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horoscope দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 259) kōṣṭhī a horoscope, a nativity. কোষ্ঠী করা v. to cast one's horoscope. কোষ্ঠী গণনা করা v. to predict the future of one's life from one's horoscope. নষ্ট কোষ্ঠী উদ্ধার করা v. to cast one's horoscope from hypotheses or insufficient or uncertain data. ̃গত a. horoscopic. ̃গণক n. a horoscopist, an astrologer. ̃গণনা n. horoscopy. 18)
(p. 296) ganānō to cause to count or enumerate or calculate or compute; to cause to anticipate; to cause to foretell or divine; to cause to read (one's palm, horoscope etc.) as by an astrologer. 23)
(p. 389) janma birth, nativity; generation; origination; production; life (জন্ম কাটা); life-time. জন্ম দেওয়া v. to give birth (to), to beget; to procreate, to originate; to generate; to produce. জন্ম নেওয়া v. to take one's birth, to be born; to originate; to come into existence; to be produced; to evolve. ̃-এয়স্ত্রী, ̃-এয়তি n. & a. fem. one who is outlived by her husband. ˜কুণ্ডলী n. (astrol.) a horoscope; nativity. ̃গত a. pertaining to birth or birthtime, natal, innate, bred in the bone; congenital. গ্রহণ n. taking one's birth; nativity; origination. জন্মগ্রহণ করা same as জন্ম নেওয়া । ̃ঘটিত a. caused by or pertaining to one's birth; natal. ̃-জন্মান্তর n. the present life and the lives following (and also preceding). ̃তিথি n. one's lunar birthday; (loos. & pop.) birthday. ˜তিথিপালন, ̃তিথি-উত্সব n. birth-anniversary. ̃দ, ̃দাতা n. a father, a begetter, a progenitor; an originator; a producer. fem. ̃দা, ̃দাত্রী a. mother, a progenitrix; an originator; a producer. ̃দান n. procreation; origination; production. জন্মদান করা v. to procreate, to beget; to give birth to; to generate, to produce. ̃দিন ̃দিবস n. birthday. ̃দুঃখী a. ever miserable, ever distressed, suffering for ever, born to suffer. ̃নক্ষত্র n. the star or planet under which a person is born, the natal star. ̃নিয়ন্ত্রণ n. birth-control. ̃পত্র, ̃পত্রিকা n. a horoscope. ̃পরিগ্রহ same as ̃গ্রহণ । ̃বৃত্তান্ত n. an account of one's birth. ̃ভূমি n. native land, fatherland, motherland: birth-place. ̃মাস n. the month in which one is born, the month of one's birth. ̃রাশি n. (astrol.) the zodiacal sign of nativity. ̃শোধ adv. for the last time in one's life, once for all. ̃সংক্রান্ত a. relating to birth or nativity, natal. ̃স্হান n. place of one's birth. জন্মে জন্মে at every birth; for ever. জন্মের মতো same as ̃শোধ । 17)
(p. 429) ṭhikuji a brief horoscope. 10)
(p. 606) patrikā a letter, a missive, an epistle; a newspaper; a periodical, a magazine (দৈনিক পত্রিকা, মাসিক পত্রিকা); a paper containing a writing, a horoscope (জন্মপত্রিকা); (rare) a deed, a document; a leaf of young shoot (নবপত্রিকা). 39)
(p. 650) pitṛ (chiefly used as a pfx.) father. ̃আজ্ঞা n. father's command. ̃ঋণ n. one's obligation to one's father, filial obligation; debt incurred by one's father (esp. that which should be paid off by children). ̃কর্ম same as পিতৃকৃত্য । ̃কল্প a. father-like, fatherly. n. same as ̃কৃত্য । ̃কার্য same as ̃কৃত্য । ̃কুল n. one's father's line, spearside. ̃কৃত্য, ̃ক্রিয়া n. obsequial rites performed in honour of the manes of one's father and forefathers. ̃গণ n. (myth.) heavenly sages (collectively) from whom the human race has evolved; manes of the forefathers of mankind or of an individual; dead ancestors or forbears or forefathers. ̃গৃহ n. father's house or family. ̃ঘতক, ̃ঘাতী, ̃ঘ্ন same as পিতৃহন্তা । ̃তর্পণ n. water-offering to the manes of one's forefather, (cp.) libation. ̃তুল্য a. father-like, fatherly. ̃ত্ব n. paternity, fatherhood. ̃দত্ত a. given or transmitted by one's father; (rare) given to one's father. ̃দায় n. the solemn obligation of performing the obsequial rites of