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orator; দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 78) alaṅkartā one who ornaments or adorns, a decorator, a painter, a dresser. fem. অলংকর্ত্রী । 14)
(p. 99) āgara carpenter's boring or drilling tool, auger, perforator, borer. 66)
গবেষণা, গবেষণ
(p. 296) gabēṣaṇā, gabēṣaṇa research. গবেষণা করা v. to research. গবেষণাগার n. a laboratory, a lab. 53)
(p. 625) parīkṣā a test; an examination; a trial; an ordeal (অগ্নিপরীক্ষা); a cross-examination; an investigation; an experiment; foretelling, divination, reading (হস্তরেখা পরীক্ষা) ; অদৃষ্টপরীক্ষা, ভাগ্যপরীক্ষা n. fortune-telling; act of seeking fortune. পরীক্ষা করা v. to test; to examine; to try; to test by an ordeal; to cross examine; to investigate; to experiment; to divine. পরীক্ষা দেওয়া v. to appear at an examination; to take an examination; to undergo a trial; to submit to an ordeal. পরীক্ষা নেওয়া v. to examine, to test; to hold an examination; to test by an examination. পরীক্ষায় উতরে যাওয়া v. to stand a test or scrutiny. ̃গার, ̃গৃহ, ̃ভবন, ̃মন্দির, ̃শালা n. an examination-hall; a laboratory. ̃ধীন a. subject to or under examination or trial or test or investigation or experiment. ̃র্থী a. appearing at an examination. n. an examinee. fem. পরীক্ষার্থিনী । 56)
(p. 688) prasādhaka one who dresses or does another's toilet; one who embellishes or decorates, a decorator. 38)
(p. 692) prāṇa life; the first of the five vital airs (namely, প্রাণ অপান সমান উদান and ব্যান) or these five airs collectively; lifebreath; breath; heart, earnest desire ('প্রাণ চায় চক্ষু না চায়'); vitality, vigour, vivacity (কাজে প্রাণ নেই); (in endearment) an extremely beloved person. প্রাণ ওষ্ঠাগত হওয়া v. (rare) to feel like dying; (fig. & pop.) to be extremely harassed or troubled or irritated. প্রাণ খোলা v. to open one's heart, to speak out one's heart. প্রাণ থাকা v. to remain alive. প্রাণ দেওয়া same as প্রাণদান করা । প্রাণ নেওয়া v. to kill; to torture almost to the point of killing. প্রাণ পাওয়া same as প্রাণলাভ হওয়া । প্রাণ বাঁচা same as প্রাণরক্ষা হওয়া । প্রাণ বাঁচানো same as প্রাণরক্ষা করা । প্রাণ বার করা v. to make one out of breath, to exasperate beyond endurance. প্রাণ বার হওয়া, প্রাণ যাওয়া v. to breathe one's last; to become out of breath; to be exasperated. প্রাণ নেওয়া v. to take one's life; to kill. প্রাণ হারানো v. to lose one's life, to die; to be killed. ̃কৃষ্ণ n. Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) who is regarded by a devotee or a lover as dear as life; (fig.) a favourite or lover as dear as one's life. ̃খোলা a. open-hearted, frank, candid, hearty. ̃গত a. lying in one's heart of hearts; inmost; sincere. ̃গতিক a. concerning one's life or living; bodily, physical. ̃ঘাতী a. life-killing; murderous; deadly, fatal. ̃চঞ্চল a. lively, sprightly, vivacious. ̃চাঞ্চল্য n. liveliness, vivaciousness, sprightliness. ̃ত্যাগ n. death. প্রাণত্যাগ করা v. to die. ̃দ a. life-giving; animating, invigorating; resuscitant; life-saving. ̃দন্ড n. death sentence, a lifer, capital punishment. প্রাণদন্ড দেওয়া v. to sentence (one) to death, to award capital punishment. প্রাণদা fem. of ̃দ । ̃দাতা n. a giver of life; an animator, an invigorator; a resuscitant, a resuscitator. fem. প্রাণদাত্রী । ̃দান n. infusion of life (into); animation; invigoration; resuscitation; saving of life. ̃দান করা v. to infuse life (into); to give life (to); to animate, to invigorate; to give back one's life, to resuscitate; to save one's life; to sacrifice one's life, to give up one's life. ̃দায়ক same as প্রাণদ । fem. প্রাণদায়িকা । ̃ধারণ n. act of living; sustenance of oneself. প্রাণধারণ করা v. to live; to sustain oneself. ̃নাথ same as প্রাণেশ্বর । ̃নাশ same as প্রাণবধ । ̃নাশক same as প্রাণঘাতী । ̃পণ n. resolve of doing something even at the cost of one's life. ̃পণে adv. staking one's life, even at the cost of one's life. ̃পতি same as প্রাণেশ্বর । ̃পাখি n. the bird of life imprisoned in the cage of the body; life; life-breath. প্রণপাত করা v. to wreck or lay down or sacrifice one's life; to strain all one's energies. ̃পূর্ণ same as প্রাণবন্ত । ̃প্রতিম a. resembling life; as dear as life. ̃প্রতিমা n. the idol of one's life; a woman or girl as dear as one's life. ̃প্রতিষ্ঠা n. the rite of investing an idol with life, (cp.) consecration; infusion of life (into), activization (as of an organization). প্রাণ প্রতিষ্ঠা করা v. (eccl.) to invest (an idol) with life, to consecrate; to infuse life into (an organization); to activize. ̃প্রদ same as প্রাণদ । ̃প্রিয় a. as dear as life; an object of deep affection; dearer than life. ̃বঁধু n. a lover as dear as one's life, a sweetheart. ̃বধ n. killing or slaying, manslaughter. প্রাণবধ করা v. to kill, to slay, to take a life. ̃বন্ত a. living, alive; animate; lively; vivacious. sprightly; cordial, genial; volatile, active. ̃বন্ততা n. the state of being alive or living; animation; liveliness, vivacity, sprightliness; cordiality, geniality, volatility, fullness of activity. ̃বল্লভ same as প্রাণেশ্বর । ̃বান same as প্রাণচঞ্চল । ̃বায়ু n. life-breath; the first of the five vital airs (namely প্রাণ অপান, সমান, উদান and ব্যান) or all these airs collectively. প্রাণবায়ু বার হওয়া v. to breathe one's last, to die. ̃বিয়োগ n. death. প্রাণবিয়োগ হওয়া v. to die. ̃বিসর্জন n. sacrifice of one's life. প্রাণবিসর্জন দেওয়া v. to sacrifice one's life. ̃ভয় n. fear of losing one's life, fear of life. ̃ভয়ে adv. for fear of life. ̃ময় a. same as প্রাণবন্ত, and also—the sole object of one's life. fem. প্রাণময়ী । প্রাণময় কোষ (Hindu phil.) the life-cell of the body. প্রাণরক্ষা করা v. to save one's life; to sustain. প্রাণরক্ষা হওয়া v. to be saved from death; to be saved; to sustain oneself. ̃লাভ n. act of coming or coming back to life. প্রাণলাভ করা v. to come or come back to life. ̃শূন্য a. lifeless; inanimate; lacking in liveliness or vivacity or sprightliness, dull, lacking in cordiality or geniality, cold, inactive, lethargic; callous. ̃সংকট same as প্রাণসংশয় । ̃সংশয় n. possibility of losing one's life, risk or hazard or peril of one's life. ̃সংহার same as প্রাণবধ । ̃সখা n. a bosom friend. ̃সঞ্চার same as প্রাণদান । ̃সম a. equal to life. ̃হন্তা n. a slayer, a killer; a murderer (fem. a murderess). fem. ̃হন্ত্রী । ̃হর, ̃হারক, ̃হারী same as প্রাণঘাতী । fem. ̃হরা, ̃হারিকা, ̃হারিণী । ̃হীন same as প্রাণশূন্য । প্রাণাত্যয় n. destruction or loss of life, death; time of death or of loss of life. প্রাণাধিক a. dearer than one's life. fem. প্রাণাধিকা । প্রাণান্ত n. termination of life, death. প্রাণান্তকর a. causing death or termination of life; (fig.) extremely toilsome or causing extreme suffering. প্রাণান্ত পরিচ্ছেদ n. that which ends in or extends up to death; (fig.) extreme toil or suffering. প্রাণান্ত-পরিশ্রম n. extremely toilsome work, hard toil (likely to cost a person his life.) প্রাণেশ, প্রাণেশ্বর n. the lord of one's life; a husband; a lover. প্রাণেশ্বরী n. fem. the mistress of one's life; a wife; a ladylove, a sweetheart. প্রাণোত্সর্গ n. sacrifice of one's life. প্রাণোত্সর্গ করা v. to sacrifice one's life. 30)
(p. 687) praẏōga employment; application; use or usage; mention; a precedent, an example; an instance. প্রয়োগ করা v. to employ; to apply; to use. ̃দোষ n. misapplication, wrong or unjust use. ̃বাদ n. (phil.) pragmatism. ̃বাদী a. pragmatist. ̃বিন্দু n. (phys.) a point of application. ̃শালা n. a laboratory. প্রায়োগিক a. (phil.) empirical. 18)
(p. 715) baktā lecturing; speaking; having the gift of the gab, eloquent. n. a speaker, a lecturer; an orator. বক্তার a. eloquent; made eloquent by divine inspiration; garrulous. n. such a person. 2)
বাগীশ, বাগীশ্বর
(p. 737) bāgīśa, bāgīśbara an eloquent man; a fluent speaker; an orator; (fem. an oratress, an oratrix). বাগীশ্বরী fem. of বাগীশ । n. Saraswati (সরস্বতী) the goddess of speech. 12)
(p. 737) bāgmī having eloquence or oratorial power. n. a good or eloquent speaker; an orator. বাগ্মিতা n. eloquence; oratory. 14)
(p. 737) bācaspati an eloquent speaker; an orator; a learned man.
(p. 789) bēśa2 a dress, a garment; a garb, a guise. বীরের বেশে dressed like a hero, in the guise of a hero. ̃কার n. one who helps another in dressing and toilet, a dresser; one who decorates an idol, a decorator. বেশধারণ করা v. to dress, to put on an appearance or a guise. ̃ধারী a. dressed or guised (as). fem. বেশধারিণী । ̃বিন্যাস n. dressing (esp. meticulously or carefully); dressing and makeup. ̃ভূষা n. clothing and ornaments; dressing and toilet. ̃ভূষাপরায়ণ a. fond of fine dress, ornaments and toilet; dandified. fem. ̃ভূষাপরায়ণা । 18)
(p. 830) mañca a platform, a dais; a rostrum; a scaffold; the stage or theatre. ̃নির্দেশন, নির্দেশনা n. stage direction. ̃ভাষণ n. a platform speech. ̃শিল্প n. stagecraft; stage play. ̃শিল্পী n. a stage-player; a stage-decorator. ̃সজ্জা n. stage-decoration. মঞ্চস্হ করা v. to stage (a drama), to enact; (rare) to place on a platform. মঞ্চাভিনয় n. stage-acting; acting in a drama. 8)
(p. 867) mukha the face; the mouth; countenance, appearance(s) (লোকের কাছে মুখ থাকা); gift of the gab, oratorical skill, eloquence (উকিলটির মুখ নেই); acrimonious speech, sharp or caustic tongue (তার বড়ো মুখ হয়েছে); speech, language, mode of speaking (দুর্মুখ); an entrance (গুহামুখ); an opening (ফোঁড়ার মুখ); an outlet; an outfall (নদীমুখ); a tip, a point (ছুঁচের মুখ); an end, an extremity, a head (রাস্তার মুখ); outset, beginning (উন্নতির মুখ); direction (গৃহমুখে). মুখ উজ্জ্বল করা v. to bring glory or credit to, to glorify. মুখ করা v. to scold (esp. peevishly). মুখ কুট্কুট্ করা same as মুখ চুলকানো (see চুলকানো). মুখ খারাপ করা v. to utter foul or filthy or abusive words. মুখ খিঁচানো v. to make faces (at); to mouth; to scold. মুখ খোলা v. to begin to speak, to open one's mouth. মুখ গোঁজ করা v. to pull a long face; to be down in the mouth. মুখ চলা v. to be eating or speaking or scolding. মুখ চাওয়া v. to be dependent (on a person); to be considerate about or partial to (a person). মুখ চুন করা v. to become pale (on account of fear, shame etc.). মুখ ছোট করা v. to discountenance; to discredit; to disgrace. মুখ টিপে হাসা v. to smile in a jocular or an oblique or a sly manner, to smirk. মুখ তুলতে না পারা v. to be highly abashed, to be put out of countenance. মুখ তুলে চাওয়া, মুখ তোলা v. to look up; (fig.) to smile on. মুখ থাকা v. to have one's face saved, to have appearances kept up. মুখ থুবরে পড়া v. to fall on one's face. মুখ দেখা v. to see ceremonially the face of a person (esp. of a bride) for the first time. মুখ দেখতে না পারা same as মুখ তুলতে না পারা । মুখ দেখানো v. to show one's face, to put in an appearance. মুখ নষ্ট করা v. to speak or plead in vain. মুখ নষ্ট হওয়া v. to have one's advice or request turned down. মুখ পোড়ানো v. to disgrace, to scandalize. মুখ ফসকানো v. (of words, remarks etc.) to slip off one's tongue. মুখ ফেরানো v. to turn away or look in another direction (in disgust, displeasure etc.); (fig.) to become unfavourable or hostile to. মুখ ফোটা v. to begin to speak (esp. for the first time); to utter. মুখ ফোলানো v. to pout one's lips; to pull a long face. মুখ বন্ধ করা v. to stop one's mouth, to silence or be silent. মুখ বাঁকানো v. to turn up one's nose (in displeasure, abhorrence etc.); to make a wry face. মুখ বোজা v. to stop one's mouth, to become reticent or uncommunicative. মুখ ভার (বা ভারী) করা same as মুখ গোঁজ করা । মুখ ভেংচানো same as ভেংচানো । মুখ মারা v. to put out of countenance; to disgrace; to silence; to deprive one of one's appetite by feeding one with a highly palatable dish. মুখ রাখা v. to save one's face; to keep up appearances. মুখ লুকানো v. to hide one's face. মুখ শুকানো v. to look pale. মুখ সামলানো v. to speak guardedly; to forbear speaking unreservedly; to observe restraint in speech; to hold one's tongue. মুখ সেলাই করে দেওয়া v. to sew up or seal one's lips, to silence. মুখ হওয়া v. to learn to take liberties in speech; to be unrestrained in speech; to form a habit of scolding; (of a boil, etc.) to open. মুখে আনা v. to utter. মুখে আসা v. to occur to one to speak; to desire to utter; to be capable of being uttered; to be uttered. মুখে খই ফোটা v. to be chattering excessively, to have a long tongue; to be eloquent. মুখে জল আসা v. to have one's mouth watering. মুখে দেওয়া v. to eat. মুখে ফুল-চন্দন পড়া v. (used as a good wish) to have one's tongue blessed for having made a desirable or favourable or successful prophecy. মুখে ভাত n. the Hindu custom of a child's eating rice for the first time. মুখে-মুখে adv. orally; viva voce; extemporarily, off-hand, impromptu; defiantly to one's face, in retort (মুখে মুখে জবাব); transmitted orally from one person to another (মুখে মুখে প্রচারিত). মুখের