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(p. 9) aṅgāṅgi mutual attraction of different limbs of a body; correlation; preferential treatment of or partiality towards a member of one's own party. ̃ভাব, ̃সম্বন্ধ n. intimate friendship; inseparable relation; (phil.) the relation between the whole and its parts; interdependence of parts, relation between form and content; the relation between what is primary and what is secondary. ̃ভাবে adv. in the relation of the part to the whole or of what is secondary to what is primary; inseparably. 19)
অন্তঃস্হ, অন্তস্হ
(p. 38) antḥsha, antasha lying within or in-between. অন্তঃস্হ বর্ণ - য র ল ব হ: any of these letters. 48)
(p. 38) antarā (mus.) the intermediary part between the refrain and the final development of the music of a song. 60)
(p. 38) antarīkṣa the intervening region between any two planets or stars; the sky. ̃চারী a. (capable of or used to) moving or dwelling in the sky; aerial. 68)
(p. 40) antarē at heart; inside; within; in the depth of, in the heart of; amidst, amongst, between; at a distance, removed or screened from; at an interval of. 3)
(p. 40) antargata lying or situated within or in between; included (in); comprised (in); inward. 4)
(p. 40) antarbartī lying or situated within or in between; included or comprised in; intermediate; interim (অন্তর্বর্তী সরকার). 26)
অন্তর্বেদি, অন্তর্বেদী
(p. 40) antarbēdi, antarbēdī a strip of land between two rivers. 40)
অন্তর্ভুক্ত, অন্তর্ভূত
(p. 40) antarbhukta, antarbhūta included or comprised (in); lying within or in between. অন্তর্ভূত কোণ (geom.) an included angle. 41)
(p. 41) andha blind, sightless; extremely dark or gloomy. ('অন্ধ তামস'); utterly ignorant. n. a blind person. ̃কূপ n. a dark pit; a black hole. ̃কূপহত্যা n. (hist.) the Blackhole Tragedy. ̃তম a. darkest; extremely dark. ̃তমস n. utter darkness; blinding darkness. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. blindness; utter ignorance. ̃তামিস্র n. utter darkness. a. utterly dark. ̃প্রায় a. almost blind; like a blind; like a blind person. ̃বিশ্বাস n. blind faith. ̃ভাবে adv. blindly; rashly; heedlessly, indiscreetly. অন্ধের কিবা দিন কিবা রাত a blind person cannot distinguish between day and night or between brightness and gloom. অন্ধের নড়ি বা যষ্টি (lit.) a stick by the help of which a blind person moves; a blind man's prop; (fig.) a prop for a helpless or incapable person. 14)
(p. 41) apatya a son or a daughter; a child; a young of any creature. ̃নির্বিশেষে adv. making no discrimination between one's own children and those of other people, not treating differently from one's son, just like one's own children. ̃স্নেহ n. love for one's children, parental affection, philoprogenitiveness. ̃হীন a. childless. 69)
(p. 53) abakāśa leisure; respite, vacation (গ্রীষ্মাবকাশ); necessary time for (কাজের অবকাশ); cessation; time or space between, interval; scope, room, opportunity (সন্দেহের অবকাশ). 4)
(p. 56) abasara leisure; respite; opportunity; retirement (চাকরি থেকে অবসর নেওয়া); time or space between. ̃ক্রমে adv. at one's leisure. ̃গ্রহণ n. retirement. অবসরপূর্ব অবকাশ বা ছুটি leave preparatory to retirement. ̃প্রাপ্ত a. retired (from an employment or office). ̃বিনোদন n. recreation; relaxation. অবসর নেওয়া v. to retire (from). 31)
(p. 90) ahi the snake, the serpent. ̃তুণ্ডিক n. a snake-charmer. ̃নকুলসম্পর্ক n. perpetual enmity as that existing between the snake and the mongoose. ̃ভূষণ n. one who is ornamented with snakes; an appellation of Shiva (শিব). ̃রাজ n. king of snakes. 98)
(p. 73) aẏana a path, a route, a course; a passage through a military array or a battle order; scriptures; the ground; the earth; a homestead, a dwelling; (astr.) the sun's movement or course. ̃কাল n. (astr.) the interval between the two solstices. ̃চলন n. (astr.) precession. ̃বৃত্ত, ̃মণ্ডল n. the ecliptic. অয়নাংশ n. (astr.) a part or measure thereof of the ecliptic esp. the distance between the vernal equinoctial point and the first point in the Aries. অয়নান্ত n. (astr.) solstice. অয়নান্তবৃত্ত n. any of the two tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. 27)
(p. 104) āñjā the interim period between the delivery of a child and the next conception. 40)
(p. 150) uttarāpatha the part of India lying between the Himalayas and the Vindhyas; Northern India, Upper India. 53)
