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happily দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 34) anubhāba influence, governing power; unction; feeling of happiness; (rhet.) physical expression of permanent emotions (such as, tears, frowning, sighs, goose-flesh etc.). 24)
(p. 63) abhinandana felicitation, congratulation; expression of happiness by eulogy; felicitous eulogy; a welcome. অভিনন্দন জানানো v. to felicitate, to congratulate; to welcome. ̃পত্র n. a letter of congratulatory or welcome address, an address. 72)
(p. 75) artha 2 money, wealth; purpose, end in view, object; behalf (পরার্থে); earthly or secular prosperity, comfort and happiness (ধর্ম-অর্থ-কাম-মোক্ষ); politics; political economy, economics; purpose (মোক্ষার্থে তপস্যা); any branch or subject of learning (সর্বার্থতত্ত্ব); the thing desired (পুরুষার্থ). অর্থ আধিকারিক n. finance officer. ̃কর a. helpful in earning money, money-earning, money-making. fem. ̃করী । ̃করী বিদ্যা learning or training conducive to earning money; professional training. ̃কষ্ট n. pecuniary hardship or trouble; want or shortage of money. ̃কামী a. (eagerly) desirous of earning or acquiring money or wealth; avaricious. ̃কৃচ্ছ্র n. same as ̃কষ্ট । ̃গৃধ্নু a. avaricious, mammonish. ̃চিন্তা n. pecuniary worry; devising means of earning money. ̃চেষ্টা n. effort to earn or procure money. ̃তত্ত্ব n. political economy; economics. ̃দণ্ড n. a fine; pecuniary loss. ̃নীতি n. political economy, economics; principles of economics. ̃নীতিজ্ঞ, ̃নীতিবিদ n. an economist. ̃নৈতিক same as আর্থনীতিক । ̃পর, ̃পরায়ণ a. avaricious, mammonish; miserly. ̃পাল n. a treasurer. ̃পিপাসা n. thirst for money. ̃পিপাসু a. thirsty for money. ̃পিশাচ n. one who is unscrupulously greedy of money; one having an inordinate lust for money; a Mammon-worshipper. ̃প্রদ a. that which fetches money, money-earning. ̃প্রাপ্তি n. act of obtaining or earning money. ̃বল n. financial strength or competency; power of wealth. ̃বান a. rich, wealthy. ̃বিদ্যা n. same as অর্থতত্ত্ব । ̃বিনিয়োগ n. investment of money. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. same as অর্থতত্ত্ব । ̃বিজ্ঞানী n. an economist. ̃ব্যয় n. act of spending money; expenditure, expense, cost. ̃ভাণ্ডার n. treasury; fund. ̃মন্ত্রক n. the ministry of finance. ̃লাভ n. same as অর্থপ্রাপ্তি । ̃লালসা, ̃লিপ্সা, ̃লোভ n. (chiefly morbid) desire for money; avarice, cupidity. ̃লিপ্সু, ̃লোভী a. avaricious. ̃শালী a. rich, wealthy. ̃শাস্ত্র n. political economy, economics; political science, politics (কৌটিল্যের অর্থশাস্ত্র). ̃শূন্য a. unprovided with money; grossly short of money; penniless, insolvent. ̃শূন্যতা n. lack of money; gross shortage of money; insolvency, pauperism. ̃সংকট n. financial crisis. ̃সংগ্রহ n. procurement or collection or acquisition or earning of money. ̃সংগ্রহ করা v. to procure or collect or acquire or raise or earn money. ̃সংস্হান n. provision or procurement of money. সংস্হান করা v. to provide or procure money (for). সংগতি n. provision or possession of money; solvency. সংগতি থাকা v. to possess money or funds (for); to be well-to-do or solvent. ̃সচিব n. finance secretary. ̃সঞ্চয় n. saving or hoarding or accumulating money or wealth. ̃সঞ্চয়ী a. money-saving. ̃সাহায্য n. monetary aid or grant; donation. ̃সাহায্য করা v. to grant monetary aid; to help with money. ̃হানি n. loss of money. ̃হীন n. same as অর্থশূন্য । অর্থাগম n. inflow or influx of money; income. 32)
(p. 90) asukha unhappiness; distress, grief; uneasiness, discomfort; displeasure; illness, ailment; a disease. ̃কর, ̃দায়ক, অসুখাবহ a. causing unhappiness, unhappy; distressing, oppressive; causing discomfort, uncomfortable. অসুখী a. distressed, unhappy; sorrowful; displeased. 10)
