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সুপারি এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

সুপারি : (p. 1018) supāri areca-nut, betel-nut; its tree, the Areca. 17)


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(p. 974) sana a calendar year, an era. 82)
(p. 978) santati offspring; descendants, progeny, posterity; a son or a daughter; a line of descent; sequence (ভাবসন্ততি); continuum. 3)
(p. 963) sōgāta a present, a gift. 7)
(p. 1035) sbakāma narcissism. 16)
(p. 1027) skandha the shoulder; (of a beast) neck; the trunk of the human body; a treetrunk, a trunk; a section of a book, a chapter, a canto; an instalment; a part or division of an army. ̃কাটা a. one with the head cut off; headless. n. a headless ghost. স্কন্ধে করা বা নেওয়া, স্কন্ধে বহন করা v. to take up upon one's shoulders; to carry upon one's shoulders; to shoulder. ̃দেশ n. the region of the shoulder or (in case of a beast) the neck, shoulders. 53)
(p. 980) sannibiṣṭa set in order; arrayed; entered into; inserted; intently occupied with. 6)
(p. 1012) sin̐dura (coll.) vermilion; mercuric sulphide; red lead. সিঁদুরে মেঘ cloud as red as vermilion; red cloud which presages a storm. 6)
(p. 999) sahaja inborn, innate, instinctive; natural, inherent; easy, not difficult or strenuous, simple; easily understood, plain; not crooked or tough, simple, plain (সহজ লোক). ̃গম্য a. easily accessible; (fig.) easy to understand. ̃পাচ্য a. easily digestible; easy to digest. ̃প্রবৃত্তি n. an instinct. ̃বুদ্ধি n. common sense; mother wit; (erron.) an instinct. ̃বোধ্য a. easily understood or comprehensible or intelligible. ̃লভ্য a. easily available or obtainable. ̃সাধন n. a form of worship in which a devotee acts according to the dictates of his or her instincts. সহজিয়া n. same as ̃সাধন, and—a Vaishnava or Buddhist community practising ̃সাধন । সহজে a. without difficulty, easily. 3)
(p. 1035) sbacakṣē with one's own eyes. 23)
(p. 1020) sumantraṇā good counsel or advice. 7)
(p. 990) samudbhāsita flooded with light, illuminated; brightened. 8)
(p. 974) satya real; true; genuine; right, correct. n. existence, entity, ens, esse; reality; truth; genuineness; an oath; a solemn vow; a promise; (myth.) the first of the four ages or aeons, the Golden Age. সত্য করা v. to take an oath; to take a solemn vow; to promise. সত্য বলা v. to speak the truth; to speak the right thing. আপাতসত্য a. true on the surface; verisimilar. n. verisimilar. তিন সত্য an oath or promise thrice uttered to make it inviolable. সত্য কথা truth. সত্য কথা বলা v. to speak the truth. ̃কথন n. act of speaking the truth, truthfulness. ̃তা n. truth; veracity; genuineness, authenticity. ̃নারায়ণ n. a Hindu deity. ̃নিষ্ঠ, ̃পরায়ণ a. intently devoted to truth; true to one's word or vow. ̃নিষ্ঠা, ̃পরায়ণতা n. intent devotion to truth; practice of keeping one's word or vow; integrity. ̃পথ n. the path of virtue, the right path; the correct means. ̃পালন করা v. to keep or fulfil one's promise or vow. ̃পির n. Satyanarayana (সত্যনারায়ণ) as worshipped by Muslims. ̃প্রিয় same as সত্যানুরাগী । ̃বাদিতা n. truthfulness. ̃বাদী a. truthful. fem. ̃বাদিনী । ̃ব্রত a. intently practising virtue and truthfulness. ̃ভঙ্গ n. breach of promise or vow or trust. ̃যুগ n. (myth.) the first of the four ages or aeons of the world, the Golden Age. ̃সত্যই adv. really; verily. ̃সন্ধ a. acceptant of truth; true to one's vow or promise. সত্যাগ্রহ n. earnest endeavour for the establishment of the reign of truth; (pop.) passive resistance or picketing or strike, satyagraha. সত্যাগ্রহ করা v. (pop.) to offer passive resistance or to strike. সত্যাগ্রহী n. a determined champion of truth or of the reign of truth; (pop.) one offering passive resistance or a picketer or a striker. সত্যানুরাগ n. love for or devotion to truth. সত্যানুরাগী a. truth-loving; devoted to truth. fem. সত্যানুরাগিণী । সত্যানুসন্ধান করা v. to search for truth. সত্যানুসন্ধায়ী a. searching for truth. সত্যান্বেষণ n. search for truth. সত্যান্বেষী a. searching for truth. n. a seeker after truth. সত্যাপন করা v. to affirm; to take an oath. সতাসত্য n. truth and falsehood; the right and the wrong. a. true and false; right and wrong. সত্যি coll. form of সত্য । সত্যিকার, সত্যিকারের a. true; real; genuine. 36)
(p. 967) sakṣamatā competency, capability; ableness, ability, activeness. 81)
(p. 987) samālōcaka a critic, a reviewer; an animadverter, one who censures. 33)
স্পন্দ, স্পন্দন
(p. 1032) spanda, spandana beating or throbbing (esp. at regular intervals), pulsation, palpitation; a beat; quivering; shaking or tremor (esp. mild); (mech.) vibration. নাড়ির স্পন্দন pulsebeat. নেত্রস্পন্দন n. quivering of eyelids. ̃রহিত, ̃হীন a. motionless; not beating; still. স্পন্দিত a. beating, throbbing, pulsating, palpitating; throbbed, pulsated, quivering; shaking, quaking; quivered; shaken, quaked; vibrating; vibrated. স্পন্দিত হওয়া v. to beat, to throb, to pulsate, to palpitate; to quiver; to shake; to vibrate. 24)
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