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rectified; দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 80) aśuddha unholy; unsanctified; impure; unclean; unpurified; unrefined; unrectified; unamended; incorrect, erroneous, wrong. ̃তা, অশুদ্ধি n. unholiness; unsanctified state; impurity; uncleanness; impure or unrefined state; incorrectness, erroneousness; an error. অশুদ্ধিপত্র n. a list of errata or corrigenda (esp. one attached to a book). অশুদ্ধিশোধন n. purging impurities, purification; rectification, amendment, correction. 35)
(p. 80) aśōdhana lack of purification or sanctification or refinement or reclamation or rectification or correction; (rare) nonrepayment, non-requital. অশোধনীয়, অশোধ্য a. incapable of being purified or sanctified or refined or reclaimed or rectified or corrected or repaid or requited; incorrigible; unrepayable. অশোধিত a. not purified; unsanctified, unrefined; unreclaimed; unrectified; unrepaid, unrequited. 41)
(p. 85) asaṃśōdhita unrectified; uncorrected; unamended. 14)
(p. 773) biśōdhita purified; sanctified; refined; cleansed; rectified, corrected; amended. 10)
(p. 813) bhābita conceived, thought of, contemplated; worried; purified, rectified, saturated; infused. 2)
(p. 813) bhālō good; fair; excellent; auspicious (ভালো দিন); suitable (ভালো সময়); beneficial, wholesome (ভালো উপদেশ); helpful, useful, serviceable (ভালো ওষুধ, ভালো যন্ত্র); healthy, whole, sound (ভালো শরীর); recovered from illness; cured; rectified, corrected, redeemed, reclaimed, improved; flourished; honest (ভালো লোক); genuine (ভালো টাকা); innocent, harmless (ভালো মানুষ); proper; quiet, gentle; becoming, fitting; proficient (অঙ্কে ভালো); efficient (ভালো কর্মী); a large number of (সভায় ভালো লোক হবে); plentiful, sufficient (এ বছর ভালো বৃষ্টি হবে); true, official, not used in familiarity (তোমার ভালো নাম কী); great (ভালো যশ). adv. well; to or in a large number or amount or degree (সভায় লোক ভালো আসবে, সে ভালো খেতে পারে). n. good, weal, welfare, prosperity (পরের ভালো); right (ভালোমন্দবিচার). int. all right (ভালো, তাই হোক); well (ভালো কী বলছ ?). ভালো করা v. to do well (না গিয়ে ভালো করেছ); to do good (to); to do one a good turn; to cure, to heal; to rectify or reclaim; to improve; to console or stimulate (মন ভালো করা). ভালো করে adv. well; carefully; minutely; meticulously; properly; at ease (ভালো করে শোয়া); soundly (ভালো করে মারা). ভালো খাওয়া v. to be accustomed to eat (and drink) choice things; to eat well; to be capable of eating much; to eat much. ভালো চলা v. (of vehicles, business-organizations, domestic or other establishments) to run well, to run smoothly; to have sufficient means for subsistence or for other purposes. ভালো থাকা v. to be in good health, to be well; to be happy; to be cosy and comfortable (মায়ের কোলে শিশুরা ভালো থাকে); to live in prosperity (ধনীর মেয়ে বিয়ে করে সে আছে ভালো); to live honestly (চোরটা এবার থেকে ভালো থাকবে); to be in good condition (রোদে দিলে গরম জামাকাপড় ভালো থাকে); to be quiet or gentle (কোঁতকা খেলে দুর্বৃত্তেরা ভালো থাকে). ভালো দেখানো v. to look well; to look beautiful; to look healthy; to look honest; to appear as becoming or befitting. ভালো বলা v. to speak well; to speak well of, to approve; to praise, to laud; to give good counsel, to advise well. ভালো লাগা v. to be to one's liking; to appear good to one; to taste or sound or seem well. ভালো হওয়া v. to recover from illness, to come round; to be cured; to be beneficial or profitable; to do good to (এতে তোমার ভালো হবে); to be corrected or reclaimed; to be good (ছেলেটি ভালো হবে); to improve or flourish (অবস্হা ভালো হওয়া); to prosper, to be prosperous তোমার ভালো হোক); to assemble or come in a large number. ভালো আপদ an expression denoting: disgust, trouble etc.; what a pest! ভালো কথা1 good counsel; profitable or moral advice. ভালো কথা2 by the way (ভালো কথা, তুমি কি কাল যাবে ?). ভাল ঘর a respectable or marriageable family. ভালো জ্বালা same as ভালো আপদ । ভালো থাকা v. to be well, to get on well; to have good time. ভালো থেকো v. have a good time. ভালো মনে adv. sincerly; open-heartedly. ভালোমন্দ n. good and bad; right and wrong; accident, mishap, death etc. (ভালোমন্দ ঘটা); choice articles of food. ভালো মানুষ n. a good man, a good soul; (derog.) a weak-minded person, a simpleton. ভালো মানুষ সাজা v. to pretend to be a good man; to pretend to be innocent. ভালোমানুষি n. honest and blameless conduct; (derog.) pretence of honesty and innocence. ভালোয় ভালোয় adv. safely, in safety; without let or hindrance. 37)
