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dwelt দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 2) akṣaẏa undecaying; inexhaustible; unfailing; imperishable: undying; endless. ̃কীর্তি n. undying or immortal fame. ̃তূণ n. a quiver having an inexhaustible stock of arrows. ̃তৃতীয়া n. the third day of the lunar waxing fortnight of the month of Baisakh (বৈশাখ). ̃বট n. any of the very old banyan trees found at different holy places of the Hindus; (fig.) an immortal or deathless person. ̃লোক n. the abode of the blessed; heaven. ̃স্বর্গ n. the right to dwell permanently in heaven. ̃স্বর্গবাস n. dwelling permanently in heaven. 94)
(p. 20) adhibāsa1 a dwelling-place, a home, an abode. 13)
(p. 20) adhiṣṭhātā dwelling or living or existing; present; governing, directing, controlling; presiding; holding (an office or a post); possessing, occupying. n. a dweller; a governor; a director; a controller; a president; one who is present; one who holds (an office or a post); a possessor, an occupier. fem. অধিষ্ঠাত্রী । অধিষ্ঠাত্রী দেবী n. a presiding deity. 46)
(p. 20) adhiṣṭhita dwelling or living or staying; existent; present; settled; seated; present to guide and control; situated; holding (an office or a post); possessing, occupying; dwelt, inhabited; possessed, occupied. অধিষ্ঠিত হওয়া v. to live or dwell (in), to inhabit; to exist (in); to be present (in); to appear (in); to be present (in) to guide and control; to be seated or placed (in or upon); to be situated (in); to be established (in an office or a post); to be in possession or occupation of; (psy.) to inhere. 47)
(p. 38) antḥpura a zenana. a gynaeceum, a harem; the inner portion of a dwelling-house. ̃চারী a. & n. one who keeps to the zenana. fem. ˜চারিণী । ̃রক্ষক n. a guard of the zenana. (cp.) Lord of the bed-chamber. অন্তঃপুরিকা n. a woman who keeps to the zenana. ̃বাসিনী a. fem. keeping constantly to the zenana. mas. ̃বাসী । 33)
(p. 38) antarātmā (phil.) the invisible immortal and guiding soul that every individual possesses, the indwelling spirit; the depth of one's heart. 61)
(p. 38) antarīkṣa the intervening region between any two planets or stars; the sky. ̃চারী a. (capable of or used to) moving or dwelling in the sky; aerial. 68)
(p. 41) antēbāsī a pupil or student or disciple (esp. one who boards at his master's house); one of a low-caste Hindu community known as the Chandalas (চন্ডাল) who in former days burned dead bodies professionally and dwelt in the outskirts of villages for they were regarded as untouchables. 9)
অন্দর, অন্দরমহল
(p. 41) andara, andaramahala the inner parts (esp. of a dwelling-house); the interior; the apartments of a house in which women are secluded, a zenana, a gynaecium. 13)
(p. 56) abashāna stay, residence; a dwelling place; a position, situation, location; a site. 40)
(p. 56) abashita situated, located; residing, living, dwelling; stationed; placed, laid; established. ̃চিত্ত a. even-minded; composed; self-possessed; unwavering. অবস্হিতি n. a situation, location; presence; residence, dwelling; state of being stationed or placed or laid or established; position. অবস্হিতিকাল n. period of stay. 44)
(p. 73) aẏana a path, a route, a course; a passage through a military array or a battle order; scriptures; the ground; the earth; a homestead, a dwelling; (astr.) the sun's movement or course. ̃কাল n. (astr.) the interval between the two solstices. ̃চলন n. (astr.) precession. ̃বৃত্ত, ̃মণ্ডল n. the ecliptic. অয়নাংশ n. (astr.) a part or measure thereof of the ecliptic esp. the distance between the vernal equinoctial point and the first point in the Aries. অয়নান্ত n. (astr.) solstice. অয়নান্তবৃত্ত n. any of the two tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. 27)
(p. 107) āḍḍā a dwelling-place, a habitat; a haunt; a (fixed or permanent) meetingplace, a rendezvous; a place or institution for practising anything (গানের আ়ড্ডা); a club; a company of informal and friendly talkers, their meetingplace or talk; a place for assemblage, a station or stand (গাড়ির আ়ড্ডা). আড্ডা গাড়া v. to take up abode (usu. permanently) to settle. আড্ডা দেওয়া, আড্ডা মারা v. to join in an assembly of idle talkers; to indulge in informal and friendly talk with others. ̃ধারী n. the keeper or the chief person of a club; a regular clubgoer. ̃বাজ a. fond of indulging in idle talk with others or of haunting clubs where such talk is indulged in. 3)
