 115)
(p. 967) sakṣama competent, capable; able, ablebodied, active (বৃদ্ধ এখনও সক্ষম). 80)
(p. 980) sannihita lying close to; adjoining, contiguous; proximate; approaching; (geom.) adjacent; (properly) placed; deposited. সন্নিহিত কোণ adjacent angle. ̃মান n. (geom.) close approximation. 10)
(p. 967) saṅginī of সঙ্গী । 100)
(p. 1022) sūcaka (chiefly used as sfx.) introducing; commencing; indicating, expressing; presaging; foreboding, n. (alg.) an index (pl. indices). সূচক সংখ্যা n. index number. ̃সুত্র n. (alg.) an exponential theorem. 33)
(p. 963) saṅkarṣaṇa a forceful pull; attraction; ploughing, cultivation. 15)
(p. 974) sattara seventy. 31)
সেয়ান, সেয়ানা
(p. 1025) sēẏāna, sēẏānā sly, shrewd; clever; feigning; of age, adult (মেয়ে সেয়ানা হয়েছে). সেয়ানা পাগল one feigning madness; one who has a method in one's madness. সেয়ানে সেয়ানে কোলাকুলি (fig.) diamond cuts diamond. 32)
(p. 1012) siddha boiled; cooked by boiling; parboiled; boiled for sterilization or cleansing; (fig.) profusely sweating and utterly fatigued (as in heat or sultriness); accomplished, performed; realized, fulfilled, attained; successful; proficient, expert, skilled; having attained divine grace through austere religious practice; endowed with or possessing occult power; proved, substantiated; amenable to (যুক্তিসিদ্ধ). n. one of a class of demi-gods; an omniscient saint or man; boiled eatables. সিদ্ধ করা v. to boil; to cook by boiling, to parboil; to boil for sterilization or cleansing; (fig.) to cause to sweat profusely and be utterly fatigued; to accomplish, to perform; to fulfil, to gratify; to make one proficient or expert (in). অর্ধসিদ্ধ,, (coll.) আধ-সিদ্ধ a. half-boiled. সিদ্ধ চাল parboiled rice. ̃কাম a. one who has realized one's end, one whose desire has been fulfilled. ̃পীঠ n. a holy place where at least ter million immolations, one crore burnt-offerings and innumerable religious practices have taken place. ̃পুরুষ n. a man who has attained divine grace through austere religious practice. ̃মনোরথ same as সিদ্ধকাম । ̃হস্ত a. thoroughly proficient or expert or skilled. 21)
(p. 967) saṃshāpita established, founded. 54)
(p. 980) saphala fruitful; successful; efficacious, effective. সফল করা v. to make fruitful or successful; to make good; to attain, to achieve; to accomplish; to make effective, to carry through. সফল হওয়া v. to become fruitful; to be successful, to succeed; to succeed in attaining or accomplishing. ̃কাম, ̃মনোরথ a. successful in attaining or realizing one's desire or end. ̃তা n. success; efficacy, effectiveness; success in attaining or accomplishing. 38)
(p. 1032) spaṣṭa clear; evident, manifest, obvious; express, explicit; positive, categorical; plain, outspoken. adv. clearly; evidently, manifestly., obviously; expressly, explicitly; positively; categorically; plainly, outspokenly. স্পষ্ট করা v. to clarify; to make clear or evident. স্পষ্টত adv. same as স্পষ্ট (adv.) ̃বক্তা, ̃বাদী, ̃ভাষী a. plain-spoken, frank in speech, outspoken. n. an outspoken man. fem. ̃বাদিনী, ̃ভাষিণী । স্পষ্ট দিবালোক in broad daylight. ̃বাদিতা, ̃ভাষিতা n. outspokenness, plain speaking; frankness in speech. স্পষ্টাক্ষরে adv. in distinctly legible letters (of the alphabet); in plain words, in clear terms. expressly, categorically. স্পষ্টাস্পষ্টি a. very clear, express, categorical; outspoken. adv. very clearly, expressly, categorically; outspokenly; quite plainly. স্পষ্টীকৃত a. made clear; clarified, elucidated. স্পষ্টোচ্চারণ n. frankness in speech, outspokenness; speaking frankly. 27)
(p. 1007) sāmarthya ability; capability; efficiency; strength, power. ̃বাধ n. efficiency-bar. সামর্থ্যানুয়ায়ী adv. according to one's ability or capability. 15)
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