one's deceased father. পিতৃদায়গ্রস্ত হওয়া v. to be under the solemn obligation of performing the obsequial rites of one's deceased father. ̃দেব n. father looked upon as a deity (used as a term of respect). ̃ধন n. patrimony. পিতৃধনসংক্রান্ত a. patrimonial. ̃পক্ষ n. the dark fortnight immediately preceding the bright fortnight of the month of Aswin (আশ্বিন); one's father's side, spearside. ̃পুরুষ n. an ancestor, a forefather. ̃বিয়োগ n. death or bereavement of one's father. ̃ব্য n. a brother of one's father, an uncle. পিতৃব্যপুত্র n. son of a paternal uncle, a cousin. ̃ভক্ত a. devoted or loyal to or fond of one's father. ̃ভক্তি n. devotion to or fondness for one's father, filial piety. ̃মাতৃদায় n. the solemn obligation of performing the obsequial rites of one's deceased parents. ̃মাতৃহীন a. bereft of parents, orphan. পিতৃমেধ, পিতৃযজ্ঞ same as পিতৃকৃত্য or পিতৃতর্পণ । ̃যান n. the route for the journey of the manes to the lunar heaven or the region of the moon for settling there. ̃রিষ্টি n. (astrol.) the location of the zodiacal signs in one's horoscope indicating loss of one's father. ̃লোক n. the region of the moon where the manes dwell, the lunar heaven. ̃শোক n. grief or mourning for one's deceased father. ̃শ্রাদ্ধ n. obsequies of one's deceased father. ̃ষ্বসা n. a father's sister, an aunt. ̃সম same as পিতৃতুল্য । ̃সেবা n. act of attending upon or serving one's father devotedly. ̃স্হানীয় a. deserving to be respected as one's father. ̃হত্যা n. parricide, patricide. ̃হত্যামূলক a. patricidal. ̃হন্তা a. guilty of parricide or patricide. n. a parricide or patricide. fem. ̃হন্ত্রী । ̃হীন a. fatherless. fem. পিতৃহীনা । 7)
(p. 852) mātṛ (in comp.) mother. ̃ক a. maternal; motherly; treated or fostered as by one's mother, mothered (নদীমাতৃক দেশ). ̃কল্প same as ̃তুল্য । ̃কা n. any one of a group of sixteen female deities; mother; one's mother's mother; a nurse; any one of the alphabetical letters; a matron. ̃কুল n. the mother's line, the distaff side. ̃গণ n. the eight divine female powers. ̃ঘাতক, ̃ঘাতী a. guilty of or relating to matricide, matricidal. ̃তুল্য, ̃তুল্যা a. deserving to be treated as one's mother; behaving as one's mother; motherly. ̃দায় n. the responsibility of performing the obsequies of one's deceased mother; (loos.) one's mother's death. ̃দায়গ্রস্হ a. charged with the onus of performing the obsequies of one's deceased mother; (loos.) in mourning for one's lately deceased mother. ̃দুগ্ধ n. mother's milk. ̃পক্ষ same as ̃কুল । ̃পূজা n. act of serving or adoring one's mother. ̃বত্ adv. (also a.) like one's mother. মাতৃবত্ পরদারেষু one should look upon another's wife as one's mother. ̃বিয়োগ n. mother's death. ̃ভক্ত a. devoted or deeply attached to one's mother. ̃ভক্তি n. devotion to one's mother. ̃ভাষা n. mother-tongue; vernacular. ̃ভূমি n. motherland, native land, mother-country. ̃রিষ্টি n. an inauspicious conjunction of planets in one's horoscope foreboding danger to one's mother's life. ̃শাসন n. matriarchy. ̃শাসিত a. matriarchal. ̃শ্রাদ্ধ n. the obsequies of one's deceased mother. ̃ষ্বসা same as মাতুঃষ্বসা । ̃ষ্বস্রীয়, ̃ষ্বস্রেয় n. a son of one's mother's sister or cousin-sister. ̃ষ্বস্রয়া, ̃ষ্বস্রেয়া a daughter of one's mother's sister or cousin-sister. ̃সম, ̃সমা same as ̃তুল্য । ̃সেবা same as ̃পূজা । ̃স্তন্য n. mother's milk. ̃স্তব, ̃স্তোত্র n. a hymn or incantation of the sublime female energy associated with the work of creation; a hymn or incantation of any female deity; a devotional hymn offered to one's mother. ̃হত্যা n. matricide. ̃হত্যাকারী same as ̃ঘাতক । fem. ̃হত্যাকারিণী । ̃হন্তা n. a matricide. fem. ̃হন্ত্রী । ̃হীন a. motherless. fem. ̃হীনা । 64)
