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intolerable; দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 56) abiṣahya unbearable; insufferable; intolerable; hard to bear or suffer or tolerate. 128)
(p. 88) asaha (ori.) intolerent, unforbearing, unforgiving; intolerable, insufferable, unbearable. অসহন n. intolerance; non-forbearance; unforgivingness. a. same as অসহ । অসহনশীল a. intolerant; impatient. ̃নীয় a. intolerable, insufferable, unbearable. অসহমান a. incapable of toleration or forgiveness, intolerant, unforgiving. 20)
(p. 89) asahya unendurable, insufferable, unberarable, intolerable. 2)
(p. 90) asairaṇa incapable of being brooked; unbearable; intolerable. 27)
(p. 102) āguna fire. আগুন ধরা বা লাগা v. to take or catch fire. আগুন ধরানো বা লাগানো v. to set fire to. আগুন হওয়া v. to become inflamed; (fig.) to be heated or enraged. কপালে আগুন (fig.) extremely unfortunate, wretched; extremely scarce (মাছের কপালে আগুন). পেটে আগুন intolerable hunger. (তার) মুখে আগুন (in imprecation) may the Devil take (him). রেগে আগুন burning with rage, in a towering rage, furiously angry. 3)
(p. 106) āṭhārō eighteen. ̃ই n. the eighteenth day of a month. a. (of the days of a month) eighteenth. আঠারো মাসে বছর intolerable procrastination. 7)
(p. 107) ādikhyētā simulation; feigning ignorance; petty ostentatious activity, fuss; intolerable excess. 67)
(p. 192) kaca2 denoting: a sound like the one made in cutting off or biting off something at one stroke. কচকচ int. denoting: the sound of hashing or munching or crunching repeatedly. কচকচ করা v. to give out a munching or crunching sound repeatedly (as on biting an unripe fruit); to grumble; to scold frequently or repeatedly without rhyme or reason; to indulge in intolerably long and dull arguments or talk, to prattle. কচকচানি n. act of hashing or munching or crunching repeatedly; act of grumbling, grumble; act of scolding repeatedly or frequently without rhyme or reason; intolerably long and dull argument or talk, prattle. কচকচি n. quarrel; wrangling; peevishness; unnecessary and inconsequential wrangling (তত্ত্বের কচকচি). কচকচে a. (of unripe fruits) giving out a munching sound when eaten; given to scolding repeatedly or frequently without rhyme or reason; indulging in long dull arguments or talk, prattling. 29)
(p. 261) kyān̐cakyān̐cāni the confused noise by many talking together; an intolerable noise. 17)
(p. 301) gardabha the ass; (in reproof or taunts) an utter fool. fem. গর্দভী । গর্দভ রাগিণী n. (ridi.) the intolerably harsh voice of a bad singer. 7)
(p. 500) duḥsaha hard to bear or endure or suffer, severe; unbearable, insufferable, intolerable. দুঃসহ যন্ত্রণা unbearable or severe pain. 62)
(p. 506) duranta unmanageably restless or naughty (দুরন্ত শিশু); romping and mischievous; terrible, awful (দুরন্ত ক্রোধ); not easily subdued, very powerful and ferocious (দুরন্ত শত্রু); extremely galling and hard to cure (দুরন্ত ব্যাধি); intolerably hot (দুরন্ত রোদ্দুর); severe (দুরন্ত শীত); very strong (দুরন্ত ঝড়); very steep, difficult to go through or across (দুরন্ত পথ); very restless or billowy (দুরন্ত সমুদ্র). ̃পনা n. restlessness that is difficult to control; romping and mischievous conduct or behaviour; uncontrollable naughtiness. 8)