(p. 107) ātma own; belonging to or related to one's own self. আত্ম pfx. self-, by or of one's own self, mutual etc. ̃কলহ n. internal discord or dissension; domestic discord; civil strife. ̃কৃত a. done or performed by one's own self. ̃কেন্দ্রিক a. self-centred; one who thinks only about himself. ̃গত a. kept to one's own self; aside; absorbed in one's own self, self-possessed. ̃গরজি a. preoccupied with self-interest; self-interested. ̃গরিমা same as আত্মগর্ব । ̃গরুজে dial. corrup. of আত্মগরজি । ̃গর্ব n. self-conceit, vanity. ̃গর্বী a. self-conceited, bloated or puffed up with pride. ̃গোপন n. concealment or disguise of one's own self or identity. ̃গোপন করা v. to go into hiding, to hide, to conceal one's own identity. ̃গৌরব n. self-glorification; self-conceit; self-praise. ̃গ্লানি n. self-reproach; remorse. ̃ঘাত n. suicide. ̃ঘাতী a. one who kills himself, self-killing, suicidal. fem. ̃ঘাতিনী । ̃চিন্তা n. meditation about atman or God; spiritual meditation; thinking about one's own interest or welfare. ̃চেতনা n. self-consciousness. ̃জ n. a son fem. আত্মজা a daughter. ̃জীবনী n. an autobiography. ̃জ্ঞ a. possessing selfknowledge; possessing spiritual or metaphysical knowledge or wisdom. ̃জ্ঞান n. spiritual or metaphysical knowledge or wisdom. ̃জ্ঞানী a. in possession of spiritual or metaphysical knowledge n. a spiritualist; a metaphysician. ̃তত্ত্ব n. spiritual or metaphysical knowledge. ̃তত্ত্বজ্ঞ a. in possession of spiritual or metaphysical knowledge. ̃তুষ্ট, ̃তৃপ্ত a. self-complacent. ̃তুষ্টি, ̃তৃপ্তি n. self-complacency, self-content. ̃তুল্য a. like one's own self, self-like. fem. ̃তুল্যা । ̃ত্যাগ n. self-abnegation, self-denial; self-sacrifice. ̃ত্যাগী a. self-denying; self-sacrificing. ̃ত্রাণ n. rescue or salvation of one's own self. ̃দমন n. self-restraint, self-control. ̃দর্শন n. self-examination, introspection; self-realization. ̃দর্শিতা n. practice or capacity of self-examination or introspection or self-realization. ̃দর্শী a. self-examining, introspecting; self-realizing. ̃দান n. self-sacrifice. ̃দোষ n. one's own fault. ̃দোষক্ষালন n. act of clearing oneself of a charge; act of justifying one's own conduct; cleanup of one's own self. ̃দ্রোহ n. self-torment, self-torture; internal discord. ̃দ্রোহী a. self-tormenting, self-torturing; indulging in or involved in internal strife. n. a self-tormentor, a self-torturer; one who indulges in or is involved in internal strife. fem. ̃দ্রোহিণী । ̃নিগ্রহ n. self-torture, self-repression, self-inflicted pain; masochism. ̃নিন্দা n. self-condemnation, self-accusation. ̃নিবিষ্ট a. self-absorbed, egocentric, self-centred, wrapped up in oneself. ̃নিবেদন n. offering one's own self, selfdedication; self-sacrifice. ̃নিয়ন্ত্রণ n. self-control; self-government, self-discipline. ̃নিয়োগ n. engaging one's own self; self-appointment. ̃নির্ধারণ n. selfdetermination. ̃নির্ভর n. self-help; selfreliance. a. working for oneself, independent of external aid, self-reliant, self-supporting. ̃নির্ভরশীল a. self-reliant. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. devoted to God or atman; devout; self-devoted; subjective; introspective. ̃নিষ্ঠা n. devotion to God or atman; devoutness; self-devotion; subjectivity; introspection. ̃নেপদ n. (Sans. gr.) a mode of conjugating verbs. ̃নেপদী a. of or in or according to this mode. ̃পক্ষ n. one's own side or party or team or supporters or people etc. ̃পক্ষসমর্থন n. self-defence. ̃পক্ষ সমর্থন করা v. to defend oneself. ̃পর n. oneself and others; near and far ones; friend and foe. a. selfish, self-devoted. ̃পরতা n. selfishness; self-love, self-devotion. ̃পরায়ণ a. (phil.) devoted to God or atman; devout; selfish, self-devoted. ̃পরিচয় n. introduction of one's own self. আত্মপরিচয় গোপন করা v. to conceal one's own identity. আত্মপরিচয় দেওয়া v. to introduce oneself. ̃পরীক্ষা n. selfexamination, self-scrutiny; introspection. ̃পীড়ন n. self-torture. ̃প্রকাশ n. public appearance; self-revelation; self-assertion. ̃প্রচার n. self-advertisement. ̃প্রতারণা n. self-deception. ̃প্রত্যয় n. self-confidence; (rare) conviction. ̃প্রত্যয়শীল a. self-confident, self-assured. ̃প্রবঞ্চনা same as আত্মপ্রতারণা । ̃প্রশংসা n. self-praise. আত্মপ্রশংসা করা v. to praise one's own self, to blow one's own trumpet. ̃প্রসাদ n. self-satisfaction, self-complacency. ̃বঞ্চনা n. selfdeception. ̃বত্ adv. like one's own self. a. self-like. ̃বলি, ̃বলিদান n. self-immolation, self-sacrifice. আত্মবলি দেওয়া v. to sacrifice oneself. ̃বশ a. independent; self-directed; self-restrained; (rare) self-devoted. n. self-restraint. ̃বিকাশ n. manifestation or development of one's own self. ̃বিক্রয় n. undesirable and servile submission to somebody or something for some gain; selling out oneself; selling one's soul. ̃বিগ্রহ, ̃বিচ্ছেদ n. internal discord; civil strife; domestic quarrel. ̃বিত্, ̃বিদ same as ̃আত্মজ্ঞ । ̃বিদ্যা n. knowledge about God and atman; theology; spiritual knowledge. ̃বিনাশ same as আত্মবিলোপ । ̃বিরোধ n. self-contradiction; self-repugnance; internal discord; civil strife; domestic quarrel. ̃বিরোধী a. self-contradictory; self-repugnant; given to or involved in internal discord or civil strife or domestic quarrel. ̃বিলোপ n. self-effacement. ̃বিশ্বাস n. self-confidence. ̃বিশ্বাসী a. self-confident. ̃বিসর্জন n. self-sacrifice, self-abnegation, self-denial. ̃বিস্মরণ, ̃বিস্মৃতি n. self-forgetfulness, self-oblivion; absent-mindedness. ̃বিস্মৃত. a. self-oblivious; absent-minded. ̃বিস্মৃত হওয়া v. to forget oneself. ̃বুদ্ধি n. one's own thinking power or intellect or knowledge; knowledge about one's own selfconsciousness. ̃বেদী same as আত্মজ্ঞ । ̃বোধ n. knowledge about one's own self, self-consciousness; self-realization. ̃মগ্ন a. self-absorbed. ̃মগ্ন সংলাপ n. soliloquy. ̃মর্যাদা n. self-respect, self-esteem. ̃মর্যাদাজ্ঞান, ̃মর্যাদাবোধ n. sense of self-respect or self-esteem. ̃মর্যাদাপূর্ণ, ̃মর্যাদাশালী a. full of self-respect or self-esteem. ̃মর্যাদাশূন্য, ̃মর্যাদাহীন a. devoid of self-respect or self-esteem. আত্মম্ভরি a. overwhelmingly self-interested, selfish; self-conceited, egotistical, vain. আত্মম্ভরিতা n. extreme self-interest, selfishness; self-conceitedness, vanity. ̃রক্ষা n. self-protection, self-preservation; self-defence. আত্মরক্ষা করা v. to protect or preserve oneself; to defend oneself. ̃রতি n. auto-erotism, sexual excitement generated by one's own body. ̃রূপ n. selfhood. adv. like one's own self. ̃লোপ n. same as আত্মবিলোপ । ̃শক্তি n. one's own power; power of the spirit. ̃শাসন n. self-government; self-control, self-discipline. ̃শাসিত a. self-governed; self-governing. ̃শিক্ষিত a. self-taught, self-educated. ̃শুদ্ধি, ̃শোধন n. self-purification. ̃শ্লাঘা n. self-praise, boasting, selfapplause. ̃শ্লাঘাপরায়ণ a. given to selfpraise or boasting, boastful. ̃শ্লাঘাপূর্ণ a. boastful. ̃সংবরণ n. checking oneself, self-restraint. আত্মসংবরণ করা v. to check or restrain oneself. ̃সংযম n. continence; self-restraint, collectedness. ̃সংযমী a. self-continent; self-restrained. ̃সংশোধন n. self-correction. আত্মসংশোধন করা v. to rectify oneself. ̃সমর্থন n. self-defence. আত্মসমর্থন করা v. to defend oneself or plead for oneself. ̃সমর্পণ n. surrender; capitulation, selfdedication. আত্মসমর্পণ করা v. to surrender, to yield or give up oneself; to capitulate; to dedicate oneself. ̃সমাহিত