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fretting দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 90) ashira restless; unsteady; unstable; agitated; excited; perturbed; impatient; fretting, fretful; uneasy; fickle; frivolous; changeful; uncertain. ̃চিত্ত, ̃প্রকৃতি, ̃বুদ্ধি, ̃মতি a. fickle-minded; frivolous; batty, barmy; impetuous. ̃চিত্ততা n. fickle-mindedness; restlessness; impatience. ̃তা n. restlessness; unsteadiness; instability; excitement; agitated or perturbed state; impatience; fretting, fretfulness, uneasiness; frivolity; changefulness; uncertainty. ̃সংকল্প a. irresolute; undecided (in action or purpose). ̃সংকল্পতা n. irresolution; indecision. 59)
(p. 115) āphasānō to bluster, to brag; to fret or chafe or express chagrin on account of failure; to tear one's hair. আফসানি n. blustering or bragging; fretting or chafing or an expression of chagrin at failure. 70)
(p. 204) kara2 a tax; customs, a duty; revenue; a toll; a cess; tribute; rent; a rate. ̃গ্রহ, ̃গ্রহণ n. collection of taxes, customs, revenues etc. ̃গ্রাহক, ̃গ্রাহী a. one who collects taxes, revenue etc. n. a taxcollector, a revenue officer etc. (also see কর3). ̃দাতা n. a taxpayer, a ratepayer, one who pays revenue, rent, tribute etc. ̃নির্ধার n. taxation. ̃নির্ধারণ n. assessment (of taxes). ̃পীড়িত a. chafing or fretting under the burden of high taxation. ̃মুক্ত rent-free, exempt from taxes, duty-free, etc. (also see কর4). ̃যোগ্য a. taxable. 20)
খেঁক, খ্যাঁক
(p. 285) khēn̐ka, khyān̐ka expressing a snarling sound of a dog or a vixen or of one in anger. খ্যাঁক (খেঁক) করা v. to snarl; to shout fretfully. খেঁক খেঁক, খ্যাঁক খ্যাঁক int. expressing repeated snarling or fretting noise. খেঁকখেঁক করা, খেঁকানো, খ্যাঁকানো v. to snarl repeatedly; to rebuke fretfully and repeatedly in a loud voice. খেঁকানি, খ্যাঁকানি, খ্যাঁকখ্যাঁকানি n. repeated and fretful rebuke in a loud voice. খেঁকিয়ে ওঠা same as খ্যাঁকানো । 4)
টগবগ, টগবগাবগ
(p. 419) ṭagabaga, ṭagabagābaga expressing: bubbling noise made by water or any other liquid when being boiled (টগবগ করে ফোটা); noise made by or as by hoofs of a horse when running (টগবগ করে চলা); fretting and fuming state (রাগে টগবগ করা = to seethe in anger); to boil with indignation. 21)
(p. 442) taḍ়pānō to jump; to brag menacingly; to bluster; to fret or fuss; to move violently or restlessly (দিল তড়পাচ্ছে). তরপানি n. act of jumping; act of bragging menacingly; act of fretting or fussing; violent or restless movement. 40)
(p. 495) dāpādāpi bragging or fretting repeatedly; bustling or fussing or bullying with a show of authority; romping noisily. দাপাদাপি করা same as দাপানো । 2)
(p. 545) dhairya patience, fortitude; endurance; forbearance; composure (মনের ধৈর্য); (Vaishnava phil.) disinterestedness, indifference, apathy. ধৈর্য ধরা v. to have patience. ধৈর্য রক্ষা করা v. to forbear or endure; to contain oneself; to keep calm; to have patience. অসীম ধৈর্য endless patience, the patience of Job. ̃চ্যুত a. out of patience; impatient; failing to contain oneself. ̃চ্যুতি n. loss of patience; impatience. ̃ধারণ n. act of keeping patient, act of containing oneself; forbearance. ̃বান, ̃শালী, ̃শীল a. patient; enduring; forbearing. fem. ̃বতী, ̃শালিনী, ̃শীলা । ̃শীলতা n. patience; endurance; calmness. ̃হারা same as ̃চ্যুত । ̃রহিত, ̃হীন a. lacking patience, devoid of patience; impatient; out of patience; fretting; restless. fem. ̃হীনা । ̃হীনতা n. impatience; impetuosity, restlessness. ধৈর্যাবলম্বন same as ধৈর্যধারণ । 13)
(p. 561) nāca dancing; capering; a dance; a caper (ছাগলের নাচ, বাঁদরের নাচ); (sarcas.) ludicrous gesticulations or fretting. ̃উলি, ̃ওয়ালি n. a professional dancing girl or dancing-woman, a ballerina. ̃ঘর n. a dancing-hall; a ball-room; a theatre. নাচন, নাচনি1, নাচুনি2 n. dancing; (sarcas.) ludicrous gesticulations or fretting. নাচনি2, নাচুনি2, নাচুনে n a dancing-girl or dancing-woman; a ballerina. a. engaged in or given to or expert in dancing (নাচুনি মেয়ে); having rhythmic beats, dancing, rhythmic (নাচুনে ছন্দ). 22)
(p. 561) nācākōn̐dā (lit.) dancing and capering about; (sarcas.) ludicrous gesticulations; (sarcas.) vain bragging or fretting. 24)
(p. 899) ragaḍ়āragaḍ়i mutual or repeated rubbing or currying or chafing or fretting or importunating or higgling. 22)
(p. 927) lāpha a leap, a jump, a bound, a skip. লাফ দেওয়া, লাফ মারা v. to take a leap, to jump; to skip. লাফে লাফে by leaps and bounds. লাফানো v. to jump, to leap, to bound; to skip; to fret. n. jumping, leaping, bounding, skipping; fretting. লাফানে a. given to jumping or leaping; frisking; fretful. লাফালাফি n. frisking, gambolling; flouncing, fuss. লাফালাফি করা v. to frisk, to gambol; to flounce; to fuss. 13)
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