(p. 601) paṅka soft mud, clay; filth; (geog.) silt; (bio.) protoplasm; a paste (চন্দনপঙ্ক); (fig.) vice; (archi.) finial. ̃জ a. born of or grown in soft mud, clay-born. n. the lotus, the water-lily. fem. ̃জা । ̃নয়ন, ̃নেত্র a. lotus-eyed. fem. ̃নয়না । ̃জিনী n. a pond in which lotuses grow, a lotus-pool; a clump or cluster of lotuses, a collection of lotuses. ̃ময়, পঙ্কিল a. full of soft mud, miry, muddy; turbid; filthy; vicious. ̃রুহ n. lotus. পঙ্কিলতা n. muddiness, miriness; turbidity; filthiness; viciousness. পঙ্কোদ্ধার n. dredging (as a river) (fig.); cleansing or purification; correction; act of bringing into order out of an intolerable or intricate mess; (fig.) reclamation from vice. পঙ্কোদ্ধার করা v. to dredge; (fig.) to bring into order out of an intolerable or intricate mess; (fig.) to reclaim from vice. 38)
(p. 713) bakabaka denoting: intolerable prattling or chattering; overmuch talking. বকবক করা v. to prattle or chatter disgustingly; to talk overmuch. 27)
(p. 713) bakabakāni intolerable prattling; meaningless jabber or chatter; overmuch talking. 29)
(p. 738) bāḍ় growth, development (গাছের বাড়); increase (বেতনের বাড়); aggravation (রোগের বাড়); audacity. বাড় বাড়া to grow audacious, to become intolerably haughty, to be high and mighty.
(p. 813) bhāra gravity, heaviness, weight; load, burden, pressure (ঋণভার); responsibility, encumbrance (সংসারভার) charge, trust (কর্মভার); collection, a heap, clump (কেশভার); a bamboo pole borne on one'e shoulders for carrying loads hanging from its either extremities (ভারে-ভারে দই); a weight put on a scalepan to bring it into equipoise with the other scalepan. a. heavy, weighty, burdensome, unbearable, intolerable, burdensome, unbearable, intolerably miserable (জীবন ভার হওয়া); difficult (দেখা পাওয়া ভার); indisposed, feeling sick (দেহ ভার ঠেকা); affected with huff, sulky (মন ভার). ভার করা v. to darken with huff or to sulk (মুখ ভার করা); to become indisposed or sick. ভার চাপানো, ভার দেওয়া v. to load: to burden; to put a weight (as on a scalepan); to encumber; to entrust (one) with the charge of. ভার নেওয়া v. to carry burden or weight; to be loaded; to undertake a charge. ভার বওয়া v. to carry burden or weight; to shoulder a charge. ̃কেন্দ্র n. (mech.) the centre of gravity. ̃গ্রস্ত a. burdened, encumbered. ̃বাহ, ̃বাহক, ̃বাহী a. carrying load or weight. ভারবাহী ঘোড়া a pack-horse, a draught horse, a sumpter, ভারবাহী পশু a pack-animal, a beast of burden, a draught animal. ̃মধ্যে, ̃মধ্যবিন্দু same as ̃কেন্দ্র । ̃শঙ্কু n. a lever. ̃সহ a. capable of bearing or withstanding load or pressure. ̃সাম্য n. (chiefly pol.) balance of power; equilibrium. ̃হীন a. not heavy, light; not loaded; unburdened; unencumbered; having no charge; weightless (on account of absence of gravity) 19)
(p. 843) marākānnā (lit.) loud wailing on account of bereavement; (fig. & pop.) intolerably loud wailing. 5)
(p. 847) mahābhārata the Mahabharata, the greatest epic of the world. মহাভারত অশুদ্ধ হওয়া (fig.) occurrence of a serious fault or lapse, (cp.) profanation of the Bible. মহাভারত আরম্ভ করা (fig.) to begin an intolerably long harangue; (fig.) to make a long introduction. 27)
(p. 990) sarapharāja a nawab of Bengal; (sarcas.) a very important man; a saucy fellow. সরফরাজি n. officiousness; untoward and intolerable bossing, overbearing manner; sauciness. 85)
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