a. self-absorbed. ̃সমীক্ষা n. self-assessment. ̃সম্পর্কীয়, ̃সম্বন্ধীয় a. related to or connected with one's own self. ̃সম্ভ্রম, ̃সম্মান n. self-respect, self-esteem. ̃সর্বস্ব a. extremely self-centred or selfloving or selfish. ̃সাত্ n. appropriating to one's own use (usu. unlawfully); misappropriation; filching. a. appropriated to one's own use; misappropriated; filched. আত্মসাত্ করা v. to appropriate to one's own use; to misappropriate; to filch. ̃সার a. self-centred; extremely selfish. ̃সিদ্ধি n. attainment of one's own desires; salvation of one's own soul. ̃সুখ n. one's own happiness. সুখপরায়ণ, ̃সুখী a. happy only to attain one's own desires; extremely selfish. আত্মসুখী পরবৈরাগি highly concerned about one's own interest whilst apathetic to that of others. ̃স্হ a. self-possessed; absorbed; self-absorbed. ̃হত্যা n. self-killing, suicide. আত্মহত্যা করা v. to commit suicide. হত্যাকারী, ̃হন্তা a. killing oneself, committing suicide. n. a self-murderer. fem. হত্যাকারিণী, ̃হন্ত্রী । ̃হনন n. same as আত্মহত্যা । ̃হারা a. one who has lost self-possession, beside oneself. আত্মহারা হওয়া v. to lose self-possession; to be beside oneself. ̃হিত n. one's own good or welfare. 28)
(p. 114) ānanda joy, delight; happiness; gladness, cheerfulness; pleasure; merriment. আনন্দ করা v. to rejoice; to make merry. ̃কর a. delightful; pleasant; gladdening. ̃কানন n. a delightful woodland or grove; a pleasure-grove. ̃জনক, ̃দায়ক a. causing joy; delightful; pleasant. ̃ন n. producing joy, delight etc. ̃বিহ্বল a. beside oneself with joy, overwhelmed with joy. ̃ময় a. full of joy, joyful; delightful; happy; cheerful; pleasant; merry. ̃ময়ী a. fem. of আনন্দময় । n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃লহরী n. a wave of delight; a musical instrument with one string held in one hand and played with a plectrum by the other. 2)
আমরি, আ মরি
(p. 121) āmari, ā mari indicating: praise, taunt, ridicule, sorrow etc.; now I'II die happily; I'II rather die. 19)
(p. 125) ārāma2 ease, comfort; pleasure; happiness; relaxation; rest; a garden (সংঘারাম.). ̃কেদারা n. an easy-chair. আরাম করা v. to take rest; to lie down; to recline; to relax; to enjoy ease and comfort; to enjoy pleasures. আরাম দেওয়া v. to give ease and comfort; to give relief. আরাম পাওয়া v. to enjoy ease and comfort; to get relief. ̃প্রিয়, আরামি a. ease-loving, fond of ease. 10)
(p. 243) kuśala1 well-being, weal. a. being well, in weal. কুশলী a. being well, in weal. কুশল জিজ্ঞাসা, কুশল প্রশ্ন n. inquiries about well-being or weal; cordial greeting; good wishes. কুশল হোক may you be in weal, may peace and happiness be with you. 91)
(p. 280) khuśi happiness, joy, delight; cheerfulness, jollity; pleasure, desire, volition, will (আমার খুশি আমি যাব না); satisfaction. a. happy, joyful, delighted, cheerful, glad, jovial, jolly; pleased; willing; satisfied. খুশি করা v. to satisfy, to please. ̃মতো adv. at one's pleasure, as one wishes or pleases. ̃মনে adv. happily; gladly; willingly. 99)
(p. 314) gṛha a room, a chamber; a house; a home, an abode, a dwelling; (astrol.) any of the signs of the zodiac. ̃কপোত n. a tame pigeon. ̃কর্তা same as গৃহস্বামী । fem. ̃কর্ত্রী । ̃কর্ম, ̃কার্য n. housework, domestic work or chores. ̃কহল same as গৃহবিবাদ । ̃কোণ n. the inside of one's home; the corner of a house; household. ̃গোধিকা, ̃গোধা n. the lizard. ̃চ্ছিদ্র n. a secret defect or blemish of a family; a (secret) discord in a family; the weak point of a family. ̃চ্যুত a. ejected or displaced or ousted from one's homestead; homeless. গৃহচ্যুত করা v. to oust or evict one from one's homestead; to render one homeless. ̃জাত a. home-made; homegrown; stored in