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agreement দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 1) aṃśīdāri partnership. a. relating to partnership. অংশীদারি (বা অংশীদার) চুক্তি partnership agreement. অংশীদারিত্ব n. same as অংশীদারি । 14)
(p. 24) ananbita (gr.) lacking in sequence or agreement; (phil.) not governed by the law of causation; not related, detached; irrelevant, incoherent. 21)
(p. 26) anicchā unwillingness, reluctance; lack of consent; indifference, disinterestedness. ̃কৃত a. done or performed reluctantly or unknowingly; not deliberate, unintentional, undesigned. ̃পূর্বক adv. unwillingly, reluctantly; without consent or agreement; indifferently, disinterestedly. অনিচ্ছা প্রকাশ করা v. to express unwillingness or reluctance; to express disrelish; to disagree, to refuse to consent. ̃ভরে, অনিচ্ছায় same as ̃পূর্বক । ̃সত্ত্বেও adv. notwithstanding unwillingness or reluctance or lack of consent or disagreement or lack of interest. ̃সহকারে same as অনিচ্ছাপূর্বক । 95)
(p. 38) anaikya lack of unity or agreement; discord; disagreement; difference (esp. of opinion), dissension; dissimilarity; inconsistency, incongruity; (loos.) animosity or opposition. 18)
(p. 41) anbaẏa succession; (gr.) sequence, syntax, word-order; family; relation; order, serial order; agreement, concord. অন্বয়ী a. related, connected; relating, connecting, agreeing, concordant. 19)
(p. 41) anya other; some other; any other. a. different. ̃কৃত a. done by some other person. অন্য কেউ somebody else. ̃ত a. adv. & con. from or by the other or others or another; in a different way. ̃তম a. & pro. one or any one of several persons, things, etc. ˜তর a. & pro. one or any one of the two; the other. ̃ত্র adv. at or in or to a different place or topic or subject. ̃থা adv. & con. in a different manner, otherwise, elsewise, or; contrarywise. a. contrary. n. violation, infringement; exception; the contrary. অন্যথাকরণ a. doing otherwise; disobeying. অন্যথা করা v. to do or act otherwise; to violate, to infringe, to disobey. অন্যথা হওয়া v. to be contrary to; to be in violation of. অন্যথাচরণ n. acting or doing otherwise; violation, infringement, disobedience. অন্যথাচরণ করা v. same as অন্যথা করা । ̃পূর্বা a. fem. formerly bethrothed or married to somebody else. mas. ̃পূর্ব । ̃প্রকার, ̃বিধ a. of a different or other kind(s). ̃প্রকারে adv. same as অন্যভাবে । ̃ভাব n. a different or another state or attitude or manner; change of state or attitude or manner. ̃ভাবে adv. in a different or other way. ̃ভৃত্ a. bringing up another (esp. one not belonging to one's kind). n. such a person or creature; the crow. ̃ভৃত, ̃পুষ্ট a. brought up by another (esp. by one belonging to a different kind). n. such a person or creature; the cuckoo. ̃মত n. a different opinion; disagreement; a different manner or way. a. holding a different opinion; disagreeing; in or of a different manner or way. ̃মতে adv. in a different way or manner; according to a different view. ̃মনস্ক, ̃মনা a. preoccupied by some other thought; absent-minded; in attentive. ̃মনে adv. absentmindedly, inattentively. ̃মনস্কতা n. preoccupied state; absent-mindedness; inattentiveness, inattention. ̃সাপেক্ষ a. relative. ̃রূপ a. same as অন্যপ্রকার, অন্যবিধ । 26)
(p. 55) abanibanā lack of amity; disagreement; bad blood; ill-feeling. 11)
(p. 56) abirōdha absence of opposition or hostility; accord, agreement, harmony; friendliness, amicability, amity; peace. অবিরোধী a. unopposed; unopposing; not hostile or antagonistic or contrary; compatible, congruous, conforming, accordant; favourable, friendly; peaceloving; peaceful. অবিরোধে adv. without opposition or hostility or dispute; in a friendly manner; in peace, peacefully. 117)
(p. 71) amila dissimilarity; disagreement; discord; dissension; scarcity, non-availability (খাদ্যের অমিল). a. scarce, unavailable. 19)
(p. 89) asāmañjasya lack of proportion or symmetry, disproportionateness, asymmetry; incongruity; irrelevance, incoherence; unlikeness, difference, disagreement; lack of compromise. 14)
(p. 89) asāmya dissimilarity, incongruity; difference; inequality; disunity; disagreement.
