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naughty দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 80) aśānta not calm or tranquil; disquieted; untamed, wild (অশান্ত অশ্ব); not gentle, restless, naughty (অশান্ত বালক); rough, troubled, ruffled (অশান্ত সমুদ্র); ceaseless (অশান্ত গর্জন); worried, anxious, ill at ease; unconsoled, inconsolable, disconsolate. অশান্তি n. absence of calm or tranquillity, agitation, unrest, disquiet; worry, anxiety; disturbed state. 24)
(p. 80) aśiṣṭa uncivil, impolite, discourteous; ill-mannered; impolite; impertinent; impudent, pert, saucy. ̃তা n. incivility, impoliteness; discourtesy; ungentleness; impertinence; impudence; sauciness; rudeness, harshness; haughtiness; arrogance; undignifiedness; naughtiness. অশিষ্টাচরণ, অশিষ্টাচার n. rude behaviour; incivility, discourtesy; impertinence, impudence, sauciness; arrogance; naughtiness. 32)
(p. 150) udāma uncontrollable, indomitable; violent; unrestrained; unbounded; free; open; reckless; wayward; uncovered, bare; naked; very naughty. 101)
(p. 285) khēpā to go mad; to madden; to get angry; to rave; to be in a frenzy; to run amok or amuck; to be greatly irritated or excited, to rage, to become violent (বাতাস খেপেছে); to become uncontrollable (শিশু খেপেছে) a. maddened; mad; nutty; angered; angry; raving; frenzied; raging; uncontrollable. n. a lunatic; a madman; a nutty man; a madcap; an inspired man; one maddened or fired with some great idea, feeling, ambition etc.; (in endearment) a naughty or wild man or boy. n. fem. খেপি । খেপা কুকুর a rabid dog, a mad dog. খেপানো v. to provoke, to irritate; to incite; to madden. 33)
(p. 436) ḍōkarā naughty, wicked; depraved; unfortunate. 26)
(p. 485) dasyi (in affection) a person (usu. a small boy or girl) as daring and uncontrollable as a robber; a rogue. a. extremely naughty and dare-devil. ̃পনা n. dare-devilry. 90)
(p. 495) dāmāla (chiefly of a child) unmanageably spirited or naughty or romping, tough and indomitable. ̃পনা n. unmanageable spiritedness or naughtiness or toughness. 22)
(p. 506) duranta unmanageably restless or naughty (দুরন্ত শিশু); romping and mischievous; terrible, awful (দুরন্ত ক্রোধ); not easily subdued, very powerful and ferocious (দুরন্ত শত্রু); extremely galling and hard to cure (দুরন্ত ব্যাধি); intolerably hot (দুরন্ত রোদ্দুর); severe (দুরন্ত শীত); very strong (দুরন্ত ঝড়); very steep, difficult to go through or across (দুরন্ত পথ); very restless or billowy (দুরন্ত সমুদ্র). ̃পনা n. restlessness that is difficult to control; romping and mischievous conduct or behaviour; uncontrollable naughtiness. 8)
(p. 508) duṣṭa faulty, defective (দুষ্ট বাচনভঙ্গি); malignant, morbid, septic (দুষ্টব্রণ, দুষ্টক্ষত); fatal or dangerous (দুষ্টব্যাধি); vile, vicious, wicked, depraved or lax in morals (দুষ্ট চরিত্র); bad, evil (দুষ্ট সঙ্গী); guilty (দুষ্ট মন); malicious (দুষ্টগ্রহ); naughty. fem. দুষ্টা । ̃ক্ষত n. an ulcer, a septic wound. ̃ক্ষুধা n. morbid or unwholesome appetite, false hunger. ̃গ্রহ n. (astrol.) a malicious star. ̃প্রকৃতি a. ill-natured; badcharactered; depraved or lax in morals; reprobate; wicked. ̃বুদ্ধি, ̃মতি a. evilminded; mischievous. ̃ব্রণ n. a malignant or morbid boil; a carbuncle. দুষ্টামি n. naughtiness; mischievousness; a mischief. দুষ্টাশয় a. wicked; roguish. 67)
(p. 508) duṣṭu (in endearment) naughty; mischievous. ̃মি n. naughtiness; mischievousness; a mischief. দুষ্টুমি করা v. to be naughty; to make a mischief; to play a mischievous trick. 68)
(p. 522) daurātmya oppression; cruel treatment; tyranny; naughtiness; boisterous mischievousness. দৌরাত্ম্য করা v. to oppress; to treat cruelly; to tyrannize; to be naughty; to be boisterously mischievous. 34)
(p. 550) nacchāra abominable, hateful; wicked; nefarious; depraved; (in endearment or mild imprecations) naughty. n. such a person. 25)
(p. 715) bajjāta (lit. & rare) base-born; wicked; naughty; mischievous. বজ্জাতি n. wickedness; naughtiness; mischievousness, mischief-making. 29)
বদমাশ, বদমাইশ, বদমায়েশ
(p. 717) badamāśa, badamāiśa, badamāẏēśa wicked; roguish, mischievous; profligate; (in affection) naughty. বদমাশি, বদমায়েশি n. wickedness; roguery, mischief; profligacy; naughtiness. বদমাশি করা v. to indulge in wickedness or roguery or profligacy; to be naughty. 31)
(p. 751) bicchu the scorpion; (fig.) a very clever but naughty and mischievous person; (ছেলেটা একটা বিচ্ছু). a. (fig.) very clever but mischievous (বিচ্ছু ছেলে). 75)
(p. 823) bhēstā upset or spoilt or foiled. ভেস্তে যাওয়া v. to fail, to come to naught. ভেস্তানো v. to upset or spoil or foil; to be upset or spoilt or foiled. 21)
(p. 852) mātāmāti drunken revelry; great excitement; feverish activities or enthusiasm; revelry; romping naughtiness. 60)
(p. 939) śaẏatāna Satan, the Devil; a very wicked person, a rogue, a devil; (in endearment) a naughty fellow. শয়তানি1 n. extreme wickedness, roguery, devilishness, devilry; (in endearment) mischievousness. শয়তানি2 n. fem. of শয়তান । শয়তানি করা v. to do damage or harm to, to play the devil (with). Satanic; devilish; (in endearment) mischievous. 2)
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