a house esp. in a dwelling-house. ̃তল n. the floor of a room. ̃ত্যাগ n. quitting a house or one's home; adoption of asceticism; renunciation of worldly life. গৃহত্যাগ করা v. to quit a house; to quit home; to adopt asceticism; to renounce worldly life. ̃ত্যাগী n. one who has quitted a house or home; one who has adopted asceticism. ̃দাহ n. arson; (fig.) complete destruction of one's family happiness and peace. ̃দেবতা n. a tutelar deity, a household god. ̃ধর্ম n. the family life, household duties. ̃পতি same as গৃহস্বামী । ̃পালিত a. domestic; (joc.) tame. ̃প্রবেশ n. the ceremony of first entrance into a newly-built house; house-warming. ̃প্রাঙ্গণ n. a courtyard. ̃বাটিকা n. a garden within the precincts of a dwelling-house; a garden-house. ̃বাসী a. leading the life of a family man; living in a dwelling-house or in a family. n. a family man; a male member of a family; an inmate of a dwelling-house. fem. ̃বাসিনী । ̃বিচ্ছেদ n. dissension in a family; dissension amongst the people of a state; civil dissension. ̃বিবাদ n. dissension in a family; family strife, family feud; vendetta; internal strife; civil dissension; civil strife, civil war. ̃ভেদী a. sowing dissension in a family or a party; betraying secrets of one's own family or party. গৃহভেদী বিভীষণ one who betrays the secrets of one's own family or party, a quisling, a fifth-columnist, a traitor (after the character of Bibhishana of the Ramayana). ̃মণি n. lamp; the lamp of a house. ̃মার্জন n. cleaning the house. গৃহমার্জন করা v. to scrub and clean the house. ̃মৃগ n. a domestic dog. ̃মেধী same as গৃহস্হ । ̃যুদ্ধ same as গৃহবিবাদ । গৃহলক্ষী n. a housewife whose suave and judicious dealings bring peace and prosperity to her family; (loos. & often facet.) a wife. ˜শত্রু n. an enemy of one's own family or party, a quisling. ̃শিক্ষক n. a private tutor; a guardian tutor. ̃শূন্য a. homeless. ̃সজ্জা n. fittings and furniture. ̃স্হ n. a family man; a middleclass man. a. of or in a house. ̃স্হধর্ম n. the practice of a householder (the second stage of life according to Hindu scriptures); family life. ̃স্হালি, । ̃স্হালী n. housework, domestic work; domestic science, domestic economy; household duties. ̃স্হাশ্রম same as ̃স্হধর্ম । ̃স্বামী n. the master of a house, a householder. fem. গৃহস্বামিনী the mistress of a house, a house-wife. ̃হারা, ̃হীন a. homeless, shelterless. 55)
(p. 329) ghara a house, a building; a dwelling, a residence, an abode, a home; a shrine, a temple (ঠাকুরঘর); a room, a compartment, an apartment (পড়ার ঘর); one's own family (ঘরের লোক); a family (দুশো ঘরের বাস); descent, lineage (স্বঘর, হাঘর); a groove, a pocket (ছাপার টাইপের ঘর); a hole (বোতামের ঘর = a button-hole); (of machines etc.) a button, a reed (হারমোনিয়ামে 'সা'-এর ঘর); a rectangle or a square (ঘর কাটা); a place, a space, a side, a division, a column etc. (খরচের ঘর). ঘর আলো করা v. to beautify or edify a house (esp. with one's personal charm); to bring joy or glory or pride to a family. ̃করনা, ̃কন্না n. (usu. of a woman) housekeeping, household duties; domestic science; the life and duties of a housewife; housewifery. ঘরকরনা করা, ঘরকন্না করা v. (usu. of a woman) to keep a house for, to act as a housewife (সে শান্তিতে ঘরকন্না করছে); to perform household duties; to be a housewife. ঘর করা v. to build a house; to act as a wife or mistress to (স্বামী নিয়ে ঘর করা); to act as a housewife, to do housekeeping (সে দেওরদের ঘর করছে); to lead the life of a housewife (কীসের জন্য আর ঘর করা); (of men) to live as a householder, to live as a family man (স্ত্রীপুত্র নিয়ে ঘর করা). ঘর কাটা v. to divide into or draw separate spaces, columns, squares, rectangles etc. ̃কাটা a. divided