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(p. 2) akāra the letter and the vowel sound অ; অকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with the letter অ. n. অ and other vowels. অকারাদিক্রমে adv. in the alphabetical order. অকারান্ত a. (of words) ending with the vowel sound অ. 37)
(p. 7) agrē at first; at the front; at the outset, in the beginning, before, formerly; beforehand; in the presence of, approaching (বিচারকের অগ্রে আবেদন). 21)
(p. 9) aṅkura a sprout, a shoot; a sapling; blossom (চূতাঙ্কুর); germ; origination, birth, germination (ভাবের অঙ্কুর); anything newly born or commenced; a beginning; an end or tip (তৃণাঙ্কুর, ভগ্নাঙ্কুর) অঙ্কুরে বিনাশ করা v. to nip in the bud. অঙ্কুরিত a. sprouted; germinated; published, revealed. অঙ্কুরিত হওয়া v. to sprout; to germinate. অঙ্কুরোদয়, অঙ্কুরোদ্গম n. germination, sprouting, blossoming; commencement, beginning. 11)
(p. 26) anādi having no beginning or cause or origin; self-born. n. God. 48)
(p. 26) anādya having no beginning; without origin. 53)
(p. 26) anādyanta having neither beginning nor end, having neither origin nor destruction; self-born and immortal. 54)
(p. 37) anuṣṭhāna commencement, beginning, introduction, initiation, performance, execution, celebration; function or ceremony; a ritual. অনুষ্ঠান করা v. to arrange for; to perform, to hold, to execute, to organize, to celebrate, to render; to observe (a rite etc.). ̃সূচি n. agenda. 10)
(p. 99) āgāgōḍ়ā from beginning to end; alpha and omega; from head to foot, from top to bottom. 74)
(p. 102) āgu the first, the beginning; the past; advance. a. first; preceding; advance; forward. adv. a. first of all. ̃তে adv. at first; in the past. ̃পাছু, ̃পিছু adv. n. from beginning to end, alpha and omega; the past and the future. ̃পাছু করা,̃পিছু করা v. to hesitate. ̃পাছু ভাবা v. to look before and after, to consider the pros and cons of a thing. ̃য়ান, ̃সার a. going or coming forward, advancing; proceeding; leading. আগুয়ান বা আগুসার হওয়া v. to go or come forward, to advance; to proceed; to take the lead. 2)
(p. 102) āgē at first, in the beginning; in the past; in front; before. ̃কার a. of the beginning; of the past; of the front; preceding. আগে আগে adv. continuously or always in front. ̃পাছে adv. in front and at the back; before and after. আগে পাছে করা v. to hesitate. ̃ভাগে adv. first of all; at first; in advance. 8)
(p. 107) ādi beginning; origin; source; birth. a. first; original, fundamental, primary. in comp. (used as a sfx.) and the like, et cetera (সুখদুঃখাদি). ̃কবি n. the first poet; Valmiki. ̃কলা n. the fundamental tissue. ̃কলাতন্ত্র n. the fundamental tissue system. ̃কাব্য n. the first epic. ̃কারণ n. the first cause; the Supreme Being; the fundamental cause; the primary cause. ̃কাল n. ancient times. ̃কোষ n. embryonic cell. ̃দেব n. the Supreme Being; any one of the three principal Hindu gods: Brahma (ব্রহ্মা,), Vishnu (বিষ়্ণু) and Maheswara (মহেশ্বর). ̃নাথ n. the Supreme Being; Shiva (শিব). ̃পুরুষ n. the first progenitor or ancestor of a clan or family. ̃বাসী n. the aborigines. ̃বৃত্ত n. equinoctial colure. ̃ভূত a. born or created first, primordial; primary (আদিভূত কারণ). fem. আদিভূতা । ̃রস n. (rhet.) the emotion of love; sex-passion; eroticism. ̃রূপ n. a prototype, an archetype. 66)
(p. 107) ādau (ori. & lit.) in the beginning, at first; (pop. and current) at all, in the least. 82)
(p. 107) ādya first, prime; primeval; primitive: primordial; chief; best; primary. ̃কৃত্য n. the work to be done first (also see আদ্যশ্রাদ্ধ). ̃প্রাণী n. the protozoa. ̃প্রান্ত adv. from beginning to end; from top to bottom. ̃শ্রাদ্ধ, ̃কৃত্য n. solemn obsequies performed in memory of the deceased on the day following the period of mourning. 83)
(p. 107) ādyanta beginning and end. adv. from beginning to end; from first to last. 84)
(p. 107) ādyōpānta from beginning to end, from first to last; from top to bottom; all over; all through. 87)
আনুপূর্ব্, আনুপূর্ব্য
(p. 114) ānupūrb, ānupūrbya sequence, serial succession, due succession. আনুপূর্বিক adv. in due succession, serially; from beginning to end. a. serial, in due succession; from beginning to end; entire, complete, overall. 32)
(p. 118) ābahamāna existing or continuing since the beginning; traditional and ever-existent. ̃কাল adv. continuing or existing from time immemorial; ever since the beginning. 19)
(p. 123) ārambha commencement, inception, beginning, start; origin, birth; introduction; a prologue. আরম্ভ করা v. to commence, to begin, to start; to introduce. আরম্ভ হওয়া v. to commence; to begin, to start; to originate; to take birth; to be introduced. ̃ক a. & n. one who commences or introduces. আরম্ভিক a. relating to inception or beginning; starting; introductory. 41)
(p. 136) ikāra the symbol ি affixed to consonants whilst adding the ই- sound to it; post-consonantal ি symbol. ইকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with ই or ই sound. ইকারান্ত a. (of words) ending in ই or ই--sound. 15)
(p. 140) istaka from; up to; till. n. (in card-playing) the king and the queen of trumps. ̃নাগাদ adv. from start to finish, from beginning to end. 19)
(p. 141) īkāra the symbol 'ী' affixed to consonants whilst adding the ঈ-sound to it. ঈকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with ঈ or ঈ--sound. ঈকারান্ত a. (of words) ending in ঈ or ঈ-sound. 3)
(p. 143) ukāra the symbol 'ু' affixed to a consonant whilst adding the উ-sound to it. উকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with উ or উ-sound. উকারান্ত a. (of words) ending in উ or উ-sound. 11)
(p. 147) uṭhati rise, growth, development, flourish, increase. a. rising, growing, developing, flourishing, thriving, increasing. উঠতি অবস্হা flourishing stage. উঠতি পড়তি n. rise and fall; (comm.) boom and slump, fluctuation. উঠতি বয়স adolescence. উঠতির মুখ the first stage or beginning of rise or flourish or prosperity. 5)
(p. 159) upakrama state or being on the point of or about to; endeavour, effort; beginning, commencement, start, outset. উপক্রম করা v. to be about to or on the point of; to endeavour; to be about to commence. উপক্রম হওয়া v. to be about to be or on the point of being; to be about to be commenced. ̃ণিকা n. beginning, commencement, outset; an introduction, a preface, a prelude. ̃ণীয় a. that which should be begun or undertaken. 49)
(p. 168) upārambha beginning; outset; start. 43)
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