উপর to one's face; defying openly. মুখের কথা (fig.) a very easy job; (fig.) an oral promise, word of mouth. মুখের ছাঁদ cut of one's jib. মুখের তোড় fluency of speech. মুখের ভয়ে in fear of bitter scolding, in fear of sharp or caustic tongue. মুখের মতো fitting. কোন মুখে সেখানে যাবে have you the face to go there? ̃আলগা a. incapable of keeping a secret, given to divulging secrets; having no control over one's tongue; having a long tongue. ̃কমল n. a face conceived as a lotus, a lotus-face. ̃চন্দ্র n. moonface. ̃চন্দ্রিকা n. the ceremonial viewing of each other's face by a bride and a bridegroom at a Hindu wedding. ̃চাপা a. tongue-tied, uncommunicative. ̃চুন n. clear sign of discomfiture, fear etc. on one's face; abashed look. ̃চোরা a. bashful, shy; tongue-tied. ̃চ্ছটা, ̃চ্ছবি n. the glamour or beauty of a face. ̃ঝামটা, ̃নাড়া n. scolding, mouthing. মুখ ঝামটা বা মুখ নাড়া দেওয়া v. to scold, to mouth, to snarl at. ̃নিঃসৃত, ̃নির্গত a. issuing or emerging or emerged from one's mouth or face. ̃পত্র n. a preface, a preamble, an introduction; a journal representing an organization or association. ̃পদ্ম same as ̃কমল । ̃পাত n. the opening or top plait of a folded cloth; the cover or jacket of a book; the front; the outward show; commencement, inception, inauguration. ̃পাত্র n. a spokesman; a leader (esp. of a deputation). ̃পোড়া n. (in abuses) a disgraceful or scandalous person; (in affection) a mischievous person; a kind of monkey, the langur (হনুমান). fem. মুখপুড়ি (in the first two senses only). ̃ফোড় a. (impertinently) outspoken. ̃দন্ধ n. an introduction, a preface. মুখ ব্যাদান করা v. to gape, to open one's mouth wide. ̃ভঙ্গি n. a wry face or mouth; a grimace. মুখভঙ্গি করা same as ভেংচানো । ̃মন্ডল n. the face. ̃মিষ্টি n. sweet or suave language. a. fair-spoken, sweet-tongued. মুখরক্ষা করা v. to save one's face; to keep up appearances. ̃রুচি same as ̃চ্ছটা । ̃রোচক a. pleasant to the taste, tasty, palatable; appetizing. মুখরোচক কথা pleasant or palatable or flattering speech. ̃লাবণ্য same as ̃চ্ছটা । ̃শশী same as ̃চন্দ্র । ̃শুদ্ধি n. deodorization of the mouth by chewing betel-leaves etc. after taking meals. ̃শ্রী n. the beauty or grace of the face. ̃সর্বস্ব a. efficient in tall talk (but not in action). মুখসর্বস্ব ব্যক্তি a prattler, a gasbag. 43)
(p. 903) rasa savour, flavour, taste; a liquid solution of anything hard (চিনির রস); a syrup; juice; exudation (খেজুররস); morbid exudation (ঘায়ের রস); sap (রসহীন কাঠ); essence (অন্ন রস); lymph or mucus or phlegm (দেহে রসাধিক্য); semen; (poet.) strong attachment or love; (rhet.) sentiment expressed or flavour contained in a writing (শৃঙ্গার রস); (Vaishnavism) a way of worship (বাত্সল্যরস); inner or true significance, purport (কাব্যরস); charm; interest; sense of humour (লোকটি রসহীন); fun, banter, wit and humour; delight, hilarity, enjoyment, pleasure (রসে মাতা); (sl.) vanity or audacity; monetary resources, money; quicksilver, mercury. রস করা v. to make fun (of); to banter; to make a liquid solution of. রস নামা v. to become swollen with drospy. রস পাওয়া v. to find interest in. রস ফুরানো v. to run out of funds. রস হওয়া v. to become juicy; (sl.) to become