into separate spaces, columns, squares, rectangles etc. ̃কুনো a. homekeeping, shy of company. n. a home-bird. ̃কুনোমি n. home-keeping nature. ঘর গড়া v. to build one's house or home, to set up one's residence; to establish one's family. ঘর ঘর adv. to or at every door, from door to door; to every family or house (বঙ্গের ঘর-ঘর). ̃ছাড়া a. one who has renounced hearth and home or has taken to asceticism (ঘরছাড়া সন্ন্যাসী); away from home, living abroad (ঘরছাড়া জীবন); revolting against the domestic life (ঘরছাড়া মন). ̃জামাই n. a man who lives in his father-in-law's family at the latter's cost. ̃জোড়া a. occupying the whole space of a room; crowding or over-crowding a room; making a family or house charming and delightful by one's presence (ঘরজোড়া নাতি-নাতনি). ঘর জ্বালানো v. to set fire to a house or dwelling, to commit arson; (fig.) to destroy the peace and happiness of a family; (fig.) to ruin a family. ̃জ্বালানে a. (fig.) one who or that which destroys the peace and happiness of a family; (fig.) one who or that which ruins a family. fem. ঘরজ্বালানি । ঘর তোলা v. to build a house or room (esp. a residential one). ঘর-পর n. one's own people and others. ঘরপাতা v. to settle down to a married life. ̃পোড়া a. one whose house or dwelling has been burnt down; that which burns down a house or dwelling. n. an appellation of Hanuman (হনুমান) who set fire to Lanka (লঙ্কা); an incendiary or saboteur. ঘরপোড়া গোরু সিঁদুরে মেঘ দেখে ডরায় a burnt child dreads the fire. ঘরপোড়া বুদ্ধি a thought or plan that harms oneself or one's own family or side. ̃পোষা a. domestic, tame. ̃বর n. one's husband and his house or family. ̃বসত n. act of dwelling or residing (ঘরবসত করা); a dwelling, a homestead; act of going to live with the husband permanently (generally said of childwives). ঘর বাঁধা v. to build a house or dwelling; to settle, to colonize. ̃বার করা v. to go out of doors and come indoors alternately and repeatedly (esp. in anxiety). ঘর ভাঙা v. to pull down or demolish a house or room (esp. a residential one); to cause internal strife through instigation; to cause to lose one's aristocracy through matrimonial alliance with an inferior family. ঘর ভাঙানো v. to cause to pull down or demolish a house or room; to cause internal strife through instigation; to cause to lose one's purity of blood through matrimonial alliance with an inferior family. ঘর-ভাঙানে a. one who or that which causes internal strife through instigation. fem. ঘরভাঙানি । ̃মুখো a. homeward; homing. ঘরসংসার. same as ঘরকরনা । ̃সন্ধান n. act of prying into a family or party to find out any of its weak points by means of which internal dissension may be caused. ̃সন্ধানী a. praying into a family or party to find out any of its weak points by means of which internal dissension may be caused. ঘরে আগুন দেওয়া same as ঘর জ্বালানো । ঘরে-পরে, ঘরে-বাইরে adv. out of doors and within; at home and abroad. ঘরের কথা the secret of a family or a party. ঘরের শত্রু one who is an enemy to his own family or party, one who betrays his own family or party. ঘরের শত্রু বিভীষণ one whose activities and behaviour do a lot of harm to the family; a quisling (see গৃহশত্রু বিভীষণ). 51)
(p. 448) tapōlōka a mythological world of happiness which may be attained through the practice of ascetic or religious austerities. 10)
(p. 581) nirānanda cheerless; joyless, unhappy; sad, sullen, glum; gloomy (নিরানন্দ গৃহ). n. cheerlessness, unhappiness; sadness; gloominess. 17)