(p. 942) śāẏēstā punished; subdued; chastened; corrected, rectified. শায়েস্তা করা v. to punish; to subdue; to chasten; to correct, to rectify. 30)
(p. 949) śuddha faultless; flawless; immaculate; clean; pure; purified; rectified, holy, sacred; sanctified, consecrated; virtuous; chaste; genuine; unadulterated; correct, right (অন্কটি শুদ্ধ); mere, only (শুদ্ধ দুঃখ). adv. only, merely (শুদ্ধ একবস্ত্রে). শুদ্ধ করা v. to clean; to purify; to sanctify, to consecrate; to rectify, to correct; to amend. ̃তা n. correctness; flawlessness, faultlessness; purity; sacredness, holiness; chastity; genuineness. শুদ্ধ বর্ণালি (phys.) a pure spectrum. ̃চিত্ত, ̃মতি a. chaste or virtuous in mind, pure-hearted. ̃লেখ n. a fair copy. ̃সত্ত্ব a. pure-souled. শুদ্ধাচার n. practice of virtue or sanctity; virtuousness; sanctity; cleanliness. a. practising virtue or sanctity or cleanliness. শুদ্ধাচারিতা same as শুদ্ধাচার (n.). শুদ্ধাচারী a. same as শুদ্ধাচার (a.). fem. শুদ্ধাচারিণী । শুদ্ধাশুদ্ধ a. holy and profane; pure and impure; right and wrong; correct and incorrect. শুদ্ধি n. purification; purgation; sanctification, consecration; rectification, correction, amendment; reformation; purity; cleanliness; chastity; correctness; reclamation from evil, untouchability, social inferiority etc. শুদ্ধিপত্র n. list of errors attached to a book, errata, corrigenda. 37)
(p. 951) śōdhana purification; sanctification, consecration; clearing or refining; rectification; amendment, correction; revision; reclamation; reformation; repayment; payment; acquittance. শোধন করা v. to purify; to sanctify, to consecrate; to cleanse or refine; to rectify; to amend, to correct; to revise; to reform. শোধনী a. fem. same as শোধক । শোধনীয় a. to be or capable of being purified or sanctified or consecrated or cleansed or refined or rectified or corrected or reformed or repaid or paid. 65)
(p. 951) śōdharānō to rectify or be rectified; to correct or be corrected; to mind one's ways. 66)
(p. 951) śōdhita purified; sanctified, consecrated; cleansed, refined; rectified শোধিত কোহল; amended, corrected; revised; reclaimed; reformed; repaid; paid. 68)
(p. 967) saṃśōdhaka a (thorough) purifier or reformer or rectifier or amender or corrector or reviser; a reclaimer from evil ways. 35)
(p. 967) saṃśōdhita purified; reformed; rectified; amended; corrected; revised. 37)
(p. 1007) sābuda evidence, proof. a. proved, vindicated (সাবুদ করা); (vul.) rectified, corrected (মারের চোটে সাবুদ). সাবুদ করা v. to prove, to vindicate; to rectify, to correct. 3)
(p. 1007) sārā2 to hide, to conceal (টাকাগুলো সেরে রাখা); to finish, to accomplish (কাজ সারা); to kill, to destroy (দফা সারা); to ruin, to undo (জুয়ায় তাকে সারল); to mend, to repair (ঘড়ি সারা); to correct or rectify (দোষ সারা, ভুল সারা); to be corrected or rectified; to recover, to come round (রোগীটি সেরেছে); to cure, to heal (রোগ সারা); to be cured; to restore or improve (স্বাস্হ্য সারা); to be restored or improved. a. finished; mended, repaired; corrected. 53)
(p. 1021) surā wine; alcohol; spirits. ̃পাত্র n. a decanter; a wine cup, a wine-glass. সুরা পান করা v. to drink wine, to drink; to tipple; to booze. ̃পানাভ্যাস n. drinkinghabit ̃পানোম্মত্ত a. Sottish, besotted; drunk; drunken, boozed up, the worse for liquor. ̃পানোম্মত্ততা n. sottishness, besottedness, drunkenness. ̃পায়ী a. addicted to drinking, tipsy, bacchant; boozy. n. a drunkard, a bacchant; a tippler. ̃রঞ্জিত a. (of eyes) reddened on account of drinking. ̃সার n. alcohol. নির্জল সুরাসার absolute or pure alcohol. বিশুদ্ধ বা শোভিত সুরাসার rectified spirit. 2)
(p. 1022) susaṃskṛta thoroughly repaired or rectified; well-refined; well-arranged; welldressed; put on or worn in an orderly fashion; very refined and civil or polite. 9)
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