(p. 903) randhra a hole; a pore, a cavity; a bore (as of a gun); a fault, an offence; an opening caused by a failing; (astrol.) the eighth house of the zodiac. ̃ক n. a borer. ̃ক্যামেরা n. a pin-hole camera. ̃গত a. entered into the hole. ̃গত শনি (astrol.) location of the Saturn in the eighth zodiacal house of one's horoscope causing one's destruction. রন্ধ্রীয় a. porous. 19)
(p. 907) rāja4 denoting: a king; government; excellent, best. ̃কন্যা n. a princess. ̃কবি n. a court-poet; a poet-laureate. ̃কর same as রাজস্ব । ̃কর্ম, ̃কার্য n. the office and duties of a king; a royal duty; a state affair; government service, public service. ̃কর্মচারী n. an officer or servant of the state, a government officer; a public servant. ̃কীয় a. royal, regal; kingly, princely; (fig.) magnificent. ̃কুমার n. a king's son, a prince. fem. ̃কুমারী a princess. ̃কুল n. a royal line or family, a dynasty. ̃কুলদ্ভব a. born of a royal family, princely-born. ̃কোষ n. a royal or government treasury, a treasury. ̃ক্ষমা n. amnesty. ̃গুরু n. a spiritual guide of a king or of a royal family. ̃গৃহ n. a king's palace or city. ̃চক্রবর্তী n. a sovereign king, a suzerain; a king of kings, an emperor. ̃চিহ্ন n. a mark on one's person indicating that one is a king or will become a king; royal insignia. ̃চ্ছত্র, (pop.) ̃ছত্র n. an umbrella which is officially held over the head of a king. ̃টিকা n. a holy mark painted on the forehead of a king at coronation. ̃তক্ত same as রাজাসন । ̃তন্ত্র n. monarchy; state administrative policy. ̃ত্ব n. a kingdom, a realm; a state; a domain; reign, rule; predominance. রাজত্ব করা v. to reign, to rule, to govern; (fig.) to domineer, to dominate. রাজত্বকাল n. the time of one's reign, reign. দন্ড n. a sceptre; a punishment inflicted by a king or by a law-court; (astrol.) a visible vertical line on one's forehead indicating the possibility of one's becoming a king. ̃দত্ত a. given or conferred by a king or government. রাজদত্ত সম্মান a royal honour, a government honour, an official honour. ̃দম্পতি, ̃দম্পতী n. a royal couple. ̃দরবার same as ̃সভা । ̃দর্শন n. an interview with a king; a visit to a king, seeing or meeting a king. ̃দূত n. an ambassador (fem: an ambassadress); an envoy; a royal courier. ̃দ্বারে adv. before a king; in a royal court; in a court of justice. ̃দ্রোহ, ̃দ্রোহিতা n. a revolt against the king or established authority, insurrection, insurgence, high treason; sedition. ̃দ্রোহী a. insurgent; treasonous; seditious. n. an insurgent; a rebel against the king or established authority. fem. ̃দ্রোহিণী । ̃ধর্ম n. duties of a king, royal office. ̃ধানী n. the capital of a country or state; a metropolis. ̃নন্দন same as ̃কুমার fem. ̃নন্দিনী । ̃নামা n. the genealogical tree or chronology or a chronicle of a royal line or dynasty. ̃নীতি n. politics; statecraft; (loos.) diplomacy. ̃নীতিক a. political; (rare) diplomatic. n. a politician. ̃নীতিজ্ঞ a. versed in politics; (loos.) versed in statesmanship or diplomacy. রাজনীতিজ্ঞ ব্যক্তি a politician; a statesman; a diplomat. ̃নৈতিক pop. var. রাজনীতিক । ̃পট্ট n. the seat of a king, a throne; kingship; a royal or government charter; a kind of black jewel. ̃পথ n. a public thoroughfare, a highway; a main road (of a city). ̃পদ n. the office of a king, kingship. ̃পরিচ্ছদ n. royal robes. ̃পাট same as ̃পট্ট । ̃পুত্র same as ̃কুমার । fem. ̃পুত্রী । ̃পুরী n. the residence or palace of a king; the capital city of a king; (fig.) a magnificent building or city or residence. ̃পুরুষ n. a king's officer; a government officer. ̃প্রমুখ n. a government title given to the leading feudal chief of India, vested with powers similar to that of a governor. ̃প্রসাদ n. royal favour or grace; government favour. ̃প্রসাদ n. a royal residence, a palace. ̃বংশ same as ̃কুল । ̃বংশী n. a lowly Hindu caste chiefly of North Bengal; a member of this caste. ̃বংশীয় a. dynastic; born