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দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 601) pan̐cāttara seventy-five. 7)
(p. 601) pan̐cāśi eighty-five. 8)
(p. 601) pan̐ciśa twenty-five. পঁচিশে a. (of the days of a month) twenty-fifth. n. the twenty-fifth day of a month, the twenty-fifth. 9)
(p. 601) pam̐ẏatālliśa forty-five. 10)
(p. 601) pam̐ẏatriśa & a. thirty-five. 11)
(p. 601) pam̐ẏaṣaṭṭi sixty-five. 12)
(p. 601) pichā a kind of bangle or bracelet. 4)
(p. 601) piṭhā a step or a flight of stairs. 5)
(p. 601) pipi repeatedly, again and again (usu. পইপই করে বলেছি). 6)
(p. 601) pakēṭa a pocket. পকেট কাটা, পকেট মারা v. to pick someone's pocket. পকেট ভরা, পকেটে পোরা v. to put in the pocket, to pocket. ঝুল-পকেট n. a side-pocket. পিছনের পকেট a hip-pocket. বুক-পকেট n. a breast-pocket. ভিতরের পকেট an inside pocket. ̃ঘড়ি n. a pocket-watch. ̃বই n. a pocket-book. ̃মার n. a pickpocket; a cut-purse. ̃স্হ a. put or kept in the pocket. পকেটস্হ করা v. to put or keep (a thing) in the pocket. 13)
পকোড়া, পকৌড়া
(p. 601) pakōḍ়ā, pakauḍ়ā a chop of onion fried usu. in oil. 14)
(p. 601) pakka for. form of পাকা (a.). ̃কেশ n. grey hair. a. grey-haired; aged, old. ̃তা n. ripeness; greyness; maturity; precocity; digestion. ̃বিম্বাধরোষ্ঠী a. & n. (for.) one whose or of one whose lips are beautifylly red. পক্কাশয়, পাকাশয় n. the stomach. 15)
(p. 601) pakṣa a lunar fortnight (কৃষ্ণপক্ষ, শুক্লপক্ষ); a period of fifteen days, a fortnight (দুই পক্ষকাল); (of birds) a wing, a feather; (of fish) a fin; (of an arrow) a feather; a team, a party, a side (পক্ষভুক্ত); a direction or side or hand (পক্ষান্তরে); a flank, a side (পক্ষাঘাত); question or answer in a debate, support or opposition, a thesis or an antithesis (পূর্বপক্ষ, উত্তরপক্ষ); behalf (তার পক্ষে উকিল দাঁড়ায়নি); state or condition (পারতপক্ষে); (of a person married, more than once) marriage (দ্বিতীয় পক্ষের স্ত্রী); a husband or wife, spouse (এটি তার তৃতীয়পক্ষ). ̃ক n. (bot.) a. a pinule. ̃গ্রহণ same as পক্ষাবলম্বন । ̃চ্ছেদ, ̃চ্ছেদন n. act of cutting off or clipping one's wings; (fig.) act of making powerless; refutation of one's argument. পক্ষচ্ছেদ করা, পক্ষচ্ছেদন করা v. to cut off or clip one's wings; (fig.) to render powerless. ̃ধর a. winged. n. a bird; the moon. ̃পাত, ̃পাতিতা, ̃পাতিত্ব n. partiality; unreasonable love or fondness (for), favouritism, bias, preference (ছেলের প্রতি মায়ের পক্ষপাত). ̃পাতদুষ্ট a. biased, partial; corrupted with partiality or favouritism. পাতশূন্য a. impartial, unbiased. পক্ষপাতী a. partial, prejudicial; biased, prejudiced; inclined to favouring, prone or leaning to. fem. ̃পাতিনী । ̃পুট n. the inner part or inside of a wing. ̃পুটে adv. under cover of wings, within the wings; (fig.) under one's protection. ̃ভুক্ত a. included in a side or team. ̃ভেদ n. act of distinguishing one side from another; (chiefly pol.) disintegration of a party; differentiation of the two opposing sides of an argument. ̃ল a. winged; having a fin or fins; (bot.) pinnate. ̃শিরাবিন্যাস n. (bot.) pinnate venation. ̃শিরিত a. (bot.) pinnately veined. ̃সঞ্চালন n. act of flapping or moving one's wings (as by a bird). ̃সঞ্চালন করা v. to flap or move one's wings. ̃সমর্থক same as পক্ষাবলম্বী । ̃সমর্থন same as পক্ষাবলম্বন । ̃সমর্থনকারী same as পক্ষাবলম্বী । fem. ̃সমর্থনকারীণী । 16)
পক্ষাকার, পক্ষাকৃতি
(p. 601) pakṣākāra, pakṣākṛti wing-shaped, feather-shaped; fin-shaped; pinnate. 17)
(p. 601) pakṣāghāta paralysis, palsy. ̃গ্রস্হ a. paralysed, palsied. 18)
(p. 601) pakṣānta the end or termination of a lunar fortnight; the full moon or the new moon; (loos.) termination of a fortnight or a period of fifteen days. 19)
(p. 601) pakṣāntara the other side or condition. পক্ষান্তরে adv. on the other side, on the other hand, contrary-wise. 20)
(p. 601) pakṣāpakṣa the other fortnight; one's friends and foes or supporters and antagonists. ̃বিচার n. discrimination between one's friends and enemies. ̃বিচারহীন a. impartial (পক্ষাপক্ষবিচারহীন মন্তব্য); indiscriminate (পক্ষাপক্ষবিচারহীন হত্যা). 21)
(p. 601) pakṣābalambana act of siding with or following or standing for or supporting or defending a particular (contending) party or person; partisanship; act of playing for a particular team. পক্ষাবলম্বন করা v. to side with; to follow, to adhere to; to stand for, to support, to defend; to play for. পক্ষাবলম্বী a. siding with; following, adhering to; standing for, supporting, defending; playing for a particular team. n. a party-man; a partisan; a follower, an adherent; a supporter, a defender; a player of a particular team. fem. পক্ষাবলম্বিনী । 22)
(p. 601) pakṣiṇī of পক্ষী । 23)
(p. 601) pakṣipālaka employed in aviculture. n. a bird-fancier, an aviarist. 24)
(p. 601) pakṣipālana aviculture. পক্ষিপালন করা v. to collect, keep and breed birds, to be engaged in aviculture. ̃শালা a. an aviary. 25)
(p. 601) pakṣibidyā ornithology. 26)
(p. 601) pakṣirāja a king of birds; an appellation of Garuda (গরুড়); (myth.) a winged horse. 27)
(p. 601) pakṣiśābaka the young ones of a bird; young of a bird (collectively). 28)
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