(p. 654) puruṣa man; a man; a male creature; a manly man, a he-man (সে খাঁটি পুরুষ); (phil. & theol.) the soul (পুরুষ ও প্রকৃতি); God; a generation (অধস্তন পাঁচ পুরুষ); (gr.) person (উত্তম পুরুষ = the first person; মধ্যম পুরুষ = the second person; প্রথম পুরুষ = the third person). in comp. male, he (পুরুষ জন্তু). পরমপুরুষ n. a superman; God, the Absolute. পুরুষকার n. manliness, prowess; intelligence; manly effort. পুরুষজাতীয় a. male; masculine. ̃ত্ব n. masculinity; manhood; manliness, virility; vigour; masculine sexual power. পুরুষত্ববর্জিত. পুরুষত্ববিহীন, পুরুষত্বরহিত, পুরুষত্বশূন্য, পুরুষত্বহীন a. lacking in masculine sexual power, impotent; unmanly; effeminate; lacking in vigour; faint-hearted. পুরুষত্বহানি n. loss of masculine sexual power, impotency. ̃-পরম্পরা n. succession of generations, lineal succession, heredity. ̃পরম্পরাক্রমে adv. from generation to generation, hereditarily. ̃-পরম্পরাগত a. coming down from generation to generation; inherited; hereditary; traditional. ̃পুঙ্গব n. a high specimen of humanity; a great man; a big man. ̃প্রধান n. chief amongst men; (when attributed to God) Supreme. ̃ব্যাঘ্র n. a tiger of a man. ̃মানুষ n. a man; a male; a manly man. ̃শার্দুল same as পুরুষব্যাঘ্র । ̃শ্রেষ্ঠ same as ̃প্রধান । ̃সিংহ n. a lion amongst men. ̃সুলভ a. common to or befitting a man; masculine. পুরুষাঙ্গ n. the male sex-organ, the penis. পুরুষাধম n. the basest or vilest of men; a dirty fellow; a rascal; an extremely cowardly man. পুরুষানুক্রম same as পুরুষ-পরম্পরা । পুরুষানুক্রমিক same as পুরুষ-পরম্পরাগত । পুরুষার্থ n. religious or spiritual attainment, earning of wealth, realization of desires and attainment of salvation; these four manly pursuits of life; happiness, bliss, salvation, beatitude. পুরুষালি n. masculinity; manliness, virility; (of a woman or a girl) tomboyishness. a. masculine; manly, virile; (of a woman or girl) tomboyish. পুরুষোচিত a. proper for a man; becoming or befitting a man; manly. পুরুষোত্তম n. an excellent man; a superman; the Supreme Being, God, Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). 54)
(p. 688) prasanna satisfied, pleased; delighted, glad, happy; gracious, propitious, favourable; clear, limpid, transparent (প্রসন্নসলিলা); calm and happy, complacent, bright (প্রসন্ন বদন). fem. প্রসন্না । ̃তা n. satisfied or pleased state; complacence, complacency; delightedness, gladness, happiness; graciousness, propitiousness, favourableness; clarity, limpidity, transparence; brightness. প্রসন্ন হওয়া v. to be pleased, to smile upon. 34)
(p. 767) biẏōga separation or estrangement (বন্ধুবিয়োগ); death or bereavement (পিতৃবিয়োগ); absence or want; (math.) subtraction. বিয়োগ করা v. (math.) to subtract. ̃ফল n. (math.) the result of subtraction. difference. ̃বিধুর a. suffering from or afflicted with the pangs of separation or estrangement or bereavement. fem. ̃বিধুরা । ̃ব্যথা n. pain or pang of separation or estrangement or bereavement. বিয়োগান্ত a. ending unhappily or in separation of lovers, tragic (বিয়োগান্ত নাটক = a tragedy); ending in death, disaster, estrangement etc. (বিয়োগান্ত ব্যপার). 45)
(p. 867) milana union; combination; unity; alliance; reconciliation, reconcilement; meeting; meeting or union of lovers; sexual union; wedding, bridal (মিলনবাসর). মিলন করা, মিলন ঘটানো v. to unite; to combine; to reconcile; to cause to meet; to cause to meet sexually or amorously; to wed, to marry. ̃স্হান n. a meeting-place; a tryst. মিলনান্ত, মিলনান্তক a. ending in union; ending happily. মিলনান্তক নাটক a. comedy. মিলনোত্সব n. a conference or assembly; a social gathering. 9)
