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সৃজিত, সৃষ্ট এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

সৃজিত, সৃষ্ট : (p. 1024) sṛjita, sṛṣṭa created; made, produced, formed; designed; instituted. সৃষ্টি n. creation; making; production; designing; instituting; institution; a creation, a production; something made or instituted; the universe. সৃষ্টি করা same as সৃজন করাসৃষ্টিকর্তা n. creator, maker; God. সৃষ্টিকার্য n. the work of creation, creation; the creation of the universe. সৃষ্টিকৌশল, সৃষ্টিচাতুর্য n. the art or the wonderful art of creation; the manner or method of creation. সৃষ্টিক্ষমতা n. the creative power or faculty. সৃষ্টিছাড়া a. not available anywhere in God's creation; unusual; bizarre, odd, outlandish, grotesque; eccentric; vagarish. সৃষ্টিতত্ত্ব n. cosmogony; cosmology. সৃষ্টিনাশ করা v. to destroy or dissolve the universe; to undo everything. সৃষ্টিনাশা a. (rare) causing universal dissolution; (pop.) undoing everything. সৃষ্টিনৈপুণ্য n. skill or deftness in creation or making. সৃষ্টিবাদ n. the doctrine of creation; cosmogony. সৃষ্টিবৈচিত্র্য n. (wonderful) diversity of the creation. সৃষ্টিরক্ষা করা v. to protect or preserve (and maintain) the world created by God. সৃষ্টিলোপ করা same as সৃষ্টিনাশ করাসৃষ্টিস্হিতিলয় n. creation, preservation and dissolution (esp. of the universe). 10)


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সৌগন্ধ, সৌগন্ধ্য
(p. 1027) saugandha, saugandhya a sweet smell, fragrance, aroma, perfume. সৌগন্ধিক n. a maker or seller of perfumes, a perfumer. 36)
(p. 1022) sūkṣṇa fine; thin; narrow; acute; lowpitched, low; sharp, keen; pointed; accuminate; minutely scrutinizing, minute, hair-splitting; quite right or appropriate, just; subtle; delicately sensitive or susceptible, delicate; impalpable by senses; astral. ̃কোণ n. (geom.) an acute angle. ̃কোণী a. acute-angled. ̃গ্রাহী a. delicately sensitive or susceptible; delicate (সূক্ষ্ণগ্রাহী যন্ত্র). ̃তা n. fineness; thinness; narrowness; lowness; sharpness, keenness; pointedness; acuminateness; minuteness of scrutiny, minuteness; perfect appropriateness of justice; subtlety; delicate sensitiveness or susceptibility; delicateness; imperceptibility (by the senses); state of being astral. ̃দর্শিতা n. keen-sightedness; insight; keen discernment; sagacity; minute and equitable judgment; scrutiny. ̃দর্শী a. keensighted; endowed with insight or keen discernment; sagacious; judging minutely and with perfect equity; scrutinizing. fem. ̃দর্শিনী । ̃দৃষ্টি n. keen sight; insight; keen discernment; sagacity; minute and equitable judgement; scrutiny. ̃দেহ n. a body not perceptible by senses; an astral body; (loos.) a ghost. ̃দেহী a. having a body not perceptible by senses; having an astral body; (bio.) infusorial. সূক্ষ্ণদেহী জীবাণু (bio.) n. an infusoria. ̃বস্ত্র n. fine cloth. অতি সূক্ষ্ণ বস্ত্র superfine cloth. ̃বিচার n. minute and equitable judgment; hair-splitting scrutiny; fine discretion. ̃বুদ্ধি n. keen intelligence; in tellectual acumen. a. keenly intelligent. ̃মান n. (geom.) close approximation. ̃শরীর n. an astral body. সূক্ষ্ণাগ্র a. sharp-pointed, acuminate. সূক্ষ্ণাতিসূক্ষ্ণ a. extremely fine or thin or keen or pointed or acuminate or scrutinizing or minute or subtle or delicate or impalpable, hairsplitting; (bio.) infusorial. 32)
(p. 1004) sānbaẏa containing rendering into prose with the grammatical connections shown or made explicit (সান্বয় ব্যাখ্যা).
(p. 974) sadarpa proud, boastful, arrogant, haughty. সদর্পে adv. proudly, boastfully, arrogantly, haughtily. 49)
(p. 1007) sāhēba an appellation affixed to names of gentlemen, (cp.) Mr. (বাবুসাহেব, মৌলবিসাহেব); a proprietor or master or chief or boss (আপিসের বড়সাহেব); an Englishman or a European; one pretending to be an Englishman or European, a sham Englishman or European. কালা সাহেব (sarcas.) a dark-complexioned man adopting or assuming the dress and the style of living of an Englishman or European, a sham Englishman or European; an Anglo-Indian. সাহেব সাজা v. to adopt or assume the English or European dress and style of living (as by a non-English or non-European person). সাহেব পাড়া n. an English or European quarter in a town or village. সাহেব-মেম n. an Englishman and an Englishwoman; a European and a European woman; an English or European couple. সাহেবি n. the English or European dress or style of living as adopted by foreigners; Englishness or Europeanism (also সাহেবিয়ানা). a. like the English or Europeans; (rare) English or European. 90)
(p. 990) sammukha the forepart, the front. a. lying in the front; facing; anterior, frontal; facing one another. ̃কোণ n. (geom.) a subtended angle. ̃গতি n. the forward movement; progress; advance; progression. ̃গামী a. going forward; progressing, progressive. ̃বর্তী a. lying in front; facing; anterior; frontal; approaching. fem. ̃বর্তিনী । ̃যুদ্ধ n. a face-to-face fight; an open fight. ̃সংগ্রাম same as ̃যুদ্ধ । ̃স্হ same as ̃বর্তী । সম্মুখীন হওয়া v. to come face to face with; to confront; to approach; to encounter. সম্মুখে adv. in front of, before; in presence of. 65)
(p. 990) saragarama full of high spirits; full of enthusiasm and excitement; packed or crowded and noisy. 77)
(p. 978) sandēśa news, information; a message, a report; order, command; a delicious sweetmeat made of posset. ̃ওয়ালা n. a manufacturer or seller of the aforesaid sweetmeat. ̃বহ n. a messenger, (cp.) a courier. 21)
(p. 989) samīkṣita thoroughly viewed or observed; investigated, searched; researched; scrutinized, scanned; deliberated. সমীক্ষ্যকারী a. considering past results and taking precaution about consequences before taking any action, circumspect, discreet. fem. সমীক্ষ্যকারিণী । সমীক্ষ্যকারিতা n. consideration of past results and precaution about consequences before taking any action, circumspection. 19)
(p. 1007) sāmalānō to check, to restrain; to manage to keep in the proper place (কাপড় সামলানো); to protect, to guard, to keep safe; to manage; to surmount, to tide over (বিপদ সামলানো). 16)
(p. 1027) sausādṛśya nice or immaculate or close resemblance or similarity. 50)
(p. 999) sāirēna a siren. 24)
(p. 1027) sōẏāsti (pop.) peace, ease, freedom from anxiety or concern, comfort, allayment. 27)
(p. 1022) susaha easy to bear or endure, tolerable. 17)
(p. 1015) sukhatalā a piece of soft leather placed inside a shoe, insole (of leather.) 5)
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