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সুস্হ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

সুস্হ : (p. 1022) susha sound of body, hale, healthy, free from disease (সুস্হ); in normal state, unperturbed, untroubled, calm, peaceful (সুস্হ মন, সুস্হ জীবন). সুস্হ করা v. to bring round; to cure; to bring to the normal state. সুস্হ হওয়া v. to come round; to recover; to get back to the normal state. ̃দেহ, ̃দেহী a. sound of body, healthy, hale. ̃চিত্ত a. enjoying mental peace; sane; possessing mental equipoise. ̃তা n. soundness of body, healthiness; freedom from disease. সুস্হ শরীরে adv. in sound or good health, healthily. 20)


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(p. 972) sacchala well-to-do, well-off; solvent. সচ্ছলতা n. well-to-do or well-off state; solvency. 15)
(p. 963) saṅkhyā enumeration, counting; a number; a numeral; (math.) a figure; reckoning, estimation. সংখ্যা করা v. to enumerate, to count; to reckon, to estimate. সংখ্যা হওয়া v. to be (capable of being) enumerated or counted or numbered. ̃গণনা n. enumeration; counting. ̃গরিষ্ঠ a. largest in number; (loos.) enjoying a majority. গুরু a. large in number; larger in number; enjoying a majority. সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠ সম্প্রদায় the majority community. সংখ্যা-জ্যোতিষ n. numerology. ̃ত a. numbered, counted, enumerated; calculated; reckoned. সংখ্যাতীত a. countless, innumerable, numberless. ̃ন n. enumeration, counting; numbering; calculation. সংখ্যানুপাতে adv. in proportion to number. ̃পাত n. act of writing down a number. ̃বাচক a. denoting numbers, numeral. ̃মান n. measure. ̃মাপন n. measurement. ̃সংখ্যায়ক n. an enumerator, a calculator. ̃লঘিষ্ঠ a. smallest in number. ̃লঘু, ̃ল্প a. small in number; smaller in number. সংখ্যালঘু (বা সংখ্যালঘিষ্ঠ) সম্প্রদায় the minority community. 38)
(p. 999) sājānō to dress and embellish; to decorate; to dress and lay artistically (বাগান সাজানো); to dress (another) so as to give a false appearance, to disguise, to cause to pretend to be; to dress (an actor or actress); to cause to take up the role of; to equip; (of a ship etc.) to fit out; to cause to process (an intoxicant etc.) for inhaling or chewing or smoking (কলকে সাজানো); to place in order (মালপত্র সাজানো); (of an army etc.) to array; to fabricate, to concoct, to cook, to get up (মামলা সাজানো). a. dressed and embellished; decorated, disguised; artistically laid and dressed; fabricated, got-up; concocted. 71)
(p. 999) sādhaka austerely endeavouring to achieve an end; practising ascetic austerities; engaged in austere worship of God; performing or realizing; helping to perform or realize. n. an austere endeavourer; one who practises ascetic austerities; a worshipper of god; a worshipper, votary, a devotee.
সমদূর, সমদূরবর্তী
(p. 980) samadūra, samadūrabartī equidistant. সমদূরবর্তিতা n. equidistance. 99)
(p. 1007) sāhasa intrepidity; courage, bravery, boldness; daring; audacity. সাহস করা v. to dare, to venture; to make bold, to take or summon up courage. সাহসিক a. requiring or having courage, courageous, bold; daring; audacious. সাহসিকতা n. courage; courageousness; boldness; daring. সাহসী a. having courage, intrepid; courageous, brave, bold; daring. সাহসী হওয়া v. to be brave or courageous; to dare, to venture; to be audacious. fem. সাহসিনী । 87)
(p. 1022) sūcyagra the point of a needle. a. not exceeding the point of a needle in thickness, magnitude, spaciousness etc.; an iota of ('সূচ্যগ্র মেদিনী'). ̃পরিমাণ, ̃পরিমিত a. same as সূচ্যগ্র (a.). 37)
(p. 972) sañjāta born; produced, grown; sprung, evolved. 41)
(p. 999) sāinabōrḍa a sighboard. 23)
(p. 1017) sundarī1 of সুন্দর n. a beautiful woman or girl.
(p. 987) samāṅga regular. 3)
সত্ ছেলে
(p. 974) sat chēlē a step-son. সত্-বোন n. fem. a step-sister; a half-sister. সত্-ভাই n. a step-brother; a half-brother. সত্-মা n. a step-mother. সত্-মেয়ে n. a step-daughter. সত্-শাশুড়ি n. a step-mother-in-law. 14)
সংবীত, সংবৃত
(p. 967) sambīta, sambṛta covered; concealed; hidden, secret; contracted. 9)
(p. 1030) stimita motionless, immobile; fixed; unmoving; wet, moist, damp; (pop.) dim (স্তিমিত আলোক). ̃নেত্রে adv. with fixed looks, looking fixedly, gazingly. 24)
(p. 990) sarōbara a large pond, a lake. 107)
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