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(p. 2) akāla an inauspicious time; hard times; an unusual time (অকালের বর্ষা); premature time (অকালপক্ব); inappropriate time; (loos.) scarcity, famine. ̃কুষ্মাণ্ড n. a gourd grown at an unusual time; (fig.) a useless or stupid person. ̃জ, ̃জাত a. born at an unusual time; untimely or prematurely born. ̃জলদোদয় untimely gathering of clouds. ̃পক্ক a. (of fruits) prematurely ripened; (of persons) precocious, pert. ̃পক্কতা n. premature ripeness; precocity, pertness. ̃বর্ষণ n. untimely rain. ̃বার্ধক্য n. premature ageing. ̃বৃদ্ধ a. gone old prematurely. ̃বোধন n. (myth.) untimely awakening of Goddess Durga by Ramachandra; (fig.) any untimely performance. ̃মরণ, ̃মৃত্যু n. premature death. 41)
(p. 2) akhāta (of channels etc.) undug or not made by digging; natural. 109)
(p. 9) aṅgāra coal; carbon; cinder, charcoal; (fig.) a person or thing causing shame or disgrace (কুলের অঙ্গার বা কলন্ক). ̃ময় a. carbonaceous. ̃কৃষ্ণ a. black as coal, very black. ̃ধানী n. an incense-pot, censer. ̃ক n. carbon. অঙ্গারককমণি n. coral. অঙ্গারক রসায়ন n. organic chemistry. ̃ যৌগিক n. carbon compounds. অঙ্গারঃ শতধৌতেন মলিনত্বং ন মুঞ্চতি coal never changes its hue however well it may be washed; black will take no other hue. অঙ্গারাম্ল n. carbonic acid. 21)
(p. 9) ajahalliṅga (gr.) a noun never changing its gender when used as an adjective. 91)
(p. 17) athāntara (lit.) change of fortune for the worse; distress, worry, anxiety; danger or hazard; difficulty. 14)
(p. 17) adalabadala interchange; alternation; exchange; mutual transfer; modification. অদলবদল করা v. to interchange; to alter; to exchange; to transfer mutually; to modify. 25)
(p. 17) adṛṣṭa not seen, unseen. n. fate, luck, fortune; destiny. ̃ক্রমে adv. as ordained by destiny; as luck would have it; by chance; fortunately. ̃দোষে adv. unluckily, unfortunately, as bad luck would have it. ̃পরীক্ষা n. act of telling or learning one's fortune by means of divination, palmistry, etc., act of trying one's luck (esp. in a game of chance) অদৃষ্ট পরীক্ষা করা v. to tell one's fortune. to try one's luck. অদৃষ্ট পরীক্ষা করানো v. to have one's fortune told. ̃পুরুষ n. masc. Destiny; God. ̃পূর্ব a. not seen before; novel, new. ̃বশত adv. as luck would have it; by chance. ̃বাদ n. fatalism. ̃বাদী n. a fatalist. a. fatalistic. ̃লিপি n. the unseen writing of one's fate; one's destiny. অদৃষ্টের পরিহাস irony of fate. 35)
(p. 20) adhipāla a vice-chancellor (of a university). 7)
(p. 20) adhiyantrabāda (phil.) the mechanistic theory. 32)
(p. 20) adhiyāntrika a mechanical foreman, a machine foreman. 33)
(p. 22) adhruba inconstant; unstable; transitory; changeable, variable; uncertain, doubtful. 31)
(p. 24) anabashita restless; unsettled; fickle or unsteady; unstable; wavering. ̃চিত্ত a. of unsettled mind; unresolved in purpose; mentally wavering; changing one's mind every moment; fickleminded. ̃চিত্ততা n. fickle-mindedness. 44)
(p. 29) aniẏata not regulated; irregular; unsystematic; uncontrolled, unrestrained; not steady; changeful; uncertain. অনিয়তাকার a. amorphous; shapeless. 11)
(p. 41) andhakāra darkness, gloom; absence of light. a. dark, gloomy; darkened with gloom, dejection etc. (অন্ধকার মুখ); deprived of hope, delight, etc. (অন্ধকার জীবন). অন্ধকার করা v. to make (something) dark, to darken. অন্ধকার দেখা v. (fig.) to be at one's wit's end to find a means of escape from danger; to be stunned. অন্ধকার দেখানো v. (fig.) to overwhelm or bewilder (a person), to knock senseless. অন্ধকার হওয়া v. to become dark, to darken. অন্ধকারে ঢিল মারা (fig.) to make a stray or random attempt to hit, to take an off-chance; to beat about the bush. অন্ধকারে থাকা v. (fig.) to be quite ignorant (of), to be in the dark (about). অন্ধকারে হাতড়ানো v. (lit. & fig.) to grope in the dark. ˜ময় a. full of darkness or gloom; completely dark. অন্ধকারাচ্ছন্ন, অন্ধকারাবৃত a. enveloped in or overcast with darkness; utterly dark; (fig.) utterly ignorant, distressed, depressed or obsessed. 15)
