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̃দাওয়াই, দাওয়া৩
(p. 485) ̃dāōẏāi, dāōẏā3 medicine; remedy. ̃খানা n. a drug-store; a dispensary; a chemist's shop, a pharmacy. দাওয়াই দেওয়া v. to give or administer a medicine; (fig.) to take action for correction or to remedy a wrong. 105)
(p. 480) daṃśa the gadfly, a large gnat. 6)
(p. 480) daṃśaka one who or that which bites or stings. n. a large gnat, the gadfly. 7)
(p. 480) daṃśana act of biting or stinging; a bite or sting. দংশন করা v. to bite or sting. 8)
(p. 480) daṃśala (obs. & poet.) bit or stung. 9)
(p. 480) daṃśā (usu. poet.) to bite or sting. দংশানো v. to cause to bite or sting; to bite or sting; (fig.) to cause grief, pain or suffering, to distress. 10)
(p. 480) daṃśita bitten; stung. 11)
(p. 480) daṃśī of দংশ । 12)
(p. 480) daṃṣṭra a tooth (esp. a large or sharp one). দ্রংষ্ট্রা n. a claw or prong or fang (as of a crab or a lobster); a large (and usu. sharp) tooth (as of a dog or a fox); a sting (as of a mosquito or a gadfly). দ্রংষ্ট্রাঘাত n. a bite or a sting. দ্রংষ্ট্রায়ুধ n. a wild boar. দ্রংষ্ট্রাল, দ্রংষ্ট্রী a. having a claw or prong or fang or tooth or sting, clawed, pronged, fanged, toothed, stinged. 13)
(p. 480) di curdled milk, curd. দই পাতা v. to curdle milk; to keep milk in such a way that it will congeal or freeze into curd. চিনিপাতা দই milk curdled with sugar, sweet curd. সাজা দই recently curdled milk, fresh curd. হাতে দই পাতে দই তবু বলে কই কই (lit.) with curd on the palm of one's hand and on the plate, one still complains that it is not enough; (fig.) there is more than enough, yet complaining of scarcity; (cp.) want is unlimited and insatiable. 4)
(p. 480) du (poet. & obs.) two, both. 5)
দক, দঁক
(p. 480) daka, dan̐ka a soft and deep mass of mud, a pool of soft and deep mud, quagmire, slough (দকে পড়া). দকে পড়া v. (fig.) to run into a great danger suddenly. 14)
(p. 480) dakṣiṇa the south; the right hand side, the right. a. southern, south; Antarctic; dexter, right (দক্ষিণ হস্ত); favourable, pleased, graceful (রুদ্রের দক্ষিণ মুখ); (rhet.) a gallant who can love several women equally at the same time. অয়নান্ত n. winter solstice. ̃কালিকা, দক্ষিণাকালী n. a manifestation of Goddess Kali (কালী). ̃পন্হী a. rightist. n. a rightist in politics. দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিম n. & a. south-west. □ a. south-western. দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব n. & a. south-east. □ a. southeastern. ̃মেরু n. the South Pole. ̃মেরু অঞ্চল the Antarctic. ̃হস্ত n. the right hand; (fig.) the principal support or helper, one's right-hand man. দক্ষিণহস্তের ব্যাপার the affair or business of taking one's meal, eating. 17)
(p. 480) dakṣiṇarāẏa the presiding tiger-deity of the Sundarbans. 18)
(p. 480) dakṣiṇā a fee or gift given to a priest or a Brahman or a teacher etc.; the south (দক্ষিণাপ্রবণ); (rhet.) a mistress who still retains her attachment towards her former lover. a. southern, south.
(p. 481) dakṣiṇācāra a system of Tantric (তান্ত্রিক) rituals. দক্ষিণাচারী a. & n. one who follows this system. 2)
(p. 481) dakṣiṇāñcala the mythological southern mountain, the Malaya; the Antarctic Mountain. 3)
(p. 481) dakṣiṇānta termination of a religious function by paying the priest his fees. দক্ষিণান্ত করা v. to conclude or terminate a religious function by paying the priest his fees. 4)
(p. 481) dakṣiṇāpatha the Deccan. 5)
(p. 481) dakṣiṇābarta moving or winding clockwise; clockwise, dextral. n. the Deccan. 6)
(p. 481) dakṣiṇābaha the south wind; the vernal breeze. 7)
(p. 481) dakṣiṇāẏana the winter solstice. দক্ষিণায়নবৃত্ত n. the Tropic of Capricorn. 8)
(p. 480) dakṣa1 (myth.) the name of a divine being entrusted formerly with the charge of creation of earthly beings; the father of Sati (সতী), the wife of Shiva (শিব), ̃কন্যা n. Sati (সতী), the wife of Shiva (শিব). ̃যজ্ঞ n. (myth.) a religious feast held by Daksha (দক্ষ) in which Shiva (শিব) was not invited and was publicly abused or censured and Sati (সতী), the wife of Shiva, unable to stand this, died of grief. Shiva came with his followers to the feast, spoilt it and killed Daksha; (fig.) tremendous turmoil; utter confusion, pandemonium. 15)
(p. 480) dakṣa2 expert, skilful, adroit; clever; competent. fem. দক্ষা । ̃তা n. expertness, skill, adroitness; cleverness; competence. 16)
(p. 481) dakhala occupation, possession; hold, control; right to hold or possess; mastery, knowledge, skill, aptitude (তার ন্যায়শাস্ত্রে বা গনিতে দখল আছে). দখল করা v. to occupy (আসন বা জমি দখল করা); to take possession of (শত্রুতে দেশ দখল করল); to appropriate to oneself (সে আমার কলমটা দখল করল). দখল থাকা v. to have right to hold or possess (জমিতে দখল থাকা); to have possession; to have hold or control (ভাগ্যের উপর দখল থাকা); to have mastery or knowledge or skill or aptitude (শাস্ত্রে বা খেলায় দখল থাকা). দখলে থাকা v. to be in occupation or possession or control. ̃কার, ̃দার a. one who is in occupation or possession, occupying. n. an occupant, an occupier; a possessor. ̃চ্যূত a. dispossessed. ̃নামা n. a deed or title of possession or occupancy. দখলি a. relating to occupancy or occupation or possession; occupied, held. দখলিকার, দখলিদার same as দখলকার । দখল স্বত্ব right by occupancy, possessory right. 9)
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