(p. 107) ādhāra1 container; a receptacle; a vessel, a case; a store; a haunt, a dwellingplace, a source; a cause. 94)
(p. 118) ābāsa a dwelling-place, a habitation, a home, an abode; a residence; a house. আবাসিক n. a caretaker (chiefly of a Buddhist monastery). a. resident (আবাসিক শল্য-চিকিত্সক); (of a student) living in a students' hostel. আবাসিক বিদ্যালয় residential school. 29)
(p. 123) āraṇya of or relating to a forest or forests; wild; sylvan; born or grown or living in forests. ̃ক a. wild; forestgrown; living in forests; sylvan. n. concluding section of the Brahmanas (ব্রাহ্মণ) which are parts of the Vedas; a person (esp. a saint of ancient India) living in forests; a forester, a forestdweller. 33)
(p. 126) ālaẏa (for. & High.) a home; an abode, a dwelling house, a residence; a dwelling place; a house, a building; a place, a resort; a store, a repertory, a repository. 45)
(p. 126) āśraẏa adoption; shelter, aid, help, support, protection (দীনের আশ্রয়); a container, a store; a resort, a possessor, an embodiment (of) (সর্বগুণের আশ্রয়); a dwelling house, a residence (আশ্রয়হীন). আশ্রয় করা v. to adopt; to take shelter (in); to go or resort to for shelter or aid or support or protection. আশ্রয় দেওয়া v. to shelter, to give shelter; to give protection. আশ্রয় নেওয়া same as আশ্রয় করা । ̃গ্রহণ same as আশ্রয়ণ । আশ্রয়গ্রহণ করা same as আশ্রয় করা । ̃ণ n. adoption; taking shelter (in); going or resorting to for shelter or aid or support or protection. ̃ণীয় a. worthy of being adopted; worthy of being resorted to for shelter or aid or support or protection. ̃দাতা n. & a. one who gives shelter or protection. ˜দান n. sheltering. আশ্রয়দান করা same as আশ্রয় দেওয়া । ̃পুষ্ট a. nourished or flourished in shelter or support or protection (of); (bot.) endotropic. ̃প্রার্থী same as আশ্রয়ার্থী । ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. shelterless; deprived of shelter, supportless. 127)
(p. 133) āstānā haunt; an abode, a dwellingplace; a hermitage. আস্তানা গাড়া v. to set up an abode (esp. a temporary one); to take shelter (temporarily). আস্তানা গোটানো v. to depart for good; to strike the tent. 19)
(p. 194) kanaka gold. a. in comp. (used as a pfx.) golden, made of gold (কনকমুকুট); auriferous. ̃ক্ষার n. borax. ̃চাঁপা n. a golden-coloured sweet-scented flower or its plant. ̃চূড় n. a variety of paddy. a. golden-crested (কনকচূড় মুকুট). ̃ধুতুরা n. a species of Datura, its plant or flower. ̃দীপ n. a lamp made of gold, a gold lamp. ̃পুরী n. a city full of architectural works made of gold; a city of gold; (fig.) a beautiful city or dwelling-house. ̃প্রভ a. bright or shining as gold. ̃প্রভা n. the lustre of gold. ̃বরণ a. golden-coloured. ̃ময় a. made of gold, full of gold, golden. ̃মুকুট n. a gold crown. ̃রঞ্জিত a. goldgilt. ̃লতা n. a golden creeper, (cp.) golden rod. 111)
(p. 248) kūpa a draw-well, a well; a hole, a cavity (লোমকূপ, কর্ণকূপ). ̃মন্ডূক n. (lit.) a frog that dwells in a well and seldom comes out of it; (fig.) a narrow-minded person with limited knowledge or vision; (fig.) a home-keeping person. 27)
(p. 259) kōlā a large barrel or cask bulging in the middle; (dial.) a large field or meadow (কোলায় কোলায় চরা). a. corpulent, fat, pot-bellied. কোলা-ব্যাং n. a large species of frog dwelling chiefly in a field. 7)
(p. 259) kōṣṭha a room, a compartment; the inner part of a (dwelling) house; a granary; the large bowel, the colon (কোষ্ঠ পরিস্কার করা). কোষ্ঠ কঠিন হওয়া v. to have costiveness. কোষ্ঠ পরিস্কার করা v. to evacuate thoroughly. কোষ্ঠ পরিস্কার হওয়া v. to have bowels cleared; to have an easy or regular evacuation of one's bowels. ̃কাঠিন্য n. constipation, costiveness. ̃বদ্ধ a. constipated. কোষ্ঠবদ্ধ হওয়া v. to get constipated; to suffer from constipation. ̃বদ্ধতা n. constipation. ̃শুদ্ধি n. thorough or easy evacuation or purging of one's bowels. 17)
(p. 278) khānābāḍ়i a dwelling-house; a dwelling-house and land (usu. leased out) within the precincts of a countryhouse. 28)
(p. 280) khāmāra a threshing-floor, a farmyard; a granary. ̃বাড়ি n. a granary, a farm; a granary-building, a farmhouse; a dwelling-house with a granary within its precinct. 11)
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