of a royal family, of royal blood. fem. ̃বংশীয়া । ̃বন্দি n. a political prisoner. ̃বাড়ি same as ̃প্রাসাদ । ̃বিধি n. a royal statute; a law. ̃বিপ্লব n. a political revolution; a coup d'état. ̃বেশ n. royal robes or attire. ̃বৈদ্য n. physician to a king or queen; a prince of physicians. ̃ভক্ত a. devoted to one's sovereign or state government, loyal. রাজভক্ত ব্যক্তি a loyalist. ̃তন্ত্রবাদী n. a royalist. ̃ভক্তি n. loyalty. ̃ভবন n. a king's residence or palace; a government house. ̃ভয় n. fear of being punished by a king or a court of justice. ̃ভাষা n. the king's language; the state language. ̃ভৃত্য n. a king's servant; a servant of a royal household; a king's officer or man. ̃ভোগ n. an article of food or a thing fit for a king; a sweet and juicy drop made of posset bigger than a রসগোল্লা । ̃ভোগ্য a. fit to be eaten or used or enjoyed by a king or a prince. ̃মজুর n. a mason's labourer, a hodman: (loos.) a mason. ̃মন্ত্রী n. a king's counsellor, a minister of state, a cabinet member. ̃মহিষী n. the chief queen of a king; queen-consort. ̃মাতা n. a king's mother; a queen-mother. ̃মার্গ same as ̃পথ । ̃মিস্ত্রি same as ̃মজুর । ̃মুকুট n. a royal crown or diadem; (fig.) kingship. ̃যোগ n. a system of yoga in which action predominates. ̃যোগ্য a. fit for a king, princely. ̃যোটক n. (astrol.) the most auspicious union of planets (as found in the horoscopes of the bride and the bridegroom); (fig.) the most suitable union; the most advantageous coincidence. ̃রক্ত n. royal blood. ̃রাজ n. a king of kings. ̃রাজড়া n. princes and princelings or princely persons; (usu. dero.) very important or wealthy or affluent persons. ̃রাজেশ্বর n. a king of kings, an emperor. fem. ̃রাজেশ্বরী an empress. ̃রানি same as ̃মহিষী । ̃র্ষি n. a king who leads an ascetical life, a royal ascetic or sage. ̃লক্ষ্মী n. the female deity safeguarding a kingdom and looking after its welfare. ̃শক্তি n. the administrative power of a king or government. ̃শয্যা, ̃শয়ন n. a king's bed, a royal bed; a princely bed; a magnificent bed. ̃শাসন n. a king's rule; punishment inflicted by a king. ̃শ্রী same as ̃লক্ষ্মী । ̃সংস্করণ n. a deluxe edition (of a book). ̃সদন same as ̃প্রাসাদ । ̃সন্নিধান n. royal presence; a royal court. ̃সভা n. a royal court, a court, a durbar. ̃সম্পদ n. royal treasure or riches, princely treasure or riches. ̃সরকার n. a monarch's government or court. ̃সাক্ষী n. (law) an approver. ̃সিংহাসন n. a throne; (fig.) kingship. ̃সূয় (যজ্ঞ) n. a sacrifice performed by a monarch in order to establish his suzerainty or supremacy over other kings. ̃সেবা n. attendance on a monarch; king's or queen's service; (rare) government service, public service. ̃স্ব n. tax or rent or revenue payable to a monarch or to the government, revenue. রাজস্বঘটিত, রাজস্ব-সংক্রান্ত a. fiscal, financial. রাজস্ব-পর্ষত্ n. the Board of Revenue. রাজস্বসচিব n. a finance minister, a finance member, a finance secretary. ̃হংস n. the gander; the swan. fem. ̃হংসী n. the goose (pl. geese). ̃হত্যা n. regicide. ̃হন্তা n. a regicide. fem. ̃হন্ত্রী । ̃হস্তী n. an elephant on which a monarch rides; an elephant fit to carry a monarch; an excellent elephant. fem. ̃হস্তিনী । ̃হাঁস coll. corrup. of রাজহংস । রাজহাঁসের বাচ্চা a gosling. 34)
(p. 914) rāhu (myth.) a truncated demon; (astrol.) the ascending node; (fig.) an enemy or one who causes ruin or an evil influence. রাহুর দশা (astrol.) the phase of the influence of the ascending node as indicated by one's horoscope; (fig.) a period marked with calumny, want, misfortune, misery etc. ̃গ্রস্ত a. (astrol.) eclipsed; (fig.) illfated; (fig.) fallen into obscurity, obscured; (fig.) fallen under the influence of an evil person or of one who causes ruin. 6)
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