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হকিকত এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

হকিকত : (p. 1044) hakikata (law) descriptive statement. 11)


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(p. 1060) hēi (pop.) indicating: earnest solicitation or appeal. 47)
হেথা, হেথায়
(p. 1060) hēthā, hēthāẏa (poet.) here. 59)
হস্তিপ, হস্তিপক
(p. 1049) hastipa, hastipaka the driver or keeper of an elephant. 14)
(p. 1046) hadiśa2 the body of traditions about Mohammad the Prophet, the hadith; Muslim jurisprudence. 7)
(p. 1060) hōma an oblation of fire into which ghee is poured. ̃কুন্ড n. a pit for making a sacrificial fire. ̃ধেনু n. a cow whose milk is used in religious sacrifices. ̃ভস্ম n. the residual ashes of a sacrificial fire. 95)
(p. 1060) hēm̐ẏāli a riddle, an enigma, a puzzle. 54)
(p. 1047) hala1 gilding. হল করা v. to gild.̃করা a. gilded, gilt. 32)
হেপাজত, হেফাজত
(p. 1060) hēpājata, hēphājata custody, charge, care. হেপাজতে দেওয়া v. to commit to the custody or charge or care of. 66)
(p. 1046) habi any article esp. ghee offered in fire-sacrifice, a burnt-offering; clarified butter, ghee; an oblation of fire, a fire-sacrifice. হবিষ্য, হবিষ্যান্ন, হবিষ্যি n. (rare) sunned rice boiled in ghee; (pop.) boiled sunned rice and ghee. হবিষ্য করা v. to eat (nothing but) boiled sunned rice and ghee. হবিষ্যাশী a. eating (nothing but) boiled sunned rice and ghee. 22)
(p. 1060) hujura a term for addressing a prince, a judge, a master etc.; Your Majesty, Your Highness, Your honour, My Lord, Your Excellency, Your Reverence, Sir etc.; a master, an honoured person; the presence of a prince, judge, master etc. (হুজুরে হাজির). 10)
(p. 1044) haṭā to move backwards or aside; to retreat; to evade an obligation or undertaking, to back out; to withdraw; to be defeated. হটানো v. to cause to move backwards or aside; to repel; to cause to retreat or back out or withdraw; to defeat. 19)
(p. 1044) hakima a physician practising the Islamic system of medicine; a hakim. হকিমি a. of a hakim. n. practice of Muslim system of medicine. 12)
(p. 1047) haẏarāna harassed; fatigued; badgered. exasperated. হয়রান করা v. to harass; to fatigue; to badger, to exasperate. হয়রানি n. harassment; fatigue; exasperation. 5)
(p. 1044) hōẏā being; happening, occurrence; birth; growth; production; collection, formation; accomplishment; performance; procurement; rendering; becoming; setting in; sufficing; the state of being in particular relation with; act of becoming one's own or one's property; fitting. v. to be; to come into existence, to be created; to happen, to occur, to take place (যুদ্ধ হওয়া); to be born; to grow (ধান হওয়া); to be produced or manufactured; to gather or collect; to form; to be earned or gained; to be acquired (তার টাকা হয়েছে = he has made money); to advance (বেলা হওয়া); to increase, to grow, to add to; to be finished or accomplished or performed; to be procured or obtained; to be rendered or turned into, to be reduced to; to become (রাজা হওয়া); to arrive (সময় হওয়া); to set in (সন্ধ্যা হওয়া); to extend over, to cover (দুদিন হল সে গেছে = it is two days since he went); to be seized or attacked with (ভয় বা জ্বর হওয়া); to fall বৃষ্টি হওয়া; to be sufficient or adequate for, to suffice (এ টাকাতেই হবে); to bear a particular relation to (সে আমার কুটুম হয় = he is my relation); to become one's own or one's property (জমিটা তার হল); to fit (জামাটা গায়ে হবে না); to be likely to happen (তা হবে = it may be so, it may happen so). a. completed, finished; done; performed (হওয়া কাজ). হয়ে আসা v. to drop in temporarily (আসার পথে বাজারটা হয়ে এসো); to be about to terminate or end, to come near the close; to be in the last gasp, to be dying (তার হয়ে এসেছে). 4)
(p. 1049) hastā the thirteenth of the twenty-seven zodiacal stars according to Hindu astornomy. 11)
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