(p. 187) aikya unity, union; concord; agreement. ̃বদ্ধ a. united, combined. ̃সাধন n. act of establishing unity or concord or agreement (between or amongst). ঐক্যসাধন করা v. to establish unity or concord or agreement (between or amongst.) ঐক্যাভাব n. lack of unity or integration. 11)
(p. 192) kaccha a shore; a coastal region; a marshy place; Kutch; (facet.) the part of the loincloth which the wearer tucks behind him between his legs. 43)
(p. 192) kacchaṭi the part of the loincloth which the wearer tucks behind him between his legs; loincloth as tucked up by the wearer; loincloth worn as a suspensor as by Indian ascetics and wrestlers. 44)
(p. 206) kartabya that which is proper or ought to be done; proper. n. duty. কর্তব্য করা v. to do one's duty. ̃কর্ম n. duty; an obligation. ̃চ্যুত a. failed in one's duty. ̃চ্যুতি n. failure in one's duty, dereliction of duty. ̃জ্ঞান n. sense of duty. ̃তা n. propriety. ̃নিষ্ঠ, ̃পরায়ণ a. dutiful, duteous. ̃নিষ্ঠা, ̃পরায়ণতা n. dutifulness, duteousness, devotion to duty; (loos.) fidelity. ̃পালন n. act of doing one's duty. কর্তব্যপালন করা v. to do one's duty. ̃প্রিয় same as কর্তব্যপরায়ণ । ̃বিমুখ a. undutiful. ̃বিমুখতা n. undutifulness. ̃বিমূঢ় a. at a loss to determine one's duty; bewildered. ̃বিমূঢ়তা n. bewilderment, failure to discern what to do. ̃বুদ্ধি n. sense of duty. ̃ভ্রষ্ট same as কর্তব্যচ্যুত । ̃ভ্রষ্টতা same as কর্তব্যচ্যুতি । কর্তব্যাকর্তব্য বোধ n. power of discriminating between what ought to be done and what ought not to be done. কর্তব্যানুরাগ same as কর্তব্যপরায়ণতা । কর্তব্যানুরাগী same as কর্তব্যপরায়ণ । কর্তব্যানুরোধে adv. for the sake of duty or obligation. 33)
(p. 220) kāṭā to cut; to hew, to cleave; to chop; to carve (মাংস কাটা); to mow (ঘাস কাটা); to lop (গাছের ডাল কাটা); to trim; to pare (নখ কাটা); to amputate; to incise, to operate, to lance (ফোড়া কাটা); to bite (জিভ কাটা); to eat (পোকায় কাটা); to pen through, to strike off (লেখা কাটা, নাম কাটা); to deduct (পাওনা কাটা); to dig (পুকুর কাটা); to sink (কুয়ো কাটা); to draw (লাইন কাটা, দাগ কাটা); to write (আঁক কাটা); to write out (চেক কাটা); to paint (তিলক কাটা); to mend or sharpen (কলম বা পেনসিল কাটা); to refuse (যুক্তি কাটা); to say in retort, to protest (কথা কাটা); to construct (পথ কাটা); to compose, to recite, to cap (ছড়া কাটা); to pinch or pick (পকেট কাটা); to pass (সময় কাটা); to disperse (মেঘ কাটা); to lift (কুয়াশা কাটা); to be dispelled (ভয় কাটা); to make a slip in (তাল কাটা, সুর কাটা); to be sold, to sell, to be in demand (বাজারে মাল কাটা); to be in the act of doing, to do (সাঁতার কাটা). a. cut; hewn, cleft, cloven; chopped; carved; moved, mown; lopped; amputated; incised, operated, lanced; eaten; penned through, struck off; mended, sharpened; used in cutting or chopping (পেনসিল-কাটা ছুরি, মাংস-কাটা ছুরি). n. cutting; hewing; cleaving; chopping; carving; mowing; lopping; trimming; paring; amputation; incision, operation; a mark of cutting or incision or operation; biting; eating; penning through, striking off; deduction; digging; sinking; drawing; writing, writing out; painting; mending or sharpening কথা কাটা v. to answer in retaliation, to retort. কাটা কাপড় textile fabrics for making garments, piecegoods. কাটা ঘায়ে নুনের ছিটা দেওয়া to add insult to injury. ঘাস কাটা v. to mow grass; (sarcas.) (to be able) to do nothing. ছড়া কাটা v. to cap or recite a rhyme. জিভ কাটা v. to show the tip of one's tongue and press it with the teeth, to bite one's tongue (as a mark of bashfulness or in apology.) ট্রেনেকাটা a. run-over by a railway train. ফাঁড়া কাটা v. to avoid or escape a possible or impending calamity. ফুট কাটা v. to let fall in drops; (pop.) to interpose, to chip in. ফোঁড়া কাটা v. to let fall in drops; to put a holy mark between the eyebrows or on the forehead; (pop.) to interpose, to chip in. ভারে কাটা v. to pull one's weight. সাঁতার কাটা v. to swim. সিঁথি কাটা v. to part hair. সিঁধ কাটা v. to break stealthily into a mud house, to burgle; to crack a crib. সুতো কাটা v. to spin. 26)
(p. 220) kāṇḍakāṇḍajñāna power of discriminating between good and bad or between propriety and impropriety. 47)