vain or audacious. ̃করা n. a sweet and juicy drop made of the kernel of coconut. ̃কর্পুর n. mercury perchloride. ̃কলি n. a streak of mud painted on the bridge of the nose by a Vaishnava. ̃কস, ̃কষ n. charm and sweetness. ̃কসহীন a. dry and outspoken (রসকসহীন কথাবার্তা); bald (রসকসহীন রচনা). ̃গর্ভ same as রসাত্মক । ̃গোল্লা n. a sweet and juicy drop made of posset and farina. ̃গ্রহণ n. appreciation. রসগ্রহণ করা v. to taste; (rhet.) to appreciate the flavour of. ̃গ্রাহী a. capable of appreciation, appreciative; receptive. ̃ঘন n. (rhet.) flavoury; full of concentrated flavour. ̃জ্ঞ a. appreciative of the inner or true significance, capable of appreciation; well-versed in, having connoisseurship in, au fait. fem. ̃জ্ঞা । রসজ্ঞ ব্যক্তি one capable of appreciation; a connoisseur. ̃জ্ঞান n. capability of appreciation; sense of humour. ̃পূর্ণ a. juicy, succulent; sapful, sappy; full of wit and humour. ̃বড়া n. a sweet and juicy drop made of pulped pigeon-pea. ̃বতী a. fem. full of wit and humour, intelligent and witty. ̃বাত n. rheumatic affection in the joints attended with swelling. ̃বেত্তা same as ̃জ্ঞ । ̃বোধ same as ̃জ্ঞান । ̃ভঙ্গ n. interruption of a spicy topic; interruption of enjoyment (usu. by coarseness). ̃ময় a. juicy; full of wit and humour; full of flavour. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃রচনা n. witty or humorous writing. ̃রাজ n. the most witty and humorous man; Krishna (কৃষ্ণ); stibnite; antimony; quicksilver, mercury. ̃শালা n. a chemical laboratory or workshop. ̃শাস্ত্র n. poetics. ̃সিন্দূর n. cinnabar. ̃স্হ a. stricken with excess of phlegm or lymph or mucus. ̃স্ফীত a. (bot.) turgid. ̃স্ফীতি n. (bot.) turgidity, turgescence. ̃স্রাব n. (bot.) exudation. ̃হীন a. sapless; dry; dull; uninteresting. 48)
(p. 903) rasāẏana a medicine prolonging life and curing disease, an elixir; chemistry. ̃বিদ a. versed in chemistry. n. one versed in chemistry, an expert in chemistry; a chemist. ̃বিদ্যা, ̃শাস্ত্র n. chemistry. রসায়নাগার n. a chemical laboratory. রসায়নী a. pertaining to chemistry (রসায়নী বিদ্যা); versed in chemistry. 61)
(p. 974) sadbaktā an eloquent speaker, a good orator; (rare) one who says good things. 71)
(p. 985) samarthaka a seconder; a supporter; (dero.) a countenancer; a confirmer, a confirmator; a corroborator. 21)
(p. 1007) sāhāyya help, aid; assistance; support; backing, patronization; (dero.) abetment or collaboration; a gratuitous gift or donation. সাহায্য করা v. to help, to aid; to assist; to support; to back; to patronize; (dero.) to abet or collaborate; to give or donate gratuitously. ̃কারক, ̃কারী a. helping, assisting; supporting; patronizing; helpful, conducive; (dero.) abetting or collaborating; n. a helper, an aider; an assistant; a supporter; a patron; (dero.) an abettor or collaborator. fem. ̃কারিণী । সাহায্যদান করা same as সাহায্য করা । ̃প্রাপ্ত a. in receipt of help or aid or assistance or support; aided. ̃প্রাপ্ত বিদ্যালয় a school in receipt of a grant-in-aid, an aided school. ̃প্রার্থী a & n. one who seeks help. fem. ˜প্রাথির্নী । সাহায্যার্থ, সাহায্যার্থে adv. in aid of; for help. 88)
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