(p. 41) anya other; some other; any other. a. different. ̃কৃত a. done by some other person. অন্য কেউ somebody else. ̃ত a. adv. & con. from or by the other or others or another; in a different way. ̃তম a. & pro. one or any one of several persons, things, etc. ˜তর a. & pro. one or any one of the two; the other. ̃ত্র adv. at or in or to a different place or topic or subject. ̃থা adv. & con. in a different manner, otherwise, elsewise, or; contrarywise. a. contrary. n. violation, infringement; exception; the contrary. অন্যথাকরণ a. doing otherwise; disobeying. অন্যথা করা v. to do or act otherwise; to violate, to infringe, to disobey. অন্যথা হওয়া v. to be contrary to; to be in violation of. অন্যথাচরণ n. acting or doing otherwise; violation, infringement, disobedience. অন্যথাচরণ করা v. same as অন্যথা করা । ̃পূর্বা a. fem. formerly bethrothed or married to somebody else. mas. ̃পূর্ব । ̃প্রকার, ̃বিধ a. of a different or other kind(s). ̃প্রকারে adv. same as অন্যভাবে । ̃ভাব n. a different or another state or attitude or manner; change of state or attitude or manner. ̃ভাবে adv. in a different or other way. ̃ভৃত্ a. bringing up another (esp. one not belonging to one's kind). n. such a person or creature; the crow. ̃ভৃত, ̃পুষ্ট a. brought up by another (esp. by one belonging to a different kind). n. such a person or creature; the cuckoo. ̃মত n. a different opinion; disagreement; a different manner or way. a. holding a different opinion; disagreeing; in or of a different manner or way. ̃মতে adv. in a different way or manner; according to a different view. ̃মনস্ক, ̃মনা a. preoccupied by some other thought; absent-minded; in attentive. ̃মনে adv. absentmindedly, inattentively. ̃মনস্কতা n. preoccupied state; absent-mindedness; inattentiveness, inattention. ̃সাপেক্ষ a. relative. ̃রূপ a. same as অন্যপ্রকার, অন্যবিধ । 26)
(p. 41) apabartana (alg.) division by a common measure; alteration, change; transfer; removal; difraction. অপবর্তিত a. divided by a common measure. 84)
(p. 46) aparicchanna untidy, dirty; dingy; slovenly; unclean; (fig.) impure (অপরিচ্ছন্ন মন). ̃তা n. untidiness, dirtiness; dinginess; slovenliness; uncleanliness, impurity. 21)
(p. 47) aparibartana absence or lack of change or alteration or modification; constancy; fixity; firmness. অপরিবর্তনীয় a. unchangeable, unalterable, immutable, invariable; unchanging; constant; fixed; firm. অপরিবর্তনীয়তা n. unchangeability, immutability; unchanging state; constancy; fixity; firmness. 9)
(p. 47) aparibartita unchanged, unaltered, unvaried. 10)
(p. 51) apratyāśita unexpected; not anticipated; unhoped-for; unlooked-for; unthoughtof; sudden, accidental. ̃ভাবে adv. unexpectedly; suddenly, accidentally, by chance. 19)
(p. 56) abashā state, condition; temperament, mood (মনের অবস্হা); circumstances (অবস্হা বুঝে ব্যবস্হা); financial condition; position (সংকটাবস্হা).̃গতিকে adv. being compelled by circumstances; in the circumstances. ̃ঘটিত a. dependent on circumstances; circumstantial, incidental. ̃ন্তর n. a different state or condition; change of fortune. ̃পন্ন a. well-to-do; wealthy, rich, in affluent circumstances. ̃প্রাপ্ত a. reduced to a state. ̃প্রাপ্ত হওয়া v. to be reduced to a state, to fall into a state. অবস্হা ফেরানো v. to better one's fortune or circumstances. ̃ভেদে adv. in a different or changed condition, in different or changed circumstances. ̃সংকট n. a critical position, tight corner. ̃হীন a. indigent, poor, impecunious, badly off. 39)
(p. 56) abikāra that which or one who is in the natural or original state; unchanged, unaltered; unchanging; undistorted, uncorrupted; unperverted; unmixed; unputrefied; unmoved, unshaken, unperturbed; unwavering; unimpassioned; dispassionate; having no distaste or allergy or apathy towards. n. such a state. 71)
(p. 56) abikṛta that which is in the natural or original state; unchanged, unaltered; undistorted, uncorrupted, unperverted; unmixed; pure; unputrefied. অবিকৃতি n. unchanged or unaltered state; freedom from putrefaction. 72)
(p. 63) abyabashita lacking in decision; unsteady, wavering; changeable, unsettled or unprincipled in action. ̃চিত্ত a. fickleminded. ̃চিত্ততা n. fickle-mindedness. 4)
(p. 63) abyabhicāra absence of laxity or straying; absence of depravity; absence of exception; absence of change; constancy, steadiness. অব্যভিচারী a. not lax or straying; undepraved; without exception; unchanging; constant, steady. 9)
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