(p. 226) kāma2 the god of love and lust (cp. Cupid, Eros); desire; passion; love; lust, eroticism; sex-urge. ̃কলা n. the erotic science, the sexual science; the science of love. ̃কেলি n. sexual intercourse; an amorous sport. ̃গন্ধ n. trace of lust; trace of sex. ̃চর a. one who can travel at will; self-willed. ̃চার n. self-will. a. self-willed. ̃চারী a. one who can travel at will; self-willed; wanton, lascivious, profligate; lustful. fem. ̃চারিণী । ̃জ a. born of lust, produced by lust, erotogenic, erotogenous. ̃জ্বর n. a terrible fit of sex hunger. ̃দ a. granting or having the power of granting whatever one desires. ̃দা a. fem. of কামদ । n. a (mythological) wishing-cow. ̃দুঘা same as কামধেনু । ̃দূতী n. a female go-between in an amour or love affair; (dero.) procuress, a bawd. ̃দেব, ̃দেবতা n. the god of love and lust (cp. Cupid. Eros). ̃ধেনু n. a (mythological) wishing-cow. ̃পত্নী n. the wife of the god of love and lust. ̃পীড়িত a. stricken with the desire for sexual intercourse; love-sick. fem. ̃পীড়িতা । ̃প্রদ same as কামদ । ̃প্রবৃত্তি n. sexual desire or appetite, sex urge. ̃বল্লভ n. the spring. ̃বাই n. a maddening sex urge. ̃বাণ n. any of the five arrows of the god of love and lust, any one of Cupid's arrows. কামবাণে জর্জরিত smitten with carnal desires. ̃মোহিত a. overwhelmed with sexual desire. fem. কামমোহিতা । ̃রূপ, ̃রূপী a. capable of assuming shapes at will; extremely beautiful or good-looking. ̃শর same as কামবাণ । ̃শাস্ত্র n. the the erotic science, the sexual science; the science of love. ̃সখ n. the Spring (personified). ̃সূত্র same as কামশাস্ত্র । 9)
(p. 228) kārya (for.) a work, an action; a deed; a duty; a task; a job; an occupation; use, service; ceremony, rite (শ্রাদ্ধকার্য); profession, function; a purpose, an object, a motive (কোন কার্যে এসেছ); effect, good result, benefit (এতে কোনো কার্য দর্শাবে না). ̃কর a. effective; feasible; serviceable. fem কার্যকরী । কার্যকরী সমিতি n. working committee. ̃করতা n. effectiveness; feasibility; serviceability. ̃কলাপ n. acts and deeds, doings, actions. কারণ ভাব n. causality. ̃কারণসম্বন্ধ n. causal connection or relation. ̃কারিতা same as কার্যকারিতা । ̃কারী same as কার্যকর । fem. কার্যকারিণী । ̃কাল n. the period during which a work is done; working period, working hours; the period or term of service. ̃কুশল a. expert; skilful, adroit; clever. ̃ক্রম n. a programme. ̃ক্রমে adv. in course of business. ̃ক্ষম a. competent; capable or fit for work. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. the field of action; the sphere of activities. ̃গতিকে adv. on business; by way of business; in course of business. ̃চ্যুত a. removed from office, dismissed (from service); cashiered. ̃চ্যুতি n. removal from office, dismissal (from service); cashierment. ̃ঞ্চাগে adv. to begin with (used often unnecessarily, in the beginning of the reading matter of a letter or legal deed). ̃ত adv. actually, indeed; as a matter of fact. ̃দক্ষ same as কার্যকুশল । ̃ধারা n. same as কার্যপদ্ধতি । ̃নির্বাহ n. execution of a work. ̃নির্বাহী, ̃নির্বাহক a. executing, executive; working (কার্যনির্বাহক সভাপতি). ̃নিয়ম n. rules of business. ̃নির্বাহী সমিতি n. an executive committee. ̃পঞ্জি n. the calendar. ̃পদ্ধতি, ̃প্রণালী n. the mode or process of work, procedure, modus operandi. ̃পরম্পরা n. a regular succession of work. ̃বশত adv. for the sake of work or business; on business. ̃বাহ n. proceedings. ̃বিবরণ, ̃বিবরণী n. the report of a work or proceedings. ̃বৃত্ত n. minutes (of a meeting). ̃ব্যপদেশে same as কার্যগতিকে and কার্যবশত । ̃ভার n. the charge of a task; the burden or pressure of work. ̃সমাধা n. completion of work. ̃সম্পাদন n. performance or completion of work. ̃সিদ্ধি n. accomplishment of a work or task; realization of an end. ̃স্হান n. a place of work or business. কার্যাকার্য n. what ought to be done and what ought not to be done; proper and improper work. কার্যাকার্য বিচার n. discrimination between proper and improper work or between right and wrong. কার্যাধ্যক্ষ n. a superintendent, a supervisor, an overseer, a manager. কার্যানুরোধে same as কার্যবশত । কার্যান্তর n. another work; a different work. কার্যার্থ same as কার্যবশত । কার্যারম্ভ n. the beginning of a work; commencement of work or working hours; inauguration of an institution or firm or any similar establishment. কার্যালয় n. an office. কার্যোদ্ধার same as কার্যসিদ্ধি । 47)
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