(p. 967) saṃsāra the world, the earth; a region; earthly life; domestic life; a family; earthly attachment and interests; (loos. of men only) marriage ('কর্তার দুই সংসার'); (loos.) a wife. সংসার করা v. to lead domestic life; to manage domestic affairs (also সংসার চালানো); (of women) to act as one's housewife, to live with (রমা স্বামীর সংসার করে না); (loos.—of men) to marry. সংসার পাতা v. to set up a household esp. by marrying. সংসার ত্যাগ করা v. to renounce the world. ̃ত্যাগী a. one who has renounced the world. ̃ধর্ম n. domestic life or duties, family life or duties. ̃বন্ধন n. worldly attachment and interests, earthly bonds or ties; attachment to the family; kindred bonds or ties. ̃বাসনা n. desire to lead domestic life; desire to set up a household esp. by marrying; desire for earthly enjoyments. ̃যাত্রা n. earthly life; livelihood, daily life (সংসারযাত্রা নির্বাহ করা); domestic life. ̃লীলা n. earthly life; mortal life; human life. ̃সুখ n. earthly pleasures or happiness of domestic life. সংসারাশ্রম n. same as গার্হস্হ্য (n.) সংসারাশ্রমে প্রবেশ করা v. to start to live the life of a householder esp. by marrying; to enter the world, to settle down to married life, to marry and settle down. সংসারী a. leading a family life; secular. সংসারী লোক a family man. ঘোর সংসারী very much domesticated; deeply concerned with family and worldly interests; engrossed in earthly pleasures and interests. 43)
(p. 978) santuṣṭa satisfied; gratified; pleased or propitiated; content or happy. সন্তুষ্ট করা v. to satisfy; to gratify; to please or propitiate; to make content or happy. ̃চিত্তে adv. with a contented heart, contentedly; happily. সন্তুষ্টি same as সন্তোষ । 9)
(p. 978) santōṣa satisfaction; gratification; pleasure; propitiation; contentment or happiness. সন্তোষ উত্পাদন করা বা প্রদান করা same as সন্তুষ্ট করা । ̃জনক a. satisfactory. ̃পূর্বক adv. with satisfaction; with pleasure. 11)
(p. 1004) sānanda joyful; glad; happy; pleased. সানন্দে adv. joyfully, cheerfully; gladly; happily; with pleasure. 18)
(p. 1015) sukha ease, comfort; contentment; happiness, joy; bliss. সুখে থাকতে ভূতে কিলায় (fig.) the folly of leaving a comfortable and peaceful situation for a troubled one; act of inviting unnecessary troubles. সুখের পায়রা (fig.) a person of happy-go-lucky temperament; a fairweather friend. ̃কর, ̃জনক, ̃দু, ̃দায়ক a. easeful, comfortable; giving contentment or pleasure or happiness or joy; happy, joyful, delightful, pleasant; blissful. ̃দা, ̃দায়িকা । ̃দুঃখ fem. n. weal and woe, joy and sorrow, happiness and misery. ̃বিধান করা v. to provide for ease and comfort or for happiness. ̃বোধ same as সুখানুভব । ̃ভাগী a. partaking of or sharing another's joy or happiness. fem. ̃ভাগিনী । সুখভোগ করা v. to enjoy ease and comfort; to enjoy happiness or joy; to enjoy bliss. ̃ভোগী a. enjoying ease and comfort; enjoying happiness of joy; enjoying bliss and comfort; full of happiness or joy, happy, joyful; pleasant; blissful. ̃ময় a. full of ease and happiness. ̃রবি n. joy or happiness identified with the sun, the sun of joy or happiness. ̃শয়ন, ̃শয্যা n. a comfortable bed, (cp.) a bed of down or of roses; a bed of pleasure. ̃শান্তি n. happiness and peace. ̃শ্রাব্য a. pleasant to hear; melodious and sweet or agreeable or pleasing to the ear. ̃সংবাদ n. (a piece of) happy news. ̃সম্পদ n. happiness and riches, milk and honey. ̃সূর্য same as সুখরবি । ̃স্পর্শ a. pleasant to the touch. ̃স্বাচ্ছন্দ্য n. happiness and ease, happiness and affluence, milk and honey. ̃স্বপ্ন n. a happy or pleasant dream. ̃স্মৃতি n. happy memory or recollection. সুখেস্বাচ্ছন্দ্যে adv. in comfort and happiness. 4)
(p. 1015) sukhanbēṣaṇa search or quest for comfort or happiness, an endeavour to be comfortable or happy. 9)
সুখানুভব, সুখানুভুতি
(p. 1015) sukhānubhaba, sukhānubhuti feeling of comfort or happiness. সুখানুভব করা v. to feel comfortable or happy. 8)
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