(p. 114) ānurūpya similar state or appearance, similarity, likeness; agreement, congruity; resemblance. 35)
(p. 115) ānbaẏika relating to concord or syntax, relating to agreement. 18)
(p. 178) ēkarāra confession; promise; agreement; statement. ̃নামা n. written promise or statement; bond; deed of agreement. 22)
(p. 182) ēkātmatā (of more than one person) state of having but one and the same soul; inseparable unity; close intimacy and agreement. 14)
(p. 182) ēkātmā (of two or more persons) having but one and the same soul; inseparably united; having close intimacy and agreement. 16)
(p. 187) aikamatya agreement in opinion; concord; unanimity; consensus. 5)
(p. 187) aikya unity, union; concord; agreement. ̃বদ্ধ a. united, combined. ̃সাধন n. act of establishing unity or concord or agreement (between or amongst). ঐক্যসাধন করা v. to establish unity or concord or agreement (between or amongst.) ঐক্যাভাব n. lack of unity or integration. 11)
কবুলতি, কবুলিয়ত
(p. 202) kabulati, kabuliẏata a deed of agreement in which a tenant undertakes to pay the landowner rents regularly, a counterlease; a note of acknowledgement. 20)
(p. 278) khāpa a scabbard, a sheath (তরোয়ালের খাপ); a holster (রিভলভারের খাপ); a case (চশমার খাপ); agreement, congruity, suitability; closeness or density of texture, texture. খাপ খাওয়া v. to agree with, to be congruent with; to be in keeping or harmony with, to suit; to adjust oneself to. খাপে রাখা v. to sheathe; to put in the case. খাপ থেকে খোলা v. to unsheathe; to take out of the case. খাপ-খোলা a. unsheathed, bare. খাপ-ছাড়া a. unsuitable, unbecoming, inconsistent, irrelevant, incoherent, disjointed; casual, stray; queer, quaint (খাপছাড়া লোক বা স্বভাব). 33)
(p. 278) khāpā2 to agree, to be congruent; (of textiles) to shrink. a. agreed; shrunk. খাপানো v. to cause to agree, to bring to agreement; to cause to shrink, to shrink. See also খাপ খাওয়া । 35)
(p. 280) khin̐ca a grit; a slight defect or omission or trouble or difficulty; discord or disagreement, a hitch; a pull or sprain or cramp; a debate or argument. খিঁচ ধরা v. to have a sprain or cramp. খিঁচ পড়া v. to have a slight defect or omission. খিঁচ মারা v. to give a pull. খিঁচ মিটানো v. to settle a dispute, to end a quarrel or misunderstanding. খিঁচ লাগা v. to have a sprain or cramp; to be stricken with discord or disagreement; to have a slight trouble or difficulty. 36)
(p. 296) garamila disparity; disagreement; disharmony. 81)
(p. 352) cāōẏā2 to look at; to open (চোখ চাওয়া); to cast an evil eye (on or at). চাওয়াচাওয়ি n. act of looking at one another; act of coming to an agreement by favouring one another. ̃নো v. to cause to look at; to cause to open. মুখ তুলে চাওয়া v. to look favourably on; to be favourably inclined towards. 15)
(p. 508) dūra distance; a distant place (আর কত দূরে নিয়ে যাবে). a. distant, far-off (দূর দেশ, দূর ভবিষ্যত্); far-reaching esp. into the future (দূরদৃষ্টি); far-reaching; long, extensive (দূর পথ); expelled, removed, driven away or out (কাঁটা দূর হওয়া). int. expressing: contempt, shame, vexation, distrust, disagreement etc., fie, hang it, ah. দূর করা v. to expel; to banish; to drive away or out; to remove; to dispel; to turn out; to eject; to relieve (ব্যথা দূর করা). দূর হওয়া v. to go away; to pass out of sight; to be removed; to be expelled. দূর হোক, দূর হোক ছাই int. hang it, chuck it, damn it. দূরে থাকা v. to keep a distance, to keep aloof. দূরের কথা an affair of distant future; not to speak of (টাকা দেওয়া দূরের কথা). দূরক n. (astr.) a radius vector. দূরক ক্ষেত্র (astr.) a sectional area. দূরগ, দূরগামী a. far-going, long-distance (দূরগামী ট্রেন); (fig.) far-reaching; long, extensive (দূরগামী পথ) fem. দূরগা, দূরগামিনী । দূর ছাই করা v. to slight; to treat contemptuously. দূরত adv. from a distance; from a remote place. দূরতম a. remotest; longest (দূরতম পথ). দূরতা, দূরত্ব n. (amount of) distance; (amount of) length; (amount of) difference. দূরত্ব রক্ষা করা to keep one's distance. ̃দর্শন n. act of seeing from a distance or act of seeing distant things; foresight; farsight; act of seeing into the future; prudence; (sc.) television. ̃দর্শী a. farseeing; farsighted; foresighted; seeing into the future; prudent. fem. ̃দর্শিনী । ̃দর্শিতা n. farsightedness; foresightedness; foresight; ability to see into the future; prudence. দূর-দূর int. fie; hang it. দূর-দুর করা v. to treat contemptuously (like a cur). ̃দূরান্তর n. very distant or remote places. ̃পাল্লা a. a long distance. দূর-পাল্লার ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র a long-range missile. ̃প্রসারী a. far-extending; farreaching; very long. ̃বর্তী a. lying or staying at a distance; far-off, distant, remote; (fig.) separated by a large margin or differing to a great extent. fem. ̃বর্তিনী । ̃বর্তিতা n. state of lying or staying at a distance; remoteness; (fig.) separation by a large margin or great difference. ̃বীক্ষণ, ̃বিন n. a telescope. ̃ব্যাপী a. far-extending; far-reaching. ̃ভাষ n. a telephone. ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিত a. situated or located or lying or staying at a distance; distant, remote. দূরে adv. at or to a distance. 78)
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